Hunterdon County New Jersey Queries

I'm looking for information on the ancestors of Benjamin HARRINGTON. He was born on Apr 13, 1828 and died May 8, 1890 and is buried at the Cokesbury Presbyterian Church yard. His wife was Aullie Unknown born Mar 10, 1833, Cokesbury, died Jun 23, 1894. She is buried with Benjamin. Her maiden name may have been HOFFMAN or CONOVER. Their daughter Lydia HARRINGTON was born on Apr 6, 1866 and died on Jan 13, 1908 Bissell, NJ. She was married to Silas ALPAUGH on Feb 6, 1886 in Annandale, NJ. Silas was born on Sep 6, 1857 in Lebanon, NJ and died Jan 13, 1908 Bissell, NJ. Any information on Benjamin or any other HARRINGTONs of Hunterdon County would be greatly appreciated.


Contact: Rick Novak
(Date posted: September 4, 1998)