History of Salisbury, New Hampshire   

The following biography is from "The History of Merrimack and Belknap Counties, New Hampshire". Edited by D. Hamilton Hurd and Published in 1885.


THE name Salisbury is derived from the Latin salua, which signifies safety, or health, and the Anglo-Saxon "bury," or "burgh," a corporate town,---hence, the town of health and safety. It was named directly from Salisbury, Mass., which was so called from Salisbury, England.

It is situated in latitude 43° 23', on the west bank of the Merrimack and Pemigewasset Rivers, sixteen miles north of Concord and eighty miles from Boston. It was originally bounded north by Andover, east by the rivers, above named, south by Boscawen and Warner, west by Warner and what was Kearsarge Gore, and contains tweuty-eight thousand six hundred acres.

The town has produced more brains than any other municipality in New Hampshire, other things being equal. There are three, perhaps four, hamlets in the town, but the main dependence of her people has always been upon the native products of the soil. For many years her hardy and fearless settlers were the pioneers of civilization, repelled the assaults of savage beasts and more savage men, defended their rude dwellings "from violence and destruction," and bared their brows to the tomahawk and scalping-knife and their breasts to the Indian bullet. "Through the fire and blood of a seven years' Revolutionary war " her sons shrank from "no toil and no danger" that they might establish a free country. For several years after its settlement there rose no smoke from the habitation of any white man between Salisbury and the settlements on the rivers of Canada. Her women were slain by the tomahawk, and her men and maidens ambushed, seized, made to run the gauntlet and carried away into captivity; while the inhabitants of other towns were obliged to abandon their recently-made homes, the stalwart inhabitants of Salisbury stood firm, built their cabins and defended them.

When Philip Call, Nathaniel Maloon, Jacob Morrill, Ephraim Collins, Samuel Scribner, Robert Barber, John Bowen, Jonathan Greeley, John and Ebenezer Webster, Andrew Bohonon and Edward Eastman and their associates built their rude dwellings in Salisbury (then Stevenstown) they formed the exposed picket-line in this State, and they maintained it till the peace of 1763, notwithstanding Nathaniel Maloon, his wife and three children were seized by the Indians and carried to Canada and sold into captivity, and the wife of Philip Call was murdered, and Samuel Scribner and Robert Barber were also captured and sold into captivity.

In the cause of religion Salisbury was equal to any other town in the State, and in 1773, Rev. Jonathan Searle settled over the Congregational Church, which church has continued to this day. Long before Concord made a move Salisbury had established an academy, which was one of the noted institutions of learning in the State. When the Merrimack County Agricultural Society was formed, in 1824, Salisbury furnished more members than any other town, and their first gathering was at Salisbury.

When we speak of great men, how illustrious does this noble old town appear! what a roll of honor does she furnish! The Websters, the Bartletts, the Pettengills, the Eastmans, the Haddocks, the Pingrees, the Smiths, the Gales, the Sawyers and the Greeleys. Thomas W. Thompson, Richard Fletcher, Parker Noyes, Israel W. Kelley, George W. Nesmith, Samuel I. Wells and Thomas Worcester became her citizens by adoption. There has been but one man who gained the title of " Defender of the Constitution,'' and he was born and reared in Salisbury. Hon. Ichabod Bartlett, Ezekiel Webster, Charles B. Haddock, Joel Eastman, Samuel C. Bartlett (the learned president of Dartmouth College), William H. Bartlett, Samuel E. Pingry (present Governor of Vermont), all were natives of the town, and for a list of other noted men the reader is referred to the collegiate record.

NATURAL DESCRIPTION.---The original growth of wood on land adjacent to the rivers was pitch, Norway and white pine, with occasional elms, maples and birches; on the uplands all the native hard woods were found. The soil is strong, deep and loomy, with a substratum of pan.

RIVERS.---The east part of the town is watered by the Pemigewasset and Merrimack. Blackwater passes through the western part of the town, from north to south, forming a large bay which abounds with a variety of fish. A considerable portion of Kearsage Mountain is within the bounds of Salisbury.

HILLS.---Searle's (and called "Mount Pisgah" by Daniel Webster) is near the centre of the old town. On its top was located the first church, and its top was the scene of the alarm-fires kindled as signals in the perilous days of the pioneers. The other hills are Loverin's, Calef, Bean, Bald, Smith's and Raccoon.

PONDS AND BROOKS.---Tucker's Pond is the largest body of water within the limits of the town. Greenough's and Wilder's Ponds complete the list. Bog or Banley, Chance Pond, Stirrup Iron, Punch and Wigwag Brooks are the principal small streams.

MINERALS AND ROCKS.---The rocks are mostly Montalban and Simonite. A species of bog-ore, containing iron, also exists. The mineralogy of Kearsarge is Andalusite and tourmaline. Tripoli is found in large quantities. Plumbago exists in several sections of the town. Silver exists in small quantities. There is also a huge boulder foreign to this section. Its dimensions are fifty-seven feet in length, twenty-six in height, and a circumference of one hundred and fifty feet.

BAKERSTOWN.---It was the policy of Massachusetts, during the pendency of the boundary question, to confer grants in the disputed territory on soldiers who had been engaged in the French and Indian Wars. The records of the General Court of Massachusetts indicate that John Tyler, Joseph Pike and others presented a request "for two townships to be granted to the officers and soldiers of the companies under command of the late Captain John March, Captain Stephen Greenleaf and Captain Philip Nelson (deceased)."

The General Court answered their petition by granting them two tracts of land, one of which included the town of Salisbury, and it is not known where the other was located.

The date of the grant was February 3,1736. Richard Hazen, as surveyor, laid out the township to contain six squares miles, which was divided between fifty-nine grantees or proprietors. It does not appear that the charter was accepted so far as Bakerstown was concerned. The grant was named Bakerstown in honor of Captain Thomas Baker, who, in 1720, killed the Sachem Waternumus by the rapid stream now called Baker's River, at Plymouth.

Stevenstown.—As we have seen, the grantees of Bakerstown failed to comply with the terms of their grant. The boundary question had been settled and Massachusetts had no title to the territory, and the Masonian proprietors were the rightful possessors. In the month of December, 1748, these proprietors granted the same territory to other parties than the original grantees, as appears by the Proprietors' Records.---

'At a meeting of the Proprietors of Lands purchased of John Tufton Mason, Esq., in the Province of New Hampshire, held at the dwelling-house of Sarah Priest, a widow,  in Portsmouth, in s'd Province, on Wednesday the seventh day of December, 1748, by adjournment,
"voted, That Ebenezer Stevens, Esq., & associates have a Township equal to six miles square, beginning on the north of Contoocook [Boscawen], in the most convenient form, without interfering with the Township called No. One [Warner], as the Grantors shall think proper. . . . "Geo. Jeffery, Proprietors' Clerk."

Following are the names of the grantees. A copy of this grant and the grant of Massachusetts, by the name of Bakerstown, and other matters pertaining to this subject will be found in J. J. Dearborn's " History of Salisbury," now in press. The grant bears date of Wednesday, the 26th day of October, 1749.

" Ebenezer Stevens, Ebenezer Page, Samuel Bean, Benjamin Stevens, Nathan Sweatt, Elisha Winslow, Moses Quimby, Joshua Woodman, Jobn Hunton, Jedediah Philbrick, Thomas Newman, Samuel Colcord, Jonathan Greeley, Jr., Joseph Eastman, Jr., John Fifield, Jr., Henry Morril, William Calfe, John Hunton, Jr., John Ladd, Jr., Benjamin Wadleigh, Nathaniel Ladd, Ebenezer Stevens, Jr., Elisha Sweat, Samuel Sanborn, John Darling, Jr., Samuel Webster, John Currier, Samuel Winslow, Jr., Humphrey Hook, Jacob Quimby, Jonathan Greeley, Tristram Sanborn, Jr , Ebenezer Long, Abraham Greene, Joeeph Bean, Jr., Tristram Quimby, Benjamin Ladd, Jeremiah Philbrick, The Rev. Joseph Secombe, James Tappan, Tristram Sanhorn, tertius, Peter Sanborn, Captain Joseph Greeley, William Buswell, tertius, Nathaniel Hunton, Samuel Eastman, Jr., Samuel Fifield, Joseph Clifford, Ebenezer Eastman, Jeremiah Webster, Jonathan Sanborn, Ephram Collins, Joshua Webster, Samuel Stevens, all of Kingston in said Province ; Peter Ayer, of Haverhill; Jabez True and David Greeley, both of Salisbury [Mass.]; Benjamin Sanborn, of Kingston afores'd; Philip Call being in on part of the land hereinafter mentioned ; and Peter Derborn, of Chester."

The grantees were in earnest to commence a settlement, and on October 25,1749, issued a call for their first meeting, at which time all the necessary officers were chosen. Meetings were held as occasion required, and annually town officers were elected until the incorporation of the town. In 1752 it was voted to " plow twelve acres of land," and in the year following (1753) the proprietors voted to build four houses. This year the Indian depredations were such as to call on the State for a guard to protect the inhabitants.

In the year 1759 land was granted to Captain John Webster for building a saw-mill.

MAJOR EBENEZER STEVENS, for whom the town was named, was the first grantee and a prominent man in Kingston, where he died November 1, 1749. He was for several years a member of the Assembly, and four or five years Speaker of that body, from 1743 to 1747. It was through his influence that Ebenezer Webster, the father of Daniel, located here.

In addition to the early settlers on page 602, we find Benjamin Sanborn, William Silloway, Henry Morrill, Tristram Quimby, Jacob Quimby, James Tappan, William Newton, John Jemson, John Bawley (Burleigh), David Hall, John Fifield, Jr., John Huntoon, Joseph Bean, Jr., Jabez True, Daniel Greeley and Tristram Sanborn.

Incorporation of the Town.---Immediately after the passage of the act of 1766 to enable the proprietors of Stevenstown to raise money by a direct tax, to carry on the settlement of the town and defray the necessary expenses, a petition was presented by residents in the township to His Excellency the Governor for an act of incorporation.

On the 1st day of March, 1768, Governor Wentworth, in the name of King George the Third, declared and ordained the township called Stevenstown to be a town corporate, vested and incorporated into a body politic by the name of Salisbury. The first town-meeting, held on the first Tuesday in April, chose officers and transacted all necessary business.

THE  ASSOCIATION TEST.---The articles of which we trust all the readers are sufficiently acquainted with; therefore will not enter into detail. The signers are:
" Ebenezer Johnson, Reuben Greeley, Job Heath, Samuel Scribner, William Suton, Phineas Bean, John Collins, Benjamin Bean, John Jemson, John Sanborn, Moses Elkins, Robert Smith, Leonard Judkins, Shubael Greeley, David Pettengill, William Webster, John Fifleld, Jeremiah Webster, Ephraim Heath, Nathaniel Maloon, Iddo Scribner, Benj. Scribner, John Scribner, John Challis, Ephraim Colby, Andrew Bohonon, Moses Selley, Joseph French, John Bowen, Daniel Scamell, Robert Barber, Ebenezer Clifford, Abel Elkins, Dan. Warren, Jacob True, Rev. Jonathan Searle, Andrew Pettengill, Jonathan Fifleld, Benjamin Huntoon, Joseph Bartlett, Jacob Garland, William Searle, Edward Fifleld, Ezra Tucker, Hezekiah Foster, John Bean, Edward Scribner, Joseph Marston, Benjamin Greeley, John Webster, Jr., Annaniah Bohonon, Gideon Dow, Stephen Call, Benjamin Sanborn, John Webster, Nathaniel Marston, Reuben Hoyt, Abraham Fifleld, Cutting Stevens, John Gale, Ebenezer Webster, William Calef, Edward Eastman, Jonathan Cram, John Row, William Eastman, Abel Tandy, Moses Garland, Eben Tucker, Nathaniel Maloon, Jr., Obediah Peters Fifield, Edward Scribner, Jr., Moses Sawyer, John Fellows, Daniel Huntoon, Andrew Bohonon, Jr., Nathan Colby, Jacob Bohonon, Joseph Basford, Israel Webster, Matthew Pettengill, Joseph Fifield, Richard Purmont.

"This may certify to the General Assembly or Committee of Safety of the Colony of New Hampshire, That we, the subscribers, have offered the within Declaration to the Inhabitants of the Town of Salisbury and they sign freely.
"Sinclair Bean and Joseph Bean excepted.
                                                 " EBENEZER WEBSTER,
                                                 " JONATHAN FIFIELD,
                                                   Selectmen for Salisbury"

Nathaniel Maloon, Jr., was the third selectman, and, with two exceptions, the test was signed by every male adult in the spring of 1776.

It does not appear that the two who refused to sign were unfriendly to the cause of the colonies. They were trusted with town business, and aided in supplying the demands of the army. Sinclair Bean was a Quaker in his religious belief, and the other a justice of the peace under royal authority.

In 1817, President Monroe made his tour through New England, arriving at Concord on the 18th of July, where he was received with the most genial hospitality, and every evidence of high personal regard was shown him. On Monday, the 21st, he arrived at Salisbury South Road, stopping at the residence of Mr. Andrew Bowers, now the Congregational Church parsonage. His visit was unexpected, and no preparations had been made for his reception. Samuel Greeley, as chairman of the committee, waited upon President Monroe, tendering him the hospitality of the town in a neat and appropriate speech, to which the President responded, and many of the inhabitants were introduced to the chief magistrate of the United States.

FORMATION of the STATE GOVERNMENT.---On the 14th of November, 1775, in accordance with a recommendation of the Continental Congress, the Fourth Provincial Congress of New Hampshire adopted a plan of representation, upon which an election of delegates was held. In this plan Boscawen and Salisbury were entitled to one delegate. Henry Gerrish, of Boscawen represented the towns in this Assembly. At the first Constitutional Convention, which was held at Concord June 10,1778, Salisbury was represented by Captain Ebenezer Webster and Captain Matthew Pettengill. At the second Constitutional Convention, held at Concord on the second Tuesday of June, 1781, Captain Ebenezer Webster was the delegate. In June 1783, the same convention met and agreed upon another form for a Constitution, Jonathan Cram having been chosen a delegate.

FEDERAL CONSTITUTION.---The first session of the convention to consider the subject met at Exeter February 13, 1788. Salisbury sent as delegate Colonel Ebenezer Webster, who, at the first meeting of the convention, opposed the Constitution, under instructions from his town. In the mean time Colonel Webster conferred with his constituents, asked the privilege of supporting the Constitution, and he was instructed to vote as he might think proper. When the convention reassembled, in June, 1788, Colonel Webster made the following speech. It did great credit to the head and heart of the author.

