_Howard Truman NUCKLES _+ | (1931 - 2006) _Howard Keith NUCKLES _| | | | |_Merrill Eloise CORN ___ | | |--John NUCKLES | | ________________________ | | |_Barbara ______________| | |________________________
[13404] Tryon County, North Carolina Court Minutes, 1769-79 At the same time came John Knuckles into court and took the oaths by Law a ppointed for the qualification of publick officers, subscribed the test, t ook the oath of a Deputy Sherriff and entered in the duty of his office. April 1769
[13405] TRYON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MINUTES OF THE COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SES SIONS 1769-1779 January term 1770 Jno. Knuckles, Wm. Reed & Thomas Clark Came into court and took the Oat hs by Law appointed for Qualification of Publick officers, Subs'd the Tes t, Took the oath of a Sheriff and entered in the duty of this office.
[13406] NC, Craven, Court Records, New Bern District Court Records Folder title: 1771 Information: Sworn statement by John NUCKLES that, On or Baught the last of May, last passed he This deponent applyed to George BLANTSON Esqr, one of his Majesteys Justices off the Peace, for ye �u��b�county of Tryon,�/u��/b� for a warrant, to aprehend, one Stephen JONES, for stealing of horses & Hoggs, & other acts of Feloney, By him Committed, which was granted & served, & one James BURCHFIELD being Duly sumoned, to appeare before a majestrate to give Testomony, on behalf of ye King, against Said Stephen JONES (But as This Depont as Informed Henry CEREK one of ye Justices of Tryon County, whoos half Brother to Stephen JONES, Provailed on sd. BURCHFIELD, nott to appeare as a wittness against JONES, as he the sd. CEREK wold Indemnify him, if he did not appeare for five shilllings, all of which Facts, this Deponant asked sd CLEREK if he had said which he confessed, he said & wold Do it t, as they cold only Take his Commiss from him, fir itt which he did not Desire to keep, & this Depont verily Bel(torn) That for want of BURCHFIELDS Testomon(torn) Said JONES got Cleare of the Said acts of Feloney Charge against him in sd. Warrant & is since removed to the Provance of Georgia Date: 26 Nov 1771(date of statement) County: Craven (do not know why this was handled in Craven, since it appears to be a Tryon Co. matter).
[13407] Publick of North Carolina to Dr John Nuckols for going against the Cherokee Indians in obedience to an express from the Commanding Officer of Tyrone County Feb 9, 1771 Capt John Nuckols , 6 days at 7s, 6d---diet 4s.....2-19-0 The above named person was by orders to Captain Nuckols in the country's service against the Cherokee indians the above number of days in consequences of an alarm from the Indian traders and Frontier inhabitants of Tyrone county. Given under my hand this 26th day of November 1771..Thos Neel The above amount against the Publick of North Carolina was proved before me this 28th day of November, 1774 James Davis
[13408] ABSTRACTS OF WARREN CO., N. C. WILL BOOK 5 27 April 1789; Aug. Ct. 1789. JOHN POTTS, of Warren Co., N.C., to WATSON S TOTT, of Suffolk, Va. Sale of livestock, goods & chattles, for 50 Pds. Wit: JOHN NUCHOLS. Ack: by JOHN POTTS. 27 April 1789; Ack: Aug. Ct. 1789. List of furniture, livestock, books, utensils, etc. & rec't, fr. JOHN POTTS to WATSON STOTT for listed articles, with promise to hold them for his use & to deliver them on demand. Wit: JOHN NUCHOLS.
