_Leonard Delbert KNUCKLES _+ | (1877 - 1956) m 1901 _Bryce Edwin KNUCKLES _| | (1922 - 1971) | | |_Susan Mary FRANCE ________+ | (1884 - 1969) m 1901 | |--Mark Kenneth KNUCKLES | (1960 - 2012) | ___________________________ | | |_Naomi Jean ___________| (1924 - 2007) | |___________________________
_Sampson Beverly KNUCKLES _+ | (1909 - 1983) m 1938 _Beverly Owens KNUCKLES _| | (1941 - 2001) | | |_Jean Pitzer OWENS ________+ | (1913 - 1995) m 1938 | |--Mark Roland KNUCKLES | | ___________________________ | | |_Judith JOHNSON _________| | |___________________________
_Marshall KNUCKLES __+ | (1904 - 1973) m 1926 _Marshall KNUCKLES ________| | (1935 - 2005) | | |_Verna May SIMPSON __+ | (1911 - ....) m 1926 | |--Marsha (Smith) KNUCKLES | | _____________________ | | |_Lou Selma (Branum) SHARP _| (1941 - 2009) | |_____________________
_Gabriel "T J G" (Thomas Jeff Gabriel) KNUCKLES _+ | (1836 - 1900) m 1868 _George Matt KNUCKLES _| | (1887 - 1970) | | |_Martha KNUCKLES ________________________________+ | (1848 - 1917) m 1868 | |--Marshall KNUCKLES | (1904 - 1973) | _________________________________________________ | | |_Sarah ________________| | |_________________________________________________
[20374] 76 Mt Repose Rd Marshall Knuckles �tab�25 md20 KY KY KY Dairy laborer Verna Knuckles �tab�18 wife, md 13 KY KY KY Myrtle Knuckles �tab�2/6m KY William Knuckles �tab�11/12 OH �tab�
[20375] Street: 102�tab�String Town Road, rent home Farm: �tab�YesInferred Residence in 1935: �tab�Garrard, Kentucky Marshall Knuckles �tab�37 (x) head, md, 2g KY Vernnie Knuckles �tab�27 wife 7g KY Myrtle Knuckles �tab�12 dau 6g KY Billy Knuckles �tab�10 son 3g KY Johnnie Knuckles �tab�8 son 3g KY Junior Knuckles �tab�6, son, KY Leroy Knuckles �tab�1 son KY
Marriage Certificate
_George Matt KNUCKLES __+ | (1887 - 1970) _Marshall KNUCKLES __| | (1904 - 1973) m 1926| | |_Sarah _________________ | | |--Marshall KNUCKLES | (1935 - 2005) | _Mitchell SIMPSON ______ | | (1870 - 1950) m 1892 |_Verna May SIMPSON __| (1911 - ....) m 1926| |_Mary (Shepherd) GREEN _ (1869 - 1941) m 1892
_Marshall KNUCKLES __+ | (1904 - 1973) m 1926 _Marshall KNUCKLES ________| | (1935 - 2005) | | |_Verna May SIMPSON __+ | (1911 - ....) m 1926 | |--Marshall Scott KNUCKLES | | _____________________ | | |_Lou Selma (Branum) SHARP _| (1941 - 2009) | |_____________________
