---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol IX No. 52 SHARPSBURG, PA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1886. Price five cents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE HERALD ESTABLISHED 1878 Issued Every Saturday Morning by Jos. A RATTIGAN, Founder and Proprietor. Printing Publications and Business office in Bank Block, corner Main and North Ca- nal Streets, (second floor) Sharpsburg, Pa. THIS PAPER Is furnished, mailed or delivered, for the low rate of One Dollar per year with the understanding that such be paid in advance. Parties who will not comply must pay an additional fifty cents. We positively will not deviate from this rule in any case. --------- Borough Officers of Sharpsburg, Burgess -- George T. LEWIS Council -- George J. WERTZ, 2 years; J.F. SCHMITT, 2 years; T.H. GALLAGHER, 1 year; John CASEY, 1 year; T.J. MURPHY, 3 years; George H. HOHN, 3 years. Committee -- Finance, GALLAGHER, WERTZ, Streets, HOHN, MURPHY; Gas and Borough Property, CASEY, WERTZ; Police, WERTZ, SMITH; Water, GALLAGHER, HOHN. Clerk -- J.A. RATTIGAN Solicitor -- J.D. SHAFFER Regular meeting night of Council, 1st Tuesday of each month. Treasurer -- Henry SMITH High Constable -- Alex SMITH Justices of the Peace -- Geo. D. ROACH, William ROBINSON. Police -- John STEWART, Fred SEIFRED Constable-- C.D. THACHER Assessor -- Alex SMITH School Directors -- J.I. ROBINSON, J.L. KIRK, Jerome RAUM, John CHRISTOFFEL, R.M. COYLE, Geo. D. McMORRAN. ----- Etna Borough Officers Burgess -- W.G. SMITH Council -- Joseph ACKERMAN, 3 years; Jacob DIETRICH, 3 years; Chas STOLL, 2 years, M. HAMMOND, 2 years; Ed EICHENLAUB, 1 year; E.A. PATTERSON, 1 ye ar. Clerk -- Robert MALONE Council meets on the first Monday of each month. Council Committees -- Finance, ACKERMAN. PATTERSON, HAMMOND; Police, HAMMOND, STOLL, DEITRICH; Ordinance, EICHENLAUB, ACKERMAN, HAMMOND; Printing, DIETRICH, EICHENLAUB, STOLL; Health, STOLL, EICHENLAUB, PATTERSON; Streets, PATTERSON, DIETRICH, ACKER- MAN. School Directors -- Geo. A. CHALFANT, Dr. W.B. KROESEN, Thomas J. FORD, H.W. OCHSE, Rev. A.H. CALVERT, J.S. HUNTER. Justices of the Peace -- J.L. ELSESSER, E.P. THOMAS. Assessor -- W.H. STEWART Constable -- Phil HEIST Police -- John ENGBARTH Health Physician -- Dr. W.B. KROESEN Solicitor -- Thos. J. FORD Street Commissioner -- Jesse TYLER Tax Collector -- John McCHONEY --------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL --------------------------------------------------------- WM. M. BRINTON, M.D. Office cor. 13th and Middle Streets, near W. P. R. R. depot Office Hours 12m. to 1, P.M.; 5 to 7 P.M. ---------- S. W.S. DINSMORE, M.D. HOMEOPATHIST, Sharpsburg, Pa Office Hours 7 to 9 A.M.; 2 to 4 & 6 to 8 P.M. ---------- G. R. B. ROBINSON, M.D. Main St., near Presbyterian Church Sharpsburg, Pa. ---------- J.H. SILVEY, M.D. Main Street, between 16th and 17th Office Hours -- 8 to 9 a.m., 12 to 2 p.m. 6 to 8 p.m. SHARPSBURG, PA --------- Dr. J.W. BOISOL, Successor to G.R. ENGLAND DENTIST Sharpsburg, Pa. Main Street. opposite Fifth ----------- D.F. McINTOSH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Middle street, above Fourteenth. Office hours -- 8 to 10 A.M., 12 to 2 P.M., 6 TO 8. ---------- Dr. W.E. JOHNSTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Butler street, near P.O. - Etna, Pa --------------------------------------------------------- ATTORNEYS AT LAW --------------------------------------------------------- W.P. POTTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, and solicitor of Parents, City office 400 Grant street, Pittsburg. Residence corner Fifteenth and Main streets, Sharpsburg. ---------- Thos. J. FORD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 96 Diamond street, room second floor, Pitts- burg. ---------- George WANNER Notary Public,
Insurance and Passenger Agent
For the Inman, American, Bremen,
Baltimore, Hamberger, Italian,
National, Red-Star, Rot-
terdam Lines.
Australian and Hungarian Lines,
Railroad Tickets to all parts of the United
States and Europe.
Drafts and money orders to all parts of
Europe -- Switzerland, France, England and
Office days at C.H. WANNER'S barber shop
Main street, Mondays, Wednesdays and
Saturdays, Pittsburg Office, 168 Main street,
South Side.
That paid a Handsome Investment. The Trot-
ter "Gold Dust's" First Strides to Glory.
It is a fact not known to the general
public, that to a Sharpsburger belongs
the credit of first bringing into prom-
inent notice the famous trotting horse,
"Gold Dust," Which some years ago
made all the circuits, and captured
the hearts of the sporting fraternity,
not to mention the one's of those who
take in the races, from the fact that
their weakness lies in that direction.
When a resident of Chicago, in
1866, John KAMMER, now a host of
our Pleasant Valley, was employed
by a liquor dealer named Hugh TUR-
NEY. And if there was any one thing
that TURNEY dearly loved it was a
bunch of horseflesh and bones, that
could get up and knock chunks off the
cobble stones. KAMMER also had a
taste for speedy nags, and could tell
one after a hasty scrutiny. One day a
farmer from Chicago came to the
firm's stable with a load of hay. KAM-
MER was there when he drove along,
and his eye caught sight of the little
dark horse hitched to the ladders.
He noticed that there was mettle in
him, and after some palavar succeeded
in getting a trade, giving one of the
firm's horses, and securing the other
with a little cash as boot. Then he
showed his new purchase to TURNEY,
who concluded that "such a bunch of
bones" was a poor investment. The
horse was poor looking; no mistake,
and the sharp back bone of him could
split rain drops without struggling long.
KAMMER took all the "chaff" the
boys threw at him, and set to bringing
out his nag. After one week he trot-
ted him in 2:40 like a whistle; actually
got away with his boss, who drove a
spanking black, in which he had in-
vested not only money, but pride.
Not many weeks after TURNEY paid to
KAMMER $225.00 in clean cash for the
colt -- for at that time he was but aged
five years -- and thought he had a bar-
gain. Then he put him on the track
where, after training, the dainty, little
roadster scored a record of 2:28 -- vir-
tually a quick jump from hay-ladders
to satin-lined sulky. TURNEY held him
for some weeks then disposed of him to
a fancier for $5,000. Afterward the
horse got into a circus and became re-
nowned for tricks as well as speed.
At all events, this is the history of
little "Gold Dust's" advent into fame's
arena. He was fitly named; so old Hugh
TURNEY, of Chicago, thought, and the
same was KAMMER willing to swear to.
For sale -- a farm with 26 acres of land
With frame dwelling, well fenced, good
orchard and land in high state of cultivation
Located in West Deer township 5 miles
from Harmarville station. For further in-
formation address or apply to J. G. ARMS-
TRONG. Harmarville station, W.P.R.R.
For sale -- 78 building lots in Steph-
M n's plan, Etna. Are 24X100, Price
from $50 to $200 each, according to location.
Easy payments: Enquire of Henry OCHSE,
Etna, Pa.
For sale -- a house and lot located on
Seventeenth street, Sharpsburg. For terms
inquire at the F. & M. Bank.
Wanted -- A boy 12 to 15 years of
age to attend stock on a farm above
Freeport. Steady place for a good boy.
Enquire of C.C. ??????, No. 1830 Mid-
dle street Sharpsburg.
Wanted -- Lodgers for two front
rooms at No. 1310 North Canal
street. Desirable location. Enquire on
the premises.
Wanted -- A good steady German girl,
for general house work. Wages $7.00
a week. Apply at the great five and ten cent
Wanted -- 3000 farmers at KEILS Drug
store to buy Horse and Cattle powders.
Sample package free.
For lovers of a
Delightful Shaves, or
Fashionable Hair-cut
-- is --
Etna shaving parlor
Ladies' and Children's hair cut-
ting and Shampooing a Specialty.
If you want to buy your friend a
present, don't forget to call and see
the fine display of fancy goods and
Christmas cards at BELLMAN'S, 818
Main street.
Of Alarm Boxes, Tower and Bell, and Complete
Outfit Suitable for our Wants
As mentioned in the proceedings of
Council, to be found elsewhere , the
authorities have closed a contract for a
complete fire alarm service, to be put
up by the GAMEWELL Company, of New
York City.
The representative of the concern,
Mr. ROLFE, an oily-tonged plaid-suited
specimen of the eastern "commercial
tourist," was on deck when the meet-
ing of Council was called to order
Tuesday night. He submitted his
papers showing that the GAMEWELL
apparatus was in use in 1,200 towns in
the United States. Two other firms
sent in bids for alarm apparatus, but
the explanation offered by Mr. ROLFE
seemed to win over the opinions at
Council. The cost of the entire ser
vice is $917, this amount being, as the
agent stated, $200 less than the same
had been furnished other places. A
few members objected to the ontlay,
fearing that the appropriation of $60,
000 for water works would not allow
of any further expenditures at present.
