_John Henderson "Hence" KNUCKLES _____+ | (1851 - 1923) m 1866 _L Dempsey KNUCKLES __| | (1872 - 1907) m 1897 | | |_Elizabeth Emeline "Betsy" HONEYCUTT _+ | (1842 - ....) m 1866 | |--Thirston B KNUCKLES | (1900 - 1923) | _William M KNUCKLES __________________+ | | (1843 - 1924) m 1869 |_Nancy Jane KNUCKLES _| (1870 - 1912) m 1897 | |_Frances Samantha LAMBERT ____________ (1849 - 1910) m 1869
Tombstone Inscription
Death Certificate
WWI Draft Registration
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_Charles C KNUCKLES _____+ | (1855 - 1925) m 1874 _Millard Filmore KNUCKLES _| | (1894 - 1972) m 1915 | | |_Lucinda "Lucy" SLUSHER _+ | (1860 - ....) m 1874 | |--Thomas Calloway KNUCKLES | (1919 - 1993) | _Thomas B GREEN _________ | | (1849 - ....) |_Lydia GREEN ______________| (1892 - 1967) m 1915 | |_Cynthia RISNER _________ (1859 - ....)
[14393] Street: �tab�247 Bird Branch Farm: �tab�Yes, own home $2000 Inferred Residence in 1935: �tab�Rural, Bell, Kentucky Millard F Knuckles �tab�47, head, md, C1, KY, teacher Lydia Knuckles �tab�47 wife C1 KY Thomas Knuckles �tab�21 son single, C4, KY teacher Oscar Knuckles �tab�19 son single, C3, KY teacher Brownlee Knuckles �tab�17 son H3 KY Roberta Knuckles �tab�15 dau H3 KY Ruby Knuckles �tab�13 dau 8g KY Cecil Knuckles �tab�11 son 5g KY Franklin D Knuckles �tab�9 son 2G KY Paul Knuckles �tab�6 son 1g KY
[14394] U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: Thomas C Knuckles Birth Year: 1919 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Kentucky State: Kentucky County or City: Bell Enlistment Date: 16 Jan 1942 Enlistment State: Kentucky Enlistment City: Fort Thomas Newport Branch: Air Corps Grade: Aviation Cadet Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Army of the United States - includes the following: Voluntary e nlistments effective December 8, 1941 and thereafter; One year enlistmen ts of National Guardsman whose State enlistment expires while in the Feder al Service; Officers appointed in the Army of Education: 4 years of college Civil Occupation: Teacher Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 72 Weight: 176
_Robert L NUCKLES ___+ | (1876 - 1921) m 1903 _Thomas NUCKLES _____| | (1910 - ....) | | |_Hester WESTBROOK ___+ | (1882 - 1919) m 1903 | |--Thomas Harold KNUCKLES | (1942 - 2008) | _____________________ | | |_Irene WADSWORTH ____| | |_____________________
_Thomas W (Twin) NUCKLES _+ | (1840 - 1881) m 1859 _Moses Gaines KNUCKLES _| | (1866 - 1959) m 1900 | | |_Margaret GRIFFITH _______ | (1836 - 1918) m 1859 | |--Thomas J KNUCKLES | (1906 - 1982) | _Daniel GRIFFITH _________ | | (1850 - ....) |_Amy GRIFFITH __________| (1873 - 1959) m 1900 | |_Maranda FARREL __________ (1854 - ....)