" Mr. Prerident: I have listened to the arguments for and against the Constitution. I am convinced such a government as that Constitution will establish, if adopted,---a government acting directly on the people of the States,—is necessary for the common defense and the general welfare. It is the only government which will enable us to pay off the national debt, the debt which we owe for the Revolution, and which we are bound in honor fully and fairly to discharge. Besides, I have followed the lead of Washington through seven years of war and I have never been misled. His name is subscribed to this Constitution. He will not mislead us now. I shall vote for its adoption."

The first convention for the revision of the State Constitution was convened at Concord on the 7th of September, 1791. Salisbury sent as delegate Rev. Jonathan Searle. The second convention for the revision of the Constitution met at Concord on the 8th of October, 1850. Salisbury selected as delegate, Abraham H. Robinson, a practicing physician in the town and a graduate of Yale College. In 1876 the State Constitution was revised for the third time, which made the fifth Constitutional Convention. The delegate from Salisbury to this convention was Nathaniel Bean.

Vote for State President, from 1784 to 1791, inclusive.---In the lists below the successful candidate is indicated by an asterisk (*),---
1784. *Meshech Weare, 28.
1785.   Col. Josiah Bartlett, 30.
           *John Langdon, 0.
1786.   John Langdon, 29.
            George Atkinson, 2.
          *John Sullivan, 0.
1787.    John Langdon, 27.
           *John Sullivan, 24.
1788.  *John Langdon, 33.
             John Sullivan, 15.
             Josiah Bartlett, 5.
1789.  *John Sullivan, 23.
             John Pickering, 15.
1790.   John Pickering, 62.
           *Jo«iah Bartlett, 0.
1791.  *'Josiah Bartlett, 78
Vote for Governor, from 1792 to 1885, inclusive.
—Successful candidates indicated by an asterisk (*),--
1792. *Josiah Bartlett, 86.
1793. *Josiah Bartlett, 100.
            Timothy Walker, 1.
1794. *John T. Gilman, 106.
1795. *John T. Gilman, 86
1796. *John T. Gilman, 103
            Abiel Foster, 1.
1797. *John T. Gilman, 110.
1798. *John T. Gilman, 82
1799. *John T. Gilman, 72
            Oliver Peabody, 22
1800. *John T. Gilman, 134
            Timothy Walker, 40
            Philip Carrigan, 1
1801. *John T. Gilman, 103
            Timothy Walker, 50
            Scattering, 5
1802. *John T. Gilman, 133
           John Langdon, 44
1803. *John T. Gilman, 157
           John Langdon, 66
1804.  John T. Gilman, 135
           John Langdon, 79
1805.  John T. Gilman, 144
          *John Langdon, 127
1806. *John Langdon, 122
            John T. Gilman, 73
           Scattering, 58
1807. *John Langdon, 111
            Timothy Farrar, 33
            Scattering, 18
1808. *John Langdon, 66
            Thomas W. Thompson, 22
1809. *Jeremiah Smith, 168
            John Langdon, 121
1810.   Jeremiah Smith, 158
          *John Langdon, 144
1811. *John Langdon, 166
            Jeremiah Smith, 154
1812.   John T. Gilman, 162
           *William Plumer, 145
            Scattering, 2
1813.   William Plumer, 176
            John T. Gilman, 173
1814.  * John T. Gilman, 207
             William Plumer, 149
             Scattering, 3
1815. *John T. Gilman, 183
            William Plumer, 145
            Scattering, 1
1816.   James Sheafe, 176
          *William Plumer, 172
            Scattering, 3
1817. *William Plumer, 170
            James Sheafe, 147
            Scattering, 4
1818. *William Plumer, 173
            Jeremiah Mason, 145
1819. *Samuel Bell, 161
            William Hale, 135
            Scattering, 2
1820. *Samuel Bell, 295
            Scattering, 8
1821. *Samuel Bell, 215
            Jeremiah Mason, 3
1822.  *Samuel Bell, 209
             Jeremiah Mason, 1
1823.  Samuel Dinsmore, 148
          *Levi Woodbury, 135
1824. *David L. Morrill, 135
            Levi Woodbury, 38
            Scattering, 2
1825. *David L. Morrill, 273
            Scattering, 4
1826.  Benjamin Pierce, 153
          *David L. Morrill, 63
            Scattering, 4
1827. *Benjamin Pierce, 212
            Scattering, 16
1828.  Benjamin Pierce, 193
          *John Bell, 167
            Scattering, 1
1829. *Benjamin Pierce, 159
            John Bell, 78
1830. *Matthew Harvey, 150
            Timothy Upham, 68
1831. *Samuel Dinsmore, 157
            Ichabod Bartlett, 81
            Scattering, 1
1832. *Samuel Dinsmore, 134
            Ichabod Bartlett, 60
1833. *Samuel Dinsmore, 164
            Author Livermore, 29
1834. *William Badger, 236
            Scattering, 9
1835. *William Badger, 138
            Joseph Healey, 61
1836. *Isaac Hill, 135
            William Badger, 5
            Scattering, 4
1837. *Isaac Hill, 156
1838. *Isaac Hill, 154
            James Wilson, 99
1839. *John Page, 158
            James Wilson, 102
           Scattering, 1
1840. *John Page, 159
            Enos Stevens, 77
1841. *John Page, 160
            Enos Stevens, 94
            Scattering, 1
1842. *Henry Hubbard, 192
            Enos Stevens, 59
            Scattering, 4
1843.  Anthony Colby, 39
          *Henry Hubbard, 113
            Scattering, 9
1844. *John H. Steele, 128
            Anthony Colby, 72
            Scattering, 14
1845. *John H. Steele, 128
            Anthony Colby, 69
            Scattering, 13
1846.  Jared W. Williams, 141
          *Anthony Colby, 79
            Nathaniel S. Berry, 20
1847. *Jared W. Williams, 173
            Anthony Colby, 87
            Nathaniel S. Berry 16
1848. *Jared W. Williams, 180
            Nathaniel S. Berry, 77
            Anthony Colby, 1
1849. *Samuel Dinsmore, 163
            Levi Chamberlin, 56
            Nathaniel S. Berry, 17
1850. *Samuel Dinsmore, 165
            Levi Chamberlin, 62
            Nathaniel S. Berry, 17
1851. *Samuel Dinsmore, 159
            Thomas E. Sawyer, 54
            John Atwood, 18
1852. *Noah Martin, 163
            Thomas E. Sawyer, 64
            Scattering, 16
1853. *Noah Martin, 147
            James Bell, 51
            John H. White, 17
1854. *Nathaniel B. Baker, 153
            James Bell, 51
            Jared Perkins, 13
1855.  Nathaniel B. Baker, 144
          *Ralph Metcalf, 131
            Scattering, 2
1856.  John S. Wells, 150
          *Ralph Metcalf, 126
            Ichabod Goodwin, 4
1857.  John S. Wells, 149
          *William Haile, 135
1858.  Asa P. Cate, 154
          *William Haile, 120
1859.  Asa P. Cate, 152
          *Ichabod Goodwin, 118
1860.  Asa P. Cate, 159
          *Ichabod Goodwin, 127
1861.  George Stark, 152
           *Nathaniel S. Berry, 94
1862.  George Stark, 138
          *Nathaniel S. Berry, 95
            Paul R. Wheeler, 13
1863.  Ira A. Eastman, 147
          *Joseph A. Gilmore, 52
           Walter Harriman, 31
1864.  Edw. W. Harrington, 152
          *Joseph A. Gilmore, 108
1865.  Edw. W. Harrington, 146
          *Frederick Smyth, 108
1866.  John G. Sinclair, 156
          *Frederick Smyth, 102
1867.  John G. Sinclair, 139
          *Walter Harriman, 94
1868.  John G. Sinclair, 153
          *Walter Harriman, 94
1869.  John Bedel, 122
         *Onslow Stearns, 87
           Scattering, 1
1870.  John Bedel, 83
          *Onslow Stearns, 82
            Samuel Flint, 38
            Lorenzo D. Barrows, 11
1871. *James A. Weston, 127
            James Pike, 94
           Scattering, 7
1872.  James A. Weston, 115
         *Ezekiel A. Straw, 115
           Lemuel P. Cooper, 7
1873.  James A. Weston, 113
          *Ezekiel A. Straw, 107
            Scattering, 9
1874.  *James A. Weston, 123
             Luther McCutchins, 75
            Scattering, 1
1875. Hiram R. Roberts, 129
          Person C. cheney, 89
          Scattering, 1
1876.  Daniel Marcy, 137
          *Person C. Cheney, 80
1877.  Daniel Marcy, 118
          *Benjamin F. Prescott, 90
1878.  Frank McKean, 124
          *Benjamin F. Prescott, 80
            Scattering, 5
1879-81.  Frank McKean, 108
               *Natt. Head, 75
                 Warren G. Brown, 16
1880-81.  Frank Jones, 128
                *Charles H. Bell, 110
1882-83.  M. V. B. Edgerly, 113
                *Samuel W. Hale, 103
1884-85. *Moody Currier, 111
                 John M. Hill


The Masonian proprietors exercised great discretion when, in giving grants of land, they provided that the ordinances of religion should be maintained. One of the essential duties of the grantees was to provide "a place of public worship" and maintain a learned and "orthodox minister."

In the grant to Stevenstown, 1749, a right of land equal in amount to each of the other shares was assigned to the first minister, which he was not only at liberty to use while he continued to preach the gospel to the people, but on his settlement the share became his property. Another share was "set apart for the support of the gospel ministry forever." Ten acres of landwere to be laid out "in some convenient place, as the major part of said grantees shall determine, for a meeting house, a school-house, a musterfield, a burying-place, and other public uses."

This ten acres of land was situated on the north side of Searle's Hill, about midway of the town. The earliest record we have of a meeting-house is from an early map of the Merrimack Valley, which shows the location of a meeting-house in the vicinity of the old Salisbury fort. If this building ever existed, it must have been erected by the first grantees (Bakerstown).

In the spring of 1768, the frame was erected, boarded, shingled and the lower floor laid. The 7th of April of that year two pews were sold, and on the following 25th of May sixteen pews. Among these first purchasers was Hon. Josiah Bartlett, Governor of the State in 1790. The highest priced pew brought £6 3s. The meeting-house was used until the summer of 1790, when the town voted to sell it at auction, the sum realized to satisfy the demands of the pew-owners and the rest to be used for schooling. Some time between this date and the next ensuing April the present Congregational Church was erected at South Road village.

In 1835 changes were made in the church, which have been mainly acceptable to the present day.

The Rev. John Elliot was the first minister invited to settle in the town, January 14, 1771, at a salary of forty pounds a year, increasing five pounds a year until it reached fifty pounds, and there remain for three years. Preparations were made to ordain Mr. Elliot the following September, but before the time arrived he asked for a dismission, and on July 8, 1771, his request was granted.

The Rev. Jonathan Searle, the first settled minister, preached in Salisbury in the summer of 1768. At a town-meeting held October 11,1773, it was voted to accept Mr. Searle's letter " of acceptance," and Captain Ebenezer Webster, John Collins and Captain Matthew Pettengill were chosen to call a council. It was " Voted, to give Mr. Searle fifty pounds, L. M., for two years, and then rise four pounds, L. M., a year till it comes to sixty pounds, and there stand during his labor in the work of the ministry in said town ; also twenty-five cords of wood at his house yearly."

Twenty dollars were devoted to defray the ordination expenses; the ordination occurring on the 17th of November, 1773, Rev. Mr. Jewett, of Rowley, Mass., preaching the sermon from 1 Corinthians, chap, iv., verse 1. After a pastorate of nearly twenty years, May 31, 1790, a church-meeting was called by the pastor to act on the question of his dismission. A settlement was made agreeable to all parties, and he was freed from his ministerial work August 15, 1790.

Eleven persons signed the covenant on the formation of the church, and thirty-three united with the church under his pastorate.
Rev. Mr. Searle was born in Rowley, Mass., November 16,1746, and graduated at Harvard College in 1765; married Mrs. Margaret Tappan (nee) Sanborn. He died December 2, 1818.

Rev. Thomas Worcester was employed three months on trial in the spring of 1791, and in the following September was invited to settle. One hundred and twenty pounds was voted him as a settlement and eighty pounds yearly. This was quite a salary at that time for a young man only twenty-three years of age. He was ordained November 9, 1791, by the same council which had dismissed Mr. Searle on the day previous. The congregation which attended upon his preaching was for many years very large. He was a faithful and laborious pastor; his pulpit addresses were attractive, earnest and direct. During his ministry there were several seasons of the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. An extensive revival occurred soon after his settlement, and over eighty were received into the church. In December 1792, thirty young converts made public profession of their faith. His brother, Samuel Worcester, united with the church February 13, 1793. William Webster, uncle to Daniel, united with the church September 8,1796. Daniel Webster united with the church September 13, 1807. Another revival occurred about 1815, when more than sixty persons made public profession of their faith.

Under his pastorate 268 united with the church; he administered the sacrament of baptism to 322 children, solemnized 307 marriages and attended 25 ecclesiastical councils.

He was dismissed by a mutual council April 23, 1823, and continued to reside in Salisbury until his death, December 24,1831, aged sixty-three years. In 1806 he received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Dartmouth College.

Rev. Mr. Worcester was a son of Noah and Lydia (Taylor) Worcester; born in Hollis November 22, 1768, and was one of five brothers, all distinguished as orators and writers for the religious press. March 11,1792, he married Miss Deborah Lee.
Rev. Abijah Cross settled over the church December 23, 1823. At the time of his settlement there were one hundred and eleven resident members and thirty-nine non-resident, making, at the time of Mr. Worcester's dismission, a total number of one hundred and fifty. Under Mr. Cross' pastorate there were added to the church seventeen members and nine dismissed. He administered the sacrament of baptism to fifteen. He was dismissed April 1,1829.

It was during his ministry that an effort was made by Rev. Benjamin Huntoon, a native of Salisbury, to organize a Unitarian Society in town ; but, not finding a very large congregation, he continued in town but one year.

Rev. Andrew Rankin was settled over the church July 11,1830, and dismissed in October, 1832. During his pastorate seventeen were added to the church by profession, eleven by letter and about twenty converted by his preaching.

Rev. Beniamin F. Foster was settled Nov. 13,1833, and dismissed July 23,1846. Eighty members were admitted to the church during his ministry in Salisbury.

Rev. E. H. Caswell succeeded Mr. Foster, June 28, 1848. and was dismissed  the  following  February. Four were admitted to the church under his pastorate.