Then the agent advised that they
adopt the street signal boxes, leaving
out the tower gong. Mr. SMITH ob-
jected to this as he argued that a pub-
lic alarm was needed equally as much
as the one to warn the engineer at the works.
in the storm at this point, but Mr.
Fire-Alarm-Man seemed determined to
push his energies farther. He made
the proposition to put I the wires --
amounting to three miles in length --
three signal boxes, one for each pre-
cinct, a gong signal at the works to
give notice to the engineer in case of
fire, also An automatic clock to con-
structed as to indicate at any ???? the
regular or irregular working of the
Still the town gong seemed to be a
thing desired by Council. Seeing that
they leaned that way so unanimously,
Mr. ROLFE made a second proposal to
the effect that he would put in the
tower gong and wait on the money one
year. If at the end of that time it
was not satisfactory he would take it
away. The money for the other ap-
paratus to be paid as soon as in work-
ing order. An action was taken at
once and the offer accepted. Mr.
ROLFE was instructed to draw up the
contract and with the Borough Com-
mittee meet the Solicitor. He claims
the system will be in operation after
sixty days. The tower gong -- when
any one of the three precinct boxes
are rung -- will sound the number; as
also will the gong at the works, the
Chief's house and Captains of the
companies. The GAMEWELL system is
the same as is in Pittsbugh and
Allegheny for fire and police signals.
Nine hundred and seventeen dollars
may sem a great deal of money, but
the service rendered by such a con-
trivance may save that amount on the
occasions of one fire.
DIED - On Sunday Evening, December <-----OBITUARY
4th 1880, at 10:15, Mrs. Eliza RATTIGAN,
aged 63 years.
Dead! Yielding up to God her spirit.
A life well spent did cease.
A child of He who nobly rules
This earth! Wish all men made her peace.
twas thus she died;
She, our mother, trusting in that will
Which makes all men equal,
Breathed His name--then all was still.
Dead! A simple bier - a form
Icy is Death's cold chill
Lay there, and like one in sleep,
It appeared; twas mute and lifeless still.
And in these years of time
Now passing, but recorded, ah ! yes,
On memory's page.
Her name -- "Mother" -- oft we bless.
At last the New Schedule is Adopted by the
West Penn.
It is quite likely by the time this
paper reaches the public a new sched-
ule will have gone into effect on the
West Penn. The growling has been
continuous on the part of the patrons so
that the company at last concluded to
make a change. The schedule was to
have a change. The schedule was to
have gone into effect last evening.
The substance of this change will
virtually be the replacing of the old
Freeport accommodation, now the Ap-
pollo. Frank DIXON will be in charge.
It will reach here at 1:30, cityward.
The mail will be a half an hour later
than now, and another accommodation
train will follow at 3:00 o'clock. From
the city there will be the Market, Ex-
press, one train at 4:30, another at
5:30, and still another at 6:40. These
are the changes we hear of, and the
news will be good for those who exper-
ience the present inconvenience. As
near as we can tell the time of trains
as stated above is correct. If there be
any difference it will be slight.
A desperate battle between a refac-
tory convict and several prison officials
at the Western Penitentiary Monday
last, resulted in the shooting of the
former by Deputy Warden McKEAN.
The prisoner, Geo. B. McWATT, known
within the walls as No. 7663, resisted
the officer with a knife he had con-
cealed about his person and in the
struggle McKEAN was compelled to
shoot him in order to save the lives of
himself ans companions. He was hit
in the groin and died later. McWATT
in from Jefferson county, serving nine
years sentence for highway robbery.
He became involved in a dispute with
the gatekeeper, who ordered him to
lift a box. Instead of obeying the
order he rushed furiously upon the
officer with uplifted knife. The latter
warded him off as best he could. Of-
ficer McILWAINE, who was near by, ran
to the assistance of the gateman, and
the desperate man then turned on him.
He also managed to escape the blow,
and for a moment the convict, con-
fronted by the two men, stood at bay,
undecided what to do. With fury in
his eyes he again ran at the two
officers, but without inflicting injury
on them. This is the second difficulty
with prisoners within a week's time.
For several weeks one of the helpers
at MOORHEAD'S nail mill was a man
named FAUST, who claimed to be from
Lancaster county. Possibly he was,
but this has nothing to do with the lit-
tle episode. FAUST sudenly disap-
peared and a detective was sent after
him, not with a Christmas present of a
sealskin overcoat, but he wants him
back in this neighborhood to answer
to a charge of larceny. When he
akipped two gold watches were missed.
One belonged to Relton THOMPSON,
with whom he boarded, and the other
was a messmate's named COOK. The
victims are swearing vengence on him,
piled three feet high, if he comes back
-- if he does.
There landed at the wharf near the
Rising Sun House, Pine Creek, one
day last week, a stick of timber 116
feet long -- the largest piece of wood
ever floated down the Allegheny -- that
lumberman know of. It came from
Warren, and was exhibited to many
curiosity seekers. The depth of it
through is seventeen inches, by sixteen
inches in width. "There is nothing
English, about this, you know."
In making up the forms for this issue an
error occired on the fourth page of the pa-
per. The matter, instead of reading from
left to right, isthe reverse, hense a blunder
that is often liable to happen, occured. To
get out such a large amount of matter has
been considerable of a task, hence in the
rush the mistake happened, for which we
now tender an explanation. The editor has
been strictly sober all week, recollect, but to
prepare a Holiday number and get through
with the President's Message, all in five
days, is bound to mix things somewhat.
That Broken Joint Caused the Late Delay--
Applicants Stirring About.
If all the applications handed to
people desiring, were to come in that
permits might be issued the string of
plumbers needed to attend all calls for
services would reach the length of
some of our short streets. 'Despite the
near approach of freezing weather
people are just as anxious now for the
water, as during the summer months.
Joe HOLZHEIMER had his service con-
nections completed Wednesday, as al-
so C. H. WANNER, but the water could
not be turned into the pipes with any
considerable pressure until the broken
"T" near the well was repaired. This
is promised to be 'done by Monday
morning, sure. There are now eleven
permits issued to parties in different
parts of the town.
The builders are quite slow about
getting the wood work finished. The
doors and windows were being put in
last Tuesday, quite late considering
the cold weather that the inmates of
the station had to work through. Once
all the Iittle differences are adjusted
there will be no further drawbacks.
The worst is now over.
For the benefit of those wishing to
complete the necessary service connec-
tions we state that the mains can be
tapped at any time the permits are
handed the superintendent.
Association Notes.
A class for the study of German
has been organized at the Y. M. C. A.
rooms, which will meet on Tuesday
and Friday evenings, at 6:45, city
time., The first lesson will be given
on next Tuesday evening, at which
time all who desire, to join the class
will be in charge of Prof. J.W. BUTT-
LER and will take a course of twenty-
four lessons.
On Thursday evening, December
16, a talk will be given by J.H.
SHAFFER, Esq., at the rooms of the
Young Men's Christian Association.
Good music will also be furnished, and
a cordial invitation is extended to all
Time, 7:30.
In Pieces
SMITH & Co., who have the contract
of removing the old truck house, con-
cluded instead of "sledding" it down to
take it apart and thus get it to the de-
sired place with less trouble and ex-
pense. The entire building is now
down, and nothing but a few remnants
of timber mark the place where it
stood so long.
A Change in Program.
The G.A.R. Fair committee desires
to make known of a change in even-
ing's program, There will be no danc-
ing's hereafter. Entertainments of an-
other description are to be substituted.
-The A.Y.M., that has headquar-
ters in KEIL'S building elected officers
Thursday night.
-Don't pay car fare when you can
buy your liquor at home, at wholesale
prices by calling at F. & T. HUCKE-
-The firm of GRAHAM &
FARMERIE, Etna, has dissolved
partnership, and
sold out to a new one from Bennett
station. The transfer was made Tues-
day, and the new people are in con-
-As a result of the late supper
by the ladies of the Grace church in
the National House, a few days ago,
one hundred dollars was the sum
cleared. This evidences that there
was some interest taken. Those who
sat down to that tempting supper are
still talking about it.
As the result of a wager, Frank
BOWYER, a farmer living near Dayton,
Ohio, the other day began work at
sunrise and at 4 o'clock in the after-
noon had husked and cribbed eighty
two bushels of corn -- seventy two
pounds to the bushel. Can any of
your Butler county farmers beat that?
--- Butler Herald
Curt CALENDAR Ccalculated for Callers who
Drop in and out of Town.
Mrs. J.C. CAMERON is visiting here
from Bradford.
Miss Emma CLAYBURG is here from
Allegheny City.
Rudolph MENZER is visiting here
from Beaver Falls.
Prof. PAULSON will open his school
the first week in January.
Danny BUCKLEY is to have a watch
raffled for his benefit on New years day.
Mrs. J.L. MCELDOWNEY is a visi-
tor at J.J. KEIL'S, to remain until after the
Phil FLYNN, of pipe laying fame, has
promised the burg a visit some of these days.
But he don't want any Indians on deck.
are hard down to their oars pulling for su-
premacy in the surgical instruments compet-
ing race.
Frank DIXON, smiles again. But
you should just see Hanna, we mean the vet
eran who hails from Springdale, and dotes
on spring chickens.
Mrs E. R. GIBSON entertained a
number of lady friends at luncheon last
Wednesday noon. The spread was a tempt-
ing sample of culinary art.
Adam COOK, a born and bred
Sharpsburg boy, now of the South Side, Pitts-
burg, was here to see us Tuesday; shining
silk hat and all. Come again
Master John RAMSEY is home from
his old country visit. He is taller by sever-
al inches, and otherwise changed since the
wee lad he was the time he left us.
