Wichita Falls Texas - New Century Club

New Century Club - Wichita Falls Texas 1901

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From the columns of Wichita Falls, Texas, first Newspaper— 
The Wichita Herald, April 4, 1901 we take the following article

“The New Century Club”

The above is the name of the new club recently organized by
a number of ladies of Wichita Falls, for Literary study, and 
social pleasure - ;The officers of the club are 
as follows -

Mrs. Darnell, President

Miss Virgie Brooks, Secretary 

Mrs. Mittenthal Treasurer

Other members of the club are, Mesdanes Montgomery, Jourdan, 
Walsh, Bacon, Richolt, Schaefer, and Huckaby and 
Missess Dora Coons, Lenna Thomas, and Fannie Stocking.

The Club met with Miss Virgie Brooks yesterday afternoon 
and disposed of the following programme— 


 Subject——— William Cullen Bryant 

Roll Call — Quotations from Bryant

Sketch of Bryant—— Mrs. Bacon

Bryant as a Poet—— Mrs. Richolt


To a Water Fowl—— Mrs. Montgomery

What Water is Meant

What is the meaning of Thanatopsis

What and Where is Canterbury 
Who do Pilgrims Journey Thither

Items of Interest

The Club enters upon its career of usefulness, with fair prospects,
and the Herald wishes it success. It meets once each week, and will
assemble next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Dora Coons.

It is a far cry, in point of time, since the above was written
—naturally, in the space of thirty—three years, 
many changes have taken place—But the New Century Club 
is still meeting “once a week-on Wednesday mornings,—
now, in the homes of its members with a “Luncheon
—meeting” once a month at the Women’s Forum.

From the Club records we find that the New Century Club, was
organized March 9th, 1901 and May of the same year was federated 
with the State Federation. Its active membership is limited to 
twenty women all interested, as were the women of the early days, 
in “Literary Study,” and social pleasure” and 
in recent years, have devoted much time to the study of Art, the
Sciences and Government affairs also problems of the home & children
as do most Women’s Clubs. It also has several associates and
one Honorary member. 

In its past thirty three years of Federation, the Club has been
Honored by having several of its members hold important places on
State Committees besides, one having been State treasurer of the
Federation, and also District President. The Club has always been
active in Civic and Charitable enterprises, and maintains a
Scholorship fund for a worthy student in Junior College of Wichita
Falls, so far, having helped two students through school. Also one of
its members with her husband in the year 1927 made a donation~ of a
wonderful Library to the Junior College, and is constantly adding to
it the latest books of History, Reference, and fiction.

The Club is always ready to co—operate with others in the
upbuilding and betterment of Wichita Falls, and is affiliated with
the Woman’s Forum, an organization devoted to the cultural life
of all women of this city.

Complying with the request of the Federation, that club Extension be
stressed. The New Century Club has sponsored the organization of four
outstanding Clubs of Wichita Falls, viz - The Twentieth Century. The
New Century, Jr., The Century, and the 1930 Study Club.

    The present officers, 1933—34 of the Club are

Mrs. Jno. L. Waggoner,	   President
Mrs. C. W. Gilliland,	   Vice President
Mrs. W. P. Bolging	        Rec. Pre
Mrs. W. D. Cline	        Cor Secretary
Mrs. T. P. Duncan	        Treasurer
Mrs. Mack Thomas	        Historian
Mrs. J. C. A. Guest	    Federation Director
Mrs. Geo. H. Wilson	    Parliamentatian
Mrs. Lucille Brooks Huff	Critic
Mrs. C. Vt. Snider	        Forum Representative
Mrs. Fred Copper	        Press reporter

Other Active Members are— 

Mrs. C. B. Felder 
Mrs. W. J. Grisham 
Mrs. C. R. Hartsook 
Mrs. J. S. Hargett 
Mrs. J. L. Jackson
Mrs. T.T.T. Reese
Mrs. C. M. Raby
Mrs.R. E. Sheperd
Mrs. Jason Walker.

Honorary Member

Mrs. S. H. Burnside          Washington D. C.

Associate Members

Mrs. C. J. Barnard
Mrs. J. A. Fisher
Mrs. D. G. Whitney

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