Rev. Erasmus D. Eldridge was settled January 12, 1849. and was dismissed November 1,1854. During his ministry twenty-six were received into the church.

Rev. Thomas Rhatray was installed May 7, l856, and dismissed April 15, 1857.

Rev. Horatio Merrill was installed March 17, 1858, and dismissed March 15, 1864.

Rev. Usal W. Condit was installed March 14, 1864, and dismissed January 13,1869. During his ministry nineteen united with the church.

Rev. Joseph B. Cook was installed January 13, 1869, and dismissed May 19,1876.

Rev. William C. Scofield came to Salisbury in the fall of 1875, continuing until 1877.

Rev. George W. Bothwell spent five months, between his junior and senior year (1879) in Yale Theological Seminary, at Salisbury, in which time five were added to the church. He is now supplying the Congregational Church in Portland, Mich.

Rev. Samuel H. Barnum graduated from Yale College in 1875, and from Yale Theological Seminary in 1879, removing to Salisbury November 9, 1879, where he remained until May, 1882, when he received a call to go to Durham, where he was ordained and installed April 24,1883, and still continues.

Rev. Chas. E. Gordon removed to Salisbury in Nov., 1882, and supplied the pulpit in Salisbury and Webster, only a few miles apart, and Oct. 4,1883, was installed pastor over both churches. The installation took place at the Webster Church. He resides at Salisbury.

THE BAPTIST SOCIETIES.---The earliest information we have of the Baptist faith in the town was on May 25, 1789, when a meeting was held at the school-house at the Centre Village, and the society organized by the choice of Daniel Brottlebank moderator, and Jonathan Cram clerk. Lieutenant Joseph Severance, Jonathan Cram and Lieutenant Moses Clough were chosen a committee to procure preaching. On the 23d of the following June seventy-six persons adopted and signed a covenant.

For a time the society held meetings at private houses and in a school-house which they had bought of the town. The congregation rapidly increasing, on the 9th of October, 1790, it was "Voted to build a meeting-house."

March 17,1791, it was " Voted to build the meeting-house 52 feet long and 40 feet wide, and to be finished throughout as early as 1794. Chose Jonathan Fifield, Joseph Fifield, John Clement, Benjamin Pettengill and Abel Elkins a committee to erect the frame, and Benjamin Pettengill, Jr., Abraham Fifield, Samuel Bean, David Pettengill, Edward Fifield, William Eastman, Benjamin Pettengill, Reuben True and Bailey Chase a committee to sell pews." The house was erected within the specified time, and stood just north of the present location, the main entrance being on the east side. On each end was a porch, supporting small steeples similar to the one standing on the north end, but not so high. In each of these porches was an entrance. In the north tower was a bell. The interior was like most of the churches at that time,—box pews, a large pulpit on the west side of the house, a gallery opposite and on the two sides. An upper and lower set of windows furnished light. In 1839, Deacon William Parsons remodeled the church to its present general style.

Elder Elias Smith, was the first settled minister and preached the first sermon in the new church in the spring of 1791, taking his text from 1 Kings viii 27. In November, 1792, he again visited Salisbury and baptized nine persons. January 7,1793, he returned, and in February was invited to become the pastor of the church. Accepting the invitation, he permanently remained until 1796, when the enthusiasm began to abate and new doctrines were accepted by some of the members. In the latter part of the year he left his Salisbury pulpit and preached at Woburn, Mass.; but in February, 1798, he returned, remaining until the following January, when, with his family, he returned to Woburn. As early as 1801 he opened a store in Salisbury, which did not prove of pecuniary benefit. In 1808 he began the publication of the Herald of Gospel Liberty, the first religious newspaper published in the United States. He died at Lyme, Conn., June 29,1846, aged seventy-seven years.

Rev. Otis Robinson, the second settled pastor, was invited to settle in the fall of 1809, and was ordained in the spring of 1810, and continued for sixteen years. In 1826, after a very gratifying revival of religion, in which many were added to his church, Mr.. Robinson was dismissed from his pastoral charge at his request and continued to reside in town until his death, March 1,1835.

Rev. Ebenezer E. Cummings, D.D., was ordained and installed September 17,1828. Old church troubles existed among the members of the church. The pastor labored assiduously for the union and harmony of his people, and knowing that no good could come of a church which was divided against itself, he refused to longer remain. He asked a dismission, which was granted January 5, 1831. The leading members of the two churches which then existed met in consultation, decided to forget the past and to go on together in a Christian life. A new church was formed January 19,1831, and an invitation extended to Mr. Cummings to become its pastor. In a letter, bearing date June 4,1831, he consented to remain, but was not installed. In the spring of 1832 he removed to Concord, where he was settled over the First Baptist Church, March 2,1832, continuing till January 11,1854. Still resides at Concord. The records of the society have not been kept in a manner to afford reliable information; consequently we shall give only the following:

Rev. John Learned, installed in September, 1838, remaining one year; Rev. John Burden, came in the fall of 1839; Rev. Stephen Coombs, occupied the pulpit from July, 1853, to January, 185, Rev. Samuel H. Amsden, installed In 1856; Rev. Joseph B. Damon ; Rev. Thomas B. Joy. 1863; Rev. Albert A. Ford, 1864-66; Rev. Joshua Clement, 1866-67 ; Rev. Joseph Storer ; Rev. J. Q. Sinclair, one year; Elder Hiram Stevens; Elders Boswell and Elias Dane; Elder Peter M. Hersey ; Rev. A. H. Martin, 1869-75.

UNION MEETING HOUSE is located at the southwest part of the town and west of Blackwater River. As early as 1791 the residents of the west part of the town had their share of the minister fund paid to them, which they used towards defraying the expenses of a minister. In 1832 they decided to erect a union house of worship, each denomination to occupy the pulpit one Sunday in succession through the year.

February 26,1834, a meeting was held to "take action in relation to the erection of a place of worship." A committee, consisting of John Couch, Paul True, David Hobbs, David Stevens, Benjamin Scribner, Israel B. Bean, William Couch, Daniel Watson and David Harvey, was appointed to confer upon the most judicious ways and means of building the house. They selected the present site.. Forty-two persons pledged themselves twenty dollars each towards building and finishing the house. Joshua S. Bean, Caleb Smith, John S. Eaton and John Couch (3d) were the church committee. The house was completed and dedicated at once.

So far as known, each denomination has had the following permanent ministers: Christian, 10; Methodists, 11; Congregationalists, 2; Universalists, 2.

EAST VILLAGE (or FRANKLIN) CHURCH.---For years there was no church in Pemigewasset, East Republican village or Salisburyville, in that part of Salisbury now included in Franklin. To attend religious services the people were obliged to go to Searle's Hill, subsequently to South road, or to Sanbornton or Northfield. As the village increased in population and wealth, the necessity of permanent ministrations of the gospel was plainly seen. In Feb., 1820, it was decided to establish a Congregational Church, and erect a meeting-house. The lot on which the house now stands was selected.

A subscription paper was circulated for the purpose of raising money to build the house. On this paper were the names of the most active citizens of that village, and over four hundred dollars were subscribed. The lot was given by Ebenezer Eastman, one of the most influential men in the place. The organization was effected March 20, 1820. Parker Noyes, Esq., was chosen clerk; Captain Blanchard and Messrs. Hale, Ladd, Clark, Haddock, Sanborn and Samuel George were chosen a committee to construct the house. The work of completing the house after the erection of the frame was awarded to Benjamin Rowe for three hundred and sixty dollars. He did not finish his contract, and Captain Blanchard, James Garland and Richard Peabody were appointed to finish the house. On three sides of the interior of the church galleries were built, which contained thirty-two pews. The pews were sold July 4, 1820. The Rev. Thomas Worcester, then pastor of the church at South Road, delivered a patriotic oration which was received with great enthusiasm. William Haddock sold by auction the choice of pews, as represented on a plan which he held in his hand. The sum received from the sale was $2202.25. The church was completed by November 25,1820, and dedicated December 13th, Rev. Asa McFarland, of Concord, preaching the dedication sermon.
The church was organized June 11,1822, under the advice and direction of Rev. Samuel Wood and Rev Mr. Price, of Boscawen; Rev. Thomas Worcester, of Salisbury; and Rev. Abram Bodwell, of Sanbornton. A church covenant and confession of faith was adopted and signed by fourteen persons, Paul Noyes was the first deacon. The church had no settled pastor before the organization of Franklin.

Rev. William T. Savage, D.D., for a -long time pastor, in his twenty-third aniversary sermon, delivered in 1872, said,—
" In the department of preaching, the church and society for some six years from the beginning seems not to have had a regular pastor. In formal documents and loose papers allusion to the following ministers as having occupied the pulpit for one or more Sabbaths are found : Rev. D, Dana, Rev. M. B. Murdock, Rev. Abel Wood, of Warner; Robert Page, missionary; Rev. David McRitchie; Steader and Holt, missionaries; and Rev. Moses Bradford, of Francistown. In 1826, Rev. Abijah Cross, pastor of the church at South Road, preached fifteen Sabbaths. In 1827 Rev. George Freeman officiated eleven Sabbaths, and in 1828, Rev. Reuben Farley sixteen Sabbaths."

COUNTY CONFERENCE.---The Merrimack County Conference of Congregational Churches was an outgrowth of the Hopkinton Association, and was the result of a special meeting held at the dwelling-house of the Rev. Dr. Wood, of Boscawen, April 4, 1827. Among the articles presented was the following: " This Conference shall be composed of pastors and delegates from the Congregational Churches within the bounds of the Hopkinton Association. It shall assume no control over the faith or the discipline of the church."

The first meeting was held on the fourth Tuesday of June, 1828, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the Congregational Church at Salisbury, the Rev. Abijah Cross, then pastor. In 1838 the Association again met at Salisbury, and June 10, 1884, the Conference again assembled, Rev. C. E. Gordon, pastor, eleven churches being represented by their pastors and delegates, the session continuing two days.

EDUCATIONAL.---At the first town-meeting it was voted " to raise some money for school purposes." In 1772 twelve dollars was voted to support a school; it was also voted " to raise half a day's work on the single head, to be done on the south end of the sixty-acre lot, which was laid out for the school." This lot was situated on Searle's Hill, on the centre range-way, opposite the ten-acre meeting-house lot. The school-house was built in the summer of 1772 and was the first in town.

In 1778 the town was divided into four school districts. The school-houses were wooden-framed, boarded and shingled and furnished with windows and fire-places. One was located near Smith's Corner. It was built by Beniah Bean for three hundred and ninety-eight dollars. The second at South Road, built by Deacon John Collins for six hundred and eighty dollars. Another was situated at the Centre Road, nearly opposite F. W. Fifield's present residence, built by Edward Fifield for six hundred au«l seventy-eight dollars; and the last was at North Road. Mr. Andrew Pettingell receiving four hundred and ninety-four dollars for building it. Such buildings soon after could have been completed for less than half the cost of these. But money was so much depreciated that labor commanded eight dollars per day. The amount raised annually for schools at this time was about five hundred dollars, while three thousand dollars were appropriated for the improvement of roads.

In March, 1784, it was " Voted to sell all the school lands and put the principal in the bank and use the interest for the support of schools in the town annually." It was also voted at the same meeting "to sell the school-houses belonging to the sd town and the money be contributed to the use of the town."

The sale of the school-houses brought, in the aggregate, $63.75 each, and the land was sold to Ephraim Colby for three pounds, fifteen shillings and three pence per acre. In 1786 the town raised two hundred and ten dollars, in lawful money, for the support of schools, and ordered each district to provide its own schoolrooms.

In 1791 a school-house was built at the Lower village (now the Orphans' Home District in Franklin). In this building Daniel Webster attended school and later in life taught. The second school-house, at the South road, was built by subscription in 1787. After the academy was removed from its original location to South road the school was transferred to one portion of it and has since continued.

In 1819 the town was divided into eleven school districts and there were school-houses in nine of them. Changes were subsequently made, increasing the number to fourteen.

No. 1, located at South road, was organized in 1820.
No. 2, known as Centre Road District, was formed April 2,1823.
No. 3, called " Sawyer's," organized in 1820.
No. 4, located at Scribner's Corner, at the west part of the town.
No. 5, at the North road.
No. 6, the Mills District; school located there as early as 1806. In 1884 a new, commodious building was erected.
No. 7, at " Smith's Corner," at the west part of the town. The first school-house was erected in 1782. The second was twenty by twenty-five feet, erected in 1789. In 1825 the district was reorganized and a new school-house erected.
No. 8, located at " Thompson's Corner." The first school-house in town was on a site included within the limits of this district.
No. 9, on Lovering's Hill.   Established in 1826.
No. 10, " Watson District," on the southern spur of Kearsarge Mountain. A school-house was built here as early as 1812.
No. 11 is on Raccoon Hill, known as the " Shaw District." The school-house was built in 1847 and thoroughly repaired in 1876.
No. 12, located at " Shaw's Corner."   The second school-house was erected in 1820 and the third in 1881.
No. 13, situated at the Lower village (now the Orphans' Home in Franklin). The present building is of brick.
No. 14, at the East village in Franklin. Ebenezer Eastman gave the land for " educational purposes" in 1816. The first school-house in that part of Salisbury was built in 1805-6.

SALISBURY ACADEMY.---At the close of the last century Salisbury was the residence of an unusually number of prudent, intellectual and scholarly men. They had pride in the good name of the town, and looked forward with cheerful anticipation to a higher position which it might hold in the State, and saw the advantages which would result from a permanent institution of learning, and, at length, united in the establishment of an academy. The petition was presented to the Legislature for an act of incorporation at the winter session, in January, 1795, and the act of incorporation was granted December 22,1795.

The board of trustees, by authority of the Legislature, had the charge of the institution. The academy was erected on the ridge of Garland's Hill, and was two stories high. Soon after its erection the Fourth New Hampshire turnpike was built, which practically left the academy on an old road and away from the business portion of the town. It was proposed to move the building to South Road village and open it under new management, and for that purpose contributions were solicited, the removal taking place April 29,1805.