[13409] Headline: [William Rice, Esq; Tuesday; Sheriff; Union; John Nuckolls, Esq] ; Paper: City Gazette And Daily Advertiser.; Date: 1801-12-09; Vol: XI X; Iss: 4462; Page: [3]; Charleston, SC ( Dont have the article to transcribe)
[13410] John Nichols - 1 - 2 - 200 John Nichols - - 1
[13411] Pg804 20001-2001 2 males under 10 2 females under 10
_William "The Patriot" NUCKOLS _+ | (1710 - 1793) _Thomas NUCKOLS _____| | (1734 - 1815) m 1753| | |_Sarah _________________________ | (1720 - 1770) | |--John NUCKLES | (1755 - 1821) | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
[10068] John Nuckles Sr 1-00-1 John Nuckles Jr 1-0-0-0
_Thomas NUCKOLS _____+ | (1734 - 1815) m 1753 _John NUCKLES _______| | (1755 - 1821) m 1774| | |_____________________ | | |--John NUCKLES | (1775 - ....) | _Thomas HARDY _______ | | |_Ann HARDY __________| m 1774 | |_____________________
[13112] Pg 47 110001-221101
[13113] -Pg210-Him And Family L/W Parents-001110010-00112001
[13114] John Nuckles Sr 1-00-1 John Nuckles Jr 1-0-0-0
_Thomas NUCKOLS _______+ | (1734 - 1815) m 1753 _Josiah NUCKOLS _____| | (1767 - 1819) m 1792| | |_______________________ | | |--John NUCKLES | (1793 - 1876) | _John Weatherford. JR _ | | (1726 - ....) |_Milley WEATHERFORD _| (1771 - 1820) m 1792| |_Elizabeth HARDY ______+ (1750 - ....)
[12] - Pg 329-10001-20011
[13] Pg71 211001000-122001 (Nichols)
[14] HH1176 John Nuckles, 48, farmer, $689 Brinthey, 45, VA Josiah, 19, VA Jesse, 18 VA Catharine, 17, VA John, 16, VA Evaline, 15, VA Retta, 14, VA David, 11 VA Milley, 10 VA Susan, 9 VA Albert, 8 VA Binda, 5, VA
[15] -Pg 241 HH599 John Nuckles, 60, farmer $3000/$800 VA Brintha, 50, VA Mary C, 35, VA John 24 VA Mildred, 20, VA Susan, 19 VA Albert 17 VA Binda, 15, VA John Aaron, 12 VA Asa J 10 VA William T 7 VA HH600 David R Nuckles, 22 VA Mary 27 VA
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred
_Charles NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1745 - 1820) m 1770 _Robert KNUCKLES ____| | (1771 - 1830) m 1792| | |_A GARLAND __________ | (.... - 1772) m 1770 | |--John NUCKLES | (1811 - 1869) | _____________________ | | |_Unknown ____________| (1770 - ....) m 1792| |_____________________
[7438] John Nuckels �tab�49 Rachael Nuckels �tab�48 Eliza Nuckels �tab�17 Amanda Nuckels �tab�14 Amelia C Nuckels �tab�9 Frances M Nuckels �tab�3
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
[11436] Pg139 (Nuchols)
[11437] -Pg297 Ages 39/44 Jno Knuckles �tab�39 Sarah Knuckles �tab�44 Sarah Knuckles �tab�17 Haney Knuckles �tab�14 James Knuckles �tab�12 Thomas Knuckles �tab�10 Charles Knuckles �tab�8 David Knuckles �tab�6 Mary Knuckles �tab�4 John Knuckles �tab�2 Andrew Cochran �tab�23 H E Cochran �tab�21 Rosa Cochran �tab�2
_Charles NUCKOLS ____+ | (1753 - 1834) m 1775 _Obediah Overton NUCKLES _____| | (1780 - 1855) m 1811 | | |_Mary HICKS _________ | (.... - 1830) m 1775 | |--John NUCKLES | (1820 - 1885) | _____________________ | | |_Nancy Ann (Or Agnes) GOINGS _| (1785 - 1850) m 1811 | |_____________________
[15566] 1850 Grainger Co, TN 1548/1312 Nuckles, John, 29 b VA Jane 30 , TN William R 4 TN Susie 3 TN