_Gabriel "T J G" (Thomas Jeff Gabriel) KNUCKLES _+ | (1836 - 1900) m 1868 _John Riley KNUCKLES _| | (1871 - 1901) m 1899 | | |_Martha KNUCKLES ________________________________+ | (1848 - 1917) m 1868 | |--Thomas J G KNUCKLES | (1900 - 1993) | _James HUBBARD __________________________________ | | |_Cordice HUBBARD _____| (1878 - 1927) m 1899 | |_Elizabeth "Lizzie" PAYNE _______________________
[15431] WWI Draft Registration 1917-1918 Tom Knuckles, res Knox Co, Flat Lick, KY Age 18 born Mar 28 1900 Farmer; Kin Cordie Hubbard, Flat Lick, KY Short, stout, blue eyes, blk hair Signed 9/12/1918 with (x) his mark Tom Knuckles
[15432] Lon Ruder, head, 80 KY KYKY Cordie, wife, 42, KY KY KY Thomas Knuckles, stepson, 18 KY KY KY Elizabeth Knuckles, stepdau, 17, KY KY KY
[15433] Could not find in 1930 census because of this error 1930 Knox Co, Flat Lick, KY Thomas Reeder, head, own home $100, 29 md19 KY KY KY Linda, wife, 25, md 15, KY KY KY Ellen Reeder, dau, 9 KY John r ,son 7 Dorothy, dau, 5 Webster, son, 3 Virgil, son,1 It is possible since his mother married Lon Reeder, that Reeder adopted these children and gave him their name. Next door to several Grays who are probably brothers and a father to Linda Grey.
__________________________ | _William Richard KNUCKLES _| | (1841 - 1910) m 1865 | | |_Mary NUCKLES ____________+ | (1816 - 1852) | |--Thomas Jefferson KNUCKLES | (1872 - 1905) | _Richard Wilkerson ASHER _+ | | (1813 - 1884) m 1830 |_Amanda Jane ASHER ________| (1845 - 1890) m 1865 | |_Lucinda BINGHAM _________ (1813 - 1889) m 1830
[12254] - Pg 198 Thomas J Knuckles �tab�28 1/1872 Lucy Knuckles �tab�21 11/1878 m1 yr no ch Levi Colwell �tab�19 servant (next door to parents W R and Amanda)
Kentucky Knuckles
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_William Richard KNUCKLES _+ | (1841 - 1910) m 1865 _William Letcher KNUCKLES ________| | (1877 - 1971) m 1902 | | |_Amanda Jane ASHER ________+ | (1845 - 1890) m 1865 | |--Thomas Jefferson KNUCKLES | (1905 - 1979) | _John R HOWARD ____________ | | |_Caroline Elzada "Carrie" HOWARD _| (1882 - 1981) m 1902 | |_Mary Alabama HOWARD ______
_John Franklin NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1852 - 1930) m 1877 _James Edward KNUCKLES _| | (1888 - 1936) m 1914 | | |_Martha Jane PADGETT ______+ | (1853 - 1937) m 1877 | |--Thomas Jefferson KNUCKLES | (1932 - 2000) | _Righter Lafayette SKAGGS _ | | (1866 - ....) |_Cora Mae SKAGGS _______| (1898 - 1985) m 1914 | |_Josie HAMMONS ____________ (1871 - ....)
_Elza "Lige" KNUCKLES _ | (1901 - 1945) m 1920 _Elza "Lige" KNUCKLES _| | | | |_Bettie PERKINS _______+ | (1903 - 1945) m 1920 | |--Thomas Junior KNUCKLES | | _______________________ | | |_Dressie PARKER _______| (1928 - 1992) | |_______________________
_Moses Gaines KNUCKLES _+ | (1866 - 1959) m 1900 _Thomas J KNUCKLES __| | (1906 - 1982) m 1926| | |_Amy GRIFFITH __________+ | (1873 - 1959) m 1900 | |--Thomas L KNUCKLES | (1935 - 1988) | ________________________ | | |_Bessie SNEAD _______| (1907 - 1952) m 1926| |________________________
_John Riley KNUCKLES ____+ | (1919 - 1999) _Thomas Lee KNUCKLES _| | | | |_Martha Margaret POWELL _ | | |--Thomas Lee KNUCKLES | | _________________________ | | |_Emelina HERNANDEZ ___| | |_________________________