In January, 1806, the district school began on the lower floor, the upper room being reserved for academical purposes. Extensive repairs have been made as needed, and in 1883 a projection was added to the south end of the upper story, new floor laid, the stairway made more convenient and the room fitted up into a fine hall. The academy has had three charters. For a long period it gained and sustained a reputation for good scholarship and excellence in all its departments. Its standing was not inferior to the best institutions of its kind in the State. Following are the list of teachers, so far as known:

Thomas Chase was the first instructor when it was located on Garland Hill. He was succeeded by James Tappan, Rev. Samuel Worcester, Rev. Noah Worcester, D.D., Ichabod Bartlett, 1804; Hon. Richard Fletcher, 1809; Samuel I. Wells, Esq., 1813-16; Nathaniel H. Carter, A.M., 1811; Lamson Carter, 1815; Stephen Bean, Rev. Benjamin Huntoon, 1817-19; Rev. Daniel Fitts, D.D., 1819-22; Zachariah Batchelder, 1822; W. Bailey, 1813; Henry Greenleaf, 1822; Caleb Stetson, 1825-26; Henry Fitts, William Claggett, 1826-27; Alfred Kittredge, 1828; Caleb B. Kittredge, 1829-32; Rev. B. F. Foster, 1838-89; Charles T. Berry, 1840; Elbridge G. Emery, 1842-43; David Dimond, 1843; Caleb P. Smith, William S. Spaulding, A.M., 1844-45; S. C. Noyes, J. H. Upton, -_____ Clark, Hon. William M. Pingree, Rev. E. S. Little, Dr. J. Q. A. French, Dr. Crockett, D. B. Penticost, Rev. E. D. Eldredge, John A. Kilburn, 1851; John W. Simonds, John R. Eastman.

SOCIAL LIBRARY.---Early in the year 1794 several of the citizens of Salisbury agreed to organize a voluntary association for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a library. The first regular meeting was held March 27th. Colonel Ebenezer Webster was chosen chairman and Andrew Bowers clerk. An act of incorporation was granted in 1798. Rules and regulations were adopted in March, 1799. In 1859 there were four hundred and ninety-six volumes in the library. It was this library that Daniel Webster referred to when he said that his early reading was gathered from a small circulating library.

LITERARY ADELPHI.---This society was organized June 25, 1813, when the academy was at the height of its prosperity. It was composed largely of members of the academy, who generally conducted its literary exercises. The last meeting of the society was held in June, 1819.


As there has been so much written about the killing of Sabatis and Plausawa, by the Bowens, and the trouble which arose from it, we will not burden this volume with a repetition of it, but refer the interested reader to the New Hampshire State Papers, or Dearborn's "History of Salisbury," pp. 225-239, inclusive.

For several years previous to 1754 Indian depredations had been committed in the vicinity. On the llth of May, 1754, the Indians made their attack on Nathaniel Maloon and family, who had some time previously removed to Stevenstown (Salisbury). Maloon was captured in Contoocook (Boscawen). He was taken to his home, where they took, as prisoners, his wife, his children (Mary and Rachel, John and David; also Sarah, then an infant of thirteen months). The eldest son, Nathaniel P., was at work in a field a short distance from the house, planting corn. The father was ordered to call him, which he did; but the son saw the Indians, and, understanding by the signification of his father's voice that he wished him to escape, he dropped his hoe, fled to the woods, swam the Blackwater and reached the fort at Contoocook.

The Indians plundered the house and then returned to St. Francis, Canada, with their captives. After suffering great indignities they were shipped in a French vessel for France. The ship was captured by a British man-of-war. Maloon and his family were
landed at Portland, and from that place they returned to their former home, having been gone nearly four years.

Rachel was not redeemed until 1763, and David not until 1761.

On the 16th of August, 1754, an attack was made ou Philip Call's house, which stood near the Salisbury fort. Mr. Call, his son Stephen and Timothy Cook were at work on the farm. The savages suddenly appeared at the door of the dwelling-house and as Mrs. Philip Call opened it she was struck down, killed and scalped. Stephen Call's wife, being within, concealed herself and infant, John, behind the chimney and was not discovered. Both Philip and Stephen escaped. Timothy Cook was pursued, and, in crossing the Merrimack River, was fired upon and killed.

Samuel Scribner and Robert Barber had located within half a mile of our northern boundary line, near Emerystown (Andover), and were then our most northern settlers. They had got out the timber to build a house, and at the time of their capture were mowing in the meadow now owned by Elbridge Shaw. Scribner's back was to the Indians. Barber saw them coming and shouted out to Scribner, "Run, Scribner; run, for God's sake! Run ! the Indians are upon us! " But he did not hear him, and he was grasped from behind by an Indian. Barber ran, but went directly into an ambush of the savages. An Indian, holding up a scalp before Barber, asked him, in broken English, if he knew it. He said, " Yes ; Mrs. Call's." The Indians took them along as prisoners, and, after a journey of thirteen days, reached St. Francis, Canada. Scribner was sold to a Frenchman at Chamblee. Barber was sold to a Frenchman about a mile from St. Francis, and on the 26th of September, 1775, made his escape. After Scribuer's return he built the large two-story house at North road.

Early in the winter of 1755, Governor Wentworth ordered Colonel Joseph Blanchard, of Dunstable, to raise a regiment of six hundred men, and to rendezvous at the Salisbury fort. It is impossible to state when this fort was built, but it was between 1746 and 1750. It was located about forty rods southerly of the cemetery on the Webster intervale, and surrounded by eight acres of cleared land which was early cultivated. It is quite evident that the regiment arrived in April, 1755, and Blanchard spent about six weeks in preparing boats for transporting his troops up the river. Before they left, the State authorities ordered the enlistment of three hundred men to take their place. They were mustered into service about the 20th of September, 1755, and were discharged at the end of three months.

In these regiments we find many of our early pioneers who settled in the town, viz.: Benjamin Sanborn, Benjamin Baker, Samuel Judkins, John Bean, Robert Smith, Tristram Sanborn, Andrew Bohonon, Henry Ad. Elkins, John Webster, Thomas Welch, Jacob Hancock, Nehemiah Heath, Ebenezer Johnson, Tristram Quimby, Samuel Lovering, Iddo Webster, Benjamin Huntoon, B. Clifford, Edward Eastman, John Wadleigh, Jeremiah Quimby and John Fellows.

In 1756, Colonel Meserve raised a regiment for the Crown Point expedition, among his men being found the following, who located in the town: Jonathan Fifield, John Ash, Samuel Scribner, J. Blaisdell and Daniel Stevens.

In Meserve's regiment, raised in 1757, we find the following soldiers, who afterwards became residents in Salisbury: J. Merrow, Joseph Webster, Benjamin Pettengill, John Sanborn and Stephen Webster.

In 1757, Major Thomas Tash enlisted a battalion of two and three months' men. We append the following names found in this battalion : John Cross, Samuel Scribner, Robert Barber and Matthew Pettengill.

In 1758, Colonel John Hart raised a regiment of six hundred men for the Crown Point expedition. Upon the roll appears the names of the following, who settled in Salisbury : Moses Garland, Moses Sanborn, Benjamin Shaw, Samuel Scribner, James Johnston, William Hoyt and Nathaniel Nelson.

In Captain Trueworthy Ladd's company we find the names of Joseph Bean, Ebenezer Webster, Philip Flanders, Onesiphorus Page, Iddo Webster, John Wadleigh and Moses Tucker.

In Colonel John Goff's regiment we find Ebenezer Webster, orderly sergeant ; Tristram Quimby and Stephen Webster, corporals ; privates, Rowell Colby, Robert Smith, Benjamin Webster, Elisha Quimby, Richard Tucker, D. Rowe, Moses Tucker, Benjamin Collins and Jonathan Roberts, all settled in Salisbury.


THE REVOLUTION.---The people of Salisbury caught the first echo of the shot at Lexington, and, although not in season to participate, they were at Bunker Hill. They went, too, uninvited to that banquet of death and fame which was celebrated on the 17th of June, 1775.

When hostilities commenced at Lexington there were but five hundred inhabitants in Salisbury. There was one company of militia, consisting of about seventy-five men, organized and officered, between the ages of sixteen and sixty years. This company was commanded by Captain Ebenezer Webster, who had first received his commission in 1774. Robert Smith was his lieutenant, Moses Garland, for a short time, and then Andrew Pettengill was the ensign.

Upon the alarm of the Lexington conflict, without any authority from the State, they repaired to Cambridge. They there met the Massachusetts Committee of Safety, also John Stark, James Reed and Paul Dudley Sargent. These three men received colonels' commissions from the State of Massachusetts. Stark enlisted eight hundred men, or fourteen companies, while Reed and Sargent had enlisted four companies each. The regiments were Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Colonel Stark had command of the First, Enoch Poor of the Second and James Reed of the Third. The First and Third Regiments were engaged in the battle of Bunker Hill.

Salisbury men enlisted into three or more of the companies of Stark's regiment. Among the early enlistments are the names of Peter Severance, Jonathan Cram and Jacob Morrill; in Captain Henry Dearborn's company, Abraham Fifield, John Bean, Joseph Lovering, Samuel Lovering, Moses Welch, E. Raino, Daniel Stevens, Edward Evans, Moses Garland, Moses Fellows, John Bowen, John Jemson, Benjamin Howard, Reuben Greeley and Samuel Scribner. Two of these men, John Bowen and Moses Fellows, joined Captain Dearborn's company, and, in the autumn of 1775, made a part of Arnold's regiment, that marched through the wilderness of Maine to Quebec. Twelve of the above number enlisted for the term of six months and encountered the perils of the siege.

Of the Salisbury men who participated in the aid to Connecticut, we have been unable to obtain their names. Certainly there was quite a number.

Our next enlistment for 1776 was for the relief of the northern army. In Captain Osgood's company we find the name of Captain John Webster, of Salisbury, as his lieutenant, and Edward Sawyer, as private.

Upon the evacuation of Boston by the British, part of their army soon after invaded New York. Another portion, commanded by Burgoyne, invaded Canada, by way of Quebec. The New Hampshire regiments which had been at the siege were ordered to New York, and thirteen Salisbury men were in Colonel Stark's regiment, viz.:

John Bosford, James Bosford, John Bayley, Wells Burbauk, Rowell Colby, Reuben Hoyt, Jr., Jonathan Huntoon, Philip Huntoon, Samuel Loverin, Joseph Loverin, Ebenezer Scribner, Simon Sanborn and Israel Webster.

Another regiment was raised for six months, to reinforce Washington at New York. Salisbury furnished ten men for James Shepard's company of Canterbury,---

John Bean, ensign ; Benjamin Huntoon, orderly sergeant; Privates, Cutting Stevens, Stephen Call, James Johnson, Samuel Scribner, Philip Flanders, Jonathan Scribner, Jonathan Foster, Robert Wise.

After the disastrous battle of Long Island, Washington again appealed to New Hampshire for aid. Salisbury had furnished her full quota. Captain Ebenezer Webster was appealed to furnish men. Ten men holding militia commissions, and some others, volunteered to serve as privates, and were mustered into service September 20,1776. They were Lieutenant Robert Smith, Ensign Moses Garland, Orderly Sergeant Andrew Pettengill, Ensign Andrew Bohonon, Edward Eastman, Joseph Fifield, Edward Fifield, Joshua Morse and Stephen Bohonon. Captain Webster resigned the office of selectman to take a private's place in this campaign. Joseph Bean and Nathaniel Huntoon enlisted in Captain Goff's company of the same regiment. They participated in the battle of White Plains.

In 1777 the town was obliged to offer bounties of seventy dollars each to meet its quota. John Ash, who had enlisted March 8,1777, to serve during the war, was discharged December 31, 1781, and Ananiah Bohonon, Philip Flanders and John Bowen,who had enlisted March 13,1781, were discharged the following December.

The following men enlisted for three years in Colonel Alexander Scammell's regiment:

Moses Fellows, orderly sergeant; Ephraim Heath, Reuben Greeley, Reuben Hoit, Matthew Greeley, Philip Lufkin, William Bayley, Daniel Felch, Benjamin Howard, Joshua Snow, as privates.

These fourteen men were our quota of Continental soldiers for three years, and were mustered into service in March, 1777.

The following is the list of soldiers from Salisbury who were in Captain Ebenezer Webster's company, which fought in the battle of Bennington, on the 16th of August, 1777:

Edward Evans, one of the staff officers of Colonel Stickney's regiment; Captain, Ebenezer Webster; Lieutenants, Robert Smith, Andrew Bohonon ; Fourth Sergeant, Abraham Fifield; Third Corporal, Samuel Lovering; Fourth Corporal, Joshua Morse ; Drummer, John Sanborn; Fifer, Jonathan Foster; Privates, Elder Benjamin Huntoon, William Searle, Richard Piermont, Iddo Scribner, Benjamin Scribner, Peter Severance, Rowell Colby, John Fifield, Joseph Fifield, Edward Flfield, Jonathan Fifield, Jacob Bohonon, William Calef, Edmund Sawyer, John C. Gale, Jacob True, John Jemson, Robert Barber, Joseph Tucker, Moses Elkins, John Smith, William Newton, Israel Webster, David Pettengill, Abel Elkins, James Johnson, Jacob Garland, George Bayley, Moses Welch, Daniel Brottlebank, Matthew Pettengill, Edward Eastman,—rank and file from Salisbury, forty-one men.

To this number add Enaign Andrew Pettengill, who served in the Concord and Boscawen company. We also had three other men in Colonel George Reed's regiment, viz.: Samuel Saunders, Jacob Morrill and Joseph Maloon, making, of the Continental and militiamen in actual service in the summer of 1777, forty-five militiamen and seventeen regular troops, a total of sixty-two men.

Though the Salisbury men were largely exposed, and though Saunders was reported among the missing at Hubbardton, Pettengill wounded at Stillwater, yet no death resulted except that of Andrew Pettengill. Early in 1778 disease began to thin the ranks of our veterans, and in March and April we lost four of our men in camp at Valley Forge, viz.: Ephraim Heath, Reuben Greeley, Philip Lufkin and William Bayley.

In August, 1778, the expedition to Rhode Island was organized and executed under the command of General Sullivan. Colonel Moses Nichols raised a regiment to serve about a month in General Whipple's brigade. Captain Ebenezer Webster commanded the Third Company in this regiment. Elder Benjamin Huntoon was his orderly sergeant and Edward Eastman corporal. The following Salisbury men were privates in his company:

Lieutenant Robert Smith, Ensign Andrew Bohonon, Joseph Fifleld, Samuel Scribner, Benjamin Pettengill, James Johnson, William Calef, Jonathan Fifield, Shubael Fifield, Joseph Hoit, Winthrop Fifield, Ensign Moses Garland, Jeremiah Bowen, John Sanbom, Moses Welch, Benjamin Eastman and Phineas Bean. Also in Colonel Center's regiment, Joseph Bean, Joseph Webster and Daniel Gilman,---total, twenty-two rank and file.