_Carlile William KNUCKLES _+ | (1893 - 1963) m 1915 _Carlisle William "C.W." KNUCKLES _| | (1918 - 2000) m 1945 | | |_Nolia Ellen FOSTER _______+ | (1896 - 1978) m 1915 | |--Marta KNUCKLES | (1950 - 1964) | ___________________________ | | |_Eloise F SCARBOROUGH _____________| (1921 - 2010) m 1945 | |___________________________
_Obediah Overton NUCKLES _____+ | (1780 - 1855) m 1811 _Robert "Bobby" KNUCKLES ______| | (1815 - 1905) m 1840 | | |_Nancy Ann (Or Agnes) GOINGS _ | (1785 - 1850) m 1811 | |--Martha KNUCKLES | (1848 - 1917) | _Reuben HENDRICKSON __________+ | | (1785 - ....) |_Margaret "Peggy" HENDRICKSON _| (1820 - 1890) m 1840 | |_Hannah DAVIS ________________
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_John NUCKLES _______+ | (1820 - 1885) m 1842 _William M KNUCKLES _______| | (1843 - 1924) m 1869 | | |_Jane "Jennie" BRAY _ | (1819 - 1880) m 1842 | |--Martha KNUCKLES | (1876 - 1884) | _____________________ | | |_Frances Samantha LAMBERT _| (1849 - 1910) m 1869 | |_____________________
_John NUCKLES _______+ | (1820 - 1885) m 1842 _John H "Little John" KNUCKLES _| | (1853 - 1937) m 1898 | | |_Jane "Jennie" BRAY _ | (1819 - 1880) m 1842 | |--Martha KNUCKLES | (1899 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Lizzie SINGLETON ______________| (1878 - 1960) m 1898 | |_____________________
[18392] John Knuckles, 82, KY KY KY md20 Lizzie, wife, 52, md18 Mollie M, dau, 25, md23, single Minnie Wardlow, grdau 10m
_____________________ | _Ransom LAWSON ___________________| | (1844 - ....) m 1870 | | |_____________________ | | |--Martha Ann "Annie" KNUCKLES | (1872 - 1929) | _Unknown ____________ | | |_Sarah Ann "Aunt Sally" KNUCKLES _| (1829 - 1907) m 1870 | |_Mary NUCKLES _______+ (1816 - 1852)
[18404] Dist 1 J Milton Miller �tab�38 7/1861 m13y KY KY KY Annie Miller �tab�28 wife 4/1872 6/6 KY KY KY John Miller �tab�15 so n 1/1885 KY James Miller �tab�13 son 3/1887 (informant Annie death cert 1929) Jefferson Miller �tab�9 son 7/1890 KY Lula Miller �tab�7 dau, 8/1892 kY W McKinley Miller �tab�5 son 5/1895 KY Thomas J Miller �tab�3 son 5/1897 KY (next door cousin John Henderson, Hence, Knuckles)
[18405] Four Mile John M Miller �tab�49 head Annie Miller �tab�36 wife Thomas J Miller �tab�14 son Lydia Miller �tab�10 dau Badie Miller �tab�6 dau Eliza Miller �tab�4 dau Ora Miller �tab�6/12 dau James Miller �tab�80 uncle
[18406] Four Mile Milt Miller �tab�59 head KY KY KY Allie Miller �tab�50 TN TN TN Bedie Miller �tab�13 dau Eliza Miller �tab�12 dau Ova Miller �tab�10 son
Death Certificate
Marriage Record- County Record Books
[22784] Marriage Record- County Record Books, Book G, p.187.
