_Clark Swift NUCKOLLS _____________+ | (1807 - 1890) m 1832 _Stephen Nathaniel NUCKOLLS _| | (1859 - 1947) m 1884 | | |_Rosamond Bourne HALE _____________+ | (1806 - 1891) m 1832 | |--Maude Forrest NUCKOLLS | (1885 - 1909) | _William Wiley Washington CORNETT _ | | |_Leona Matilda CORNETT ______| (1868 - 1941) m 1884 | |_Malinda "Linnie" MITCHELL ________
Grayson Co, VA Cemeteries Vol B
Grayson Co, VA Cemeteries Vol B
Grayson Co, VA Cemeteries Vol B
_James William NUCKOLLS _+ | (1823 - 1905) m 1853 _Isaiah Columbus NUCKOLLS _| | (1861 - 1926) m 1884 | | |_Martha CRIGLER _________+ | (1833 - 1930) m 1853 | |--Maude Laneer NUCKOLLS | (1901 - 1913) | _________________________ | | |_Sarah E REEVES ___________| (1865 - 1926) m 1884 | |_________________________
_Edmund B NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1801 - 1857) m 1831 _James Polk NUCKOLLS _| | (1845 - 1908) m 1879 | | |_Martha Ann NUCKOLLS _+ | (1811 - 1870) m 1831 | |--Maude Sarah NUCKOLLS | (1886 - 1977) | ______________________ | | |_Jo Anna ALLEN _______| (1849 - 1902) m 1879 | |______________________
[10944] James R Nuckolls �tab�55 Anna Nuckolls �tab�39 Sallie M Nuckolls �tab�13 Allan P Nuckolls �tab�11
[10945] Hopkinsville Kentuckian Miss Maud Nuckols has returned from a visit to relatives at Trenton.
[10946] Misses Lucy Starling and Laude Nuckols who attended the State Christian Endeavor Convention at Paris returned home Wed night
[10947] Hopkinsville Kentuckian Miss Ruby Rash of Madisonville, is the guest of Miss Maude Nuckols, on South Virginia Street
[10948] Hopkinsville Kentuckian Thurs, 4/14/1910 Miss Nuckolls Entertained Miss Maude Nuckolls of Hopkinsville, who has been the guest of relatives in this city during the past week, was the honored guest on Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Aileen Davis, at a social session of the Blue Stocking Club. Miss Nuckolls is a frequent visitor in Madisonville and is an exceptionally popular young lady.
[10949] Belle Nuckolls �tab�53 head, widow, KY KY TN 1/1 Maud S Nuckolls �tab�23 step dau, single, KY Allen P Nuckolls �tab�21 step son single, KY Amma W Rash �tab�51 sister, md 2/2 Ruby Laffoon �tab�41 brother, md Lulu B Earle �tab�33 boarding William R Howell �tab�54 boarding
[10950] 1202 Virginia St A P Nuckolls, male, head, 31 single, KY VA KY Bell, mother, 64, widow, KY KY KY Maude, dau , 33, single, KY VA KY
[10951] Harris E McGregor �tab�47 head, md36 KY TN TN loose floor tobaconist own home Maude S McGregor 40 wife, KY KY KY Allen H McGregor �tab�7 son TN Frank N McGregor �tab�5 son TN Pete T McGregor �tab�36 brother TN �tab�
IGI-Mormon Library
IGI-Mormon Library
_James E NUCKOLLS ____+ | (1865 - 1900) m 1893 _William Caswell NUCKOLLS _| | (1894 - 1965) | | |_Mary Alice HARDISON _+ | (1871 - 1926) m 1893 | |--Maxine NUCKOLLS | | _Stephen A GOODMAN ___ | | (1863 - ....) |_Beula Mae GOODMAN ________| (1895 - 1984) | |_Mary O CARROLL ______ (1872 - ....)
_James Dickenson NUCKOLLS _+ | (1824 - 1900) m 1849 _Charles Dickenson NUCKOLLS _| | (1865 - 1935) m 1895 | | |_Lydia EASLEY _____________ | (1824 - 1870) m 1849 | |--Maxine J (Ashcraft) NUCKOLLS | (1914 - 1986) | _James Hickory STARR ______ | | (1833 - ....) |_Emma Jane "Jennie" STARR ___| (1879 - 1967) m 1895 | |_Emma Jane RIDER __________ (1842 - ....)
