SHARED RESEARCH - HAWKINS, KAPP Surname Research--Allegheny County, PA
Subject: shared research "Hawkins", Adams
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 19:05:06 -0400
From: Bill Benson, [email protected]
 (remove "-nospam-" to send correctly)

1910 census, ED 0597  from

            Hugh R. Hawkins
            Mary E. Hawkins
            Elizabeth Hawkins  11
            James Hawkins  8
            Francis  6
            Lawrence  4
            Anthony Hohman  20
            Elizabeth Kapp  70

1920 census, ED 694, North Side, Pittsburgh   1/17/1920
       823 Lovitt Way
            HAWKINS, Hugh      head  rented  age 57  immigrated 1873, na 1883  b. Ireland was a Deputy
Collector (unable to deciper the last word)

                 Mary      wife    age 52  b. PA
                 Elizabeth  daughter   age 20   b. PA   worked at Rosenbaums
                 James    son  age 18   b. PA  ?telephone installer @ the telepone co.
                 Francis   son  age 16  b. PA  helper at Heinz Co.
                 John       son  age14    b. PA   in school

              KAPP, Elizabeth    head   rented   age 80  widowed  
                 John           son    age 37  widower   b. PA  was a "stain glass worker"
                 John Jr.      grandchild  age 15  looks like "Damler Bros.", then "city" for employment

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