_George Matt KNUCKLES _+ | (1887 - 1970) m 1908 _John Riley KNUCKLES ____| | (1919 - 1999) | | |_Bertha Alice CHAVIES _+ | (1888 - 1974) m 1908 | |--Thomas Lee KNUCKLES | | _______________________ | | |_Martha Margaret POWELL _| | |_______________________
_Jacob Clyde "Jake" KNUCKLES _+ | (1880 - 1941) m 1901 _Charles Thomas "Tom" KNUCKLES _| | (1905 - 1980) | | |_Hester Katherine KELLUMS ____+ | (1874 - 1966) m 1901 | |--Thomas R KNUCKLES | | ______________________________ | | |_Lucille POYNTER _______________| (1907 - 2001) | |______________________________
_William Letcher KNUCKLES ________+ | (1877 - 1971) m 1902 _Thomas Jefferson KNUCKLES _| | (1905 - 1979) m 1927 | | |_Caroline Elzada "Carrie" HOWARD _+ | (1882 - 1981) m 1902 | |--Thomas Richmond KNUCKLES | | __________________________________ | | |_Helen E LUTZ ______________| (1900 - 1990) m 1927 | |__________________________________
_George Hendrickson KNUCKLES _+ | (1878 - 1949) m 1897 _Jacob Clyde (Jack) KNUCKLES _| | (1909 - 1993) m 1946 | | |_Lucy Ellen SMITH ____________+ | (1882 - 1947) m 1897 | |--Thomas Wayne KNUCKLES | | ______________________________ | | |_Dorothy RINGER ______________| (1922 - 2005) m 1946 | |______________________________
_Thomas J G KNUCKLES _+ | (1900 - 1993) m 1920 _Earl Ray KNUCKLES __| | (1945 - 2001) | | |_Linda GRAY __________ | (1904 - 1989) m 1920 | |--Thomas Wayne KNUCKLES | | _Vernon NAPIER _______+ | | (1909 - 1969) |_Rosa Mae NAPIER ____| | |_Christina LEATH _____
_Francis Marion NUCKLES _+ | (1839 - 1903) m 1866 _Joel Joseph NUCKLES __| | (1872 - 1950) m 1913 | | |_Sarah Jane PARSONS _____ | (1851 - 1900) m 1866 | |--Thurmon KNUCKLES | (1915 - 1987) | _________________________ | | |_Lettie Victoria RIFE _| (1888 - 1919) m 1913 | |_________________________
[17049] Hellen Knuckles, head, 42, WV WV WV ( looks like and S, but could be a D for divorced) Fannie, dau, 18 WV Harry, won, 13 WV Lloyd, son, 3y10m Joseph, brother, 50, widower Thurman, nephew, 4y4m
[17050] Six Fined, Another Faces Hunting Charge Six persons Monday had been fined for for violations of game laws in Kanawha County and another was to be arraigned Monday afternoon. Garland Jarrett, Everett Johnson, Thurmond Knuckles and Russell Knuckles, each charged with carrying uncased guns out of season, and Shirley Chandler, charged with hunting out of season, were fined $20 each when they were arraingned before Justice of the Peace W D Reedy.
[17051] Thurman Knuckles �tab�24 Evelyn Knuckles �tab�22 Bobbie Ray Knuckles �tab�3 Thurman Knuckles �tab�1 Inferred Residence in 1935: �tab�Loudon, Kanawha, West Virginia Residence in 1935: �tab�Same Place Sheet Number: �tab�11B Number of Household in Order of Visitation: �tab�210 Occupation: �tab�Operator House Owned or Rented: �tab�Owned Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: �tab�800 Attended School or College: �tab�No Highest Grade Completed: �tab�Elementary school, 5th grade Duration of Unemployment: �tab�45 Class of Worker: �tab�Wage or salary worker in private work Weeks Worked in 1939: �tab�20 Income: �tab�600 Income Other Sources: �tab�Yes
[17052] Charleston Gazette Judge Hall Revokes Knuckle's Probation The probation of Thurmond Knuckles of Brownemont was revoked yesterday by Intermediate Judge Cyrus W Hall, following a hearing and Knuckles was sentenced to two to ten years in the state penetentiary. He had previously confessed to an auto theft charge.