Harry A KEIL, brother to George
E. KEIL, of this place was married to Miss
Emma A. FENN. Both are from the city.
The affair took place Thursday night.
This office's sanctum had a pop call
from the flourishing Hampton township
resident Samuel CHESSMAN. He has a stout
grip on business, and means to keep on the
John ACKERMAN announces that
he is in the field to try his chances for Jus-
tice of the Peace, intending to fight under
the Democratic standard, at February's con-
Mr. Al F. HEMPHILL, and Miss
Cassie SHAFFER were united in marriage
Thursday evening. The groom is a Little <----MARRIAGE
Washingtonian, while his newly wedded is
a daughter to Mrs. C RIETHMILLER Sr.
After a residence here of a period
covering forty years, William BURNS left us
Thursday to seek new pastures at Homestead.
His family left yesterday. William, we un-
derstand, will assume the duties of a lucra-
tive office at the steel works. Both James
and Willie are now employed by the Carnegie
Scholars Who are Studious.
Roll of honor for school month end-
ing December 6th, 1866
James WAKEFIELD, Alfred JONES. Fred
die BALBACK, John BALBACK, Berdie
Roy HUMES, Edith HEIL, Birdie
Harry COOK, Bell PRITCHARD, Mary
BEATTY, Isabella PARK.
Anna MULLER, Edward STECH, Samuel
Lottie MORGAN, Dora COOK, Flora
John FREW, Flora YOUNG, Bessie
George PFUSH, Francis PARK, Douglas
The annual election for seven di-
rectors to serve for the ensuing year
will be held at the Banking House,
on Tuesday, January 11th, 1887, between the
hours of 3 and 5 P.M.
R.M. COYLE, cashier.
Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Sharps-
burg, Pa. December 10th 1886.
For bargains in holiday goods go
to Saint & Monath's
Items Here and There --Gleanings of Gossip and
Passing Events of Local Interest,
-- Ice skating is the rage.
-- Mornings cool; ditto nights.
-- Christmas signs on all sides.
-- Etna had a $900 fire last Sunday
--A fire alarm system now. Whew!
-- Turkey time is again fast ap-
--The Christmas tree can now be
safely ordered.
--Secure a copy of this week's issue,
and mail to a friend.
-- The tapping of the water mains
now goes cheerfully on.
-- All kinds sewing machine needles
and oil, at Saint & Monath's.
-- SPEER the druggist, in Post office
block has a standard line of fine soaps.
-- A choice lot of opples just receiv-
ed at HARTUNG'S meat and vegetable
-- A full line Gents and Ladies club
skates from 23cts., up, at Saint & Mo-
-- The new schedule on the West
Penn, as projected, fills the bill
-- Something new! Christmas tree
holders to hold any size trees, at Saint
& Monath's.
-- Largest assortment of Christmas
and New Year cards, at BELLMAN'S, 818
Main street.
--Don't fail to visit BILLUP'S photo-
graph gallery. Sixth and Main streets.
Fine tin types.
-- an invoice of fine furniture just
arrived at P.H.YOUNG'S South
Main street.
-- The stock of apples by the barrel,
or small measure at HARTUNG'S cannot
be surpassed.
-- You will find groceries marked
Away down at FISHER'S grocery, Main,
street, near, Ninth.
--The frost has reached a depth of
over a foot in the ground, and this
makes hard digging.
-- Groceries guaranteed at city pric-
es to be had at J. G. FISHER'S, Main
street, near Ninth.
-- Gents if you wanta dandy Christ-
mass card, don't forget to call at BELL-
MAN'S 818 Main street.
-- Deal at HARTUNG'S and save mon-
ey on your meat and vegetable pur-
--The largest and finest assortment of
Christmas and New Year cards in
town, at BELLMAN'S, 818 Main street.
-- It is almost a sure thing now about
the skating rink opening between the
holidays. Now, boys and girls, clap
-- Eggs are quoted as, being scarce.
We were going to remark about the
hens striking for more pay, but you
know they are not devoted to Knights
of Labor. They take the days for it,
--Go to KINTZ Bros., the leading
photographers, and have some fine cab-
inets taken. We warrant all our
work, and give satisfaction or return
your money. Gallery on Tenth street,
-- Now school in Sharpsburg for both
sexes. Grammar and higher grades.
Beginning January 3d., 1887. Term,
twelve weeks. Accommodation excel-
lent. Inquire of W. N. PAULSON, Thir-
teenth street, Sharpsburg, Pa.
-- Clay street, from Eleventh to
Ninth, is partly submerged. The ice in
the gutter and on the sidewalk is
causing much inconvenience. At the
corner of Eleventh street, the crossing
stones are not in sight altogether.
-- John WALKER, of Run Creek, sued
Culver BUCKINGHAM, of Washington
county, in the Greene county courts to
get possession of some lands which are
now decided to be in Washington
county, and the suit will probably be
Two Popular Customs which Prevailed
Among the Settlers Away-Back-How
the Apple Butter was Made-Filling
the Home Made Flannel.
I have seen many newspaper accounts
recently of customs that prevailed among
the settlers away back, all of them born
of necessity. But there were two that
prevailed in Coshocton the county is
which I was raised in the great old state
of Ohio, that seems to have been over
looked or probably entirely forgotten.
One of them was apple butter boiling and
the other was flannel kicking. Talk about
the fun they had at apple cuttings, corn
huskings, quiltings, etc., but for genuine,
uproarious fun flannel kicking would
knock them all out in one round. Every
new house had its old one, which was left
standing, generally In close proximity to
the new, which was used for all manner
of purposes. the old fashioned I-loom,
which almost every thrifty farmer pos-
sessed, was set up there. The big broad
fireplace, 5 or 6 feet wide, with Its big
crane on which to hang heavy kettles and
pots, was always In order and was used
when boiling the apple butter, a large
copper kettle always being used for the
purpose. But few families could afford
the luxury of a large copper kettle, conse-
quently one served a large neighborhood,
going the rounds every apple butter sea-
"The log house was usually but one
large room. It took two couples to boil
apple butter -- always two fellows with
their best girls. It required constant stir-
ring, which was usually done with
a board about 5 Inches wide by
about 2 feet long, with holes bored
through it and a handle about 4 feet long,
so that the fellow and his best girl could
handle It easily. While they stirred the
other couple were having a most delight-
ful time off in one corner of the room,
there being no light except a dim, relig-
ious one from the fire. Of course they
changed places quite frequently, for the
couple at the handle could not endure
that kind of thing for any length of time,
knowing what a high old time the other
couple were having away off in the cor-
ner. They were being deprived of their
opportunities. This thing usually lasted
all night, and as a rule the little party
were not interrupted by meddlers, and
they had a blissful season free from the
rude gaze of any one.
"But the crowning glory, the boss fun,
was the flannel kicking. As l have before
stated, almost every old house had Its
loom, on which the women wove flannels
--linsey woolsey, casinets and linen. I
sigh for the days when I use to wear this
home made linen. Pillow slips, sheets,
shirts, pants and short tailed roundabouts
all made off the same piece of goods.
There were no long tailed summer coats
in those days. This linen was stout, and
if a boy or even a good sized man caught
the seat of his pants on a splinter in climb-
ing a rail fence or on a nail he hung there.
It would hold him every time.
"The flannel was usually woven in
webs, or pieces of 30 or 40 yards, and of
course It had to be fulled before It was In
proper condition to be made up into gar-
ments. Fulling mills were a thing almost
unheard of in that country at that
time, and some way must be devised to
thicken up or full the flannel, and they
did It to perfection. I have attended
many a "kicking," and my recollection of
them is as vivid as if it had occurred but
a year ago.
"The boys and girls of the neighbor-
hood--which took In a range of several
miles--were notified that on a certain
evening they were going to have a flannel
kicking, and it needed no urging to gather
in enough to make up a party. The flannel
was placed in a loose pile in the middle of
the floor--usually in that same old log
house--chairs were placed around it,
forming a complete circle. The boys and
girls filled the chairs, and then a plow
line or rope was passed around the out-
side of the chairs, drawn through the
backs, to hold them in position. Of course
the performers all faced toward the flan-
nel. The boys, with their trowsers rolled
up above their knees; and the girls -- well,
the girls In those days were not lncum-
bered with as much toggery as they wear
"Soapsuds--as hot as the operators
could possibly bear it--was then poured
on the flannel, and then the fun com-
menced in dead earnest, every one kick-
ing the pile-of flannel for dear life--the
boys laughing and yelling, the girls
screaming, and the soapsuds spirting up
and out in reckless prodigality. When
the suds became absorbed and began to
cool more hot suds were poured on, and
then a fresh outburst of kicking and spirt-
ing, laughing and screaming began, their
feet and legs looking as red as boiled lob-
"This usually lasted about three hours,
the old folks pouring on the hot soapsuds
and looking and enjoying the thing about
as much as the younger ones,. It was rare
fun, and the writer of this article remem-
bers it better than almost anything else in
the way of parties in his young days. Of
course the work was not so well done as
It Is done nowadays in the mills, but it
answered the purpose, and everybody was
satisfied with it. Alas for the days that
will never come back, the days when all
these customs prevailed in Coshocton
county."--"Walhanding" in Chicago
A.T. STEWART'S Remains.
W.A. CROFFUT, of The Washington post,
says that the remains of A. T. STEWART
lie in the cathedral at Garden City; that
Mrs. STEWART consented to pay the rob-
bers $25,000, and that the money was paid
and the bones were handed, over to an
agent of hers on a hill in Westchester
county at the dead of night. Mr. CROFFUT
says he had the story from a member of
the HILTON family.--Detroit Free Press.
