"The Herald" in its infancy, blossomed on Saturday, November 30, 1878. News items were sparse in the beginning and much of the newspaper space carried items of light-natured happenings. Church related news items were used frequently; references to advertisers were intertwined in columns of local events; and articles relating to close friends of the Editor and Proprietor, J. A. RATTIGAN helped fill other areas.
The "flag" for the original Herald read:
J. A. RATTIGAN, Editor and Prope. The Herald is published every Saturday Contributions are solicited from all quarters, Communications for publication should be Communications intended for publication must SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH, 1878
------------------------------------------- OUR PLATFORM We are independent in all things, neutral in nothing. The political world will only hear from us when its votes violate public confidence or trust. Perhaps this fact will seem strange to some of our citizens, who think that a paper published in our borough should wield its editorial weapons in favor of a certain party or platform; but we have learned that in small publications, it is the better way to deal fairly and impartially with all. In criticizing certain classes of politics, upheld by the people, it is difficult to do so without causing hard feelings of the criticized parties, there- by instead of gaining the good will of our patrons, we incur their displeasure. -------------------------------------------
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