_James Dickenson NUCKOLLS _+ | (1824 - 1900) m 1849 _John William NUCKOLLS ___| | (1850 - 1930) m 1880 | | |_Lydia EASLEY _____________ | (1824 - 1870) m 1849 | |--May NUCKOLLS | (1895 - ....) | ___________________________ | | |_Sarah Elizabeth FRAZIER _| (1853 - 1918) m 1880 | |___________________________
_James Calvin NUCKOLLS __+ | (1873 - 1928) _Leroy Commodore NUCKOLLS _| | (1898 - 1976) m 1923 | | |_Jane RILEY _____________ | (1871 - 1907) | |--Maynard Leroy NUCKOLLS | (1923 - 1975) | _Elijah Jackson TIMMONS _+ | | (1876 - ....) |_Leona Mae TIMMONS ________| (1905 - 1958) m 1923 | |_Lillie FANN ____________ (.... - 1920)
[15882] (Indian family) HH579. rent $10 Roy C Nuckolls �tab�41, head, md, H3, CA bureau of reclamation Leona M Nuckolls �tab�34 wife, (x) 8g, CA Leroy M Nuckolls �tab�16 son, 8g CA Lillian M Nuckolls �tab�15 dau 7g CA James A Nuckolls �tab�13 son 6g CA Barbara J Nuckolls �tab�12 dau 4g CA Alfred P Nuckolls �tab�9 son 2g, CA Darvin D Nuckolls �tab�6, og, CA
[15883] U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: Maynard L Nuckolls Birth Year: 1923 Race: American Indian, citizen Nativity State or Country: California State: California County or City: Shasta Enlistment Date: 5 Mar 1942 Enlistment State: California Enlistment City: San Francisco Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Army of the United States - includes the following: Voluntary e nlistments effective December 8, 1941 and thereafter; One year enlistmen ts of National Guardsman whose State enlistment expires while in the Feder al Service; Officers appointed in the Army Education: 3 years of high school Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 64 Weight: 118 U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 about Maynard Nuckolls Name: �tab�Maynard Nuckolls Birth Date: �tab�5 Sep 1923 Death Date: �tab�7 Nov 1975 SSN: �tab�562260885 Enlistment Date 1: �tab�5 Mar 1942 Release Date 1: �tab�18 Oct 1945
CALIF Death Index
CALIF Death Index
_Milo Claiborn NUCKOLS ___+ | (1806 - 1884) m 1829 _Samuel NUCKOLS _____| | (1847 - 1922) m 1877| | |_Louisa Lewis SHORTRIDGE _ | (1811 - 1903) m 1829 | |--Medora NUCKOLLS | (1882 - 1974) | _William HORTON __________ | | |_Louvisa M HORTON ___| (1847 - 1916) m 1877| |_Mary Louisa MOORE _______
[11301] Jules A. Appler's General Directory Of The City Of San Antonio 1901-1902 Nuckols, Miss Alice, saleslady, L Wolfson, r 501 St Mary Nuckols, Miss Dora, saleslady, L Wolfson, r 501 St Mary
_Lloyd Randolph NUCKOLLS _+ | (1918 - 1987) m 1941 _Rod Frederick Herman NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Aleen Marie GORGES ______+ | (1921 - 2009) m 1941 | |--Meghan Margy Aleen NUCKOLLS | | __________________________ | | |_Janet Lynn ROBINSON ___________| | |__________________________
_Clyde Odell NUCKOLLS ________+ | (1925 - 1978) _Clyde O'dell NUCKOLLS _| | (1954 - 2005) | | |_Effie Jean "Granny" MCCLURE _ | (1928 - 2000) | |--Melana NUCKOLLS | | ______________________________ | | |________________________| | |______________________________
_Audie Onvy NUCKOLLS _+ | (1898 - 1967) m 1928 _Onvy Lee NUCKOLLS __| | | | |_Annie Lee BRISON ____+ | (1903 - 1978) m 1928 | |--Melford Lee NUCKOLLS | | ______________________ | | |_Maxine MURRAY ______| (.... - 1990) | |______________________
_Charles NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1873 - 1947) m 1900 _Louis (Lou) Charles NUCKOLLS _| | (1919 - 2009) m 1958 | | |_Ella WALKER ________ | (1879 - ....) m 1900 | |--Melissa Ann NUCKOLLS | | _____________________ | | |_Mary Elizabeth MCKINNEY ______| (1922 - 1998) m 1958 | |_____________________