[15567] Granger Co TN Deed Book M pg573-574 John NUCKLES to Overton NUCKLES This indenture made this 27th day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty-one between John Nuckles of the County of Grainger in the State of TN of the one part and Overton Nuckles and Nancy Ann Nuckles of the county and state aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said John Nuckles for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars to him in hand paid by the said Overton Nuckles hath and by these presents doth bargain, sell, ensue of and convey unto the said Overton and Nancy Ann Nuckles a certain tract of land lying and being in the County of Grainger and state of aforesaid south of Copper Ridge, Clinch River in _____ing the first bend above the Barnards' bend beginning at a bush on the bank of the river at the south side of the bend running south one pole to a stake then east seventy poles to sowerwood on top of the left, then north seventy east with McAnally's line sixty poles to a stake with three balck oak pointers above the head of the spicewood hollow then north fifty poles to a stake at the bank of the river, then with the meanders of the river to the beginning containing one hundred and eighteen acres to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appertenances to the said Overton and Nancy Ann Nuckles and their heirs forever in witness hath hereunto affix my seal this day and year above written, signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of witnesses. John (X) his mark NUCKLES acknowledged 4/27/1851 Witness: J H Lathin and George Wadkins State of Tennessee} Before James K McAnally, Clerk of the County Court County of Grainger} personally appeared John Nuckles the bargainer of the foregoing and in conveyance with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledge the same to be this act and deed for the purpose of contain___ said deed with my hand at office in Rutledge. J K McAnally, Clerk. This 28th day of April 1855. (Notice this land sold to Overton in 1851, but this indenture not recorded until 1855)
[15568] 1860 Grainger Co, TN pg 495 ages do not agree with 1850 census John Nuckles 45 VA Jayne 47 TN William 14 TN Siss 12 Olivia 8 John 6 Mariah 4 William H M 4 Telitha Jane 5 m enumerated 8/15/1860 Andrew Mollew, 17 Mary Risetoro 48 seamstress Jayne Robeson, 50, seamstress Emily J Allen, 23, seamstress
[15569] 1870 Census Rockcastle Co, Mt Vernon, KY -pg51 William Knuckles, 22 b TN Samantah F 20 b KY Nancy age 62 b OH pg62 Knuckles, John, 50 VA Jane 50 TN Mary 18 TN John 14 TN Mariah 12 TN Louisa 11 TN Louis 11 TN Peter 9 TN Supoosedly had a set of twin girls Louisey and Louiza
[15570] Source:FHL Film 1254440 National Archives Film T9-0440 Page 34 4C John KNUCKLESSelfMMW61TNOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Jennie KNUCKLESWifeFMW60TNFa: TNMo: TN John KNUCKLESSonMSW24TNFa: TNMo: TN Peter KNUCKLESSonMSW20TNFa: TNMo: TN
_Robert NUCKLES __________+ | (1773 - 1826) m 1797 _Robert NUCKLES _____| | (1803 - 1870) m 1824| | |_Frances "Fanny" WHITTEN _+ | (1780 - ....) m 1797 | |--John NUCKLES | (1830 - ....) | _Peter MARTIN ____________ | | |_Rachel MARTIN ______| (1794 - 1836) m 1824| |__________________________
_Samuel NUCKLES ______+ | (1825 - 1880) m 1844 _Thomas NUCKLES _____| | (1849 - ....) m 1870| | |_Hannah ROWSEY _______+ | (1827 - ....) m 1844 | |--John NUCKLES | (1881 - ....) | _Lewis Embree ROWSEY _+ | | (1820 - ....) m 1842 |_Fanny ROWSEY _______| (1852 - ....) m 1870| |_Martha Jane NUCKLES _+ (1820 - ....) m 1842
_James E NUCKLES ____+ | (1848 - 1891) m 1870 _Bert Hollingsworth NUCKELS _| | (1888 - ....) m 1910 | | |_Eliza A BAILEY _____ | (1853 - 1920) m 1870 | |--John NUCKLES | (1911 - 1912) | _____________________ | | |_Nellie May SAYLES __________| (1887 - ....) m 1910 | |_____________________
_John NUCKLES _______ | (1814 - 1860) m 1838 _John Richard NUCKLES _____| | (1858 - 1929) m 1882 | | |_Sarah Jayne TURPIN _+ | (1825 - ....) m 1838 | |--John "Don" Henry NUCKLES | (1884 - 1956) | _____________________ | | |_Eliza "Lizzie" D KNOWLES _| (1859 - 1933) m 1882 | |_____________________
