I21857: Harry Baylor NUCKOLES (22 Jun 1893 - ____)

Harry Baylor NUCKOLES


22 Jun 1893 - ____

Father: John Davis NUCKOLES
Mother: Sally HARLOW

Family 1 : Lydia SPECK
  1. +Louisa NUCKOLES
  2.  Frances Elizabeth NUCKOLES

 _John Davis NUCKOLES _|
| (1874 - 1941)        |
|                      |_Esteline NUCKLES ___+
|                        (1852 - 1923)       
|--Harry Baylor NUCKOLES 
|  (1893 - ....)
|                       _____________________
|                      |                     
|_Sally HARLOW ________|
  (.... - 1896)        |



[19481] Ward 1, Staunton, Staunton City, Staunton City, Virginia, 102 Hampton St, rent home $20 Harry Bailey Nuckols, head, 46, md, 59 same res 1935, --- garage, 1939 $520 Lydia Speck Nuckols, wife, 45, md, 7g Frances Elizabeth Law, dau, 23, 7g

[19480] [S126] WWI Draft Registration

[19482] [S177] 1940 Census Records


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Harry Wilson NUCKOLES

26 Mar 1931 - Apr 1982

Father: James Wallace NUCKOLES
Mother: Lillie Lee PAINTER

Family 1 : Geraldine Grae DUNBRACK

                           _John Davis NUCKOLES __+
                          | (1874 - 1941) m 1896  
 _James Wallace NUCKOLES _|
| (1902 - 1958) m 1923    |
|                         |_Charlotte R ANDERSON _
|                           (1872 - 1956) m 1896  
|--Harry Wilson NUCKOLES 
|  (1931 - 1982)
|                          _______________________
|                         |                       
|_Lillie Lee PAINTER _____|
  (1907 - 1998) m 1923    |



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Hazel (Rexrode) NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Raymond Ransford NUCKOLES
Mother: Mae Ella CAMPBELL

                              _Pleasant Gilliam NUCKLES _+
                             | (1867 - 1951) m 1887      
 _Raymond Ransford NUCKOLES _|
| (1890 - 1975)              |
|                            |_Mary Elizabeth ANDERSON __
|                              (1869 - 1941) m 1887      
|--Hazel (Rexrode) NUCKOLES 
|                             ___________________________
|                            |                           
|_Mae Ella CAMPBELL _________|
  (1905 - 1968)              |



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Herbert Henry NUCKOLES


18 Aug 1899 - May 1973

Father: John Franklin NUCKLES
Mother: Melinda Alice MILLER

Family 1 : Betty Eolen FITZGERALD
  1.  Jesse NUCKLES
  2.  Herbert Thomas NUCKOLS
  3.  Hoover NUCKLES
  4.  David H NUCKLES
  5.  Mary NUCKLES
  6.  Pauline NUCKLES

 _John Franklin NUCKLES _|
| (1852 - 1938) m 1883   |
|                        |_Nancy NUCKLES ______
|                          (1820 - 1893)       
|--Herbert Henry NUCKOLES 
|  (1899 - 1973)
|                         _____________________
|                        |                     
|_Melinda Alice MILLER __|
  (1864 - 1941) m 1883   |



[16898] Riverhead Magisterial District, Augusta, Virginia, Head �tab�Henry Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�39 �tab�Virginia Wife �tab�Betty Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�33 �tab�Virginia Son �tab�Jesse Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�15 �tab�Virginia Son �tab�Thomas Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�13 �tab�Virginia Son �tab�Hoover Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�11 �tab�Virginia Son �tab�David Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�7 �tab�Virginia Daughter �tab�Mary Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�2 �tab�Virginia

[16897] [S126] WWI Draft Registration

[16899] [S177] 1940 Census Records


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Homer Haskell NUCKOLES

3 Aug 1920 - Sep 1987

Father: Homer L NUCKOLS
Mother: Bertha DETRICK

                       _Henry Juett NUCKLES _+
                      | (1856 - ....) m 1878 
 _Homer L NUCKOLS ____|
| (1893 - ....)       |
|                     |_Georgianna MILLER ___+
|                       (1860 - 1900) m 1878 
|--Homer Haskell NUCKOLES 
|  (1920 - 1987)
|                      ______________________
|                     |                      
|_Bertha DETRICK _____|
  (1898 - ....)       |