There was No Need to Scold.
An old gentleman in Baltimore who
used to be troubled by young men sitting
up with his daughters until a late hour,
settled the callers by appearing promptly
at 11 o'clock and giving each of them a
ticket for a 10 cent lodging house. He
never scolded or acted in an emphatic
manner, because there wasn't any need of
it. -- Washington Critic.
Use for Love Letters.
A Somerville girl has had her room
papered with old love letters written to
her by rejected suitors. YOUNGMEN who
propose to pay court to her in future will
be more likely to win her favor of they
write only on one side of the paper. --
Somerville Journal
Our actions of to-day are the thoughts
???? ???????? ??? ?? ??????.
The Attention of Little Folks to his
Annual Declaration on the Subject of Progress.
Boys And Girls
I suppose as you cast your eyes
across the river to the Eighteenth
ward, and gaze upon the bleak and
barren hill tops, the trees devoid of
foliage, and listen to the retreating
echos of a howling dog; that we are
unhappy and miserable. But let me
disabuse your minds of all such no-
tions. Come over and size us up; take
an invoice of our material improve-
ments and find out that we are the
most contented people this side of Die-
men's Land. Of course, we have no
new water works; ours are old but we
have a new railroad station, which if
you have not seen you have certainly
heard about. It is awful nice. Its
architecture is the most modern. Its
waiting rooms are cozy, and its office
revels in oriental grandeur. Tropical
plants bedeck its spacious windows,
and the winter's sun as it strikes the
rich red curtains, and plays among
the fur of the tabby cut perched upon
the window sill, produces the most
pleasing effect. Natural gas is used
in heating and illuminating the same,
and should you drop in some warm
day and show evidence of being chilly
"the flower behind the throne" appre-
ciates your needs and immediately the
gas flares up and you are made com-
fortable. For this we are thankful.
Notwithstanding the decline of
dairy products caused by the great
exportation of our goats, less than a
year ago, we are pleased to say that
there loss has been retrieved and we
now have more of these rich milk pro-
ducing animals than at any other time.
in our history, and we don't eat any
oleomargarine when we know it.
The people generally have improv-
ed,and this year is utterly devoid of
a single case of cruelty to animals,
notwithstanding the fact that the Wil-
liam and Nancy goats congregate in
and around the bake ovens, prome-
nade on the back porches at unseemly
hours of the night, and occasionally
invade a cellar for their desert, not one
of them has had its back broken with
an iron poker, or its ribs staved in
with a number 9 boot. We might say
much more about natural gas, new
boardwalks, new residences etc., etc.,
but our space is limited, and we will
close by withing you a merry Christ-
mas and Happy New Year.
We Want All
Ladies to know that GARNIER has open-
ed a cutting and pattern room in con-
nection with his dressmaking empor-
ium, No. 944 Penn avenue. GARNIER is
now prepared to do cutting of every
description to actual measure on short
notice. Patterns to measure, furnished
on application. Dressmaking in
the latest styles at reasonable prices.
Special attention given to coat making.
Ladies living outside of the city, when
buying suits can leave us there meas-
ure and have their dresses sent by ex-
press. We make suits to measure, and
guarantee a perfect fit without fitting
GARNIER'S Dress Making Emporium,
44 Penn avenue.
Girls wanted to learn dressmaking.
For Sale
A house of eight rooms, in good or-
der, with necessary outbuildings, good
water at the door, hard and soft. Lot
110 feet fronting on Freeport road, and
running back 500 feet to W. P. R. R.,
With fruit trees. This property is the
old NOBLE estate, O'Hara township.
Good title, clear of incumbrance For
further information enquire of
Sharpsburg, Pa.
For Sale
And can be seen at H.A. RIEF'S
tin store, a "Splendid" double heating
Fire Place, nearly new, and will be
disposed of low. Call and see it.
"Friend YOUNG, of the Valley News,
says his Thanksgiving turkey got mis-
laid on the way. So did ours, but we
went to the store and bought one.
Sam, the presentation of turkeys to
printers on public occasions was a
good old time custom, but, alas, it is
more honored in the breach than the
observance. Well, Sam, we both have
one consolation. We are not bound
to give thanks to any giver. We paid
for our turkeys," says that Editor
ZIEGLER out in Butler.
--The great slaughter in tobacco
and cigars. Fifty centy for a fine box of
cigars, fifty cents for a box of tobies,
twenty five cents for a pound of
smoking tobacco including a turkey
pipe. Twenty five cents for a pound
of chewing tobacco, and a great re-
duction in all kinds of pipes and no-
tions of all kinds. T. OBENAUF & Son
Etna, Pa.
Pure five year old Guekenheimer,
at $1.00 per quart, at F. & T. HUCK-
Bits of Untold History that Go to Make up items
of Interest. Fifty Years Back
in Time's Tablet.
When one begins to seek after the
early history of this borough he finds
that there are still many alive, and
hearty at that, who tread the ground
half a century ago, which now has
changed as if by magic. Sharpsburg,
has her share of old 'uns. It is sur-
prising when you learn how large the
number is who have seen the sun go
down over the neighboring hills for
40, 50 and 60 years past. We have.
prepared a list of these persons, and
each week, for one mouth, will give
to our readers portraits and short
sketches of their lives. That it will
prove interesting to all we feel as-
sured, at least hope so to our utmost.
Down around the corner of Ferry
street, and near the planing mill, was
where John BAIRD first saw the light
of day.
John is not the oldest inhabitant,
but he is one of two who were born in
the place, and hence has been with us
for 51 years, consequently making him
a fit subject of note in our review of
His father came here in 1827, one
year after James SHARP, and built
the little brick house which then stood
alone in a clearing. On September 28,
1835, John began asserting his in-
dependence after the usual style of
little ones--and they say he was a lively
Youngster from the day of his birth--
which must naturally account for his
rugged health today. He was as fond
of the water as the typical duck,
Could swim, hunt, fish and also handle
his fists in a way that made his limited of
number "chums" rather regard him as
something more than an ordinary "kid."
His father helped dig the canal from
the locks that stood where the old
West Penn freight station is down to
the dock at Pine Creek, the contractor
being Philip MILLER, uncle to the present
Philip MILLER, still a resident.
John was quite small at this time, but
it was not long until he managed to
spread. When T.H. GIBSON retired
partially from clerical duties and open-
ed a grocery on the corner of the
present Tenth and North Canal streets,
John concluded he would take a hand
at handling the scoop. He was with
GIBSON a number of years and proved
an apt chap, which report GIBSON
makes to this day of him. Along in
1856 he concluded that matrimony
was one of the needed things to en-
gage in, so he married a daughter of
the deceased John ENGLAND, who <----(WEDDING)
died not many years ago of consumption.
The nuptial knot was adjusted by his
employer, T. H. GIBSON, who was a
local preacher of considerable note,
and conducted services here and
there through the country. The title of
"Rev" he did not drop until sometime
in the 60's. BAIRD afterward
went into the saw mill, learning the
trade of sawyer. He has still an ex-
cellent recollection of the town's early
days and knew everyone within forty
miles of the place. Now at the age
of 51, the indications are that he will
live to see what will be the ultimate
result of Sharpsburg's enterprise. He
is the father of four Children, two
girls and two boys, and lives on Main
street, near Town Hall, in one of a
row of houses among the first erected
in the borough.
That away up Northeast State, New
Hampshire, is accountable for a por-
tion of the growth of our sister borough
Etna. On the banks of the Merrimac
river, where the hum of machinery
keeps time with the ripples of that an-
cient stream, is where Robert CHESS-
MAN, one of Etna's oldest citizens was
born on January 19, 1820.
With true Yankee instinct Robert,
when a youth of scarce 15 years, concluded
to pull up "stakes and git over the country."
His route was to Buffalo and then Erie.
From this latter place he came to Etna by
stage, reaching the town in 1834. Of the
trip he often recalls incidents. The vehicles
employed in the service were the old-
fashioned rumbling affairs, with horses
just to match. All along the route
he and his fellow passengers under-
went the worst of all troubles in stage
life --that of occasionally getting out
and giving the team a lift. CHESS-
MAN asserts that on account of these
mishaps he believes he footed a great-
er part of the distance. When once
here he found himself about as bad
off in this world's goods as is usual
with those who start out in life for a
fortune. But he was a plucky lad,
had a keen sense of bargaining and
never felt at a loss for an answer to
questions. In 1840 he went into the
employ of the elder SPANG, as a nailer,
but kept a strict eye during odd hours
to dealing in horses. In this he be-
came an expert, meeting his match
but once; and that was shortly before
the election of James BUCHANNAN to
the Presidency. A man named COL-
LINS got the better of him in a "hoss"
trade, and if COLLINS was around here
this minute the writer would feel like
telling him quietly, "Napoleon wasn't
a patch to you." CHESSMAN married <----(MARRIAGE)
a daughter to David STEWART in 1840.
STEWART was one of the first settlers
after WILKINS, and the time, previous
to its adoption of "Etna," got the
name of "Stewartstown" from old
father David STEWART. In 1857 Mrs.
CHESSMAN died leaving three children
who are still alive. CHESSMAN mar- <----(2nd MARRIAGE)
ried again and three more was the
result of this union. As the town
grew he found his property increase
in value and he left the mill to give
attention to a more lucrative business.