[13510] John H Nuckles �tab�24 head, brakeman Lillie K Nuckles �tab�20 wife Everest K Nuckles �tab�[1 10/12] Baby�tab�[0/12] (male ) (this John Oakley) Marnie B Hix �tab�20
[13511] Name: John Henry Nuckles City: Lynchburg County: Campbell State: Virginia Birth Date: 26 Jul 1884 Race: White Roll: 1 984810 DraftBoard: 0 9/12/1918 John Henry Nuckles res 1103 Eastly St Lynchburg, VA Age 34 born July 25 1884 RR BrakemanKin- Wife Kate Nuckles Med height, slender build, grey eyes, brn hair
[13512] Lynchburg City, VA -ED 3 pg 7a Jan 8, 1920 RR Brak eman Don Nuckles 34 VA (John) Katherine, wife, 29 Oakley, son, 9 VA Katherine dau 7 VA Earnest, son 1y6m
[13513] John H Nuckles �tab�45 Katie Nuckles �tab�40 Oakley Nuckles �tab�20 Catherine Nuckles �tab�17 Ernest Nuckles �tab�11
[13514] Hill's Campbell Co, Lynchburg, VA City Directory 1936 Nuckles, Cath L clk N & W Overall Co Inc r1923 Grace Nuckles, Ernest L student r1923 Grace Nuckles, John H (Katie L) brkman h1923 Grace Nuckles, Katie L Mrs gro r923 Grave A
[13515] Hill's Campbell Co, Lunchburg City Directory 1937 Nuckles, John H (Katie L) cond Sou Ry Sys h2008 Main Nuckols, Ernest L r2008 Main St Nuckles, Cath L stenog N & W Overall Co Inc r2008 Main St
[13516] Hill's Campbell Co, Lynchburg, VA City Directory 1938 Nuckles, John H (Katie L) cond h2008 Main Nuckles, Cath L stenog N & W Overall Co Inc r2008 Main
[13517] Hill's Campbell Co, Lynchburg, VA City Directory 1939 Nuckles, John H (Katie L) brakeman SouSySys h2008 Main Nuckles, Ernest L clk M W Callaham & Sons Inc r2008 Main
[13518] Ward 3, Lynchburg, Lynchburg City, Lynchburg City 2008 Main St rent home $30 Head �tab�John H Nuckles �tab�M �tab�54 �tab�Virginia 5g RR Brakeman Wife �tab�Katie L Nuckles �tab�F �tab�50 �tab�Virginia 5g Daughter �tab�Catherine L Nuckles �tab�F �tab�27 �tab�Virginia single 4h billing cler, overall factory Son �tab�Ernest L Nuckles �tab�M �tab�21 �tab�Virginia h2 RR Freight worker
[13519] Hill's Campbell Co, Lynchburg, VA City Directory 1940 Nuckles, John H (Katie L) brakeman SouSySys h1454 Yancey Nuckles, Cath L stenog N & W Overall Co Inc r1454 Yancey
[13520] U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: John Henry Nuckles Birth Date: 26 Jul 1886 age 56 Residence: Lynchburg, Virginia 1454 Yancey St Birth: Lynchburg, Virginia Race: White Roll: WW2_2370403 SN: U211 Notify- Mrs Katie Nuckles- same add Emp-Mr C A Jacob-304 Warrick Ave, Southern Railway Signed J H Nuckles (Note- date of birth conflicts with brothers) prob correct on 1918 applica tion
[13521] Hill's Campbell Co, Lynchburg, VA City Directory 1943 Nuckles, John H (Katie L) brkman h1454 Yancey Nuckles, Ernest L USA r1454 Yancey
[13522] Hill's Campbell Co, Lynchburg, VA City Directory 1945 Nuckles, John H (Katie H) trainman SouRy h1454 Yancey Nuckles, Ernest L USA r1454 Yancey Nuckles, Gladys r1454 Yancey
WWI Draft Registration
__ | _William NUCKLES ____| | (1721 - ....) | | |__ | | |--John (Nichols) NUCKLES | (1753 - ....) | __ | | |_Elizabeth CASH _____| (1728 - 1772) | |__
_Albert NUCKLES _____+ | (1867 - 1948) m 1895 _Carl Albert NUCKLES _| | (1903 - 1997) | | |_Pearl TRESNER ______+ | (1876 - 1914) m 1895 | |--John Albert NUCKLES | (1940 - 1996) | _____________________ | | |_Cecil Lou CADDEL ____| (1910 - 1977) | |_____________________
_Obediah Overton NUCKLES _+ | (1780 - 1855) m 1801 _Spottswood NUCKLES _| | (1811 - 1860) m 1839| | |_Elizabeth WILLIS ________+ | m 1801 | |--John B NUCKLES | (1849 - 1924) | __________________________ | | |_Jane SMITH _________| (1812 - 1880) m 1839| |__________________________
