_Columbus NUCKOLLS __+ | (1833 - 1884) m 1854 _Charles Heath NUCKOLLS __________| | (1857 - 1924) m 1881 | | |_Leah CROUCH ________ | (1838 - 1914) m 1854 | |--Minerva "Minnie" Zell NUCKOLLS | (1885 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Margaret "Maggie" Jane MCHEFFEY _| (1857 - 1901) m 1881 | |_____________________
[6289] Rol l: T624_120; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 404. 4/28/1910 Lew Wallace 39 CO IN WI Minnie Wallace 25 Gladys M Wallace 6/12 Virginia Gilmore 5 stepdau Gaplz? s Gilmore 3 stepdau
[6290] Roll: T625_157; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 44; Image: 11 28. Indexed Wadler) Lew W Wallace 49 CO KY WI, Newspaper Editor Minnie Wallace 35 CO IA Nova Scotia Virginia Wallace 15 dau Senvse F Wallace 13 dau Gladys A Wallace 10 Kitty M Wallace 8 Lew W Jr Wallace 5 Bothwell B Wallace 3 11/12
[6291] Roll: 242; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 877.0. AL L Dunham 63 State Highway Inspector, PA PA PA md61 Minnie Dunham 45 md21 CO IA CAN Lew Wallace 16 step son CO CO CO Winnifred Wallace 7 step dau CO CO CO
Marriage Record- County Record Books
Minnie Y Gilmore
Marriage Record- County Record Books
Minnie Wallace
_Charles Dabney NUCKOLLS _+ | (1805 - 1865) m 1832 _Charles William NUCKOLLS _| | (1848 - 1943) m 1869 | | |_Mary Elizabeth WILSON ___ | (1812 - 1899) m 1832 | |--Minnie NUCKOLLS | (1871 - 1960) | _Morrison M MOORE ________ | | |_Margaret Julia MOORE _____| (1850 - 1922) m 1869 | |_Elizabeth CROW __________
_John Franklin NUCKOLLS _+ | (1852 - 1930) m 1877 _William Washington NUCKOLLS _| | (1878 - 1916) m 1905 | | |_Martha Jane PADGETT ____+ | (1853 - 1937) m 1877 | |--Minnie NUCKOLLS | (1908 - 1998) | _William WHORTON ________ | | (1852 - 1900) |_Sarah G WHORTON _____________| (1872 - 1915) m 1905 | |_Eliza Isabell WAGES ____+ (1854 - ....)
[19475] ED156 Milton Warren, head, 30 AR Barbara, wife, 25 AR (nee Davis) Velma, dau, 6 AR Sherman, son, 5 AR Henry son, 10m OK Sally, mother, 57, widow, AR KY MS Minnie Knuckles, 11 SIL AR AR AR
_James Elisha NUCKOLLS _+ | (1831 - 1863) m 1854 _John Hershel NUCKOLLS _| | (1860 - 1928) m 1880 | | |_Altha Susan BLACK _____+ | (1835 - 1909) m 1854 | |--Minnie Mae NUCKOLLS | (1881 - 1963) | _Solomon G PERRY _______+ | | |_Sarah Jane PERRY ______| (1859 - 1896) m 1880 | |_Mary Jane WOMACK ______
_Richard Franklin NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1831 - 1910) m 1854 _Joseph B NUCKOLLS __| | (1855 - 1902) m 1878| | |_Mary Ann Fletcher BONDURANT _+ | (1831 - 1897) m 1854 | |--Minnie Mae NUCKOLLS | (1883 - 1963) | _James RUSH __________________ | | |_Mary Alice RUSH ____| (1857 - 1913) m 1878| |_Amanda ______________________+
[8983] HH170 own home Minnie M Ford (x)�tab�56, head, wid, 7g, VA housekeeper Mollie E Hauk �tab�49, sister, wid, 7g, VA housekeeper Gordon A Hauk �tab�23, nephew, C4, single, TN teacher Nancie M Hauk �tab�21 niece, C3, TN teacher Joseph E Nuckells �tab�40 brother, div, 8g, TN Residence in 1935: �tab�Rural, Kern, California, watchman, Mead fiber Corp