His first wife brought him consider-
able property and he commenced
building as rapidly as possible. In a
few years he was so conditioned as to
occupy a place among the solid men,
and now we find him still farther in
that rank. He owns extensive prop-
erty on Bridge street, where he resides,
on Sycamore street, and here and
there in most all sections of the
borough of Etna; also some valuable
real estate in the cities. Some years
ago he invested in Kansas lands which
have since become valuable. Several
fine ranches comprise his Western
tract, while another in Texas is equal-
ly paying. His family of sons are
pretty well scattered. Samuel, the
eldest, is flourishing in Hampton
township; married and possessed of
numerous joys that go to make up a
happy household. Orian is in Kan-
sas on a ranch, and it doing well.
George is near Topeka engaged in
stock raising, and some years ago mar-
ed a Scotch lady, whose father is a
land owner in that locality. Ewert
is in Texas also, ranching. and Otis,
the fair haired youth and youngest of
the flock, changed his address some
time ago to Pullman, Ill. Mrs Alex
SMITH of this place, is the only
As has been said of Mr.CHESSMAN'S
pushing disposition in the forgoing
sketch, the fact can be noted, and
only in justice to him, that if there
were more of such men in the com-
munity, our chances would be much
better for both places and people. He
is shrewd, close in business; but square
as a die, and when he says "yes" or
"no" he means it. He is a devoted
financier, and as fast as capital ac-
cumulates he places it where the
benefit will be distributed, that of
building constantly. Labor is thus re-
warded and growth added to the
towns. At the age of 67 he is still
in excellent health, always possessed
of a keen sense of wit, a ready bar-
gainer, and as good a citizen as the
walls of these United States, enclose.
At the age of 62 years Jacob KEIL
still lives, hale and hearty, and full of
vim and vitality. He is one of our old
'uns. He was born in Darmstadt,
Germany, in 1824, and came to Etna
in 1845 Eleven years after this, he
secured a position as helper at a heat-
furnace, a SPANG'S mill, and the
heater was Lewis W. LEWIS. After-
ward manager of the VESUVIUS works
When LEWIS left SPANG'S to come
over here, KIEL came with him and
helped at the furnace until LEWIS
stepped into the management's shoes.
Some time prior to this date KEIL
rented the Union Hotel, now occupied
by host Jerome RAUM, but when KEIL
moved in Lawrence WINCHEL had just
vacated it. He soon obtained license
for selling Iiquor which was the first
granted in the borough for ten years
Mrs. KEIL conducted the hotel which
did a flourishing trade, and "pap"
stood up before his furnace.
He was one of the organizers
of the first brass band in the
town, mention of which will be
made in a later issue during the month,
and tooted the great, big, old-fashioned
brass horn with a bell shaped like a
dinky engine stack.
In 1858 he was elected Burgess, and
again in 1865, also held the position
of school director several terms. His
political career ended in November,
1879, when he was a candidate for
Register of Wills on the Greenback
ticket, but met with defeat. From here
he became puddler boss at the Keystone
mill, city, under management of
his son, Peter KEIL Jr. He was at this
position four years, then retired. Not
long ago he was installed as watchman
at the BENNETT bridge, and there
still remains.
KEIL in his time was considered
heavy weight of these towns, and his
four sons are now there in fair shape.
Not long ago, the father and the boys
were photographed in a group, and
from that picture our illustration above
is taken. The family was also weigh-
ed at that time, the result being over
eleven hundred pounds of KEIL, which
does not indicate that any consumption
sprang from the parent tree. KEIL
was quite well-to-do in his time, but
reverses came that rather shattered his
possessions. His first loss was on the
Work House contract. He built kilns
and made all the brick for that insti-
tution at Claremont, but the job did
not prove a paying investment. He
lives comfortably at his home, Seventh
street, with his wife, now well up in
years, but the picture of health and
as spry of movement as when she cat-
ered to her guests when hostess of the
old Union House.
The KEIL boys are all living with
the exception of one who met a sad
death. He was drowned in a well the
day of the Corner stone laying at St.
Mary's church,. Peter is at Pittsburg,
Ed and George at Allegheny and
Jake is a wide awake dispenser of
physic in the Borough.
Page 4
and Reaped the reward. Pen Portrait of our
Sister Borough's Commercial Prince.
John L. ROBERTSON'S Career.
Back of the great, high book' keep-
er's desk in the extensive salesroom of
SPANG, CHALFANT & Co., Etna, the en-
trance leads you to a comfortable ap-
partment designated as the manager's
room; and in the official chair, with
slightly silvered locks -- for time has
used its favorite coloring with a mas-
ter hand--the visitor nods; a smile
bedecks the good natured visage which
is turned to receive him, and the pic-
ture of John L. ROBERTSON, rests on
the easel, which must for the time be
an imaginary one.
ln his father's store, near the Ohio
town of Steubenville, we find Master
ROBERTSON a clerk, away back in the
40's. The duties being so combined
as not to allow his absence from work
during the day, the hopeful lad took
up his studies at early morn, and after
business hours in the evening found
John at his books, the picture of dili-
gence, and among his classmates at the
evening city night school none could
master his exercises with more grace
or finish. Tiring of Steubenville he
made his way up to Pittsburg, secur-
ing a position in the store of William
GARRARD, on Market street. This was
in the year 1849, and one year later
he changed quarters to the establish-
ment of Thomas JEFFREY'S, working
early and late until the constant and
laborous duties began telling on his
health. This position he left to enter
as salesman with B.C. SHACKLET & Co.,
and so successfully did he conduct the
portion of the business assigned to him
that for six years he was looked upon
as the brains of the concern, accumu-
lating such respect as to not only win
the esteem of his employers, but that
of the houses patrons. After his leav-
ing this firm he took up with William
PICKERSGILL, the pioneer of picture deal-
ers, but as the attractions were not
such as those identified with the dry-
goods business, he remained but a short
time, taking up with his old love of
trade by entering the extensive dry
goods house of McCANDLESS, JAMISON &
Co., where he arose from salesman to
chief accountant, and confidential man-
When in 1865 SPANG, CHALFANT &
Co. concluded that a business manager
was necessary for their store, then a
small business stand compared to the
magnificent structure that now marks
the firm's enterprise, John L. ROBERT-
SON was the man selected, he took
hold of the lines with a will, and any
one acquainted with the subject of our
sketch knows that the will meant a
way. After the erection of the new
building he became much more inter-
ested in the firm's welfare, and by in-
cessent labor has accomplished the
purpose; that when a youth at his
books he laid the foundation.
Besides the immense salesroom of
over 200 feet in length, Mr. ROBERT-
SON has supervision over the several
other departments devoted to stock
that show by their appearance how
well their designer is adapted to con-
trol them. He has a cosy office where
he attends to callers, and on the entire
force of supervising attaches, none
command more respect nor stand in
higher favor than he.
On the hill not far from the store is
the handsome and hearthsome ROBERT-
SON family residence. His estimable
wife and three talented daughters have
created home a bower of happiness.
Miss Annie, the eldest is an artist of
considerable note, having had her
handiwork with the brush compliment-
ed by the leading artists of the city.
At the advanced age of 88 years
the father of Mr. ROBERTSON still
lives. He has also a brother a U.P.
minister in New York City, who has
some fame as an orator. The U.P.
Sunday School of Etna is superintend-
ed by Mr. R., who is also a leading
member of the church. Such men of
merit as he are truly a bright star in
our business circles, and an ornament
to the realms in which social life en-
velopes her cloak.
Page 5
A Reminiscence of Early Days, that Old Ones
will Remember, A Drunken Husband
and Boat Mallet Figure in
the Tragedy.
Twas years that Sharpburg, then but
beginning to don short dresses, and feel herself
of some importance, reveled in occasional
brawls, "high old times" and genuine
land squalls. There existed within her
boundary lines, and close by them, a
lively population of that class which
the present generation sees fit to term
"toughs," and in the absence of all
but a limited amount of police pro-
tection, which we now feel the bene-
fit of, they had sway to their hearts'
None wore the belt of bravado with
more self concern and bullying gusto
than he who made his "quietus" sudden-
ly from his old haunts, after staining
his hands with the blood of his fel-
low man.
Was an acknowledged terror in all the
circles he moved. He came here in
1838--a broad shouldered, specimen
of woodsman, with not to say a crav-
en face, but an eye that told of bad
blood in the veins of its owner, if
once aroused Ben had by times a
jolly way about him. He would
willingly fight for a friend, and just as
cheerfully turn the tables by wallop-
ing the same friend, it in a frenzy of
madness or intoxication the spirit
moved him. He had no particular
occupation. Sometimes with his ax
on his shoulder he would follow the
tow path of the old canal, bound for
some farmer's woods, and that ended
his visits about the canal docks, and
boat landings for a week or more.
Fishing was a hobby with him, and
were it not for the productive Allegh-
eny at that time many a day Ben
might have gone illy provided for.
When in one of his talkative moods
old Billy BUTLER used to spin off some
of BREWER'S history. Billy was a
chum of his often on rambles between
here and Harmarville, and it was said
in those days that, "Ben and Billy were
just as willing to fight as a brace of
wild cats, and about possessed of the
same amount of roughness." BUTLER
was the wrestler and butter, while
BREWER could hit with as telling effect
as the blow
One day the pair was out at a shoot-
ing match near the old KIRKWOOD land-
ing, MONTROSE, when whiskey got the
best of BREWER. He was angered at
BUTLER for throwing him in a wrest-
ling match. BREWER pounded him on
the head--the luckiest place for Billy
to receive punishment -- and in return
Billy gave him such a thump
in the region of the low-
er vest button with that hard
shell cranium of his, that BREWER wilt-
ed. Billy took advantage of the lull
In the storm to steal home, and in
good time, for BREWER made out
to secure a hatchet. And that meant
harm if he got his hands on Billy,
chum as he was.
