Elston Yeager 1897-1977
Elston Gray Yaeger
Born: April 06, 1897.Died October, 1977.
(World War Service Record, Rochester & Monroe County Vol. II, p.1713)
Yaeger, Elston Gray, 87 Pembroke Rochester, New York. Entered the service at Indianapolis, Indiana May 28, 1918 at the age of 21 years, in the U.S. Naval Reserve Force. Served, Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois, from June 20, 1918 to September 5, 1918; inactive duty to October 18, 1818; Naval Unit Perdue University, LaFayette, Indiana to November 11, 1918. Seamen 2d class, 167 days; Seamen. Released from active duty December 21. 1918. Discharge date not reported.