_Alexander Burruss NUCKOLLS _+ | (1830 - 1900) m 1850 _Nathaniel Burruss NUCKOLLS _| | (1867 - 1951) m 1896 | | |_Terrissa Emma SMITH ________ | (1832 - 1921) m 1850 | |--Minor Burruss NUCKOLLS | (1900 - 1995) | _____________________________ | | |_Laura Pierce BROWN _________| (1874 - 1947) m 1896 | |_____________________________
[3271] Name: Minor Burnes Nuckolls City: Not Stated County: Forsyth State: Georgia Birth Date: Sep 12 1900 Race: White Roll: 1557065 DraftBoard: 0 World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Born 9-12-1900 r es Forsyht Co, Cumming, GA age 18Student, NGSA College, Lumpkin, GANext of kin, N B Nuckolls, Forsyth Co, Cummings, GAShort, slender, grey eyes, lig ht hair, Spet 12, 1918
[3272] U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: Minor B Nuckolls Birth Year: 1900 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Georgia County or City: Forsyth Enlistment Date: 17 Nov 1942 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort Mcpherson Atlanta Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Grade: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Education: 1 year of high school Civil Occupation: Geographer Marital Status: Divorced, with dependents Height: 67 Weight: 128 U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 about Minor Nuckolls Name: �tab�Minor Nuckolls Death Date: �tab�9 Jan 1995 SSN: �tab�258098608 Branch 1: �tab�A Enlistment Date 1: �tab�1 Dec 1942 Release Date 1: �tab�28 May 1943
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
_Peter NUCKOLLS _________+ | (1784 - 1850) _Caswell Benjamin Cobb NUCKOLLS _| | (1824 - 1890) m 1871 | | |_Emily "Millie" ROBERTS _+ | (1796 - 1850) | |--Minty A NUCKOLLS | (1878 - 1900) | _Jonathan LEAR __________ | | (.... - 1886) m 1851 |_Susan Ann LEAR _________________| (1851 - 1914) m 1871 | |_Remuca? ________________ m 1851
Nuckolls Family-by Helen Evilsizer
Nuckolls Family-by Helen Evilsizer
_James Starr NUCKOLLS _____+ | (1898 - 1970) m 1921 _Jeffrey Mitchell NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Harriett "Hattie" SPICER _+ | (1894 - 1988) m 1921 | |--Mitchell NUCKOLLS | | ___________________________ | | |_Carolyn Sue WHITE _________| (1939 - 2010) | |___________________________
_Kellar Franklin NUCKOLLS _+ | (1912 - 1965) m 1934 _Donald NUCKOLLS ____| | | | |_Delphia HUGGINS __________+ | (1917 - 2009) m 1934 | |--Monica NUCKOLLS | | ___________________________ | | |_Betty MCGEE ________| (1939 - 2007) | |___________________________
_Thomas Alexander NUCKOLLS _+ | (1760 - 1823) m 1785 _James Duke NUCKOLLS _| | (1786 - 1871) m 1809 | | |_Anne TERRY ________________+ | (1763 - 1833) m 1785 | |--Mordecai James "Buck" NUCKOLLS | (1818 - 1848) | _John THOMASON _____________ | | (1753 - 1840) m 1780 |_Frances S THOMASSON _| (1789 - 1820) m 1809 | |_Frances COOKE _____________+ (1759 - 1799) m 1780
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