To show what little fear the man
had, even when battling against great
odds, a little circumstance related by
John BAIRD, may recall to those who
were present on the occasion, its
memories. One warm, spring day,
there was a shooting match down near
where the little creek empties into
the river, a few rods from the old
KELLY saw mill site. The GARNIER
boys were there, one or two of the
DINGLERS, and local crack shots to
the number of two dozen. BAIRD was
a strippling of a youth, who found
amusement listening to yarns of boat-
men, and he usually was around dur-
ing fun. The crowd was shooting
half an hour when up strutted Ben
BREWER. He had been primed up
with enough "tan bark" to be rolick-
ing and quarrelsome. But the crowd
knew him, and he was let alone.
While the shooting was In progress, a
raft floated along, and the half dozen
men at the oars were pointing it for
shore, expecting to land near the mill
wharf. Perhaps they had been taking
their drinking water
For they began yelling at the shooting
party and poking all kinds of jokes
alluding to bad marksmanship, of
course. BREWER returned fire and as
the sluggish flow of water allowed the
craft to move at a snail's pace, there
was plenty of time for words to pass
quick and hot. They bantered BREW-
ER so come out. He threw off his coat,
waded into the water over boot top,
and with cobble stones, regardless of
size or softness, began a fusilade. The
raftmen had nothing to return the
compliment with, and by the time
BREWER got in to his knees he so suc-
cessfully pelted them that one by one
they took to the water, and swam for
the middle of the river. BREWER reach-
ed the raft and shaking his fist at the
retreating "sons of pine" gave them
a parting curse and returned to shore.
The raft floated down, when near the
old track of SPANG'S at the river, the
swimmers overhauled it, satisfied that
they would not meddle with land
lubbers again, especially during the
season cobble stones were ripe.
When not on his fishing excursions
or wild rackets, brewer stayed at home.
His house stood a few rod east of the
old dock bridge at Pine Creek
There was a garden in front and the
lot at the rear extended back consid-
erable distance to the river. This
land has long since disappeared, hav-
ing been washed away by the river,
and there are but a few feet of the old
BREWER lot now extinct. The house
was torn down when the West Penn
track was built in 1867. BREWER
abused his wife frequently, and when
under the influence of liquor often
threatened her life. Her maiden
name was HAMILTON, and she came
from a family living below what was
then called "FARMERIETOWN." Rumor
said that her father was a full blooded
negro, while her mother was white.
BREWER was of a jealous nature, and
partly from this cause he made his
attacks on her more frequent.
One of the well known canal boat
men who made trips each way; was
Captain John NIXON. He lived at
Leechburg, NIXON was aboard his
boat one day toward the latter part
of September, in the year 1851, and
when passing BREWER'S house he heard
the screams of a woman. She was
pleading for her life. NIXON conclu-
ed to go to the rescue, and telling
the boy on the horse to ride ahead
with the boat, and he would overtake
him, entered the little side gate. He
found Brewer beating his wife, and
interceeded for her. BREWER, who was
very drunk, let go his hold on the
terrified woman, and picking up a
caulking mallet, attacked NIXON.
Several blows delivered with giant
force soon stretched the man on the
grass. BREWER was satisfied that he
had killed his victim, so throwing the
mallet on a little flower bed, where
it was afterward found, he boldly
walked over to the keeper of a tav-
ern, and drank freely of whisky.
More demon now than ever, he
returning to the house searched
around for NIXON, who in the mean
time recovered sufficiently to crawl
down among the high weeds. Here
BREWER found him, and renewed the
attack, with his heavy boots he
Until satisfied that life was extinct.
All this was witnessed by his wife,
from a window, and she fearing that
perhaps her fate would be the same,
fled. Whether she gave the alarm or
someone else is not known. Howev-
er a crowd gathered and reached the
dock, as BREWER was making his way
along the tow path. Suspicioning
their errand he started to run. Just
about where the block signal station
stands is the spot he jumped into the
canal and crossed over. Doctor Mc
QUADE, of Etna, was on the plank
road, and when BREWER attempted to
pass, he reached out with his crocked
cane, caught his foot and down he
went, but BREWER was too nimble, and
before the pursuers came up he was
on his feet and away. He ran down
the road a short distance and finally
Swimming it was supposed to the oth-
side, where it was an easy matter for
him to elude the crowd, as darkness
had set in. Some people say he was
seen in the neighborhood afterward,
but accounts of this differ. A letter
reached parties here two years after
the murder. It was from BREWER, who
had shipped on a "whaler" about to
make a seven years' cruise.
Poor NIXON was quite dead when
they carried his body into the neat
little kitchen of the BREWER domicile.
The features were so bruised and cov-
ered with blood as to be scarce recog-
nizable. They waked the remains
there that night, and hundreds of
people came from all quarters. Re-
wards were offered for the murderer's
arrest, but to no avail. He escaped
punishment by the hand of man, and
unless death has stepped in to avenge
the shedding of innocent blood Ben
BREWER still goes a scot free. If liv-
ing he would be in the 70's, so
some of the old inhabitants quote.
A laboring man, of Minerville, Pa., has
patented a car brake. He says it can stop a
freight car running at the rate of thirty-five
miles an hour in fifteen feet, lock the wheels
dead in six or eight seconds and stop a loco-
motive running at the rate of forty miles an
hour before it has moved twenty-five feet.
He has been offered $75,000 for his invention.
Early history of this Borough. When it was
Settled, and the Man who First Put
His Shoulder to the Wheel. Other
Early Inhabitant.
Sharpsburg. Although now occupying
more than ordinary positions
in the circle of out-of-town boroughs,
and suburban cities within a moderate
distance of the smoke begrimmed
and busy Pittsburg, and its sister,
Allegheny, was once but a small dot
on the county map. We find refer-
ences made to it away back when
the red man had a rendesvous in almost
every nook and corner of this section
of country. A portion of BRADDOCK'S
army passed along what is known as
the "Morningside" road, just opposite
here on the hill, and one of the old
WEIBLE family joined its ranks, but a
short time before the great defeat in
which BRADDOCK lost his life, and
WASHINGTON'S star of prominence be-
gan to shine. The town, of course at
that time, was little less than a for-
est. There was a block house, and
good landings where occasional boats
made stops, either for wood or to evade
the prowling Indians, then up to all
manner of devices for exterminating
the white man.
Glancing up on the hill from a
point between Tenth and Clay streets,
on Penn, the eye will rest on a log
structure. This is pointed out to the
stranger as the "first house ever built
in Sharpsburg." And it is James
SHARP, after whom the Borough was
named came here in 1826. He had
resided in Pittsburg since 1797, having
left his home to seek his fortune.
Near Chambersburg, Franklin coun-
ty is where James SHARP, first saw the
light of day, on February 10th, 1784.
There were two log structures when
he came here, but they were unoccupied
and old data does not give and account
of the buildings. They more resembled
store houses for grain, than human
habitations, and as the whole tract was
an immense farm in its early history,
these buildings must have been put up for
that purpose. SHARP began to stir himself
as soon as circumstances would permit.
He built the log dwelling, so faithful-
ly portrayed by our artist at the top
of this column, and afterward added
an addition.
SHARP had married Miss Sarah <---(marriage)
THOMPSON, prior to his coming here,
but she lived only a few years after,
Two children survived her, and he <---(2nd marriage)
again married Miss Isabella STOCK-
MAN. Six children was the result of
this union. and but one remains, Mrs.
Eliza CLARK, who still occupies the
SHARP homestead built in 1842 or
When the canal was constructed
here in 1829 SHARP saw an opportuni-
ty to develop the town. He was pos-
sessed of shrewdness and was not slow
to learn that time would soon see the
foundation laid for a bustling village.
His wife who closely assimilated in the
manners of her husband, aided him
much in all his transactions. He first
turned his attention to the erection of
a frame structure at where is now the
corner of Fifteenth and South Canal
streets, on the exact spots where JAGE-
MAN'S store building stands. Services
were here held on Sunday, and con-
ducted by the first clergyman ever in
the place, Rev. Joseph STOCKMAN, who
was a circuit preacher, and made his
home with the SHARP family each Sun-
day he presided. During the week
school was held in the building, and all
expenses were defrayed by the town's
namesake. He also built another
school house on the COYLE property,
and likewise endowed it with a teacher.
Altogether the SHARP estate com-
prised 136 acres. The line ran from
the river past the Presbyterian church,
back on the hill, and along until it
reached the line of SOCIET'S, father to
Mrs. SEITZ, now deceased, and Mrs.
DETHLEFS, when it took a course to the
river again, zig-zag in shape. All this
land was belonging to the old WILKINS
estate. General WILKINS became fi-
nancially embarrasses, and Mr. SHARP
bought the tract at Sheriff's sale, pay-
ing but a small amount compared with
what property sells for to-day. It was
then known as the "WILKINS Farm.'
The Gen. Lived in Etna at that time
but a place similar to a forest, and oc-
cupied the old "Blue front." still
standing, but remodeled in the time
The present SHARP residence, which
occupies a prominent position on the
hill side, and commands a view of
almost the entire valley below, was
erected, years after Mr. SHARP had
completed his good work. He next
built the old stone house that stood on
the corner of North Canal and
Eleventh streets. For years it went
by the name of "Sharps stone house,"
and was torn down in the early 60's.
The TEMPERANCE House was also an-
other of SHARP's residences. He built
it and opened the first public house in
the town, conducting it as it has
always been since, on the TEMPERANCE
plan, and when he surrended to a new
corner, he settled on the hill, where he
ended his days taking leave of this
world on the 12th of March, 1861. <---(death)
When the Presbyterian congrega-
tion grew to large for its edifice, he
donated an acre of land where the
present church stands. Also did he
make a gift of a plot to the Catholics
nearby, but afterward finding that the
congregations were too close together
he donated the lot where the present
St. Joseph's church stands, also the
cemetery ground on the hill. Rev.