_Otis Everett NUCKOLLS _+ | (1914 - 2000) _Wayne Edward NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Hattie Arlene MOORE ___+ | (1916 - 2009) | |--Melissa Dawn NUCKOLLS | | ________________________ | | |_Cindy HYPES ___________| | |________________________
_Carl NUCKOLLS ___________+ | (1913 - 1963) m 1936 _James Carl NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Delia I "Dee" MADDALENA _ | (1911 - 2003) m 1936 | |--Melissa J NUCKOLLS | | __________________________ | | |_Leanna ______________| | |__________________________
_Lee Roy NUCKOLLS ____+ | (1932 - 1993) _Roy Clifton NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Helen Marie GARRETT _ | | |--Melissa Marie NUCKOLLS | | ______________________ | | |_Donna Marie CAIN _____| | |______________________
_James Alexander NUCKOLLS _+ | (1856 - 1902) m 1888 _Roy Thomas NUCKOLLS __| | (1900 - 1994) m 1920 | | |_Marrietta C MARTIN _______ | (1870 - 1914) m 1888 | |--Melvin Alexander NUCKOLLS | (1922 - 1984) | ___________________________ | | |_Agnes Cornelia ROPER _| (1903 - 1996) m 1920 | |___________________________
[10047] U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 about Melvin Nuckolls Name: �tab�Melvin Nuckolls Gender: �tab�Male Birth Date: �tab�20 Nov 1922 Death Date: �tab�5 Nov 1984 SSN: �tab�253443361 Branch 1: �tab�ARMY Enlistment Date 1: �tab�3 Mar 1945 Release Date 1: �tab�5 Dec 1946 U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: Melvin A Nuckolls Birth Year: 1923 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Georgia County or City: Carroll Enlistment Date: 3 Mar 1945 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort Mcpherson Atlanta Branch: No branch assignment Grade: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Education: 1 year of high school Civil Occupation: Geographer Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 00 Weight: 100
_Lewis Charles NUCKOLLS ______+ | (1848 - 1912) m 1868 _Oscar "Tuck" NUCKOLLS _| | (1883 - 1961) m 1904 | | |_Mary William "Mollie" YOUNG _ | (1850 - 1948) m 1868 | |--Melvin C NUCKOLLS | (1916 - 2010) | ______________________________ | | |_Lora Knell DALTON _____| (1883 - 1966) m 1904 | |______________________________
[2433] Might also be this guy U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: Melvbn C Nuckollw Birth Year: 1916 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Missouri State: At Sea Enlistment Date: 19 Mar Enlistment State: Missouri Enlistment City: Jefferson Barracks Branch: No branch assignment Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Reserves - exclusive of Regular Army Reserve and Officers of t he Officers Reserve Corps on active duty under the Thomason Act (Office rs and Enlisted Men -- O.R.C. and E.R.C., and Nurses-Reserve Statu Education: Grammar school Civil Occupation: Automobile Serviceman Marital Status: Married Height: 22 Weight: 087
_Hugh Victor NUCKOLLS ___________________+ | (1872 - 1957) m 1915 _Hugh Victor NUCKOLLS _| | (1894 - 1960) | | |_Elizabeth Linville "Lizzie" MOTHERSEAD _ | (1873 - 1967) m 1915 | |--Melvin J NUCKOLLS | (1916 - 1975) | _________________________________________ | | |_May M KELLY __________| (1895 - 1970) | |_________________________________________
[6471] Hugh Meckolls �tab�57 Elizabeth H Meckolls �tab�58 Melvin J Meckolls �tab�13
[6473] Polk's Crocker-Langley San Francisco CA City Directory 1937 Nuckolls, Melvia J, clek, Marwood Ltd, r4705 3rd