[10656] John Nuckles, Summary of Service in the Northern Army of the U.S.A John Nuckles, Volunteer Enlisted in the U.S.A. Army on February 8,1864 in Nashville, Tennessee for a period of Three Years, unless sooner disc harged by proper authority. His enlistment papers from the Nat'l Archiv es showed he was 18 years old at the time,(however he was really 14 and ha lf years old). He was assigned to serve in the 8th Tennessee Cavalry Regim ent U.S.A. The 8th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, U.S.A. had just been recent ly organized two days earlier, on February 6th, 1864, as a merger of the 8 th Tennessee Regiment (formerly called 5th East Tennessee Regiment) and t he 10th East Tennessee Regiment . The 8th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment was u nder the command of Colonel S.K.N. Patton. John Nuckles was assigned du ty in Company 'B' under Lieutenant Homer Gilmore. The following are some h ighlights of the Regiment's activities that took place during John Nuckl es enlistment: as found on pages 340-342 of the book, Tennesseans in the C ivil War, Part 1.,Civil War Centennial Commission, Nashville, Tennessee: *The 8th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment was moved to Franklin, Tennessee on Ap ril 18th 1864 and was reported in Col. John K. Millers's 3rd Brigade,4th D ivision, Cavalry Corps, Dept of the Cumberland. *June 6th 1864, Gen. Rousseau reported the 8th Tennessee Cavalry Regime nt guarding the railroad between Columbia and Nashville. *On June 19th 1864, the Regiment moved to Gallitan,Tenn. And on August 31 st 1864 it was reported in the Governor's Guard, under Brigadier General A lvin Gillem. *On October 28th the Brigade was engaged at Morristown and Brigadier Ge n. Gillem reported that Colonels Patton and Brown led their Regiments wi th distinguished gallantry in a sabre charge which broke the enemy's lin es and captured McClungs battery. *The Brigade fell back to Cumberland Gap on November 9th 1864, where on No vember 12,1864 it was attacked by Confederate forces under Brigadier Gener al Basil Duke. The attack was repelled by the 8th and 13th Tennessee Caval ry Regiments: but on November 13th General Gillem, short on supplies and a mmunition, evacuated the Gap and moved to Morristown. Near Russelvill e, he reported that the rear was attacked , and the men became panic stric ken and the brigade suffered " a terrible reverse." The regiment then mov ed to Knoxville, Tenn. *On December 10th 1864, the regiment joined Brigadier Gen. Stephen Burbrid ge in an expedition into Marion, Virginia in the capture and destructi on of the Confederate salt works at Saltville, Virginia. It returned to Kn oxville, Tenn. On December 29th 1864. *On March 21st 1865, the regiment, those that were mounted, joined Major G eneral George Stoneman on his raid into Virginia, North Carolina, South Ca rolina and Georgia. It was engaged in the battle of Salisbury, North Carol ina, on April 12th 1865, and was at Henderson, North Carolina, on April,23 rd when it received word of the truce and returned to Greeneville, Tenness ee. It was during this expedition, that John Nuckles fell ill from some di sease due to exposure. John Nuckles continued to suffer from this disea se for several months and on June 16th 1865, John Nuckles was given a Cert ificate of Disability for Discharge, signed by his Company 'B' 1st Lieute nant Homer Gilmore and J.M. Sawyers, Major 8th Tenn. Cavalry. A copy of th is Discharge for John Nuckles was viewed for documentation purposes.