Father GIBBS was the parish priest
here at that time. When the brick
Presbyterian edifice was completed
Rev. James CAMPBELL was given in
charge of the pulpit, This church was
afterward torn down and the present
one erected.
In due time SHARP gave the lot for
the erection of the M.P. church, now
crowned by one of the handsomest
church edifices in the place, and also
the ground on which the old portion
of the present public school building
stands, erected by SHORT & MONTGOM-
ERY, contractors.
A writer in referring to Mr. SHARP,
thus eulogizes him, and that , too truth-
"Mr. SHARP was essentially a gentle-
man of the old school: courteous in
manner, affable in disposition, and gen-
erous in hospitality, he was a man
whom to know was to esteem. Ever
indulgent to those who were under ob-
ligations to him; faithful and prudent
in all trusts confided to his care; in
commercial intercourse always just;
the soul of honor, a man in whom in-
tegrity might see reflected her own
image undimmed by the breath of cal-
umny, untainted by the base slanders
of the age. His moral character was
above reproach."
Mrs. Isabella SHARP survived her
husband twelve years, and reached the
age of seventy-nine. She died August <---(death)
20th, 1873. The old lady was full of'
life until a few days prior to her death.
One cannot step on to the porch of the
old homestead and fail to see the vis-
ion of her; neat black gown, Snowy cap;
and peeping out from under its dainty
frills, a pair of eyes bright as the sun-
beams that dance among the foliage,
yet beaming with the tenderness that the
needy will interpreted. She died as
she lived, a model of the American
women, a sincere Christian, beloved in
the home circle, around which gather-
ed the little family that was so near
and dear to her.
In refering to a certain line of the
SHARP estate, in the foregoing sketch,
mention is made of one SOCIE. He was
an honest old German, who came over
the mountains with his wife and
located in the upper tract, from
Fifteenth street, taking in the hill,
valley, and river lands as far as the
present township line, and in some
places his domain extended past it.
Henry SOCIE was a quiet, matter of
fact man, and with a heart beating
under the old-fashioned waistcoat that
always dictated to do unto all men
that which is right." Mrs. Barbara
SEITZ, who died four years ago, was a <---(death)
daughter to him, and she claimed to
be the first white child born in Sharps-
burg. Often times when in the humor
of talking on old times and incidents,
she would tell of the days when a
walk to the city was considered but a
short errand, and the trip was made
with as little effort as going one-tenth
of the distance nowadays in the age of rapid
steam transit. The NOBLE boys
were the nearest neighbor to her
father's house. They lived together
years in the log house near Guyasuta,
now hid from view by a new addition.
There were Lewis, Clement, Henry
and John, all dead now, and each
ended a life of good among fellow men.
The SOCIE family could speak none but
the German language, and as the four
brothers were only acquainted with the
English tongue, some ridiculous
manoeuvers were resorted to in order
that sociability might be maintained
between the two neighbors. As
batchelors at that time -- for it was
years before the circle was broken by
the inroads of cupid -- they lived the
life true to nature. As was customary
in those days, and is still so in country
districts, neighbors borrowed with as
much freedom as if buying. Mrs.
SEITZ told the writer that when the
NOBLES wanted a single tree, a sickle,
or any implement for the household,
one of them would by motioning to
that article, either in the yard or in
the barn, make known the want. One
day by some accident the NOBLES
broke a skillet. Here was a sad pre-
diciment and a poor show for dinner;
finally John was invested with the
power to go visit SOCIE'S. He came
with the broken article in his hand,
and the kind-hearted Germans were
much pleased that they possessed an
extra one. It was given to the appli-
cant who went away in jolly humor.
This incident was broached to old
"Uncle John" some years before his
death, and he laughed heartily, admit-
ting that it was "just about that way
it happened." He was the only one of
the four who ever married, and he
died on the 22nd of February, 1882. <---(death)
A few doors below the West Penn
depot, at Allegheny, is located the mam-
moth u=3Dinstalment house of Wm. MOYLE.
His stock occupies four floors, at No.
638 Federal street and comprises fur-
niture, house furnishing goods,queens-
ware glassware, silverware, dress goods,
in fact MOYLE'S "Twin City" Installment
House is headquarters for innumerable
necessaries. A special lime of fine fur-
niture and wood ornaments, vases and
lamps for holiday presents. Attention
is called particularly to this line. Rec-
ollect goods sold on installments.
In pursuance of its annual custom,
the Pennsylvania Railroad announces
that Christmas and New Year Excur-
sion Tickets will be sold between all the
principal Ticket stations on the Main
Line and branches. The holiday sea-
son is the one period of the yaer most
exclusively devoted to the interchange
of social visits and the enjoyment of
pleasure trips. In order to encourage
this custom and to offer all possible
benefit tothose who desire to indulge in
holiday pleasures and festivities the
Company reduces the rates durning the
favored period. Excursion tickets will
be sold on December 23rd, 24th, 25th,
30th and 31st 1886, and January 1st
1887, good to return until January 4th
George W. TIGHLMAN and a career which Lead
from Mill to Merchant. His Suc-
cess in our midst.
While making strides toward that
which indicates metropolitan features,
else than mere growth of population,
manufactures and improvements are
needed to accomplish much good for
a town's advancement. Business men
with push are active agents in the be-
half of rapid progress. This want is
felt just as keen as that of other
features, if not more so. The active
merchant will take part in adding to
the interest of a place when most all
other attributes fail totally, or become
weak in their efforts. This borough
may take pride in having among her
ranks some of these men of push , who
are alive to the interests of the public
equally as their own.
In the life of G.W. TILGHMAN we
can clearly portray everything that
"grit" can accomplish. Not among
the score of business men on our
streets is there one more deserving of
compliment than the subject of our
illustration and sketch
In the obscure town of Avalin,
Howard county, Maryland, Mr. TIL-
GHMAN was born in 1843. Avalin is
nine miles from Baltimore. At that
time it contained manufacturing es-
tablishments among them a nail
works. Mr. TILGHMAN'S father was a
blacksmith, but young George, when
he reached the age of ten years, con-
cluded to adopt a different craft. He
entered the "Gun Powder" works and
learned the trade. After some years
he settled down at Washington City,
and accepted a position on the police
force, but his taste not running to
brass buttons and mace, after six
months' service, he left for West Fair-
view, near Harrisburg.
He was here when the war broke
out, and in 1863 concluded
to join the gallant boys then going to
the front in large numbers. He enter-
ed company C., 2d., Maryland Cav
alry, Major BRAGG in command, and
was discharged after six months owing
to delicate health. Returning to Har-
risburg he remained there until 1865,
from which city he came to Sharps-
burg, in August of that year. He ob-
tained employment in the mill of
LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & Co., as feeder,
then afterward went to Harrisburg to
learn the nailing trade. Upon his re-
turn, he secured a position again in
the mill and worked at the whirling
grind stone shoulder to shoulder with
such old timers as the STEWART boys,
Nicholas GOSHORN, Louis MURRAY, Jim
Reese PARKER and the host of others
whose names bear to our readers rec-
ollections of old mill days. In 1885
TILGHMAN married a daughter to Lew- <---(marriage)
is CUPPS Sr., who died not many years
after, and his second marriage was to
his present wife Miss MAHEW. When <---(2nd marriage)
the mill firm dissolved partnership in
1874 he removed east, and came back
in time to commence business in 1879.
His first start was made on a small
scale, in the THOMPSON building, prior
to that date occupied by the HINES
firm. Two years of prosperity spent
there and he changed quarters to his
present location, the PRAGER building,
on Main street, opposite Eighth, where
"TILGHMAN'S No. 801" has become no-
table for miles around us. "Pluck and
enterprise" were the standards he
fought under, coupling then with
honorable dealings and square busi-
ness motives, until now we find him
with one foot resting on the high rung
of the ladder that rewards all who are
In his employ are his son Hardy,
and nephew Will. GALLOWAY, a Har-
risburg youth of staid habits, and
an eye to business. The three make a
trio that keeps their end of the string
stretched tight, and fastened securely,
G.W. TILGHMAN is man among
men that the public, the press, and
purchaser look to as a monument of
untiring zeal in the causes of all that
represents and maintains the good
will of a community socially and mor-
From the way council feels now
the chances are Messrs. CHALFANT and
CHESSMAN, of Etna, will come in for a
share of Allegheny River water sup-
plied by our works. They are to lay
the pipe from the connection at Bridge
street. The solicitor of this town has
discovered that under an Act of Legis-
lature a borough can sell its water to
outside parties, provided the price is
not lower than that paid by the resi-
dents of the town supplying the wa-
ter. It looks as though the granting of
a water right to these one word gentle-
men will be a surety before many days.
With the assistance of the editors
THE HERALD tips its hat to you this
A portion of Clay street can now
be referred to as a nice street. To
throughly enjoy the drift of this joke
it is necessary to investigate--and
mind--let your shoes be low. High
ones would lop off all the cream
Mr. STILZ, of Etna is to be pitied.