In July, 1779, Stephen Bohonon and James Johnson enlisted for six months to serve in the Rhode Island campaign. In June, 1780, George Hackett, David Greeley, Jonathan Fifield and Joseph Webster were mustered into the Continental army to serve during the war. During the year 1779, John Bean, of Salisbury, was wounded at Newton, N. Y., and afterward received half-pay.

In 1780, Captain Ebenezer Webster commanded the Fourth Company in Colonel Moses Nichols' regiment, raised for the defense of West Point, and was stationed there for eight months. From Salisbury we recognize Captain Webster's old companions, Robert Wise, Stephen Bohonon, Jethro Barber, Joseph Hoit, Benjamin Eastman, S. Fifield, Winthrop Fifield, Benjamin Ingalls and Joseph Welch.

In 1780 the term of service of the three years' men expired, and it became necessary to re-enlist some fifteen men, to take the places of those discharged. In addition to the four men who took the places of those who died at Valley Forge, the following men were secured. They enlisted for three years from the spring of 1780:

Joshua Snow, John Smith, Moses Fellows, John Fellows, Jr., Jnhn Ash, George Nichols, Josiah Mason, Benjamin Howard, William Lufkin, Ananiah Bohonon, Josiah Smith and Thomas Cross.

For Colonel George Reed's regiment the following men were obtained: Samuel Saunders, Edward Scribner, Jethro Barber, Joseph Maloon and S. Fifield.

The following men were enlisted from Salisbury to reinforce the army in New York, and served in various companies in Colonel D. Reynolds' regiment:

Moses Webster, Peter Whittemore, J. Judkins, Peter Severance, Edward Eastman, Thomas Challis, J. Fifleld, Benjamin Sanbom, Abel Morrill, Jacob Morrill, Henry Elkins, Samuel Maloon, S. French.

In November, 1781, the following soldiers enlisted for three months, and were returned to Colonel Stickney's regiment:
Moses Fellows, Matthew Greeley, Benjamin Sanbom, Elisha Shepard, Levi Lufkin, John Smith and Samuel Saunders.

In 1782, Captain Ebenezer Webster performed a six months' service in the north part of this State. Jeremiah Bowen was the only private from the town.

THE WAR of 1812.---One of our active officers in the army of the United States during the war, :and in the campaign against the Western Indians antecedent to this war, was Captain John Smith. His brother, Jabez Smith, had the rank of major in the First Regiment of the United States Volunteers.

In 1814 our seapor, Portsmouth, was threatened by the British navy, and our militia were called upon more than once to defend this port.

Those who mustered from Salisbury for three months from the llth day of September, 1814, were the following, viz.:

Captain Jonathan Bean and his son, Phineas Bean, as waiter; Privates, Benjamin Fifield, Moses Fifield, Enoch Fifield, Samuel Fifield, Jonathan P. Sanborn, Nehemiah Lowell, Matthew T. Hunt, William Johnson, John Johnson, Nathaniel Stevens, John Webster, Jesse Wardwell. Moses Osgood, Jr., enlisted in the United States service.

Of the sixty days' men who enlisted October 2, 1814, in the company commanded by Captain Silas Call, of Boscawen, we find the following Salisbury men:

Lieutenant, Samuel Quimby; Orderly Sergeant, Timothy Hoit; Corporal, Thomas Chase; Musician, A. B. Bohonon; Privates, Nathan Tucker, Jabez True, Theodore George, Samuel Webster, Jonathan Mornll, Isaac Proctor, Joseph Fifield and Joseph Adams.

In Colonel Davis' regiment, in the company commanded by Captain Thomas Currier, we recognize the following soldiers, who served one year, as belonging to Salisbury:

Daniel Woodard, Sergeant Jeremiah Bean, Samuel Fifield, William Frazier, Amos George and Jeremiah Gove. In Captain Mason's company, Joel Judkins, Jonathan Johnson, John Sanborn, J. Quimby, Edward West, Ebenezer Webster Bohonon, Ithamar Watson (was a captain of Minute-Men).

The following soldiers are credited to Salisbury:
James Currier, Joseph Stevens, Moses Morse, Abel Wardwell, Samuel Kezir, Matthew Sanborn, Paul Greeley and Richard Greeley.

WAR OF THE REBELLION.---On the 27th day of December, 1860, the Confederates seized Forts Moultrie and Pickens. On the 9th day of January, 1861, they fired their first shot, from Fort Moultrie and Morris Island, into a government vessel carrying troops and supplies to Major Anderson, who had transferred his entire force to Fort Sumter. In accordance with the requirements of law, the selectmen for 1861 transmitted to the Secretary of State a list of the names of men liable to do military duty, numbering one hundred and two. Accepting this basis, Salisbury furnished not only the required number, but a small surplus. Salisbury furnished no soldiers until the Tenth Begiment was raised under the call of 1862. Michael T. Donahoe, of Manchester, was appointed colonel. Company E was raised at Andover, and was commanded by Captain Aldrich B. Cook, who was succeeded by Captain Thomas C. Trumbull, who, in turn, was succeeded by Captain James A. Sanborn. The following men enlisted from Salisbury:

Sergeant, John C. Carter; Privates, William C. Heath, Calvin Hoyt, Anson W. Glines, Willis W. Kenniston, Alfred Sanborn, Harry Scott, William Whittemore, Nathaniel Hodge, Henry M. French, George Atwood, George W. Chase.

In the Sixteenth Regiment, Company E, enlisted the following men from Salisbury:
Sergeant, Benjamin Gale;  Corporals, Alonzo D. Davenport, George F. Smith; Privates, Evan M. Heath, Harrison V. Heath, Moses Colby, William R. Dimond, Ferdinand M. Daysburg, Benjamin L. Frazier, Charles E. Heath, Albert A. S. French, Henry C. George, Charles Colby, Meshech W. Blaisdell.

Corporal Madison B. Davis, enlisted In Troop I, First New England Cavalry.
Bugler Cyrus C. Huntoon, enlisted in Troop I, First New England Cavalry.
William Bayley and Andrew J. Colby, enlisted in Company H, Eighth Regiment.
John Meller, enlisted in Company F, Second Regiment.
Lieutenant Joseph C. Clifford, enlisted in Company E, first Regiment.
Jonathan J. Bayley, enlisted in Company K, Fourth Regiment.
M. H. Whitmore, enlisted in Company G, Fifth Regiment.
Clinton A. Shaw, enlisted in Company G, Twelfth Regiment.
John G. Maxfield, enlisted in Company E, Seventh Regiment.
Henry Sanborn, enlisted in Company F, Second Regiment United States Sharpshooters; re-enlisted September 12,1862, in Company E, Tenth Regiment.
Frank Stevens, enlisted in Eighteenth Regiment New Hampshire Infantry.

The following residents of the town were also in service, but we have little knowledge concerning their record beyond the fact of enlistment:
Frank D. Kimball, Company E, Fourth Regiment; John Woodard, Ebenezer Farnum, James Farnum, Charles Bruce, Caleb B. Smith, Henry Moores, Benjamin S. Heath, Joseph Ladd, Read Huntoon, James W. Gardner, Daniel W. Shaw, C. O. Wheeler, George H. Whitman, W. C. Whitman.

The following soldiers were either natives or residents of the town of Salisbury at the time of their enlistment, but enlisted out of the town or State:
Amos S. Bean, credited to and enlisted from Manchester, in Company A, Heavy Artillery.
George E. Bean, credited to and enlisted from Manchester, Company A, Tenth Regiment.
Albert Kilburn, enlisted in Boston in the Fifth Massachusetts Regiment of three months' men ; re-enlisted at Minneapolis, Minn.; afterwards in the employ of the government as a carpenter; died at Vicksburg, Miss.
Abraham S. Sanborn, credited to Manchester, Company G, Fourth Regiment.
Samuel Sleeper, credited to Canaan, Company D, Fourth Regiment,
Rufus Emerson, enlisted in Company C, Second Vermont Regiment.
Elbridge G. Emerson, enlisted in Company C, Second Vermont Regiment.
Nathan S. Corser, enlisted in Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry.
Charles W. Corser, enlisted in Sixth Massachusetts Infantry.
George (or Henry) Elkins, enlisted in Second Regiment.
Silas Holmes, enlisted in Sixth Massachusetts.
John Shaw.
David F. Bacon, enlisted in Company E, Second Vermont,
Charles H. Bacon.
Daniel R. Calef.
John Alfred Calef.

SUBSTITUTES.---The following substitutes performed their engagements with the town of Salisbury; they honored themselves and the cause they supported:
Thomas Fleming, Company G, Fourth Regiment; Hamilton Carr, Company C, Fourth Regiment; Octave Vezina, Company B, Ninth Regiment; John Robinson, Company B, Ninth Regiment; James Dolan, Company A, Ninth Regiment; Robert Brown, Company A, Ninth Regiment; James McDonald, Company E (or D), Seventh Regiment; Daniel P. Morrison, Company D, Seventh Regiment; James Carroll, Joseph Storms, Henry Miller, Jerry Potter, Charles Sutton, Peter Carroll, William Loverin, James Meamix, John Murphy, Warren Dinslow, Nathan Lackey, Michael Connors, James Moran, George Perry, James Durgin, Corporal Nelson Davis, William B. Winship, J. F. Coburn, William Williams, Robert Allen, H. C. Rock, Henry McCarty.

Twenty-two additional substitutes were enlisted in 1863 and 1864, but are recorded as deserters.  Having degraded themselves as soldiers, we shall not allow them to disgrace the town that employed them, by publishing their names.

In 1680 a militia company was organized in this State, consisting of one company of foot in each of the four towns of Portsmouth, Dover, Exeter and Hampton, one company of artillery at the fort and one " troop of horse."

After the Declaration of Independence a new militia system became necessary, and we will only follow its history so far as it relates to Salisbury, which was one of the towns that helped form the Twenty-first Regiment, the regimental officers being Lieuteaant Colonel Philip Greeley, commander; Major Joseph Gerrish, First Battalion; Major Timothy Darling, Second Battalion. The following list comprises colonels of the Twenty-first Regiment, so far as known, who resided in Salisbury :
1787, Ehenezer Webster; 1802, John C. Gale; 1813, Benjamin Swett; 1819-20, Jonathan Bean; 1821-23, John Greeley; 1824, Cyrus Chase; 1848. John C. Smith: 1851-53. Gustavus V. Webster.

ROADS, TURNPIKES, BRIDGES and FERRIES.---The earliest highway in the town was one along the west bank of the Merrimack River, which was intended to open communication with the Coos country. The three rangeways of the town extended, in an easterly and westerly direction, nearly the entire length of the town.

The South Rangeway extended from Shaw's Corner, through the location of South Road village, and continued westerly over Kearsarge into Warner. It was surveyed in 1763 by William Calef.

The Centre road, occupying the rangeway limits very fully, was surveyed by Mr. Calef in 1768. It commenced by the Webster Cemetery, at the river, extended over Searle's Hill, crossed the turnpike road a little southeast of Centre Road village and extended to the western boundary.

The road corresponding, in part, with the North Rangeway was surveyed in 1763 by Mr. Calef. Only a few sections of it were ever built. As early as 1774 a road commenced at the eastern bound of Dr. Joseph Bartlett's home-lot, east of South Road village, and continued northward to the Centre road, just west of the old meeting-house on Searle's Hill.

North road was constructed in 1770, between Shaw's Corner and Benjamin Huntoon's. It was soon after extended to Andover line.

Bog road was built as a substitute for the Dr. Bartlett road already referred to. Raccoon Hill road extends the whole length of Raccoon Hill, and was built in 1781. Mill's road extends westerly from the Centre Road village, continuing to Prince's Mill, where it then turns slightly and terminates at the foot of the hill west of Frank Whittemore's. A branch of this road turns south at Prince's Mill, continues south past the Union Meeting-House and leads into Webster. Another branch of this road passes the Glines place and comes out at the South Range road east of Blackwater River bridge.

A road begins west of Alpheus B. Huntoon's, and continues over Beach Hill into Andover. Bay's road extends from Shaw's mill, in West Salisbury, around the eastern shore of " the Bays" and intersects the College road. A cross-range road extends from D. C. Stevens' to Centre Range road at Harrison V. Heath's New road to Franklin begins on the Bog road, one half-mile north of Thompson's school-house, turning eastward to the North road, which it intersects south of the " Birth-place." It was laid out in 1869. Cross-Range road, the northern terminus of which is at Centre Road village, continues southerly and intersects Brattle Street, its northern extension leads to Raccoon hill. Mutton road extends south from South Road village to Corser Hill, in Webster. It was built in 1819. Water Street commences near the Academy and continues southerly to Boscawen. The new road to North Boscawen, where it connects with the River road, was built in 1849. The new road from Shaw's Corner to Franklin was built in 1823-24. The petition for the College road was presented to the General Court in 1784, and an act was passed authorizing a committee to lay it out. It was not built just where the court ordered it. The route through Salisbury was circular, and we will not follow its windings, as most of the road has become continuous with other roads.

The Fourth New Hampshire turnpike charter was granted at the fall session of the General Court in 1800. It extended from the northwest corner of the bridge just north of the mouth of the Contoocook River to the Connecticut River in Lebanon, and had a branch to Hanover. There was a toll-house in nearly every town, the gate in Salisbury being kept by Deacon Daniel Parker. Amos Pettengill, of Salisbury, carried this corporation, by his personal influence, through many a dark day. He invented a snow-plow that was often drawn through the deep snow by thirty yoke of oxen, cutting a path a rod wide.

In 1840 an order was issued by the court declaring the southern portion of it free to public travel, Salisbury paying the corporation six hundred dollars as its share of indemnity to the stockholders.

The first important bridge in the town was built over the Blackwater River in 1776, and was probably on the line of the south rangeway where it cross's the stream. The second bridge was over the same stream, but on the centre rangeway. It cost thirty-nine dollars, and was built in 1777.

The first bridge over the Pemigewasset River wa« built in 1802, thereby affording the means of communicating with Sanbornton. Previous to this the stream was crossed either by ferries or by fording the stream with teams, the crossing being just north of the Republican bridge.

An act of incorporation was obtained in 1800 for building a bridge over the Pemigewasset River, which, in later years, was called Republican bridge. Ebenezer Webster was authorized to call the first meeting, and the bridge was built at the above date (1802). The bridge was carried away by the great February freshet of 1824, and the great winter freshet of 1839 again demolished it. The .following summer the present bridge was erected at a cost of seven thousand dollars. It continued a toll-bridge until 1845.

