--------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOL. 1--NO. 5 SHARPSBURG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1878 PRICE TWO CENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE NEWS. There will be a social hop at the Point View Home on Butler Street, on New Year's Eve, December 31st. ----- A farmer with something less than an acre of land on his boots, entered one of our Etna drug stores and en- quired: "How do you sell postage stamps?" "Three cents apiece, echoed the granger, "that's rather high, ain't it; can't you give me two for five?" The clerk fainted. ----- One of the employes of the Narrow Gauge Railroad informs us that they were obliged to sleep out on the ground and in a caboose car on last Monday night a week, on account of not having a place to lodge. They were informed on leaving Monday morning that they would be furnished lodgings at Evansburg; but on applying at the hotel there they were refused, and on account of their not receiving their pay until Tuesday morning, they were left without shelter and food until Tuesday at noon. If the officers of the road were aware of this they surely would not have let this thing hap- pened. ---------------------------------------- OBITUARY. Mr. J. G. PATTERSON, a well-known resident of Sharpsburg, departed this life on Saturday last at his residence on Main Street. Mr. PATTERSON was an old and re- spected citizen, and beloved by all that knew him. He was a man of good habits, excellent character, and straight-forward principles, ever ready to defend a friend either by word or action; a devoted husband and a kind father. He leaves behind a family who will long cherish his memory and a circle of friends whose recollections of his principles will remain green in their hearts. His remains were interred in the Presbyterian graveyard on Monday last. ----------------------------------------- Superintendancy Appointment. Joseph RAMSEY, Jr., C.E., has re- ceived the appointment of the Super- intendency of the Pittsburg, New Cas- tle and Lake Erie Railroad Company's Narrow Gauge. The above-mentioned is a gentleman of ability in civil en- gineering. As manager of the Belles Gap Narrow Gauge Railroad, he proved himself capable to occupy the position he has been appointed to. Freight and passenger transportation will commence in a short time. As before mentioned in The Herald, the the passenger and coaches have been placed on the track ready for traffic as soon as ballasting is complete. The contract for the completion of the road from Etna to the connection of the West Penn at Pine Creek, has been ????? ?????? ??????. ---------------------------------------- MARRIAGE BELLS. The event of Christmas week was the mar- riage of Robert GRAHAM, Esq., of Etna, to Miss Jennie AYRES of Sharpsburg. The cere- money was performed by Rev. John SCOTT, at the pastoral residence, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 24th. The event was celebrated by a Christmas dinner at the residence of the groom, in Etna, where the newly-married couple intend taking up their abode. At too o'clock, the guests having arrived, dinner was announced, and the following ladies and gentlemen responded to the call: Mr. & Mrs. C.W. McC____, Miss Annie A_____, Miss Mollie F_____, Miss Minnie A_____ Miss Mamie B____, Mr. & Mrs. J.W.____, Mr. John J. K____, Mr. N.G. A____, Mr. Alex. M____, Mr. John A____, Mr. Halsey C____, Mr. George A____, Mr. J.A. R____. After they were seated the genial 'Squire conferred the honor of carving on Mr. N.G. AYRES, who filled the position in a very cred- itable manner, not forgetting the editor, who is exceedingly fond of turkey. The repast was gotten up in fine style, and justice was done to it accordingly. Numerous witticisms were indulged in by the merry party, and punning was the order of the occasion, the 'Squire and the editor not being forgotten when there was a chance for a joke on either of them. The palm for punning was, however, carried off by John J. KEIL, whose monstrous puns were
well applauded. After dinner the company
retired to the parlor and dancing was indulged
in. Miss Mamie BAKER presiding at the piano,
Mr. C. W. McCORD, performing on the violin.
After enjoying "tripping the light fantastic"
for some time, supper was partaken of and
dancing became the order of the evening, and
not before the different alarms chimed the
hour of midnight did the guests think of taking
leave. Congratulations and good wishes were
extended to the happy couple, and the guests
took their departure, highly pleased with the
(The first 15 items are blurred)
Mr. J. J. KEIL entertained the company of
'Squire GRAHAMS with some fine music on the
violin. J.J. is always the life of a party.
Mr. William GABLE has received from
the manufacturer, a fine pair of scull oars.
Mr. GABLE intends going into practice as soon
as the season opens.
Evaline--No, we have not as yet received
any Christmas gift in the way of slippers. If
you intend presenting us with a pair, be sure
and have our coat-of-arms worked in gold in-
sted of myrtle green, as it is getting so com-
As per announcement in last week's
Herald, the Social and Supper of the
Lad??? ???beign Missionary Society, at-
tended to the Union Centenary M. E.
Church, came off on the above dates.
The occasion was inaugurated with an
entertainment consisting of singing
and recitations by some of the mem-
bers of the church. The most notice-
able feature of the entertainment ws
the singing of Mr. Jacob KEIL, Sr., as-
sisted by the Infant CLASS, whose per-
formance brought down the house.
After the entertainment followed the
Sunday School treat. The Sunday
School numbers some 350 members,
and judging from their pleasant looks
a considerable amount of candy was
distributed among them. The Supper
was under the supervision of Mrs. J. J.
McILLYAR, President of the Mission, as-
sisted by Miss Millie HENDERSON and
the Misses SEAVEY. Miss Ida SEAVEY
had charge of the Christmas tree. The
cake table was presided over by Mrs.
JONES and Mrs. J.L. FORSAYTH, whose
taste in arranging their respective
tables is worthy of commendation.
Altogether, the Social was a success.
Social and Supper.
