Clay County Texas War Memorial - 1987

Clay County Texas War Memorial - 1987

A newly erected monument made of Lone Star Red Granite bears the names of 98 Clay County residents who died in service during World War I, World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War. The dedication was held on Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, 1987 at the northwest corner of Clay County Courthouse square in Henrietta.

The invocation was by Army Col. (Ret.) Jimmie Yarbrough, Chaplain and posting of colors was by soldiers stationed at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. A flyover of jets from Sheppard Air Force Base in the missing man formation began the ceremonies at 11:11am (scheduled to coincide with time and date of the anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended World War I).

Leading the unveiling ceremony was John Bragg, Commander of Henrietta American Legion Post and T.C. Parker, Commander of Henrietta Veterans of Foreign Wars. Henrietta High School band played the national anthem under the direction of George Strickland and Ruth Hyde.

The memorial is the effort of the Clay County War Memorial Committee, which solicited $20,000 from businesses, organizations and individuals under the leadership of Bob Bunting, honorary chairman of the group.

Names on the memorial are:


Orrin S. Carlon

Elton L. Edmonson

W.E. "Wards" Edwards, Jr.

Jay N. Greer

Lee Davis Ikard

Dee H. Jackson

Alois H. Lindemann

Thomas J. McMahon

Frank G. McSpadden

Willie E. Patton

George L. Porter

Euclid O. Simmons

Walter J. Swain

Elbert Hughes Wilson


Arthur J. Adams

Velmer W. "Buck" Alison

Clarence W. Bell

Kenneth E. Berryhill

Clifford L. "Bucky" Boyd

J.M. Brazeal

Elwood Brooks

John W. Brown

Luther W. Browning

Larry Dale Caffey

W.R. Carey

J.W. "Friday" Chambers

J.C. Clark

Selestino Cortez

Hammond H. Cox

William Dawson

Ernest "Buddy" Dodd

Kenneth Duewall

Cecil L. Faulkner

James W. Fenley

Thomas S. Gill

Rubert Gordon Griffin

Clifton Hammer

John W. "Jake" Harris

Hershell J.H. Hill

Basil R. Isaacs

Robert Johnson

James O. Kelton

H. Lawrence

Dillard W. Lee Sr.

Alvis Dale Lemon Jr.

Victor S. Lewis

C.L. Loftin

William Clark Lyde

Melvin Marshall

Kenneth McCrary

Norris D. McDaniel

Albert E. Middleton

Herbert Mikeworth

J.L. Mikeworth

Seldon T. Miller

Bennie Joe Morton

Guinn Murdock

Nolen Pannell

Bruck Marvin Priddy

Weldon Rawlings

Clifton Reed

Robert G. Reynolds

James M. Roach

William W. Roberts

George C. Sanford

Herman Monroe Seeds

Delton D. Shilling Jr.

Boyce Joe Simons

Albert E. Smith

Harold H. Smith

J.B. "Pete" Smith

Stanley D. Smith

Bob Reed Smyers

Major C. Thonton

Dave T. Threadgill

Harvey L. Tyson

L.J. Vincent

Bethel E. Walters

Jack T. Warnock

Earl Ray "Bo" Wilson


Conrad James Armel

Walter L. Jones

Johnnie R. Long

Jimmie L. Lovell

Gene Smith

Jimmie Lee Smith

Ted L. Tolleson

Delbert Wood


Mike Aston

Robert "Red" Denton

James Edward Edgemon

Robert Neal Groves

Danny Wayne Hargis

James Gary Hinch

Larry Miller

Gregory Paul Powers

Gus Blakely Robinson

Herman Alvin

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