[10657] Pct 2 Pg69b-Nuckolson Source:FHL Film 1255300 National Archives Film T9-1300 Page 6 John NUCKELSON SelfMMW31 TNOcc: FarmingFa: VAMo: VA Florrence NUCKELSON DauFSW9TN Fa: TNMo: VA Berry S. NUCKELSON SonMSW5TNFa: TNMo: VA Henry NUCKELSON SonMSW3TNFa: TNMo: VA
[10658] Name: JOHN NUCKLES State: TX County: Collin County Township: J.P. Pct E.D. 241 Year: 1890 Page: 001 Database: TX 1890 Veterans Schedule
[10659] (Not In Index, ND To Son Berry)Hh#10 Denton Co, Pct 6, TX (not in index, nd to son Berry)HH#10 John Nuckels, head, 8/1849 TN VA VA Ida A, wife, 1/1871 m12y 5/5 TN TN TN Edgar, son 10/1889 TX Otiss, son, 12/1890 TX Ora M, dau 5/1892 TX John, son 9/1894 TX Myrtle, dau 3/1896 TX
[10660] HH213 John Nuckels, 29, m3x widower? TN TN TN Edgar A son, 20 TX Otis E, son 18 TX Ora M son 16 TX John L son 14 TX Myrtle L, 12, dau, TX
[10661] Ed103 pg522 John Nuckels, 70 TN VA VA widower Edgar R, son, 30 TN John L, son, 25 TN Mary E, Daughter In Law, 18 TX
_Elijah NUCKLES ________________+ | (1814 - 1880) m 1835 _James Harvey NUCKLES _| | (1840 - 1927) m 1860 | | |_Mary Elizabeth "Polly" CARTER _ | (1816 - 1890) m 1835 | |--John Bell NUCKLES | (1869 - 1932) | _Thomas TERRY __________________+ | | (1814 - 1843) m 1832 |_Emerine TERRY ________| (1842 - 1882) m 1860 | |_Adeline CARTER ________________+ (.... - 1846) m 1832
[12108] -pg 70 John Knuckles, age 41, VA VA VA, Md 19y Ella, wife, 36, 6/6 Pearl, dau, 18 Nellie, dau, 16 Jessie, dau, 14 Pond?, son, 11 Rolla, dau, 9 Lucy, dau, 7
[12109] U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989 about Ella D Nuckles Name: �tab�Ella D Nuckles Gender: �tab�Female Residence Year: �tab�1914 Street address: �tab�420 Humphrey Residence Place: �tab�Charleston, West Virginia Spouse: �tab�Joihn B Nuckles Publication Title: �tab�Charleston, West Virginia, City Directory, 1914
[12110] ED 149 pg3b John B Nuckols, 50, VA VA ? Ella D, wife, 45 WV Boyd, son 21, WV Dora, dau, 17, WV John, son, 10, WV
[12111] Page: 23A; E numeration District: 85; Image: 429.0. John Nuckles, head, 51, S (x thru) marked M , WV WV WV Malisie Oconer, 63, WV WV WV
Death Certificate
_James NUCKLES _________+ | (1800 - 1890) m 1831 _George W NUCKLES _____| | (1834 - 1891) | | |_Margaret BOLTINGHOUSE _ | (1792 - 1873) m 1831 | |--John Benjamin NUCKLES | (1881 - 1942) | _James HOBART __________ | | |_Frances Emily HOBART _| (1845 - 1919) | |_Julia THORNLEY ________
[12004] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 June 5 1917 Res- RR1 Bloomington, IN age 38 b Sep 1 1881 Laborer-Cantrell ---- Stone Co Kin-Eunice Nuckles Signed his mark (x)
[12005] (enumerated 2 times) Benjamin Nuckols 40, IN IN IL Hooker in Stone Mill Anna, wife, 50 IN 1920 Monroe Co, Bloomington, IN ED159 Benjamin Nuckols, head, 40, IN IN IL, RR Boilermaker Anna B, wife, 50 IL IL IL
[12006] Ed174 MD28/33 John B Nuckols, 49, IN IN IL md28 Anne B, wife, 60, IL, md 33
[12007] Street: �tab�73 Pike Vernal Inferred Residence in 1935: �tab�Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana Residence in 1935: �tab�Same House, own home, $2000 John B Nuckles �tab�58, head, md, 8g, IL, hooker, steel mill ($1034) Anna B Nuckles �tab�69 wife, 8g IL Adie Rice �tab�49 niece, wid, 8g, IN, last res Norfolk, Nebraska