In 1800 there were two ferries over the Merrimack, --the upper one known as Wise's, and farther down stream was Cross's. They furnished communication with this town, Northfield and Canterbury.

It is generally understood that the first saw-mill in the town was the Webster, or proprietors' mill, located on Punch Brook. At a meeting of the proprietors held March 22, 1759, a committee was chosen to lay out one hundred acres of land to Captain John Webster for building a saw-mill. The site was located and the mill completed by the 1st of October, 1761. The mill was erected on land belonging to Ebenezer Webster.

One-half the use of the mill was voted to Captain John Webster for three years, he to saw the proprietors' lumber at the halves, keep the mill in good repair, and, at the expiration of three years, to leave the mill in good repair. Ebenezer Webster and Eliphalet Gale were each voted a quarter-share of the saw-mill on the same conditions as given Captain John Webster. November 3, 1764, it was voted to give Ebenezer Webster the use of the mill for three years from date, he to saw the proprietors' lumber at the halves. Mr. Webster continued to conduct the mill until his removal to his interval farm, when Stephen Sawyer, conducted it in connection with the grist-mill, and, in addition, put in a clothing-mill.

In 1764 efforts were made to build a grist-mill, and the year following two hundred acres of land were voted to the projectors (who were Benjamin Sanborn and Ebenezer Webster) to put in a mill. This mill was built in one end of the proprietors' saw-mill, and for many years did all the grinding, not only for the settlers of this lot, but the surrounding towns, people bringing their corn from Perrystown (now Sutton) on their backs. It is said the mill-stones were drawn up from below on an ox-sled in the winter of 1765.

Andrew Pettengill was the first blacksmith in the settlement, his shop standing just east of Thomas D. Little's residence.

The first hotel in town was erected at the South Road as early as 1768, and was owned by Lieutenant Andrew Pettengill. The first one at the Centre Road was built by Abel Elkins, and is now occupied as a residence by Caleb E. Smith.

The first hotel at the East village (now Franklin) Was built by Ebenezer Eastman on the site of the present " Webster house."

It is traditional that Major Stephen Bohonon had the first store in town, it being situated in one of the front rooms of his dwelling, which stood on the site now occupied by the Congregational parsonage. He sold out to Andrew Bowers.

The first store at East village (now Franklin) was erected by Ebenezer Eastman previous to 1803.

William Hoyt had the first store at the Lower village (now Orphans' Home, Franklin).

The above were the first stores in the several parts of the town, but the principal store, and the one which continues to do the largest business, is the old Greenleaf store at South Road, owned by David G. Bean, and conducted by Andrew E. Quimby. In 1793 there were five merchants scattered throughout the town, who paid the following taxes on stock in trade: John C. Gale, £300; William Hoit, £130; Luke Wilder, £250; Andrew Bowers, £180; Nathaniel Noyes, £50.

The following list contains the names and short notices of gentlemen who have practiced their profession in the town.

Hon. Thomas W. Thompson commenced practice in Salisbury in 1790, continuing till 1810.

Parker Noyes, Esq., admitted to the bar in 1801, and, with the exception of two years, continued in practice until his death, in 1852.

Hon. Moses Eastman, A.M. (see biography).

Thomas H. Pettengill, Esq., practiced at the Centre village from 1822 until his death.

Hon. Richard Fletcher, A.M., LL.D., continued in practice from the time he was admitted to the bar till 1819.

Samuel I. Wells, Esq., admitted to the bar in 1819, began practice in Salisbury, continuing until 1836.

Hon. Geo. W. Nesmith, LL.D., read law with Parker Noyes, Esq.; admitted to the bar in August, 1825, continuing in town till Franklin was formed, when he became a resident there.

Dr. Joseph Bartlett, the first physician in Salisbury, was born at Amesbury, Mass., January 14,1751; read medicine with his uncle, Governor Josiah Bartlett; removed to Salisbury about 1772, continuing until his death, September 20,1800.

Dr. Joseph Bartlett, born in Salisbury, 1775, read medicine with and succeeded his father in practice. He died 1814.

Dr. Peter Bartlett, brother to Dr. Joseph, Jr., attended lectures at Dartmouth Medical School; received his degree in 1829; began practice in Salisbury as early as 1818; continued until 1836; removed to Peoria, Ill.; died 1868.

Dr. Jonathan Kittredge, of Canterbury, began practice in Salisbury about 1810, continuing until his death, 1819.

Dr. Job Wilson, of Gilmanton, located at Salisbury previous to 1814, remaining till 1834, when he removed to Franklin.

Dr. Thomas W.Wilson, born in Salisbury, 1806; attended lectures at Dartmouth, continuing in practice at Salisbury until his death, in 1861.

Dr. Moses Hill, of Warner, began practice in Salisbury in 1836, remaining one year.

Dr. Benjamin E. Woodman, of Salem, N. H., removed to Salisbury in 1836, remaining one year.

Dr. Jesse Merrill, F.M., M.S., of Peacham, Vt., began practice in that part of Salisbury now Franklin about 1819, remaining quite a period.

Dr. John Proctor was in town and practicing his profession in 1820.

Dr. John Baker, born in Salisbury, 1792; began practice previous to 1841, continuing until 1851.

Dr. Calvin Bachelder was here a short time about 1842.

Dr. Abraham H. Robinson, born in Concord, graduated at Yale College; removed to Salisbury early in 1839; removed to Concord in 1859.

Dr. Charles B. Willis, 1859-63.

Dr. Charles H. Towle came to Salisbury in 1865, remaining until December, 1868; removed to Deerfield, and there continues.

Dr. Warren W. Sleeper, of New Hampton, 1853 till 1875; continues at Franklin Falls.

Dr. Edward B. Buxton, born in Dunbarton,---1875-'78.

Dr. George P. Titcomb, of Boscawen, removed to Salisbury in 1868, where he still continues.

Dr. John J. Dearborn, of Concord, removed to Salisbury in the spring of 1878, continuing till December, 1884, when he removed to Tilton.

The following sketches are of natives of the town, unless the place of birth is given different. (See also Physicians.)

Joseph Bean, son of the grantee Joseph, born at Kingston; commissioned justice by the crown previous to his removal here. He was the wealthiest and most important man in the early settlement, the first town treasurer, and held all the town offices at different periods. He died June 1, 1804; married Betsey Fifield. She died June 25,1812.

Nathaniel Bean, grandson of Joseph, born in Salisbury, March 5, 1796; always remained in town, taking a prominent interest in its affairs. He was the oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1876, and was a man of wealth and sociability. He died January 18,1877, leaving a widow.

Sinclair Bean, a native of Brentwood, removed to the west part of Salisbury in 1766, and, with the exception of the Maloons, was the first settler at that part of the town. He was the town's first clerk, holding the office four years, and was an elder in the church. He died February 21,1798; married, July 18, 1739, Shuah Fifield.

Rev. James Morey Bean, born in Salisbury, November 18,1833; great-grandson of Sinclair; attended the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and the Theological Seminary now located at Boston; began preaching in 1862, and since continued; married Mary Trussell.

Rev. John Wesley Bean, born in Salisbury, June 17,1836; brother to the former; attended the Methodist Biblical Institute; was made elder in 1875, continuing in the ministry. Both are meeting with good success in their calling; married (second) Sarah B Saunders, of Grafton.

Rev. Julius Caesar Blodgett, born in Salisbury March 6,1806; completed his education at the Salisbury Academy; ordained a minister of the Christian denomination at Sanbornton, in January, 1830. In 1845 he became editor of the Christian Herald, then published at Exeter. He spoke with great force and energy, and was a very efficient revivalist. His native labors covered a period of forty-three years. He died at Kensington, March 26,1878. Married, September 3,1837, Abigail C. Shaw, youngest daughter of Rev. Elijah Shaw.

Joseph Bartlett, M.D. (see Physicians), born at Amesbury, Mass., January 14,1751; married, December 16,1773, Hannah Colcord, of Kingston. He was the first of the family that settled here and his descendants have been among the most prominent men of the State. He died September 20, 1800; she died August 29,1839.

Joseph Bartlett, M.D. (2d), read medicine with his father, whom he succeeded in practice, and died November 6,1806, aged thirty-one years.

Hon. Ichabod Bartlett, A.M., son of Dr. Joseph (1st), born in Salisbury January 24,1786.

Peter Bartlett, M.D., son of Dr. Joseph (1st), born October 18,1788 (see Physicians). A writer says : " He was a physician of large practice, a man of bright and genial spirit and one of the most active members of the community and of the religious society in Salisbury. His removal to the West was with the greatest regret of his townsmen, by whom he was held in the highest esteem." He died at Peoria, Ill., 1838; married, August 1,1816, Ann Pettingill; she died October 1,1837.

Hon. James Bartlett, A.M., son of Dr. Joseph (1st), born August 14,1792; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1812; began to study law with Moses Eastman at Salisbury and completed with his brother Ichabod at Portsmouth; began practice at Durham; removed to Dover, where he died in 1837. He represented Dover in the General Court a number of years and was State Senator. From 1819 to 1836 he was register of Probate for Strafford County. He was regarded as a sound and able lawyer, characterized more by strength and clearness than brilliancy. Twice married.

Daniel Bartlett, born Aug. 25,1795, established himself in trade at Grafton, representing the town in the Legislature at the time when these four brothers were members, viz.: Samuel C., from Salisbury, James from Durham, Ichabod from Portsmouth and Daniel from Grafton. He removed to Boston, where he died, unmarried, August, 1877.

Samuel C. Bartlett, son of Dr. Joseph (1st), born in Salisbury January 16,1780. In 1805 he opened a store at Centre Road (Salisbury), which he kept for a long period, and by frugality, industry and enterprise acquired a large property. Esquire Bartlett was liberal-minded, public-spirited and generous, and in his business and social relations universally respected. He frequently represented the town in her business affairs, and did a large justice business. He retained his bright mental faculties to the time of his death, March 31,1867, aged eighty-seven years ; married, July 31, 1810, Eleanor Pettengill, who died March 7, 1861.

Rev. Joseph Bartlett, A.M., son of Samuel C., born January 5, 1816; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1835; taught at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1837-38; tutor at Dartmouth College, 1838-41; and graduated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1843, and ordained at Buxton, Me., October 7, 1847 ; died ---.

Samuel C. Bartlett, A.M., D.D. LL.D.

James R. Cushing, born in Salisbury November 24, 1800, completed his ministerial studies at the Bangor {Me.) Theological Seminary in 1825; immediately licensed to preach and labored as city missionary at Boston; pastor at Boxboro', Taunton, East Haverhill, Mass., and after fifty years spent in the ministry died at Haverhill, April, 1880; married, first, Hannah Lawrence, by whom he had four children; married, second, Charity M. Daniels ; she died 1879.

Elder John Couch, born August 4, 1814, received his schooling at the old Noyes School, under Benjamin Tyler. In 1842, Mr. Couch felt himself called to preach the gospel as an Adventist and has since labored with great success. In 1870 he was chosen senior editor of the Bible Banner, published in New York. In 1873 he was elected editor of the World's Crisis, an eight-page weekly paper published at Boston; married, first, 1855, Almeda Greeley; she died May 17,1870; married, second, Maria G. Pickering.

Hiram Morrill Couch, M.D., born February 16, 1818 ; educated at the Salisbury Academy and Warwick (Vt.) University; read medicine with Dr. A. H. Robinson, at Salisbury, and Dr. Timothy Haynes, at Concord; graduated at Dartmouth Medical School in 1847; began practice at Georgetown, Mass., where he died December 22,1862; married Mahala Tilton.

Hon. Joel Eastman, born February 22, 1798, and was the son of Joel and Betsey (Pettengill) Eastman; fitted for college at Salisbury Academy and graduated at Dartmouth, 1824; read law with Samuel I. Wells, at Salisbury, and Hon. William C. Thompson, at Plymouth. After being admitted to the bar, in 1827, he located at Conway. The same ability and studious habits which caused him to rank second in his class at Dartmouth soon gave him success as an eminent lawyer throughout the State. In politics he was a Whig, and was a clear, eloquent and persuasive stump-speaker. He was elected to the Legislature in 1836,
'37, '38, '53, '54, and '55. In 1839 he was delegate to the Harrisburg National Convention, and on his return he took the stump for the ticket; appointed United States district attorney in 1841, and was succeeded by Hon. Franklin Pierce, judge of Probate for Carroll County, in 1856, continuing until disqualified by age, in 1868. In 1861 he was a candidate for the Republican nomination to Congress, but on account of a severe storm and the non-arrival of his friends, Hon. Gilman Marston received the nomination and was elected. In 1863 he was nominated for Congress, but was defeated by Hon. Daniel Marcy, the Democratic candidate.

He was a man of vigorous mental and physical constitution, and at the age of eighty-five had not retired from practice. He died at Conway, March 16,1885 ; married, December, 1832, Ruth G. Odell, of Conway; she died April 8, 1880.

Hon. Moses Eastman, born August 1,1770; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1794, receiving the degree of A.M.; read law and admitted to the bar in 1797, opening an office in his native town; was postmaster some thirty years; was clerk of the Circuit Court, filling the same position in the Superior Court after the formation of Merrimack County; in 1847 removed to Waltham, Mass.; died April 19, 1848; married, first, Sukey Bartlett; second, Eliza Sweetser.

Joseph Bartlett Eastman, A.M., son of Hon. Moses and Sukey (Bartlett) Eastman, born February 4, 1804; graduated at Dartmouth, 1821; read law with his father; then studied medicine with his uncle, Dr. Peter Bartlett, and practiced medicine until 1831 at Waterford,Me.; taught the Salisbury Academy ; studied divinity at the Andover Theological Seminary in the class of 1837; licensed to preach by the Addison Association of Vermont. He continued preaching and died at Windsor, N. Y., December 31, 1861; married Mary, daughter of John Huse, of Hill. His sons became celebrated in their chosen professions, but none of them were born in Salisbury.

Elbridge G. Eastman, son of Hon. Moses, graduated at West Point Military School. He was a highly-respected officer in the army, and died at Fort Gibson, Ark., in 1834, unmarried.

Adjutant Edward Evans, a native ol Ireland, settled at Chester, N. H., about 1760 and removed to Salisbury previous to 1775. He was known as " Master Evans," and was a most successful school-teacher. It is said he and Carrigan were the best penmen in the province. For a time he served as secretary for Generals Washington and Sullivan. He was commissioned adjutant of the Second Regiment of militia. He was at Bunker Hill, Bennington, and served in the New Jersey and New York campaigns. He died 1818; married Sarah Flagg. She died 1831, aged seventy-nine.

