Welcome to the Hunterdon
Republican Newspaper Project
CONTENTS: Selected Items containing the names of people who had a relationship with Hunterdon County, NJ, USA. The newspaper was published: 1856 to 1953.
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POST: June 28, 2015
The Project is now completed!
Abstracts of the items with a name index were completed for the Years 1856 to 1900. Go to Text Files and Index Files (see menu above) to view the information.
Digital images of the items are now completed for the Years 1901 to 1953. Go to Digital Images (on the above menu) to view the information.
Post: November 1, 2013
New and Repeat visitors, PLEASE READ:
All visitors, please note: I am now collecting data on the number of visitors and the number of visits. I do NOT know your identity, only how many visits and where you live! There are 2 or 3 of the frequent visitors who seem to be unable to keep their computers connected to the Website, since some have opened it many times in one day! I can only guess that instead of using the "Go Back Arrow" on the top left of your page display, you are clicking on the "Red X" on the top right of the page display when you want to close out a page - instead you are closing your browser! Please be careful!
If anyone is having a problem with accessing or keeping open the Website, please Email me at the address noted at the bottom of this page!
If you are new, please take the time to read all the background information on this page and the Digital Images page.
The Project started in October 2007 and is now opened for genealogist, historians and whoever wants to browse these pages. Please read the background information on this page and the Project Details page so that you will have an understanding and appreciation for this work-in-progress!
The project is strictly a voluntary effort on my part to get the news of yesterday onto the Internet so you can find something of interest about our ancestors!
My Great-great Uncle apprenticed on the Hunterdon Gazette and went on to work on a newspaper in Mobile, Alabama: William B. HUGHES [d. 15 Nov. 1886]. Two of my Great Uncles apprenticed on this newspaper - the Hunterdon Republican - and were newspaper men until their deaths in the 1930s: George C. HUGHES & Lester B. HUGHES. This project is done in their memory.
Once you have checked out the background information, I know you will want to get to work searching for your ancestors. Start with the "Index Files" to see if the persons in whom you are interested appear there. Follow the directions which will lead you to the "Text File" where the abstracts of the newspaper items will be found.
The second phase of the project is the addition of the digital images of the microfilm. Go to the Digital Images page for details.
I hope you find as much useful and interesting information about your ancestors as I have found out about mine!
Background Information
The Hunterdon Republican newspaper started publication on Oct. 15, 1856 and ceased on June 11, 1953. The office and print shop were always located in Flemington, New Jersey, USA. Although the newspaper was intended for all of the county, much of the news was centered on the town of Flemington and surrounding area, especially during the 1900s. The Project Details section gives highlights of the newspaper's history.
After abstracting 2 years (1928 & 1930) in order to debug the process, format the material and test the display, I put up a tentative Web page in 2007. Now after getting most of the newspaper on digital images from the microfilm and abstracting & indexing many years, a new display format was developed and is now available for you to review. I would appreciate comments to help improve your navigation around the site. I did some extensive investigations for a search capability to aid your research and decided to use the built-in search menu that Adobe Acrobat has incorporated in their PDF file format. Details on the Index and Text pages.
You will need the FREE Adobe Reader to view the Index and Text files on this site. Get it at: http://get.adobe.com/reader/
Although the progress of adding new information will be somewhat slow, please come back periodically to review the new features and new abstracts that will be added until the project is finished in ?? years! As noted above, start with the Index Files and then go to the Text Files. After 1900, go to the Digital Images page and continue your investigation through the 1900s. This is where you will hopefully find the missing piece of the puzzle or perhaps the answer to that 'brick wall' you have been trying to knock down.
Many people and organizations have helped to make this project possible. I would like to thank: Amanda Philipp of the Hunterdon County Library who facilitated lending the microfilm of the newspaper to me at my home in Florida. I could not have started without the microfilm!
The inspiration for the project is partly due to the efforts of Dennis Sutton who abstracted early issues of the Hunterdon County Democrat [Takes about 10 seconds to download.]. My initial intent was to start with 1900 and continue, but when I scanned both newspapers for items on my ancestors, there were differences. Thus this project started with the first issue in 1856.
The late Al Sinclair, Webmaster of the Hunterdon County Genealogy Resource site, worked with me on the Hunterdon Gazette Project and has provided technical support when I needed it.
Roxanne Carkhuff of the Hunterdon County Historical Society was also most helpful during the 6 years it took to complete the Hunterdon Gazette Project, and she has answered several of my queries regarding the Hunterdon Republican newspaper.
John Kuhl, Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors of the H. C. H. S., has kindly offered his help in looking up in the original newspaper issues, missing or unintelligible information found on the microfilm copies. As this information is obtained, the corresponding text will be updated and put-up to the Internet. This activity started in May 2010. Thank you John. Because of the large number of text obliterations, I now have the second microfilm copy, purchased from the Archives in Trenton, NJ, which relieves John of this responsibility.
You may contact me by email with your comments and questions. I would like to know about any corrections you find. Please click the email link below. The Subject line should be: huntrepnews.
And, please note!
so put all your comments in the body of the email!
Click here: Email
Thank you,
William Hughes Hartman, Sr., Webmaster
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The material contained on this Website which was produced by William H. Hartman, is Copyrighted.
Individuals may copy and otherwise use items of genealogical or historical interest to use in their personal research, without further authorization.
Other use of the Abstracts or Indexes in print or by electronic reproduction is not authorized.
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US GenWeb
We are a group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy web sites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States.
NJ GenWeb Project
This is an internet-based project, created and maintained by volunteers, and dedicated to offering free New Jersey genealogy (and sometimes history) resources to the general public.
Hunterdon County Genealogy Resources
This site is a collection of information and links to geneologic and historic sources of interest to Hunterdon County Researchers.
New Jersey Genealogical Society
This Society is dedicated to the collection and preservation of New Jersey Historical Records.
US GenWeb
The US GenWeb Archives is a genealogical library of transcriptions of public domain records and related images for New Jersey.
West Hunterdon County
This is a Comprehensive Compilation of Links to Web sites that could be of interest to Researchers, Historians and Genealogists. It is managed by Beverly G. Kirby McDonough
West Jersey History Project
Dedicated to helping, promoting and publishing historical research about West Jersey.
Contents: Documents, Images, Maps, Surveys, etc. Numerous pictures of Hunterdon County Locations, Detailed map of Hunterdon County in 1888 [Click: Vicinity of Flemington & Scroll]
Goodspeed Histories
Featuring: West New Jersey History and Genealogy
Organized and written by Marfy Goodspeed