[12008] U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: John Ben Nuckoles Birth Date: 1 Sep 1881 age 60 Residence: Monroe, Indiana RR6 Bloomington Birth: Monroe, Indiana Race: White Roll: WW2_2369015 SN:U890 Notify-Mrs Anna Nuckoles, same add Emp-Shawnee Stone Co, Bloomington Signed his mark (x) John Ben Nuckoles
WWI Draft Registration
WWII -Draft Reg - 1942
_Carl Albert NUCKLES _+ | (1903 - 1997) _John Albert NUCKLES _| | (1940 - 1996) | | |_Cecil Lou CADDEL ____ | (1910 - 1977) | |--John Bradley NUCKLES | (1970 - 1970) | ______________________ | | |_Mary Lorene CLAYTON _| | |______________________
_John NUCKLES _______+ | (1775 - ....) m 1792 _Elijah NUCKLES ________________| | (1814 - 1880) m 1835 | | |_Martha PROSIZE _____ | m 1792 | |--John Buckingham NUCKLES | (1852 - 1928) | _____________________ | | |_Mary Elizabeth "Polly" CARTER _| (1816 - 1890) m 1835 | |_____________________
[12096] P O Graham town John C Nuckols �tab�49 Lettia Nuckols �tab�52 Mary C Nuckols �tab�15 Annie G Nuckols �tab�11 John S Nuckols �tab�9
[12097] Charles Hughes, 37 head, VA VA VA Alice, wife, 28, m1x m10y 5/5 VA VA VA Marian, dau, 6 WV Helen, dau, 4, WV Ross, son, 2 WV ////??? dau 3m John Nuckles, father in law, widower, VA US US
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_William A NUCKLES __+ | (1816 - ....) m 1840 _John James NUCKLES ______| | (1842 - 1918) m 1878 | | |_Nancy Jane NUCKLES _+ | (1826 - ....) m 1840 | |--John Douglas NUCKLES | (1887 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Mary Elizabeth LANKFORD _| (1851 - 1907) m 1878 | |_____________________
[8304] Name: J D Nuckles City: Not Stated County: Campbell State: V irginia Birthplace: Virginia;United States of America Birth Date: 18 Aug 18 87 Race: White Roll: 1984612 June 14 1917 J D Nuckles, res Reusens, Campbell Co, VA Age 30 born Aug 18, 1887 Amherst Co, VA Engineer at Furnace Co, Oris Kney Ore * Iron Co Wife and 3 children under age 12 Tall, slender, brown eys, dark hair Signed with (x)
[8305] John D Douglas �tab�31 Mary F Douglas �tab�28 William D Douglas �tab�11 Milissa Douglas �tab�8 Merl N Douglas �tab�5 Nellie B Douglas �tab�2 1/12 Della O Douglas �tab�0 Benjamin Nuckles �tab�28 Walter R Nuckles �tab�24 next door Ernest Campbell age 22 �tab�
[8306] John D Nuckles, 41, VA VA VA md 21 Mary E, wife, 35 md 15 Myrtle M, dau 15 Nellie B, dau, 12 Irene, dau, 10 Floyd E, son, 8 Thurman O, son, 6 Edward F, son, 2y11m Ruby, dau, 11m Maria? Burks, dau, 18 md 18 Roland Burks, son in law, 34 md 34
[8307] Hill's Campbell Co, Lunchburg City Directory 1937 Nuckles, Floyd r2009 Memorial Ave Nuckles, J Dudley blowing eng E J Lavino & Co h2009 Memorial Ave
[8308] Hill's Campbell Co, Lynchburg, VA City Directory 1939 Nuckles, John D eng E J Lavino & Co r Hydro Rd
[8309] Ward 1, Lynchburg, Lynchburg City, Lynchburg City, Virginia, John D Nuckles �tab�M �tab�52 , s 2g�tab�Virginia 1935 res rural Bedford Co Son �tab�Floyd E Nuckles �tab�M �tab�18 single, 4g Virginia Lodger �tab�Isea Keesee �tab�F �tab�39 �tab�Virginia Lodger's daughter �tab�Lottie Keesee �tab�F �tab�18 �tab�Virginia Lodger's daughter �tab�Helen Keesee �tab�F �tab�16 �tab�Virginia Lodger's daughter �tab�Mary Keesee �tab�F �tab�14 �tab�Virginia Lodger's son �tab�Richard Keesee �tab�M �tab�13 �tab�Virginia
