SCHS Application Form
Socorro County Historical Society
P. O. Box 923
Socorro, NM  87801-0923

Membership Application

Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms                                                                                     .
Name (Please Print)


City, State, Zip Code+4

  (               )                                                                            .
Telephone Number including Area Code

                   Signature                                                         Date

         Annual Society Dues                 $15.00
          Substaining Membership         $35.00
          Contributing Membership        $50.00
          Donor Membership                   $75.00

I (we) would like to make a donation to the Socorro County Historical Society in the amount of
$           .  These funds may be:

              Used by the Society as its needs determine.
              Used only for Hammel Museum restoration and promotion activities.
              Others (please specify)


I (we) would like to support the Society by:

              Volunteering to work at the Muesum (                                                )
                                                                                            telephone number
                          Serving as a tour guide on when the museum is open.
                                                   (Currently the first Saturday of each month)
                          Work parties to clean and perform maintenance at the Museum.

              Donating the following skills, equipment or materials:


Thank you for your interest in the Society.  Please enclose a check for the amount of
dues and mail to the above address.