__________________________________ | _John Henderson "Hence" KNUCKLES _| | (1851 - 1923) m 1872 | | |_Sarah Ann "Aunt Sally" KNUCKLES _+ | (1829 - 1907) | |--Martha J KNUCKLES | (1874 - 1950) | __________________________________ | | |_Sarah SAYLOR ____________________| m 1872 | |__________________________________
[19256] HH195 Theolopolus Lewis, head, 5/1876, 24, KY KY KY Martha J, wife 10/1876, 23 m3y 2/1 Oscar, son, 9/1899 KY
[19257] Deed Book 53 Page 522 Decatur Co, IN This indenture witnesseth that Martha J Lewis and her husband Theo Lewis of Bell County in the State of Kentucky convey and warrant to John R Knuckles of Decature County in the State of Indiana for the sum of Four Hund red Dollars the following real estate in Decature County in the State of Indiana to wit: Lot No. Nine (9) in Burney Indiana. IN witness whereof the said Martha J Lewis and Theo Lewis have hereunto set their hands and se al this 28th day of Mrch A.D. 1903. Martha J Lewis (Seal) Theo Lewis (Seal ) State of Kentucky} Bell County } SS Before me E E Hurst , Clerk, i and for said County this the 28th day of Ma rch A.D. 1903 Martah J Lewis and Theo Lewis acknowledged the executi on of the annexed deed. Witnessed my hand and seal this the 28th day of Ma rch 1903. E E Hurst, Clerk (Seal) Recorded August 10, A.D. 1903 at 11 a.m., Aaron Parker, Recorder. �i�Martha Knuckles Lewis was a second cousin of John R Knuckles, a dau of his fathers niece Mary.�/i�
[19258] HH79 Theo G Lewis, head, 33 md12y Martha, wfie, 33, 5/4 KY KY KY Oscar, son, 10, KY Allen, son, 8, KY Jack, son 7 KY Chester, son, 4 KY
[19259] McCraken Rd, HH376 R J Lewis, head, 64 md KY KY KY Fannie, wife, 79 KY KY KY Chester S, son, 30 M, KY Bessie, dau in law, 25, M KY Nancy Morgan, mother in law, 82, widow, KY KY KY T G Lewis, son, 42, M, KY Martha, dau in law, 42 M KY Oscar, grson, 20 single, KY Allen, grson, 18 single, KY Jack, grson, 16, single, KY Chester, grson, 14, KY
[19260] HH74 Theo Lewis, head, 52 md 52 KY KY KY Martha, wife, 52 md 52 KY KY KY Allen, son, 29, single, KY Chester, son, 25, single, KY HH73 Jack Lewis, head, 27 md 24 Nora, wife, 20 md17 Jack Jr son, 2y1m KY HH72 R J Lewis, head, 75 md34 KY KY KY Fannie, wife, 69 md 28 KY KY KY Chester, son 39 md 24 KY Bess, wife, 36 md21 KY Jimmy J, son 4y3m KY
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_Father of James, Mourning, Joseph & William NUCKLES _ | _John KNUCKLES ______| | (1805 - ....) m 1839| | |______________________________________________________ | | |--Martha Jane KNUCKLES | (1854 - ....) | ______________________________________________________ | | |_Margaret HORNE _____| (1806 - ....) m 1839| |______________________________________________________
_Aaron or Anson COLLINS _ | (1810 - ....) _Solomon Collins KNUCKLES _| | (1844 - 1910) m 1864 | | |_Mary NUCKLES ___________+ | (1816 - 1852) | |--Martha Jane KNUCKLES | (1875 - ....) | _John HELTON ____________ | | (1809 - ....) m 1832 |_Elizabeth "Betsy" HELTON _| (1843 - 1940) m 1864 | |_Jemima OSBORN __________ m 1832
[12566] Solomon Knuckles �tab�56 Elizebeth Knuckles �tab�56 Marthy J Baker �tab�24 M9y, 1/1 Living With Parents, Not With Husband Alexander Baker �tab�8
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_John Franklin NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1852 - 1930) m 1877 _James Edward KNUCKLES _| | (1888 - 1936) m 1914 | | |_Martha Jane PADGETT ______+ | (1853 - 1937) m 1877 | |--Martha Jane KNUCKLES | (1921 - 1986) | _Righter Lafayette SKAGGS _ | | (1866 - ....) |_Cora Mae SKAGGS _______| (1898 - 1985) m 1914 | |_Josie HAMMONS ____________ (1871 - ....)
