About Our Chapter - Officers and Meeting Times:

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Regent: Cynthia Voorhees

Vice-Regent: Joan Hutchinson

Chaplain: Lynn Bigge

Recording Secretary: Cheryl Bruno

Corresponding Secretary: Denise Rinn

Treasurer: Barbara Malone

Registrar: Sarah Israel

Historian: Bonnie Grube Eissa

Librarian: Kathryn Peters

Camp Middlebrook Chapter welcomes new members. Eligibility for membership in the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is based upon a proven bloodline to an ancestor who aided or served as a patriot in the American Revolution. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, beginning at 1:00 p.m., from September through June. No meetings are held during the months of January, July, and August. For additional meeting information, please contact us. Please visit the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) website for more information about membership eligibility.