Monmouth County New Jersey Genealogy Monmouth Co.




If you have any books or CDs on Monmouth County or have access to cemeteries, churches, court houses, etc., and are willing to volunteer to do lookups, I would be delighted to hear from you. Please see the USGenWeb FAQ page on Copyrights. Thanks

Write here to volunteer!

Guidelines when requesting a look-up:
  1. Click on the title of the book and it will give you the appropriate mail form.
  2. Put MONMOUTH LOOKUP in caps as subject of message. This will ensure that your request is not accidentally overlooked or deleted. There's so much mail on the Internet, sometimes important things get lost.
  3. Put the name of book or place where you are requesting the lookup in the first line of the message. Many volunteers help with more than one and need to know what you are looking for in order to help you successsfully.
  4. Limit your request to 1 or 2 specific names.
    Asking for ALL the marriages on a surname of Brown, Jones or Smith will probably be ignored or request denied.
  5. Remember - the Resource person is a volunteer, and is doing you a favor. Please treat them with respect and patience.

List of resources available for look-ups:

This page is maintained for the NJAHGP by
Richard and Kathleen Pettys

Please report any errors so that they may be corrected. Thanks

Copyright 2003 NJMonmouth County AHGP