[17869] Riverhead Magisterial District, Augusta, Virginia, Greenville HH220 Head �tab�Bertha Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�38 �tab�Virginia wid 5g Son �tab�Haskell Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�19 �tab�Virginia single 7g Daughter �tab�Phyllis Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�17 �tab�Virginia Son �tab�Houstin Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�15 �tab�Virginia Daughter �tab�Gladys Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�12 �tab�Virginia Daughter �tab�Gracie Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�9 �tab�Virginia HH223 Alice Nuckoles, head, 72, wid

[17870] [S177] 1940 Census Records


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Apr 1929 - 27 Jun 1989

Father: Homer L NUCKOLS
Mother: Bertha DETRICK

                       _Henry Juett NUCKLES _+
                      | (1856 - ....) m 1878 
 _Homer L NUCKOLS ____|
| (1893 - ....)       |
|                     |_Georgianna MILLER ___+
|                       (1860 - 1900) m 1878 
|--Huston M NUCKOLES 
|  (1929 - 1989)
|                      ______________________
|                     |                      
|_Bertha DETRICK _____|
  (1898 - ....)       |



[17873] [S36] 1930 Census


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James David NUCKOLES

27 Apr 1928 - Apr 1970

Father: James Wallace NUCKOLES
Mother: Lillie Lee PAINTER

                           _John Davis NUCKOLES __+
                          | (1874 - 1941) m 1896  
 _James Wallace NUCKOLES _|
| (1902 - 1958) m 1923    |
|                         |_Charlotte R ANDERSON _
|                           (1872 - 1956) m 1896  
|--James David NUCKOLES 
|  (1928 - 1970)
|                          _______________________
|                         |                       
|_Lillie Lee PAINTER _____|
  (1907 - 1998) m 1923    |


[21455] Name: James D Nuckoles Arrival Date: 23 Jul 1945 Birth Year: abt 1928 Age: 17 Ethnicity/Race-/Nationality: American Port of Departure: Antwerp, Belgium Port of Arrival: New York, New York Ship Name: Josiah Tattnall; seaman assigned at port, crew.


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James Edward NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: William Oceola NUCKOLES
Mother: Freda D COYNER

                            _Willie Dunlap NUCKOLES _+
                           | (1907 - 1985)           
 _William Oceola NUCKOLES _|
|                          |
|                          |_Annie Marie NUCKOLS ____+
|                            (1909 - ....)           
|--James Edward NUCKOLES 
|                           _Willis H COYNER ________
|                          |                         
|_Freda D COYNER __________|
                           |_Arlene MCCRORY _________



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James Edward NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Carl Hansford NUCKOLES
Mother: Emma Faye Irene

                           _Raymond Ransford NUCKOLES _+
                          | (1890 - 1975)              
 _Carl Hansford NUCKOLES _|
|                         |
|                         |_Mae Ella CAMPBELL _________
|                           (1905 - 1968)              
|--James Edward NUCKOLES 
|                          ____________________________
|                         |                            
|_Emma Faye Irene ________|
  (1943 - 2012)           |



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James Lewis NUCKOLES

25 Jul 1900 - 9 Oct 1949

Father: Pleasant Gilliam NUCKLES
Mother: Mary Elizabeth ANDERSON

Family 1 : Frances (Gibson) EARHART
  1.  Janet F (Howdyshell) NUCKOLES
  2. +Pleasant G NUCKOLES
  3. +Robert Lee NUCKOLES

 _Pleasant Gilliam NUCKLES _|
| (1867 - 1951) m 1887      |
|                           |_Esteline NUCKLES ___+
|                             (1852 - 1923)       
|--James Lewis NUCKOLES 
|  (1900 - 1949)
|                            _____________________
|                           |                     
|_Mary Elizabeth ANDERSON __|
  (1869 - 1941) m 1887      |



[15841] Name:    James Lewis Nuckoles City:    Not Stated  County:    Augusta  Sta te:    Virginia Birth Date:    29 Sep 1898  Race:    White  Roll:    1984209 9/12/1918 James Lewis Nuckols, res RR#7, Staunton, Augusta Co, VA Age 20 born Sept 29 1898 Farm laborer for T  C Craig Nearest Relative, P G Nuckoles Mintspring, VA Med height, stout build, blue eyes, black hair

[15842] Pg 6 Pleasant Nuckoles  �tab�53 Mary E Nuckoles �tab�51 Lillian M Nuckoles �tab�30 James L Nuckoles �tab�19 Virginia M Nuckoles �tab�17 Elizabeth E Nuckoles �tab�16 Robert R Nuckoles �tab�14 Gertrude R Nuckoles �tab�12 Raleigh J Nuckoles �tab�34 nephew