[6474] House Number: �tab�777 Haight St Farm: �tab�No Inferred Residence in 1935: �tab�San Francisco, San Francisco, California Residence in 1935: �tab�Same Place Resident on farm in 1935: �tab�No Melvin J Nuckolls �tab�23 head, md, H4, CA slaesman, standard oil Theodosia Nuckolls �tab�22 wife, md H4, CA hospital nurse
[6475] Nuckolls, Melvin J 1715 Ralston Ave Mnlo Park 343-0357
[6477] Nuckolls, Melvin J 1545 Floribunda Ave, Burl 343-0357
CALIF Death Index
CALIF Death Index
City Directories
City Directories
_Wythe Kohler NUCKOLLS _+ | (1859 - 1943) m 1879 _Leland Earl NUCKOLLS _| | (1887 - 1919) | | |_Edmonia Mae BARNHARDT _+ | (1861 - 1940) m 1879 | |--Melvin Noble "Doc" NUCKOLLS | (1917 - 2011) | ________________________ | | |_Elizabeth M NOBLE ____| (1890 - ....) | |_Utilla ________________
[19854] ED25 Elizabeth Nuckolls, 29, head, widow, MO MO IL Denver, son, 5, MO Melvin, son, 2y5m
[19855] ED6 Utila Noble, head, 63, widow, md 17 IL OH OH own home $2000, saleswom an Lizzie Nuckolls, dau, 39, MO MO IL, widow, md 17 Denver Nuckolls, grandson, 15, MO Melvin Nuckolls, grandson, 12, MO
[19856] R L Polk's Marshalltown IA City Directory 1941 Nuckolls, Melvin N (Arlene) City Insp r410 N 1st Ave
[19857] R.L.Polk's Linn Co, Cedar Rapids IA City Directory 1942 Nuckolls, Arlene Mrs, slswmn Morris Sanford Co r127 36th dr SE Nuckolls, Melvin N (Arlene) vet US Dept of Agr Bureau of Animal Industry, h127 36th dr SE
[19858] U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: Melvin N Nuckolls Birth Year: 1917 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Missouri State: Iowa County or City: Linn Enlistment Date: 21 Jul 1943 Enlistment State: Iowa Enlistment City: Camp Dodge Herrold Branch: No branch assignment Grade: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Education: Post-graduate Civil Occupation: Central Office Repairman or Meat Or Dairy Inspector Marital Status: Married Height: 00 Weight: 000
_Charles Clarence NUCKOLLS _+ | (1898 - 1976) m 1919 _John Milton NUCKOLLS _| | (1923 - 2004) m 1944 | | |_Mary Lucile MASTERS _______ | (1897 - 1968) m 1919 | |--Michael NUCKOLLS | | ____________________________ | | |_Marie WATKINS ________| (1924 - 1964) m 1944 | |____________________________
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
_George Maynard NUCKOLLS _+ | (1894 - 1978) _Roy Dean NUCKOLLS __| | (1938 - 1997) | | |_Bessie Kyle AKERS _______+ | (1894 - 1966) | |--Michael NUCKOLLS | | __________________________ | | |_Nellie AKERS _______| | |__________________________
_Joseph Johnson NUCKOLLS _+ | (1910 - 1994) _Joseph Thomas "Jody" NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Allie Belle SHEDD _______+ | (1914 - 2002) | |--Michael NUCKOLLS | | __________________________ | | |_Patricia Ann MCCORMICK ________| | |__________________________
_John Winston NUCKOLLS ______+ | (1922 - 2013) m 1947 _Henry Alexander NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Madelaine Rose GATTOLLIATT _ | (1922 - 2002) m 1947 | |--Michael Adam NUCKOLLS | | _James Burrell ADERHOLD _____ | | (1935 - 2004) |_Victoria Mae ADERHOLD ____| | |_____________________________
_William Bruce NUCKOLLS _+ | _Terry Bruce NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Shirley E PHILLIPS _____ | | |--Michael Andrew NUCKOLLS | | _________________________ | | |_Mary SHUR ____________| | |_________________________
_Hugh Allen NUCKOLLS _+ | (1900 - 1994) m 1929 _Joseph Allen NUCKOLLS _| | | | |_Minnie M CALHOUN ____+ | (1910 - 2005) m 1929 | |--Michael Bowman NUCKOLLS | | ______________________ | | |_Mary Sue MCDONALD _____| (1934 - 1988) | |______________________