Irene Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George HORNER,
Farrell, Pa.
Bobby, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. JACOBSON,
Third Ave.,
Homestead, Pa.
Dorothy Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. KRAMER,
Liberty Ave.
Betty Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. SCHAIRER,
McCandless Twp.
Jerome Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. KREMER, Spruce St.,
Millvale, Pa.
John and Elizabeth FINNEGAN,
Mansfield Ave., Westend.
Frank Wesley, son of Mr. and Mrs. William FISCHER, Rossell St.,
Carrick, Pa.
Irene, daughter of Mrs. Emma WEISS,
Boroview Ave. Ext., Carnegie, Pa.
Richard C., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. KENNEDY,
Leechburg, Pa.
Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. KELLY,
Bridge St.,
Clearfield, Pa.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TIMMIE,
East Liberty, Pa.
Child of Mr. and Mrs. John KOLESAR,
Jane St., Southside, City.
Twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. FOSTER, Jr., Beechview.