Pomquets POMQUET BANKS, Antigonish County

Sandbanks in Georges Bay.

POMQUET CHAPEL, Antigonish County

So named because the old chapel was located there.  It was established as a postal way
office in 1864.  In 1898 it was a fishing and farming settlement with three stores, a sawmill
and a church and a population of 150.

POMQUET CREEK,  Antigonish County

Flows north-west to Antigonish Harbour.

POMQUET FORKS, Antigonish County

This settlement is east of Antigonish and at the forks of the road from Pomquet leading to
Antigonish and Tracadie and over to St. Andrews and in another direction up the Black River.

The first school in the district was in a log house on the west side of Pomquet River were
Joseph Grant was the teacher.  In 1848 Donald Chisholm was teaching thirty-four pupils
in the school at Pomquet Forks.  A postal way office was established in 1855 and
Mrs. M. Chisholm was in charge in 1868.

POMQUET HARBOUR, Antigonish County

A harbour on Georges Bay.

POMQUET ISLAND, Antigonish County

This is an island on Georges Bay.  Part of the Island was granted to John Hosterman who
also had a grant of 800 acres on the mainland opposite.  Colonel Timothy Hierlihy had a
licence to occupy part of the island to carry on fisheries operations.  There is a lighthouse
which was first established in 1868.

POMQUET LAKE, Antigonish County

A lake east of Antigonish.

POMQUET POINT, Antigonish County

A point on the south shore of Georges Bay at the entrance to Pomquet harbour also called
McKenna Point.  Peter DeYoung and others had a license to occupy it for the fishery.

POMQUET RIVER, Antigonish County

Flows north into Pomquet Harbour.

POMQUET ROAD, Antigonish County

An anchorage for ships in Georges Bay.

POMQUET STATION, Antigonish County

A settlement east of Antigonish on the Canadian National Railway line which led to its
development.  The populati in 1956 was 147.