_Joel Joseph NUCKLES __+ | (1872 - 1950) m 1913 _Thurmon KNUCKLES ___| | (1915 - 1987) | | |_Lettie Victoria RIFE _ | (1888 - 1919) m 1913 | |--Thurmon KNUCKLES | (1939 - 2012) | _______________________ | | |_Evelyn SKYLES ______| | |_______________________
_John R KNUCKLES ____+ | (1850 - 1922) m 1871 _Benjamin Franklin KNUCKLES _| | (1872 - 1929) m 1914 | | |_Martha E HOSKINS ___+ | (1856 - ....) m 1871 | |--Tillman KNUCKLES | (1918 - 1989) | _Joseph NAPIER ______+ | | (1874 - 1954) m 1894 |_Lucy Ellen NAPIER __________| (1895 - 1958) m 1914 | |_America SLUSHER ____+ (1880 - 1963) m 1894
[14742] Street: 103�tab�Red Bird Creek Farm: �tab�No, own home $100 Inferred Residence in 1935: �tab�Bell, Kentucky Ben Knuckles �tab�23, head, md, 8g KY, coal miner, coal mines Viola Knuckles �tab�17 (x) wife, 7g KY Street Red Bird Creek, next door # 102 Thomas Saylor, (x) Head, md 31, 6g KY, coal loader, coal mine Lucy, wife, 44, 8ig KY Roy, son, 5 KY Thomas Jr, son, 3 KY Tilman Knuckles, 21, stepson, single, H4 KY, coal loader, coal mine Archer Knuckles, 18, step son, 7g KY miner, coal mine Frances, Knuckles, 17, stepdau, H2, KY Claude Knuckles, 15, stepson, 5g KY John D Knuckles, 13, step son, 3g KY Mildred KNuckles, 11, step dau, 3g KY
Kentucky Birth Records 1911-1960
LDS-Ancestral File- LDS Web Site
_Benjamin Franklin KNUCKLES _+ | (1872 - 1929) m 1914 _Tillman KNUCKLES ___| | (1918 - 1989) | | |_Lucy Ellen NAPIER __________+ | (1895 - 1958) m 1914 | |--Tillman KNUCKLES | (1938 - 1955) | _____________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________________
_Charles C KNUCKLES _______+ | (1855 - 1925) m 1874 _Jacob Clyde "Jake" KNUCKLES _| | (1880 - 1941) m 1901 | | |_Lucinda "Lucy" SLUSHER ___+ | (1860 - ....) m 1874 | |--Tillman Frederick KNUCKLES | (1908 - 1941) | _Thomas Jefferson KELLUMS _ | | (1845 - 1934) m 1869 |_Hester Katherine KELLUMS ____| (1874 - 1966) m 1901 | |_Sarah Jane BARNER ________ (1830 - 1894) m 1869
Death Certificate
Kentucky Death Index
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Ezekiel Hendrickson Descendants by Joseph Gillis Hendrickson, Kr
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_Mack Chester KNUCKLES ______+ | (1903 - 1981) m 1942 _Mack Chester KNUCKLES _________| | | | |_Emily ALLEN ________________+ | (1911 - 2004) m 1942 | |--Timmy G KNUCKLES | | _George DAY _________________ | | |_Dorothy Marie (Christian) DAY _| (1928 - 2006) | |_Opal (Marshall) CANTABERRY _ (1906 - 2008)
_Willis Hubert KNUCKLES _+ | (1941 - 1998) m 1961 _Timmy Lee KNUCKLES _| | | | |_Opal Lee SHARP _________ | (1943 - 1994) m 1961 | |--Timmy Lee KNUCKLES | | _________________________ | | |_Barbara E MITCHELL _| | |_________________________
_Jacob Elijah KNUCKLES _+ | (1903 - 1983) m 1965 _Willis Hubert KNUCKLES _| | (1941 - 1998) m 1961 | | |_Julia Eva WALDEN ______ | (1914 - 1999) m 1965 | |--Timmy Lee KNUCKLES | | ________________________ | | |_Opal Lee SHARP _________| (1943 - 1994) m 1961 | |________________________
_Robert Boyd KNUCKLES ____+ | (1888 - 1974) m 1906 _Colson KNUCKLES ____| | (1914 - 2002) m 1935| | |_Lillie SIZEMORE _________+ | (1888 - 1973) m 1906 | |--Timothy KNUCKLES | | _Hugh BROCK ______________ | | (1894 - 1973) |_Carrie BROCK _______| (1919 - 2005) m 1935| |_Celetta "Cleddie" BROCK _+ (1902 - 1996)