[8310] Name: �tab�John Douglas Nuckles Birth Date: �tab�18 Aug 1887 age 53 Birth Place: �tab�Amherst Residence: �tab�Reusens, Virginia Race: �tab�White Personwho will always know your address: William D Nuckles, 721 Pierce St, Lynchburg, VA Employed Lovena Furnace Co 6'159lb, brn eyes, brn hair, dk complexion, no disabilities SIgned John D Nuckles
WWI Draft Registration
WWII -Draft Reg - 1942
_Edward T NUCKOLS ___+ | (1783 - 1860) m 1829 _Moses Gaines (Twin) NUCKLES _| | (1840 - 1910) m 1864 | | |_Susanna N NUCKOLS __+ | (1806 - 1880) m 1829 | |--John E NUCKLES | (1883 - 1933) | _____________________ | | |_Rebecca WILLS _______________| (1842 - 1910) m 1864 | |_____________________
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_James E NUCKLES _____+ | (1848 - 1891) m 1870 _Clarence E NUCKELS _| | (1879 - 1944) m 1906| | |_Eliza A BAILEY ______ | (1853 - 1920) m 1870 | |--John E NUCKLES | (1901 - ....) | _William Henry SHIPP _ | | |_Nancy L SHIPP ______| (1884 - 1925) m 1906| |_Priscilla A BRIDGES _
_Nathaniel NUCKOLS __________+ | (1788 - 1840) m 1813 _George Washington NUCKLES _| | (1816 - 1880) m 1836 | | |_Mary "Polly" CARY __________ | (1792 - ....) m 1813 | |--John Eubanks NUCKLES | (1838 - 1921) | _John EUBANKS _______________ | | (1757 - 1864) m 1787 |_Mary Pauline EUBANKS ______| (1809 - 1892) m 1836 | |_Winifred Elizabeth CHATHAM _ (1774 - 1826) m 1787
[7936] John Knuckles �tab�40 Clara Knuckles �tab�21 George W. Knuckles �tab�14 Charles E. Knuckles �tab�12 Walter E. Knuckles �tab�9 Hazel A. Knuckles �tab�4
[7937] John E Mickles �tab�61 11/1838 head md20y VA VA VA Clara A Mickles �tab�41 11/1858 wife md20y 7/7 WV PA PA John R Mickles �tab�19 1/1881 son single, WV Oma M Pickens �tab�17 5/1883, dau, m0y no ch, WV Samuel T Nuckles �tab�15 4/1885 son, single, WV Rethea A Nuckles �tab�10 5/1890 dau single WV Rosamond Nuckles �tab�7 10/1892 dau WV Okey E Nuckles �tab�5 8/1894 son WV Dennis R Nuckles �tab�3 10/1896 son WV Artemas Pickens �tab�19 7/1880 son in law, m0y �tab�
[7938] Nuckles, John E. Age: 72 Gender: M Race: W Birthplac e: VA VA VA State: West Virginia 1910 County: MASON Locale: COLOGNE Series: T624 Roll: 1689 Par t: 1 Page: 80B age 72 married for 3rd time Martha, wife, age 52 married for 2nd time 5 children 5 living WV WV WV John, son 29, single WV Rosa, dau, 18 WV Oka, son, 15 WV Denis, son 13 WV Lorain, son, 9 WV
[7939] John E Meckles �tab�80 Martha Nuckles �tab�68 Larrean Nuckles �tab�21
LDS-Ancestral File- LDS Web Site
Tombstone Inscription
IGI-Mormon Library
Death Certificate
IGI-Mormon Library
Marriage Record- County Record Books
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_John F NUCKLES _______+ | (1906 - 1965) m 1928 _James F NUCKLES ____________| | (1928 - 2013) | | |_Esther CORDLE ________+ | (1903 - 1986) m 1928 | |--John F NUCKLES | | _Earl Ray BURNS _______ | | (1904 - 1982) m 1924 |_Barbara Ann "Bobbie" BURNS _| (1931 - 2008) | |_Ruby Martha WHITAKER _ (1906 - 1940) m 1924