History of the First Baptist Church in Burkburnett, TX

History of the First Baptist Church in Burkburnett, TX 1890 - 1934

Not sure of the source of this material - was in a collection of typed histories

It appears to have been written about 1934

First Baptist Church Burkburnett Texas

(this history was probably written about 1934 - on Letterhead from Alexander Hardware Company in Burkburnett - J.M. Alexander, Manager)

The Baptist Church at this place was organized in 1890. In a schoo1 building, that was before Burkburnett was born, with a membership of 8 to start with, Rev. J.W. Morgan was the first Pastor here.

Built the first frame Church in 1907 at a cost of about $1000.00. And in 1925 they built a nice brick church that we have at the present time, at a cost of $70,000.00 and we have it fu1ly paid out of debt.

Rev Miles B. Hayse is the present Pastor Present membership of 630 members.

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