James L. Foote, Esq., son of Thomas and Lydia (Taber), born April 15,1856; read law with Hon. J. M. Shirley, at Andover, and Hon. E. B. S. Sanborn, of Franklin Falls; admitted to the bar in 1877, and opened an office at Manchester.

Jonathan French, M.D., son of Lieutenant Joseph, born in Salisbury, October 5, 1777; married —— Shaw ; practiced his profession at Hampton; removed to Amesbury, Mass.; died.

John Q. A. French, M.D., son of Captain Nathaniel and Phebia (Wells) French, born in Salisbury; practices his profession at Washington, N. H.

Rev. Winthrop Fifield read medicine with Dr. Jesse Merrill, of Salisbury; attended medical lectures at Dartmouth, and for three years practiced at Pittsfield, at which place he began theology under Rev. Jonathan Curtis, and completed at Andover Theological Seminary; ordained at Epsom, May 10, 1837; died at South Newmarket, May 9, 1862, aged fifty-six; married, first, Sophia Garland; second, Sarah A. O. Piper.

Ebenezer O. Fifield, son of Jonathan and Dorcas (Pearson) Fifield, born in Salisbury; entered Dartmouth College with Ezekiel Webster; graduated in 1804; read medicine with Dr. Nathan Smith, of Hanover. When Daniel Webster went to Boston, to open his law-office, Mr. Fifield went with him, and completed his studies under Dr. Asa Ballard. Began practice in ——, Me. In the 1812 War he entered the army as surgeon ; captured by the French and was a prisoner in France for eight months. Shattered in health, he became a principal of the Alexandria (Va.) Academy; then in the old State Bank at Boston; eyesight failing, he removed to Lowell, where he died October 22, 1859; married Anna G. Gough, of Boston. She died 1875.

John L. Fifield, M.D., read medicine with Dr. Elkins at Andover, and is a successful practitioner at Victoria, Ill.; married Laura Cushman.

James Fifield, M.D., practiced medicine at Claremont; died April 30,1827, aged thirty-three years; married Lucinda Talmer, of Claremont. She died August 22,1881, aged seventy-eight years.

Jesse Fifield, M.D., settled at Waterloo, N. Y.; married Sarah Burnham.

Rev. Amos Foster, A.M., born March 30, 1797; graduated at Dartmouth, 1822; studied theology and was licensed to preach by the Windsor Association in February, 1824; ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Canaan, which he served eight years; installed at Putney, Vt., and with a few changes settled there as his home, and died September 21, 1884, aged eighty-seven years, five months, twenty-two days ; married, June 29, 1825, Harriet A. White. His publications were quite numerous and eagerly sought after.

Rev. Benjamin F. Foster (see church record), born June 16,1803 ; graduated at Amherst College in 1829; studied divinity, was ordained in March, 1832; died November 2, 1868; married, first, April 19, 1832, Ruth H. Kimball; second, Mary C. Perry.

John M. Fitz, M.D., born October 19, 1820; read medicine with Dr. C. P. Gage, of Concord; attended medical lectures at Harvard, and graduated from Dartmouth Medical College; eventually settled at Bradford ; died February 8,1883; an active member of the New Hampshire Medical Society; a man of great perseverance, possessing a quick perception, he arrived at a diagnosis seemingly by intuition ; married Nancy Chase, of Warner.

Andrew L. Greeley, born September 10,1835; admitted to the bar in 1859, and is now district attorney of Esmeralda County, Nev. He was a member of the first Legislature which met in that State. Married Mrs. Mary A. Osborne.

Luther J. Greeley, a brother of the previous, born February 5, 1840; read law with Hon. John M. Shirley at Andover; admitted to the bar in October, 1863, and practices his profession at Bodie, Col.

Carlos S. Greeley, one of the self-made men of our times, born July 11, 1811 (see Daniel B. GGale). Messrs. Greeley and Gale built up a large business, which has continued to increase until at the present time Mr. Greeley is at the head of the firm which has built the largest grocery-store and do the largest business in their line of any store in the United States. He has ever been connected with public enterprise; his keen business qualities place his name as a financier in such a high rank that it stands as president of numerous institutions of philanthropy, learning, charity and financial enterprise. He possesses a benevolent heart, a sympathetic nature, and with his wealth renders his acts of kindness truly noble. Married, 1841, Emily R. Robbins, of Hartford, Conn.; died 1878; one child.

Henry Greenleaf, A.M., born May 15, 1797, graduated at Dartmouth 1823. He read law, was admitted to the bar and practiced for a period. Died November 27,1832, unmarried.

Charles F. Greenough, son of Eldridge F. and Elizabeth R. (Eastman) Greenough, born July 29,1849; read law with his father (D. C. 1828); admitted to the bar, and practices at Wauseon, Ohio.

Hon. Jacob Gale, born February 22, 1814; graduated at Dartmouth, 1833, removing to Peoria, Ill., the year following, where he still resides; admitted to the bar; in 1844 elected clerk of Circuit Court, holding the position twelve years; judge of Judicial Court in 1856, and through his personal efforts has made the present school system of that city what it is; has been mayor two terms and filled many offices of trust, with great ability; married Charlotte, daughter of Dr. Peter Bartlett; she died 1871.

Daniel B. Gale, a brother of the preceding, born March 30, 1816. Although not a professional man, yet he should receive notice; fitted for college, but at the last moment decided to become a merchant; A great student and one who always did what he could in the cause of education. Purchasing a stock of goods in Boston, he shipped them by the way of New Orleans, and, in company with Carlos Greeley began business in 1838 at St. Louis, which partnership, continued thirty-six years. During that period no partnership papers were ever made out and they never had a word of disagreement. Mr. Greeley says Mr. Gale was a good, honest, working man, always ready to do his share of hard work—and there was plenty of it for many long years. For many years Mr. Gale was a director in several banks and a large stockholder of the Kansas and Pacific Railroad. In charitable organizations and in the cause of education he gave liberally. He died September 23, 1874. Married Charlotte E. Pettengill, of Salisbury.

Rev. Benjamin Huntoon, born November 28,1792; married, first, Susannah Pettengill; second, Lydia Bowman; third, Mrs. Ann Payson. He died April 19,1864 ; graduated at Dartmouth, 1817; began the »tudy of divinity at Andover Theological Seminary in 1819; ordained over the Congregationalist Church at Canton, Mass., in 1822. Later in life he became one of the most noted of the Unitarian ministers and acquired a prominent position in the Masonic fraternity ; an active and zealous laborer in the cause of human brotherhood and an uncompromising opponent of every form of oppression.

Palmetus  Hunton, Esq.,  son of Dr. Arial and Polly (Pingry) Hunton born November 30, 1809; studied law and admitted to the bar at Hyde Park, Vt, 1837; married Louisa Parsons. He died at Charleston, S. C., August 4, 1839.

Charles B. Haddock, A. M., D. D., born June 20, 1796, entering Dartmouth College in 1812, possessing marked mental qualities. His natural endowments and diligence of application at once made him the best scholar of his class. After graduating, in 1816, he entered the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass.; impaired health prevented him from completing his studies and he made the tour of the Southern States. On his return, in 1819, he was appointed to the chair of rhetoric at Dartmouth, continuing till 1838. As an instructor he was thorough; as a critic, discriminating ; as a writer, fertile; and as a speaker, graceful and attractive. He was popular with the students, endearing them to him by his dignity and that thoughtful, manly kindness which improves and gives charm to every form of intercourse. After resigning his position he was made professor of intellectual philosophy and civil policy. While holding this position he was charge d'affaires of the United States at Portugal, from 1850 to 1854. On his return to his Alma Mater he resigned the chair. Professor Haddock never sought the fame of authorship, but in 1846 he published " Addresses and Miscellaneous Writings." They were productions of rare merit, showing the same finish of style, purity of diction and richness and practicability of suggestion which characterized all his intellectual efforts. He subsequently published a number of valuable works. The last of his life was spent at West Lebanon, where he died January 15,1861. Married, first, Susan Saunders, daughter of Richard Lang, of Hanover; second, Mrs. Caroline (Kimball) Young.

William T., A.M., although a brother of Charles B. Haddock, spelled and pronounced his name Heydock; born April 4, 1798; graduated at Dartmouth, 1819; read law with his uncle, Daniel Webster, at Boston; admitted to the bar in 1822; began practice at Hanover. Two years later removed to Concord, where he published the Probate Directory; removed to Boston in 1829 and took the editorial chair of the Jurisprudence, a law journal published weekly. In 1831 removed to Lowell, and died November 6,1835, unmarried.

Lorenzo Haddock, M.D., a younger brother, was a physician at Buffalo, N. Y., where he died.

George H. Hutchings, M.D., born at Charlestown, Mass., February 3, 1840, and was very small when his parents removed to Salisbury. He received his education in Salisbury, and until after marriage his home was among us. He entered Harvard Medical College in 1857, and graduated at the Eclectic Medical Institute at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1861, eventually settling at Woburn, Mass., where he continues engaged in a large and lucrative practice. He is connected with several medical societies and has published a number of works on special diseases. Married Emily M. Lathrope; two children.

Albert L. Kelly, son of Hon. Israel W. and Rebecca (Fletcher) Kelly, born August 17, 1802; graduated at Dartmouth in 1822; read law and began practice at Frankfort; resides at Wintersport, Me.; married Caroline Pierce.

Israel W. Kelly, a brother of the former, born January 1,1804; graduated at Dartmouth in 1825; he was known as Webster Kelly; read law with Hon. Joseph Bell at Haverhill, Mass.; practiced for a time at Boston; married Lucella S. Pierce, of Frankfort, Me., in which State he continued to practice; died July 5,1855.

Benjamin Loverin, M.D., born June 1,1786 ; married Abigail Greeley; practiced his profession, and died at Sutton July 25, 1825.

John Webster Little, M.D., D.D.S., born April 7, 1818; read medicine and graduated at Dartmouth Medical College in 1845. Impaired health prevented him from riding, and he turned his attention to dentistry, which he practiced at Concord, winning an enviable reputation. Died December 21, 1877; married, first, Sarah P. White; married, second, Elizabeth J. Goodwin.

Rev. Valentine Little, A.B., a brother of the former, born February 21, 1790; graduated at Dartmouth in 1811; studied divinity with Rev. Joseph Dodge, of Haverhill, Mass.; served on a mission and supplied vacancies until he was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Lowell, Me., in 1826; returned to his place of nativity (Salisbury), in 1836, where he died June 4,1852; married, first, Mary Clark, of Maine; married, second, Miranda C. Church.

Rev. Ebenezer L. Little, A.B.,born April 30,1837 ; took a course of study at the University of Michigan in 1861, and completed at the Theological Seminary at Rochester, N. Y., in 1866 ; was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church at Clifton, N. Y., in 1866. In July, 1871, he accepted a call from the Baptist Church at Lapeer, Mich., remaining six years. In 1878 became pastor at Alpena, Mich., and continues; married, Susan C. Lamson.

Rev. Frank R. Morse, A.M., D.D., graduated at Dartmouth, 1861; immediately entered the Newton (Mass.) Theological Institute, from which he graduated in 1865. Dr. Morse is a brilliant and easy speaker and a laborious worker in Christ's vineyard. At present pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church at Brooklyn, N. Y.; one of the professors in the Brooklyn Lay College and Bible Institute; one of the owners and editors of the Watch Tower. Married Emma B. Giles, of New York.

Thomas J. Noyes, M.D., son of Joseph, born November 20,1805.

Hon. Moses Pettengill, born April 16,1802; one of Salisbury's self-made men; began mercantile business at Rochester, N.Y., iu 1827 ; thence to Brockport, N. Y. In 1834 removed to Peoria, Ill., and in company with Jacob Gale opened the first hardware-store at that place, where he continued in a number of enterprises. He held a large number of city offices, and was a member of the State Senate. He was one of the origiuators of the Presbyterian Church at Peoria, and gave largely of his time and funds for the support of Christianity, being a trustee and deacon of the church since 1834-35. He gave princely sums in aid of the negro and the soldiers, and was one of the supporters of Wheaton College. He built a day and boarding-school, costing some thirty thousand dollars, which is meeting with good success. He died November 9,1883 ; married, first, Lucy, daughter of Amos Pettengill; died February 29,1864; married, second, Mrs. Hannah W. (Bent) Tyner.

Hon. James O. Pettengill, born April 17, 1810; early removed to Rochester, N. Y., and there continues. Married, first, Emaline Woodbury; married, second, Mrs. Harriet B. Howard. She died October 13,1882. A man of great business capacity, highly respected, and has held many offices of public trust and of private corporations with fidelity; one of the founders of the Rochester Theological Seminary, and established the chair of church history.

Thomas Hale Pettengill, Esq., born November 20, 1780; married Aphia Morse; she died at Portland, Me., November 10, 1861. He died at Salisbury; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1804; read law and admitted to the bar in 1808, opening an office at Canaan, where he remained until 1822, when he returned to Salisbury and continued in the practice of his profession, in which he sustained an enviabl reputation.

Benjamin Pettengill, A.M., born September 17, 1789; graduated at Middlebury College in 1812 ; was a merchant and hotel proprietor, remaining in his native town. He could only be induced to hold the office of representative for three years; married Betsey, daughter of Lieutenant Benjamin Pettengill.

Hon. John W. Pettengill, son of the above, born November 12, 1835; entered Dartmouth College in 1852; began the study of law under Hon. Asa Fowler at Concord; health failing, he returned home, and in the spring of 1858 removed to Charlestown, Mass., completed his law studies under Hon. J. Q. A. Griffin and at the April term in 1859 was admitted to the bar, opening an office at Charlestown immediately after, and for three years was city solicitor, during which time he lost but three cases. In 1874 he removed to Boston. Under the administration of Governor Talbot he was made judge of the District Court, having jurisdiction over nine towns, and is assistant judge of the Charlestown Police Court. Married, first, Margaret W. Dennitt; married, second, Emma M. Tilton; married, third, Mary Dennitt.

Solomon M. Pingrey, born November 12, 1820; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1840 and died the following October.

Hon. William M. Pingrey, A.M., born May 28, 1806; read law with Samuel I. Wells (see Lawyers) and with Shaw & Chandler at Danville; was admitted to the bar in June, 1832, and the following month opened an office at Weathersfield, remaining nine years ; removed to Springfield, thence to Perkinsville. While at Weathersfiald he held the office of town clerk, treasurer, selectman and county surveyor; a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1850; county commissioner and State auditor from 1853 to 1860; a member of the Legislature in 1860, '61, '68; a member of the Senate in 1869, '70, '71, and later assistant judge of Windsor County Court, and for forty-five years deacon of the Baptist Church. He died May 1,1885. Married, first, Lucy G. Brown; second, Mrs. Lucy C. Richardson.