[15843]        James Nuckoles, head, 29 VA VA VA md 24        Frances, wife, 25 md 20        Janet?, dau, 1y7m        Pleasant G, son, 1m (SSDI 10/7/1929-11/6/1991)       (Nuckoles)

[15840] [S126] WWI Draft Registration


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James Wallace NUCKOLES

18 Nov 1902 - Jul 1958

Father: John Davis NUCKOLES
Mother: Charlotte R ANDERSON

Family 1 : Lillie Lee PAINTER
  1.  Erle Marie NUCKOLES
  2.  James David NUCKOLES
  3.  Mary A (Hickey) NUCKOLES
  4.  Harry Wilson NUCKOLES
  5.  Ruby (McAllister) NUCKOLES
  6.  Catherine Phyllis (Campbell) NUCKOLES

 _John Davis NUCKOLES __|
| (1874 - 1941) m 1896  |
|                       |_Esteline NUCKLES ___+
|                         (1852 - 1923)       
|--James Wallace NUCKOLES 
|  (1902 - 1958)
|                        _____________________
|                       |                     
|_Charlotte R ANDERSON _|
  (1872 - 1956) m 1896  |



[17257] -ED43pg5b J David Nuckoles 45 VA Charlotte, wife 47 VAW Wallace, J , son, 17 VA Eva Marie, dau, 14 VA Pauline, dau, 10 VA Hattie, dau, 7 VA

[17258] James W Nuckles, head, 27 md 22 Rent home $10 VA VA VA Lilly, wife 22 md 17 VA VA VA Earl, son, 47ym VA   (this actually a daughter) James D son, 2, VA Mary A, dau 9m       

[17259] James W Nuckols �tab�38 Lilie L Nuckols �tab�33 Erle W Nuckols �tab�14 James D Nuckols �tab�12 Mary A Nuckols �tab�10 Harry W Nuckols �tab�9 Catherin P Nuckols �tab�6 Ruby E Nuckols �tab�4


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Janet F (Howdyshell) NUCKOLES

21 May 1928 - 2 Jun 2001

Father: James Lewis NUCKOLES
Mother: Frances (Gibson) EARHART

                             _Pleasant Gilliam NUCKLES _+
                            | (1867 - 1951) m 1887      
 _James Lewis NUCKOLES _____|
| (1900 - 1949) m 1924      |
|                           |_Mary Elizabeth ANDERSON __
|                             (1869 - 1941) m 1887      
|--Janet F (Howdyshell) NUCKOLES 
|  (1928 - 2001)
|                            ___________________________
|                           |                           
|_Frances (Gibson) EARHART _|
  (1904 - 1985) m 1924      |




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Jaxson Blaine NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Eric NUCKOLES

                       _Robert Lee NUCKOLES _+
                      | (1936 - 2006)        
 _Eric NUCKOLES ______|
|                     |
|                     |_Mary K ______________
|                       (1920 - 2007)        
|--Jaxson Blaine NUCKOLES 
|                      ______________________
|                     |                      



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Jeffery Scott NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Carl Hansford NUCKOLES
Mother: Emma Faye Irene

                           _Raymond Ransford NUCKOLES _+
                          | (1890 - 1975)              
 _Carl Hansford NUCKOLES _|
|                         |
|                         |_Mae Ella CAMPBELL _________
|                           (1905 - 1968)              
|--Jeffery Scott NUCKOLES 
|                          ____________________________
|                         |                            
|_Emma Faye Irene ________|
  (1943 - 2012)           |



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Jeremy Paul NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Edward Gilmer NUCKOLES
Mother: Mary

                           _Oliver Clay NUCKOLES ___+
                          | (1914 - 1997)           
 _Edward Gilmer NUCKOLES _|
| (1955 - 2013)           |
|                         |_Bessie Marie STRICKLER _
|                           (1916 - 2005)           
|--Jeremy Paul NUCKOLES 
|                          _________________________
|                         |                         
|_Mary ___________________|