_John KNUCKLES ______+ | (1805 - ....) m 1834 _John J KNUCKLES ____| | (1836 - 1910) | | |_Catherine FORBES ___ | (.... - 1836) m 1834 | |--Martha Jane "Jennie" KNUCKLES | (1878 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Frances ____________| (1834 - 1900) | |_____________________
[15964] John Nuckles �tab�85 Margaret Nuckles �tab�69 wife Elizabeth Nuckles �tab�28 dau Martha J. Nuckles �tab�2 grdau
_Arvid Benjamin KNUCKLES _+ | (1878 - 1965) m 1899 _Lawrence B KNUCKLES _| | (1899 - 1940) m 1920 | | |_Irene "Renia" MITCHUM ___+ | (1874 - 1952) m 1899 | |--Martha P KNUCKLES | | _Owen SIZEMORE ___________ | | |_Ella SIZEMORE _______| (1902 - 1937) m 1920 | |_Keeney MITCHEM __________
_____________________ | _Wilkerson SLUSHER __| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Martha Slusher (Roark) KNUCKLES | (1904 - ....) | _John FARMER ________ | | (1850 - 1931) |_Margaret KNUCKLES __| (1882 - 1922) | |_Hannah KNUCKLES ____+ (1858 - ....)
_Lorenzo Dow KNUCKLES __+ | (1850 - 1928) m 1868 _Sterling Price "Coon" KNUCKLES _| | (1887 - 1933) m 1909 | | |_Easter Emeline COUNTS _+ | (1851 - 1912) m 1868 | |--Marvin KNUCKLES | | _John SCONCE ___________ | | (1864 - ....) |_Florence Ethel SCONCE __________| (1890 - 1982) m 1909 | |________________________
_Joseph Elzie KNUCKLES _+ | (1914 - 1983) m 1937 _Hershel Lee KNUCKLES _| | | | |_Lucy COFFEY ___________+ | (1922 - 2001) m 1937 | |--Marvin Dwayne KNUCKLES | | ________________________ | | |_Elsie Louise GABBARD _| | |________________________
_John Franklin NUCKOLLS ___+ | (1852 - 1930) m 1877 _James Edward KNUCKLES _| | (1888 - 1936) m 1914 | | |_Martha Jane PADGETT ______+ | (1853 - 1937) m 1877 | |--Marvin Henry KNUCKLES | (1917 - 2008) | _Righter Lafayette SKAGGS _ | | (1866 - ....) |_Cora Mae SKAGGS _______| (1898 - 1985) m 1914 | |_Josie HAMMONS ____________ (1871 - ....)
_James Edward KNUCKLES _+ | (1888 - 1936) m 1914 _Marvin Henry KNUCKLES ____| | (1917 - 2008) m 1940 | | |_Cora Mae SKAGGS _______+ | (1898 - 1985) m 1914 | |--Marvin Leon KNUCKLES | | _Benjamin Huff JOHNSON _ | | |_Goldene Margaret JOHNSON _| (1924 - 2006) m 1940 | |_Bertha JONES __________
__________________________________ | _John Henderson "Hence" KNUCKLES _____| | (1851 - 1923) m 1866 | | |_Sarah Ann "Aunt Sally" KNUCKLES _+ | (1829 - 1907) | |--Mary KNUCKLES | (1874 - ....) | __________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth Emeline "Betsy" HONEYCUTT _| (1842 - ....) m 1866 | |__________________________________
_Robert Boyd "Robin" KNUCKLES _+ | (1852 - 1937) m 1882 _Robert Boyd KNUCKLES _| | (1888 - 1974) m 1906 | | |_Martha FARMER ________________+ | (1864 - 1901) m 1882 | |--Mary KNUCKLES | (1918 - 1920) | _Elhanon SIZEMORE _____________+ | | (1858 - 1941) m 1879 |_Lillie SIZEMORE ______| (1888 - 1973) m 1906 | |_Nancy MATTINGLY ______________+ (1858 - 1930) m 1879
Kentucky Birth Records 1911-1960
_____________________ | _Elza "Lige" KNUCKLES _| | (1901 - 1945) m 1920 | | |_____________________ | | |--Mary KNUCKLES | (1927 - 1930) | _William S PERKINS __ | | |_Bettie PERKINS _______| (1903 - 1945) m 1920 | |_Sarah ______________
Kentucky Birth Records 1911-1960