Colonel Samuel E. Pingrey, A.M., born August 2, 1832; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1857; read law and admitted to the bar in Windsor County, Vt., in 1859; began practice at Hartford, Vt.; enlisted in the United States service in 1861 and, at the expiration of three years, returned as colonel; resides at Hartford, where he enjoys a large and lucrative practice; has been county solicitor two terms; elected Lieutenant-Governor in 1883 and chosen Governor the following year.

Colonel Stephen M. Pingrey, a brother to the former, was born March 21, 1835; read law with Hon. A. P. Hunton at Bethel, Vt., where he was admitted to the bar in 1860; enlisted as a private in1861 and came home in command of his regiment at the end of three years; resides and practices his profession at Hartford; married Mary Foster, of  Bethel, Vt.

William W. Proctor, M.D., born May 9, 1807; read medicine with Dr. Bartlett; graduated at Dartmouth Medical College in 1833; began practice at Hill; removed to Pittsfield, where he died April 23, 1861; married Mary Hale.

Hon. Nathaniel Parker, born January 31,1807; removed to Williston, Vt., and represented that town in the Legislature in 1839-42; removed to Burlington, Vt., where he was appointed deputy collector, serving six years ; a director of the Merchants' and Commercial Banks; he held the same position in the Vermont Life Insurance Company since its organization ; president of the Burlington Glass Company. He was appointed assistant judge of the County Court in 1870, holding the office six years. Married, first, Cynthia L. Haines; second, Julia B. Hoswell.

Rev. Moses Sawyer, A.M., born March 11,1776; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1799, taking first honors; studied theology with Rev. Asa Burton at Thedford, Vt., until 1801; ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Henniker May 21,1802; dismissed in 1826; installed at Scarborough, Me., Gloucester, Mass.; preached at Saugus and Ipswich, Mass., where he died August 26, 1847. Married Fanny, daughter of Captain Peter Kimball, of Boscawen.

Nathaniel Sawyer, A.M., brother of the former, born April 10, 1784; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1805; read law at Concord and at Salem, Mass.; began practice at Newburyport, Mass.; thence went to Boston, where he enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. Removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he died, October 3, 1853. Married at Frankfort, Ky., Palemia Bacon.

Colonel George W. Stevens, A.M., born November 16,1814; read law with Hon. G. W. Nesmith and practiced at Lebanon. Married Sarah A. Davenport. He died October 2,1877.

Elder Hiram Stevens, born December 12,1803; a preacher of the Free-Will Baptist Church in Salisbury, Meredith, Ohio, and several other places. He was an eloquent, powerful speaker. Died June 6, 1880. He married three times.

Lieutenant Robert Smith removed to Salisbury previous to 1768, and was one of the town's most prominent men, serving throughout the Revolutionary War and was one of her prominent churchmen. Married, 1768, Sarah Eaton. He died November 11,1801.

Robert Smith, M.D., grandson of the former, studied medicine at Dartmouth Medical College, receiving his degree in 1847. Married, first, Susan, daughter of Joshua Fifield; second, Hannah Marston; third, Abigail Pettengill. He practiced his Profession at Amesbury, Mass., and Hampton, N. H. Died in Salisbury, April 13,1873.

Hon. Peter Swett, born March 27, 1801; removed to Brockport, N. Y., in 1830, and for six years was engaged in mercantile pursuits; removed to Peoria, Ill., and became extensively engaged in vintage business, where he died in 1868. He served in the State Senate, was postmaster, and reappointed by President Buchanan, and served as city treasurer; married, Frances Trumbull. She died in 1872.

John P. Townsend, living in New York City since 1850; vice-president of the Bowery Savings-Bank, the largest institution of the kind in the country having assets of over forty millions ; president of the Municipal Gas-Light Company, of Rochester; vice-president of the Maritime Exchange; director of the Long Island Railroad Company; secretary and manager of the Hospital for the Ruptured And Crippled, and a trustee and manager in a number of other benevolent and charitable institutions. Married Elizabeth A. Baldwin.

Patrick Henry Townsend, born October 20,1823; entered Phillips Exeter Acadamy. In the fall of 1848 he entered the junior class at Bowdoin College and graduated with honor in 1850; read law with Hon. Amos Tuck, Hon. E. B. Washburn and was admitted to the bar. His was a very eventful and noted life. He died very suddenly at Washington in May, 1864.

Dr. John True, A.B., son of Deacon Jacob True, born April 9,1789; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1806; read medicine at Concord and at Dartmouth Medical School; began practice at Haverhill, Mass.; thence removed to Tennessee, where he died in 1815.

Walter Wells, son of Samuel I. Wells, Esq., born in 1830 ; graduated at Bowdoin College in 1852 with high honors; died at Portland, Me., April 21, 1881; married Mary Sturdivant. 'He was a teacher and lecturer on educational topics, particularly of a scientific nature. In 1867 he took charge of the hydro-graphic survey of Maine. He wrote a work entitled, " Water-Power of Maine: an Elementary Physical Geography," an elaborate and exhaustive report on the relation of the tariff to the growth and manufacture of cotton in the United States.

William Coombs Thompson, son of Hon. Thomas W. Thompson, born March 17, 1802; graduated at Dartmouth in 1820; read law and admitted to the bar in 1824, beginning practice at Concord; removing to Plymouth in 1826. In 1852 he removed to Worcester, Mass., where he died April 27,1877. Married, first, Martha H. Leavett; second, Susan B. Nelson.

Charles E. Thompson, a brother of the former, born June 19,1807; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1828 ; read law one year ; traveled in South America and the South Seas for three years; returned to Mobile, Ala., where he was in trade; completed his law studies with his brother at Plymouth and admitted to the bar in 1838; began practice at Haverhill, continuing till 1854 ; resides at Cresskill, N. Y.; married Mary, daughter of Hon. Miles Olcott.

Henry Lyman Watson, M.D., read medicine with Hon. Leonard Eaton, M.D., at Warner; graduated from the Vermont Medical School in 1848; has practiced at Stewartstown, Guildhall, Vt., and for the last fourteen yeara at Littleton; has been a member of the Legislature and postmaster; also filled numerous positions of honor and trust, both public and private; married, first, Roxana Hughes; married, second, Mary J. Hardy.

Irving A. Watson, M.D., born September 6, 1849; read medicine and graduated from the Vermont Medical University in 1871; practiced at Northumberland ten years, representing that town in the Legislature. In 1881 he removed to Concord, where he was made permanent secretary of the State Board of Health, filling the position with great satisfaction; married Lena A. Farr, of Littleton.

Hon. Ebenezer Webster, also known as Captain, Colonel and Judge; son of Ebenezer Webster; born at East Kingston, April 22,1739 (O. S.); married, first, Mehitable Smith; married, second, Abigail Eastman, a woman of clear and vigorous understanding, of more than ordinary common sense, and took great delight in debating any subject; a woman of high spirit, proud of her children and ambitious of their future distinction. Young Webster, like many young men, was bound out to learn a trade, but his master proving a tyrant in every sense of the word, young Webster ran away and went to live in the family of Colonel Ebenezer Stevens, for whom the town was named (Stevenstown). Mr. Stevens dying soon after, Webster continued in the son's (Major Ebenezer Stevens') family. When Webster became of age (1760) he located in the town and built him a log house ; marrying in 1761, he brought his wife to the new settlement, where they continued to reside, and eventually became the owner of some two hundred and twenty-five acres of land. About 1785-86 he removed to the Lower village and built a two-story tavern, with a two-story ell; here he remained till 1799, when he exchanged his tavern with William Haddock for the latter's dwelling on the opposite side of the street, where he died in 1806, and now known as part of the Orphans' Home at Lower Franklin. The first saw and grist-mill was located on Mr. Webster's land, just east of his log house. On the expiration of the proprietors' lease, Mr. Webster became the owner, and conducted them a number of years. He held his first public office in 1764. At the first meeting after the town's incorporation he was chosen moderator, holding the office forty-three times. In 1769 he was chosen selectman, and held the office nine years. In 1778-80 he was elected representative of the classified towns of Salisbury and Boscawen, and from Salisbury in 1790-91, and Senator for the years 1785, '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91; judge of the Court of Common Pleas from 1791 until the time of his death, in 1806. He was one of the delegates to Exeter to the convention which met to form a permanent plan of government, and at the second convention voted for its adoption, prefacing his vote by a speech charateristic of the man.   He was the town's first justice of the peace. In church matters he exercised great influence, and was a member in good standing. No citizen of the town did more valiant fighting or was in the service longer than Colonel Webster. As an officer, he was beloved by his soldiers, and set the good example of being found in the front of his men, and in the thickest of the fight.   He was born to command, of  cool, steady nerve, and possessing good judgment. Many pages might  be written of the doings of this noble man.

Hon. Ezekiel Webster, son of Colonel Ehenezrr, born March 11, 1780. The first nineteen years of his life were spent upon the farm. When it was decided that he should enter Dartmouth, two terms were spent at the Salisbury Academy; thence to Dr. Wood's, where in nine months he fitted for college, entering Dartmouth in 1801 and graduating in 1804. Read law with General Sullivan and Parker Noyes, entering the profession in September, 1807, at Boscawen, where he continued. He was finely proportioned, six feet tall, and of light complexion. As a lawyer he possessed few equals. A wise counselor and an able advocate. In debate he was dignified and courteous. His weapons were strong arguments clothed in simple yet elegant language. While arguing a case in court at Concord, he suddenly fell back and immediately expired, April 10,1829; married, first, Alice Bridge; married, second, Achsah Pollard, who still resides at Concord.

Hon. Daniel Webster, born in Salisbury January 8, 1782, brother of the former. So many volumes have been printed, orations and memoirs delivered on this great man, that we do not feel competent to say anything farther. As a child Daniel was weak, and it was thought by his parents that he never would be able to perform manual labor; consequently, from the first his education was begun; his first public instructor was Master Robert Hoag; his second, James Tappan. When fourteen years of age he spent six months at Phillips Academy, Exeter; after his return he went to Dr. Wood's, at Boscawen; here he fitted for Dartmouth College, entering in 1788 and graduating in 1801, with high honors. After teaching at Fryeburg, Me., he returned to Salisbury in September, 1802, and began the study of law with Hon. Thomas W. Thompson, continuing till July 1804, when he went to Boston, completing his studies under Hon. Christopher Gore, and in the following March (1805) was admitted to the bar; he immediately returned to Boscawen, opened an office, continuing till September, 1807; turning his business over to his brother Ezekiel, he removed to Portsmouth, and was admitted to the Superior Court of New Hampshire. Continuing at Portsmouth until 1816-17, he removed to Boston, Mass., where he continued. In 1822 he was elected to Congress from the Boston District, and re-elected in 1824. In 1827 sent to Congress, remaining till 1840, resigning the office to accept that of Secretary of State under General Harrison; this office he filled with marked ability until 1843, when he resigned. In 1845 he was again chosen Senator. In 1850, on the death of President Taylor he resigned the Senatorship and became Secretary of State under President Fillmore, continuing until his death, in 1852. His public life may thus be summarized,---Representative in Congress eight years, a Senator in Congress nineteen years, a member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, and five years in the President's Cabinet as Secretary of State. During most of this time his party was in the minority. In the spring of 1839 he visited England, Scotland and France. Dartmouth College conferred the degree of LL. D. He united with the Congregational Church at Salisbury September 13, 1806; married, first, May 26, 1808, Grace Fletcher, died January 21, 1828; married, second, 1832, Caroline Bayard Le Roy.

Captain John Webster, a cousin of Hon. Ebenezer Webster, born 1710 ; a very prominent man of the town, to which he removed very early; he kept the fort at Boscawen, the principal owner of the first mill erected in Salisbury and procured the town's charter; he was very closely connected with the town's affairs, a man universally respected and honored. He died April 29,1788; married Susannah Snow (?), died 1801, aged ninety-one years.

Humphrey Webster, born December 12,1789; graduated at Middlebury College (?); served in the War of 1812; removed to Virginia, where he practiced law and died in 1820 (?)

Humphrey Webster, born February 19,1821; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1844; became a teacher at Springfield, Mass., then at Worcester, then in North Carolina. Previous to the war he took a plantation in that State and died there in 1866; married Eliza Hamilton, daughter of Lucius A. Emery.

Rev. David R. Whittemore, born July 31,1819; attended school at Dracut Academy. In 1842 he removed to Rhode Island, where he was ordained and became pastor of the Free Baptist Church at North Providence. In 1846 he filled the same position for the South Free Baptist Church, at Newport. Resides at Providence. He is extensively known as a great Christian worker and has formed a number of churches. Brightness of intellect, correctness of judgment and positiveness of opinion are traits which make him a wise counselor and a bold leader; married Eliza J. Gilbert.

Rev. Joseph Whittemore, M.D., born in 1813, was ordained pastor of a Baptist Church in Rhode Island, but for twenty years he has practiced medicine at Osage, Iowa.

Jeremiah W. Wilson, M.D., son of Dr. Job Wilson, born January 11,1816 ; read medicine and graduated at Castleton (Vt.) Medical School; locating in the village of Contoocook, at Hopkinton, where he continues in a large and successful practice.

Ephraim F. Wilson, M.D., born October 30,1817; read medicine and graduated at Castleton (Vt.) Medical School in 1845 ; opened an office at Sanbornton; removed to East Concord in 1849; in 1854 removed to Rockville, Conn., where he enjoyed a large and lucrative practice; married Rhoda Barnard.

Thomas W. Wilson, M.D., born February 16,1806; married Amanda M. Sawyer; he died in 1861; he completed his medical education at the Dartmouth Medical School; returned to Salisbury and had a large and extensive practice. He first joined the Baptist Church, later the Congregational Church, and was .highly respected.

Moses S. Wilson, M.D., read medicine with his father, Dr. Thomas W.; attended medical lectures at Dartmouth, Castleton, Vt., and Harvard Medical Schools, where he graduated in 1849. Opening an office at Warner, he continued until the death of his father, in 1861, when he returned to Salisbury, remaining until his appointment as assistant surgeon of the Seventh New Hampshire Regiment; resigning in the summer of 1864, he removed to Galesburg, Ill., where he died in 1873. Married Mary S. Harvey.

Two Biographies complete this History of Salisbury; the Biographies of Thomas Dearborn Little and Henry Pearsons Rolfe. They are on the Biographies page.

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