To be held at the Academy Hall, on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings,
Dec. 31st and Jan. 1st. Proceeds for
the benefit of the U. P. Church, Etna.
Admission, 10 cents; admission and
supper, 25 cents.
To the many readers of The Herald we
wish a happy New Year, and many happy
returns thereof. But a few weeks has elapsed
since we first entered in the path of Journalism.
It was then we greeted you with our saluta-
tory, asking your approval and patronage
which you have given liberally. Knowing
that a return of thanks is due the public for
the interest they have taken in our welfare, we
think no time more suitable to exchange good
wishes and thanks than the begining of the
New Year of 1879.
The begining of a new year is the time for
making good resolutions and practices, and
we in order not to be behind in the rule, must
also do the same. We promised in our first
issue to conduct The Herald on a principle
that would gain for it the respect of the people,
and we mean to carry our promise out.
Let whaqt ever will happen, the columns of The
Herald will always contain matter of interest
to our readers; but in order to make our
paper more successful, we would ask our
readers to contribute. Thus far we have re-
ceived but few communications, and some of
them being anonymous, were not published,
for as we distinctly state that no anonymous
communication will be inserted, so let every
person who takes an interest in our journal
contribute something that will interest our
readers and benefit ourselves. Don't be afraid
to express your ideas through our columns
because you never before had any experience
in writing for a newspaper; because it is only
a fancy, this thing of being afraid to contribute
for fear your communication would be re-
jected, for we will at all times insert any
article of a pleasing nature, provided that it
will not contain any vulgarity or personalities,
for items of that nature we do ot publish;
but any news, gossip or intelligence in gen-
eral, we will insert with pleasure, and be under
many obligations to the writer.
The above may not seem much in itself,
but when given in a certain way, and by a
person whom we would expect more en-
couragement from, it tends to ripen unpleasant
feeling, which we do not wish to see exist.
On tendering a citizen one of our last issues
--he having read the former ones--the re-
mark was made, why, we do ot know. If
any article of a displeasing nature had ap-
peared in any of our papers, we would have
thanked him for advice and tendered an apol-
ogy; but when a remark like the above is
made to us, we naturaly feel as if an explan-
ation was necessary. We are perfectly aware
our publication is not up to the standard in
news, editorials, etc., but we do affirm that it
is properly conducted, for we are very partic-
ular that no offensive matters enters our columns.
(remainder missing)
Accept the congratulations of your
humble servant on the success of
Sharpsburg's first paper.
May it live forever,
Meet with losses never,
Be patronized ever,
By all who are clever
And witty and wise.
Harmarville is a flourishing little
village situated on the W. P. R. R.,
about 7 miles from Sharpsburg. Every-
thing is quiet there being no elections
or plowing matches to disturb the
minds of our citizens these breezy
December days.
The friends of the family will be
pained to hear of the death of Harry
MAHAFFEY, only son of our worthy
Doctor. He was a bright little fellow
of about seven years, beloved by all
who knew him, for his unselfish and
sunny disposition. He fell a victim
to that dread destroyer of human life,
Diptheria. I sympathise deeply with
the bereaved parents in the loss which
they alone can fully realize.
Sneak thieves have been very busy
about here lately. The railway station
house was broken open, but their ef-
forts were rewarded in a manner which
we trust will teach them a lesson, as
there was not a cent in the drawer.
Thieves have also been making a
raid on some of the farmers' poultry.
If they could be found out they would
be summarily dealth with by the in-
dignant owners of the fowl.
A mute society has been organized
by the ambitious young people of this
community. It is now in a flourish-
ing condition, and bids fair to afford
much amusement for the winter.
They meet at the homes of the mem-
bers, and after transacting society
business, trip the "light fantastic"
until 11:30, when the members must
leave for their respective places of
abode. The social was well enter-
tained not long since at the residence
of Mr. H. LEECH and Mr. James BAR-
TON; the hostesses, Misses Mame and
Jennie ABER, and Misses Lizzie and
Annie BARTON, doing the honors very
gracefully. I extend my best wishes
for the future success of the "Good
Will Social."
Sleighing, we trust, will soon be all
the go.
E. MYRICK has on hand a fine stock
of sleigh bells.
W. H. HERVEYS has teas to suit
every taste. Call and be convinced.
The copartnership heretofore existing under
the name of ROACH & SAINT, contractors
and lumber dealers, has been dissolved this
day by mutual consent. The business will be
settled by W. J. T. SAINT. All parties having
claims will present the same at once, and
those knowing themselves indebted to the
said firm will please settle. J. W. ROACH.
Sharpsburg, Dec. 18th, '78
CHAS. W. COLLIER--Attorney
N.G. AYRES--Attorney
M.J. SCHRAMM, Sharpsburg Cash Tea Store
E. MYRICK, General Hardware
R. CHESSMAN, Undertaking
H.C. GOODMAN, Watchmaker and Jeweler
John J. KEIL, Druggist and Pharmacist
RAMSEY & Co., Drugs, Medicines
J.R.W. TIBBY, General Merchandise
Jay M. WHITE, Druggist and Pharmacist
Gents' Bazaar, Men's Clothing
W. H. MEYERS, Stoves
GIBSON & Co., Clothing
P.A. HARTMAN, House and Sign Painter
Wm. BURNS & Son, Central Shoe House
J. HOLZHEIMER, Furniture and Chairs, Livery, Undertaking
W.H. HIEBER & Bro., Wagon and Carriage
WERTZ & BOCK, Sharpsburg Meat Market
A.H. CALVERT, Prin., Sharpsburg Academy