_Donald Keith NUCKOLLS _+ | (1925 - 1981) _Steven Carl NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Myrtle Elizabeth LYON _+ | | |--Morgan Blayre NUCKOLLS | | ________________________ | | |_Jacque JOHNSON _______| | |________________________
_Edmund B NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1801 - 1857) m 1831 _Joseph Lewis NUCKOLLS __| | (1842 - 1932) m 1869 | | |_Martha Ann NUCKOLLS _+ | (1811 - 1870) m 1831 | |--Moss Elmore NUCKOLLS | (1875 - 1919) | ______________________ | | |_Willie Maria DICKINSON _| (1846 - 1929) m 1869 | |______________________
WWI Draft Registration
_George NUCKOLLS ____+ | (1824 - 1900) m 1856 _William E NUCKOLLS ___| | (1864 - ....) m 1887 | | |_Sarah J RAINS ______ | (1836 - 1910) m 1856 | |--Mossie NUCKOLLS | (1894 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Sarah "Sallie" RAMEY _| (1865 - 1945) m 1887 | |_____________________
_William James NUCKOLLS _+ | (1874 - 1941) m 1899 _William Joseph NUCKOLLS _| | (1905 - 1979) | | |_Nannie Bert LACY _______+ | (1875 - 1918) m 1899 | |--Mrs Thomas W Lannons NUCKOLLS | | _________________________ | | |_Marion H ________________| (1900 - ....) | |_________________________
_Calvin H NUCKOLLS ____+ | (1832 - 1881) m 1858 _Wythe Kohler NUCKOLLS _| | (1859 - 1943) m 1879 | | |_Anna Elizabeth LEWIS _+ | (1841 - 1928) m 1858 | |--Murnie Grace NUCKOLLS | (1884 - 1885) | _Felix BARNHARDT ______ | | |_Edmonia Mae BARNHARDT _| (1861 - 1940) m 1879 | |_Pollyanne REYNOLDS ___
LDS-Ancestral File- LDS Web Site
_James Oliver NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1847 - 1932) m 1876 _Shelly Augustus NUCKOLLS _| | (1885 - 1964) m 1911 | | |_Virginia Olivia KIRTLEY _+ | (1857 - 1895) m 1876 | |--Murray A NUCKOLLS | (1914 - 1982) | __________________________ | | |_Alice Lorraine MATLOCK ___| (1890 - 1932) m 1911 | |__________________________
_James NUCKOLLS ________+ | (1777 - 1859) m 1804 _John NUCKOLLS ________| | (1817 - 1884) m 1841 | | |_Jane SWIFT ____________ | (1781 - 1836) m 1804 | |--Myra Jane NUCKOLLS | (1842 - 1858) | _William Skinner RICKS _ | | |_Elizabeth Bond RICKS _| (1823 - 1869) m 1841 | |_Margaret BOND _________
1850 Illinois Census CD 301
_Stephen Nathaniel NUCKOLLS _+ | (1859 - 1947) m 1884 _William Swift NUCKOLLS _| | (1888 - 1962) m 1917 | | |_Leona Matilda CORNETT ______+ | (1868 - 1941) m 1884 | |--Myra Wilma NUCKOLLS | (1918 - 2008) | _____________________________ | | |_Myra LAWRENCE __________| (1893 - 1986) m 1917 | |_____________________________
_John Walton NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1798 - 1880) _John Franklin NUCKOLLS _| | (1852 - 1930) m 1877 | | |_Dolly VAUGHN ___________+ | (1810 - ....) | |--Myra? E NUCKOLLS | (1883 - ....) | _William Jasper PADGETT _ | | (1830 - 1870) m 1852 |_Martha Jane PADGETT ____| (1853 - 1937) m 1877 | |_Lucretia MANN __________ (1833 - 1910) m 1852