A coop of valuable chickens was to-
tally destroyed by fire last Sunday
morning early, and his loss foots up to
nearly $1,000. Gus has spent time
and money in cultivating this indus-
try. He has our sympathy , and wish-
es that his will be better luck next
Editor NEVIN, of the "Leader" is riled
or perhaps something in Grovy's docu-
ment don't please him. He thus thrusts
"President CLEVELAND in his message
declares in favor of a modified free
trade. He will tickle the farmers by
the solicitude they show for their in-
tersts, He endeavors to prove to the
workingman that he is not benefited
bu high tariff, but that the manufac-
turer gets the entire gain. We doubt
if the workingman will be convinced,
In spite of the recent removal of Col-
onel STONE, we now find that President
CLEVELAND is still in favor of civil ser-
vice reform. He is so much in favor
of it that he thinks the salaries of the
civil service commissioners should be
increased. We don't see how this is
going to bring about the reform, unless
the President himself stops putting
out postmaster district attorney's etc
Just because they are Republicans. On
the CUTTING case the President takes
a fine position. While his assump-
tion that the Mexican court convicted
CUTTING for an offense committed in
the United States will not permit a
foreign Government to claim jurisdic-
tion of that sort.
On the silver question he says he
recommends the cessation of the coin-
age of the silver dollar. This is wise.
The document is very long, but not
The plumbers find it cold weather
---to be left.
CLEVY has sent out his message. It
does not require a glass to view it, nor
is there that usual intricate construc-
tion of passages so common to all pub-
lic documents. Clear, conservation, and
pointed; just like the man.
---At the inauguration of Governor
BEAVER the oldest organization in line
will be the Cameron Club, of Phila-
delphia, with 150 members.
---Vessels arriving at Erie from
Chicago encountered ice four inches
thick on entering Lake Erie, and
some vessels are ice bound at the head
of the lake.
---Wm. H. WORTIN, a Philadelphia
jeweler, was shot and instantly killed
in his shop yesterday afternoon by
Oscar WEBER, a customer who had
been ordered out.
---Work was commenced yesterday
a CRAMP's ship yard, Philadelphia, on
the new cruiser for which the contract
was awarded last week. A large force
of men will be employed all winter.
---Hamilton B. ANDERSON, a Latrobe
merchant, while under the influence of
liquor on Saturday night, shot his
wife. Her injuries are serious but not
fatal. ANDERSON is in jail at Greens-
---James MEYERS, an Indiana coun-
ty prisoner in the Westmoreland
county jail, made an attempt to escape
Saturday night. When discovered he
had succeeded in sawing almost
through one of the bars in his cell
And Received the Wounds that Placed Him on
that long Muster Roll. John OCHSE'S
Soldier Career.
Away up in the little hillside grave
yard, Etna, nestling among the num-
ber of white crested companions,
peeps up one monument that marks
the last resting place Private John
J. OCHSE, who laid down his life in de-
fence of that country whose people
shall always cherish the memory of
its defenders, dead or living.
In September, of 1862 COLLIER'S gal-
lant little band of boys from these
towns with bright uniforms and glist-
ening muskets, wrung the hand of
mother, father, sisters, and brothers,
and with a "God speed you all" waf-
ted after them in that bright, clear
day, turned their faces toward the
front, where fighting was growing
fiercer, as each day rolled by.
The subject of our illustration, John
J. OCHSE, was one of Company K.
149th, Regiment P.V., and with him
were such Etna comrades as Henry
John WEISS, Frank and Tom GREGG,*
and the host of others either living to-
day, or sleeping the sleep that only
the last muster call will interrupt.
OCHSE was the only solider of the re-
bellion from our neighboring town of
and whose remains are interred in
that cemetery. There are other
comrades there, but death overtook
them after the long trouble ended.
Born in 1843 OCHSE was, but nineteen
years of age when he marched to the
front. Captain John D. HEIBER, then
a private, was in the same rank with
the deceased most of the time, and at
the memorable battle of the wilder-
ness, May 5th, 1864, was at his side
when he received his fatal wound. A
musket ball struck him in the left
side, far below the heart, but it did
its work. An ambulance conveyed
the wounded man from the field and
the next day he was taken to Wash-
ington City. Henry OCHSE, his fath-
er was telegraphed for, and the meet-
ing between parent and son after a
separation of almost a year was a joy-
ful, yet sad one. The doctor assured
Mr. OCHSE that there were no serious
results anticipated, and after a days
time he returned to Etna. Again he
was called to Washington, and
a third time he was summoned to the
bed side of the dying. The solider
boy breathed his last in his father's
arms on June 24th, 1864, at the
Washington hospital.
As soon as arrangements could be
made the body was brought to Etna.
He died on Tuesday, and the funeral
took place the Saturday following.
A.G. WILLIAMS arranged for a firing
squad, and a detail came out and
camped two days in the vacant lot,
where a portion of HIEBER'S shop now
stands. The day of the funeral was a
hot and sultry one, but despite this
there was an immense crowd. Peo-
ple lined the streets for squares, and
the muffled drum beats sent into ev-
ery heart a thrill. With all honors
due a defender of the Union they
laid him to rest, and on each Mem-
orial day, the little grassy mound is
strewn with flowers, and a wreath of
green decked with the stars and
stripes under which he fought crowns
the white head stone.
The original of the illustration is a
photograph taken in camp a few
weeks prior to the battle in which the
deceased fell. It and a copy are in
possession of his parents.
*Both of the GREGG boys were captured
during an engagement, and confined in An-
dersonville prison, where they died, as so
many others did amid want and scourage.
Their bodies were supposed to have been
buried there, as friends could never get traces
of them.
What the Water Has Cost So far in this Era.
The Etna Problem under Discussion.
Tuesday night was more than the
usual busy one for Council. Besides
acting on the bills, the fire alarm ser-
vice question took up considerable
time. The Gamewell fire apparatus
was exhibited the cost of the same
being $517 --without the tower
gong. A more complete account of
this transaction will be found on the
first page. A committee consisting of
appointed by the chair to call in G.A.
na, regarding the water matter broach-
ed some weeks ago. The duty of this
committee is to see what arrangement
can be made with reference to selling
water to them from our main, pro-
viding that their original proportion
be considered, that of laying their own
According to a verbal statement
made by Mr. WERTZ there is no danger
of the water fund playing out, even
considering the numerous unexpected
outlays, such as fire apparatus, sites
for hose houses and alarm service. A
table shown by Mr. WERTZ shows the
total outlay including everything to be
Works complete, including machinery,
pipes, etc. about $48,000
Engineer's Fee, 2,400
Station Site, 2,500
Hose Carriages, 670
Hoses, 1,200
building of Hose House about, 2,200
Ground 1,800
Fire Alarm Services, 917
Punches, dies, pipe cutter, about 150
These amounts foot up to, in round num-
bers, $59,837. The appropriation was $60,-
000, so there is left the $3,150.00 premium
on the bonds, and all the outlays completed.
The borough is in luck, to say the least
Stray Squibs from that Village of
Vim Towed into the Harbor
of the "Herald"
That mischief of all mischiefs, fire
held another carnival early last Sun-
day morning, selecting as a victim the
extensive hennery owned by Gus STILZ
and located in Little Pine creek, near
the first toll house. The building and
fence caught fire it is supposed from
some sparks that must have spread af-
ter being "slacked" as the practice of
covering the fire had always been kept
up by STILZ, who superintended the
coops in person. Last Saturday night
when leaving he made sure that all
was safe, paying particular attention
to the condition of the fire. The place
was heated by a long flue, and from
here the flames must have got the
start. All the valuable chickens were
burned, together with the coops. The
watch dog tied in the enclosure met
his death, and the flames came near
communicating with an adjoining
building. The loss is over $900, and a
small insurance was on the structure
STILZ thinks he will rebuild again.
Several pairs of ducks were all that
escaped the flames.
Up in Council chamber last Tues-
day evening there was a bang up, red
fire and Chinese time of it among some
of the members. Red hot words, steel
ribbed epithets, and brass mounted
ejaculations fell on the coal-heated
atmosphere like hail. There was no
blood shed, but the wood shed near the
back window heard all and told it.
Gentleman, be calm and collected. The
reputation of Etna Councilmen as
quite, peaceable debators has always
been good; try keep it so.
At the meeting of Council there was
drawn a warrant in $8,000 for Con-
tractor JOYCE, for grading and paving
Bridge street. This is not the entire
amount due him. The retainer will
be paid him after the special meeting
next week.
Etna readers will please remember
that sufficient extra copies of this issue
have been printed to supply an unusual
demand. They can be had at METZ's
drug store and BELLMAN's news depot.
Send a copy to your friends out of
town. Do so each week of our large
issue, and you have expended but a
small sum for a handsome present.
Each copy sells for five cents.
It was reported some days ago that
a proposition had been made to the
Philadelphia Company by a local
capitalist to pipe the town if it would
furnishthe gas, a certain remuneration
to be allowed in return. If there ever
had been such a thing contemplated it
has fallen through. So, the latest re-
ports say.
While making a coupling near Pine
Creek last Wednesday, a brakeman on
the local freight of the Pittsburg &
Western caught his arm between the
bumpers, crushing it so badly that
after his removal to the hospital am-
putation was necessary. He lives at
Passengers who must wait on the
trains at Pine Creek will find better
accommodations now. The station
house has been boarded up and natur-
al gas burns brightly in the stove.
This fuel has also been put in the sig-
nal box, alongside.
Next week's issue will contain por-
traits and sketches of such old resi-
dents of Etna, as Chas. F. SPANG, Dan-
iel HIEBER, Henry OCHSE, Sr. Each
number during the holidays will be
thus adorned.
OCHSE, the patron of Santa Claus at
this season of the year, has something
to say to you in another column.
There is rejoicing in this town, also,
over the projected change in the West
Penn's running schedule.
It beings to look after all as if the
lower end of town would get natural
gas at last.
Consult the large cover ad. of H. F.
Note WAGNER's advertisement to-