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17 May 1874 - 30 Jul 1941

Mother: Esteline NUCKLES

Family 1 : Sally HARLOW
  1.  Clarence J NUCKLES
  2. +Harry Baylor NUCKOLES
  3. +William Allen NUCKOLES
Family 2 : Charlotte R ANDERSON
  1.  Della Grace NUCKLES
  2. +James Wallace NUCKOLES
  3. +Eva Marie NUCKLES
  4. +Pauline NUCKLES
  5.  Harriett "Hattie" NUCKLES

|                     |
|                     |_____________________
|--John Davis NUCKOLES 
|  (1874 - 1941)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Esteline NUCKLES ___|
  (1852 - 1923)       |
                      |_Nancy NUCKLES ______
                        (1820 - 1893)       


[12076] (Indexed  David Runcholes) Actually Spelled Knucholes On Page

[12077] pg 28 (Indexed as Nichols) J D Nuckols, head, 35, M1x, M13y VA VA VA no occ C. R. Wife, 38 M2x, M13y 7/6 Grace U, dau, 11, VA James W, son, 7, VA Eva Marie, dau, 5 VA -------, au, 1y11m (not named) Wm A, stepson, 14, S VA VA VA

[12078] Name:    John Davis Nuckoles City:    NotStated  County:    Augusta  Stat e:    Virginia Birth Date:    17 May 1874  Race:    White  Roll:    1984209  DraftBoar d:    0 Sept 12 1918 John Davis Nuckoles, res Augusta Co, Lofton, VA Age 44 born May 17 1874 Self empl farmer Next of kin Charlotte Nuckoles, same address Med height, med build, brn eyes, brn hair Left hand off at wrist

[12079] -ED43pg5b J David Nuckoles 45 VA Charlotte, wife 47 VAW Wallace, J , son, 17 VA Eva Marie, dau, 14 VA Pauline, dau, 10 VA Hattie, dau, 7 VA

[12080] HH107 John Nuckoles  �tab�55 md 21, head, VA VA VA laborer odd jobs Caulite Nuckoles �tab�57 (Charlote?) md25 VA VA VA wife Eava Miller �tab�24 dau md21 VA VA VA Marie Miller �tab�2 dau Pauline Urbin �tab�21 md 18 dau VA VA VA Grace Urbin �tab�2 2/12 grdau VA VA VA Eduard Nuckoles �tab�6 grson VA VA VA �tab�

[12081] Riverhead Magisterial District, Augusta, Greenville Head �tab�David Knuckles �tab�M �tab�65 �tab�Virginia 4g Wife �tab�Charlotte Knuckles �tab�F �tab�67 �tab�Virginia 3g Daughter �tab�Pauline Urban �tab�F �tab�29 �tab�Virginia md 7g Granddaughter �tab�Grace Urban �tab�F �tab�12 �tab�Virginia 4g Granddaughter �tab�Mildred Urban �tab�F �tab�9 �tab�Virginia Grandson �tab�Edward Knuckles �tab�M �tab�16 �tab�Virginia

[12074] [S35] 1920 Census

[12075] [S126] WWI Draft Registration


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____ - ____

Father: Carl Hansford NUCKOLES
Mother: Emma Faye Irene

                           _Raymond Ransford NUCKOLES _+
                          | (1890 - 1975)              
 _Carl Hansford NUCKOLES _|
|                         |
|                         |_Mae Ella CAMPBELL _________
|                           (1905 - 1968)              
|--John Wayne NUCKOLES 
|                          ____________________________
|                         |                            
|_Emma Faye Irene ________|
  (1943 - 2012)           |



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Joseph Marshall NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Oliver Clay NUCKOLES
Mother: Bessie Marie STRICKLER

                           _Ashby Erskine NUCKLES ______+
                          | (1894 - ....)               
 _Oliver Clay NUCKOLES ___|
| (1914 - 1997)           |
|                         |_Katherine N "Katie" HARRIS _
|                           (1897 - ....)               
|--Joseph Marshall NUCKOLES 
|                          _____________________________
|                         |                             
|_Bessie Marie STRICKLER _|
  (1916 - 2005)           |



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____ - ____

Father: Robert Wayne NUCKOLES

                          _William Oceola NUCKOLES _+
 _Robert Wayne NUCKOLES _|
|                        |
|                        |_Freda D COYNER __________+
|--Katelyn NUCKOLES 
|                         __________________________
|                        |                          



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Katie Marie NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Edward Gilmer NUCKOLES
Mother: Mary

                           _Oliver Clay NUCKOLES ___+
                          | (1914 - 1997)           
 _Edward Gilmer NUCKOLES _|
| (1955 - 2013)           |
|                         |_Bessie Marie STRICKLER _
|                           (1916 - 2005)           
|--Katie Marie NUCKOLES 
|                          _________________________
|                         |                         
|_Mary ___________________|