_William Whitaker NUCKOLLS _+ | (1838 - 1894) m 1862 _William Preston NUCKOLLS ___| | (1863 - 1952) m 1890 | | |_Mary Frances BISHOP _______ | (1838 - 1930) m 1862 | |--Myrtle NUCKOLLS | (1899 - 1964) | _James W THOMPSON __________ | | (.... - 1922) m 1869 |_Elizabeth Francis THOMPSON _| (1870 - 1962) m 1890 | |_Alice Jane WALTON _________ m 1869
[1970] Worley's Dallas Co, Dallas TX City Directory 1944 Nuckolls, Ethel, supv r1126 N Winnetka Ave Nuckolls, Myrtle, clerk r1126 N Winnetka Ave Nuckolls, William P (Eliz F) h1126 N Winnetka Ave Nuckols, C A (Donie) r311 S Winnetka Ave
[1971] Worley's Dallas Co, Dallas TX City Directory 1945 Nuckolls, Ethel, r1126 n Winnetka Ave Nuckolls, Myrtle, counselor, r1126 N Winnetka Ave Nuckolls, Wm P (Eliz) h1126 N Winnetka Ave
_George NUCKOLLS ____+ | (1824 - 1900) m 1856 _William E NUCKOLLS ___| | (1864 - ....) m 1887 | | |_Sarah J RAINS ______ | (1836 - 1910) m 1856 | |--Myrtle (Amer) NUCKOLLS | (1898 - 1989) | _____________________ | | |_Sarah "Sallie" RAMEY _| (1865 - 1945) m 1887 | |_____________________
_David NUCKLES ______+ | (1795 - 1880) m 1819 _Andrew Jackson NUCKOLLS _| | (1835 - 1916) m 1862 | | |_Esther CHANCE ______ | (1800 - ....) m 1819 | |--Myrtle A NUCKOLLS | (1880 - ....) | _James FIDLER _______ | | |_Sarah Alice FIDLER ______| (1843 - 1927) m 1862 | |_Sytha NOBLE ________
[20712] HH153 Line18-20 RG Sabin, 32 Produce Manager b IL came to KS from OK Myrtle Sabin 24 b MO came to KS from OK Norma R Sabin 2 b Texas, came to KS from TX
[20713] R G Sabin, head, 55 IL moved from NE Myrtle, wife, 44 MO moved from NE Norma, dau, 21 TX John R, son, 19 KS Sarah A Nuckolls, mother in law, widow, born MO moved from MO
1890 Veterans Schedules
age 9 born MO
_Charles NUCKOLLS ____+ | (1782 - 1850) m 1827 _William Lewis NUCKOLLS _| | (1835 - 1922) m 1862 | | |_Elizabeth A PARRISH _ | (1798 - 1870) m 1827 | |--Myrtle L NUCKOLLS | (1876 - ....) | ______________________ | | |_Lucy M WILSON __________| (1840 - 1920) m 1862 | |______________________
[11227] Roland L Thomas �tab�30 Myrtte L Thomas �tab�31 Ellsworth L Thomas �tab�3 Willard B Thomas �tab�1 6/12 [1]
[11228] Roland L Thomas �tab�39 Myrtle L Thomas �tab�40 Elsworth L Thomas �tab�13 Willard L Thomas �tab�11 Clarance W Thomas �tab�5 Lucile N Thomas �tab�[3 2/12]
[11229] Roland L Thomas �tab�49 Myrtle L Thomas �tab�49 Williard Thomas �tab�21 Clarence W Thomas �tab�15 Lucile Thomas �tab�13
_Richard Franklin NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1831 - 1910) m 1854 _James E NUCKOLLS ___| | (1869 - 1958) m 1898| | |_Mary Ann Fletcher BONDURANT _+ | (1831 - 1897) m 1854 | |--Myrtle M NUCKOLLS | (1903 - 1995) | ______________________________ | | |_Maggie HARRIS ______| (1874 - 1959) m 1898| |______________________________
[14440] J R Martin �tab�29 Myrtle Martin �tab�26 Carlus Martin �tab�5
_Calvin Lafayette NUCKOLLS _+ | (1837 - 1917) m 1874 _James Calvin NUCKOLLS _| | (1873 - 1928) | | |_Mary Ann CLAY _____________ | (1842 - 1892) m 1874 | |--Myrtle Melvina NUCKOLLS | (1902 - 1950) | ____________________________ | | |_Jane RILEY ____________| (1871 - 1907) | |____________________________