Black River BLACK RIVER, Antigonish County

A river which flows northwest into the Pomquet River and thence into Pomquet Harbour
and also a settlement southeast of Antigonish.

The district was part of Beauly until it was divided in 1887 and section east of the
Caledonia was called Black River.  In 1891 there was a further subdivision as a portion of
Black River was renamed Blackavon and another portion Glassburn.

Alexander McNeil was the teacher in 1847-48 and early settlers were named Chisholm,
Grant, McDonald, McIntyre, McKinnon, McNeil and MacPherson.  It was a farming district
but in 1871 had a sawmill and a cooper and a population of one hundred.

It became a way office in 1863 and in 1868 Donald Chisholm was the way office keeper