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Lawrence "Pete" NUCKOLES

____ - ____

Father: Willie Dunlap NUCKOLES
Mother: Annie Marie NUCKOLS

                           _John Franklin NUCKLES _________+
                          | (1852 - 1938) m 1883           
 _Willie Dunlap NUCKOLES _|
| (1907 - 1985)           |
|                         |_Melinda Alice MILLER __________
|                           (1864 - 1941) m 1883           
|--Lawrence "Pete" NUCKOLES 
|                          _Robert Oceola "Ocie" NUCKOLES _+
|                         | (1879 - 1933) m 1899           
|_Annie Marie NUCKOLS ____|
  (1909 - ....)           |
                          |_Rosa Belle COFFEY _____________+
                            (1878 - 1920) m 1899           



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19 Jun 1934 - 20 Jan 1995

Mother: Gertrude Rebecca (Wright) NUCKLES

|                                    |
|                                    |___________________________
|--Lawrence D NUCKOLES 
|  (1934 - 1995)
|                                     _Pleasant Gilliam NUCKLES _+
|                                    | (1867 - 1951) m 1887      
|_Gertrude Rebecca (Wright) NUCKLES _|
  (1912 - 1989)                      |
                                     |_Mary Elizabeth ANDERSON __
                                       (1869 - 1941) m 1887      


[21854] Riverhead Magisterial District, Augusta, Virginia, HH290 Head �tab�Pleasant G Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�73 �tab�Virginia Wife �tab�Elizabeth Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�72 �tab�Virginia Daughter �tab�Gertrude Nuckoles �tab�F �tab�28 �tab�Virginia single Grandson �tab�Lawrence Nuckoles �tab�M �tab�6 �tab�Virginia HH292 Roberrt A Nuckoles 34 Alma, wife 34 Juanita, dau 15 Natalie, dau 6 Paul son, 1

[21855] [S177] 1940 Census Records


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29 May 1917 - Oct 1979

Father: Wythe Donovan NUCKOLES
Mother: Hattie Regina JARVIS

 _Wythe Donovan NUCKOLES _|
| (1894 - 1982) m 1915    |
|                         |_Sarah Jane NUCKLES _+
|                           (1877 - 1897)       
|--Lawrence H NUCKOLES 
|  (1917 - 1979)
|                          _____________________
|                         |                     
|_Hattie Regina JARVIS ___|
  (1891 - 1977) m 1915    |



[19673] Walkers Creek Magisterial District, Rockbridge, #76 Rt 602, all res 1935 Augusta Co, VA Head �tab�Elizabeth Jarvis �tab�F �tab�75 wid 4g�tab�Va Daughter �tab�Hattie Knuckles �tab�F �tab�48 �tab�Va wid 6g Grandson �tab�Lloyd Knuckles �tab�M �tab�25 �tab�Va single, 7g Grandson �tab�Lawrence Knuckles �tab�M �tab�22 �tab�Va single, 7g Grandson �tab�Houston Knuckles �tab�M �tab�16 �tab�Va 6g


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Levi Donovan NUCKOLES


13 Oct 1919 - 18 Oct 2008

Father: Wythe Donovan NUCKOLES
Mother: Hattie Regina JARVIS

Family 1 : Marion (Gaynor) MORAN
  1.  Teri Beth (Bradshaw) NUCKOLES
  2. +Donald Lee NUCKOLES

 _Wythe Donovan NUCKOLES _|
| (1894 - 1982) m 1915    |
|                         |_Sarah Jane NUCKLES _+
|                           (1877 - 1897)       
|--Levi Donovan NUCKOLES 
|  (1919 - 2008)
|                          _____________________
|                         |                     
|_Hattie Regina JARVIS ___|
  (1891 - 1977) m 1915    |


[NI22236] [DI22236]


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Lola Frances NUCKOLES


2 Feb 1915 - 7 Jun 2003

Father: Wythe Donovan NUCKOLES
Mother: Hattie Regina JARVIS

Family 1 : George Raymond AREHART

 _Wythe Donovan NUCKOLES _|
| (1894 - 1982) m 1915    |
|                         |_Sarah Jane NUCKLES _+
|                           (1877 - 1897)       
|--Lola Frances NUCKOLES 
|  (1915 - 2003)
|                          _____________________
|                         |                     
|_Hattie Regina JARVIS ___|
  (1891 - 1977) m 1915    |


[NI22232] [NF10743]


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