The Pittsburgh Press, Oct. 5, 1924

Pictorial Section Extracts

October 5, 1924

The following photos were scanned from an old yellowing and crumbling "Pictorial Section" of
The Pittsburgh Press (a defunct newspaper), 
dated October 5, 1924. 
Some photos display a "source" and others do not.  When a source is visible it will be notated for that specific picture.

It is not the intent of this website to plagiarize others work nor to lay claim to such.

This is an attempt to salvage remnants of Pittsburgh's photographic history of people and places for those of us who came along later in life and whose family members may have appeared within the photos being presented. 
Photos are presented here in greyscale and re-sized for viewing.

  Some viewers of these webpages were children on October 5, 1924, or possibly parents,
therefore I've chosen to show the children's photos first, in no particular order, and I've re-typed the photo captions
beneath each photo for viewer clarity. 
Following the children's photos area you will find photos from "War Vets Reunion '61".

-- The Children --

Irene Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George HORNER,
Farrell, Pa.

Bobby, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. JACOBSON, Third Ave.,
Homestead, Pa.

Dorothy Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. KRAMER,
Liberty Ave.

Betty Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. SCHAIRER,
McCandless Twp.

Jerome Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. KREMER, Spruce St.,
Millvale, Pa.

John and Elizabeth FINNEGAN, Mansfield Ave., Westend.

Frank Wesley, son of Mr. and Mrs. William FISCHER, Rossell St., Carrick, Pa.

Irene, daughter of Mrs. Emma WEISS, Boroview Ave. Ext., Carnegie, Pa.

Richard C., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. KENNEDY,
Leechburg, Pa.

Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. KELLY, Bridge St.,
Clearfield, Pa.

Children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TIMMIE,
East Liberty, Pa.

Child of Mr. and Mrs. John KOLESAR, Jane St., Southside, City.

Twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. FOSTER, Jr., Beechview.

-- Vets Reunion '61 --

James H. LANGSDALE, of the thirty-sixth Ohio. Comrade LANGSDALE is the only Ohio veteran who attended the convention and was much delighted to see so many of the old Pennsylvania boys.

L. F. ARNSBURG, Hampton battery, commander-in-chief of the G.A.R. Mr. ARNSBURG is a resident of Uniontown and one of the most active Civil War veterans in the U.S.

Left to right -- S. M. EVANS, Andrew WHITACRE, M. F. STEELE, James RANKIN, Cyrus CROUP, O. P. CAMPBELL,
J. S. MOREHEAD, John GOULD, U. KIESTER, J. D. TAGGERT, all of the 103rd regiment.

G. I. RUDOLPH, Bernard POTTGIESSER, A. C. SHAFFER and L. F. ARNSBURG and Mr. ARNSBURG commander-in-chief exchanging greetings on the steps of Memorial Hall, Oakland.

Charles BECKERT of Co. D., J. W. MILLER and
Peter KREMPEL of Co. H., all members of the one-hundredth and thirty-ninth regiment.  Mr. MILLER is one of the oldest veterans in Pennsylvania.

Left to Right -- Miss MANSBARGER, Miss ROME and Miss HAMMON three residents of the G.A.R. home at Hawkins and the two men who drove them to the reunion.  They enjoyed themselves immensely.

Left to Right -- William J. CLAIRE, J. M. BARBIN, John LITTLE, G. I. RUDOLPH, John FRIESEL and John HAYS, all veterans of famous Pennsylvania regiment.  They consented to pose just before the opening of the convention.

C. B. HAMILTON, Matthew SLOAN, D. B. WARDEN, John H. HAINES, S. F. HILDEBRAND and Abram TOMS, all of the one-one-hundredth and thirty-ninth regiment.

The first issue of this series is located here:
The Pittsburgh Press, Sept. 28, 1924

Next Issue To Be Posted Will Be: September 27, 1925

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