Newbie List Tips & guidelines
Our host, and the host of many valuable web sites.  Explore Rootsweb's resources, check out the Roots Surname List, and just browse.
Our list is now archived at Rootsweb.  This means that you can search for past messages, or look for surnames.  Any message sent to the kept for a long time by a remote computer.  Do not post anything you do not want your descendants to read.  (Just a kind word of advice)
Your signature at the end of each email message should not contain your list of family surnames that you're researching.  Your name, your email address, a URL for your web page, even your country of origin--those are fine!  Just leave off that string of surnames so that our archives function as effectively as possible. For more information, see Karen's message to Roots-L on this subject.
Gen-Newbie Guidelines for Posting a Message to the List:
  • Only current subscribers may post.
  • Don't send attached files.  Others on the list might not be able to read them.  Straight text works best.
  • Don't use HTML to create your message.  It takes up a lot of space, and others on the list might not be able to read your message.
  • We have a Zero-Tolerance Policy regarding flames.  One flame and you're out. "Flame: To post an insulting, emotional, caustic message."
  • We will allow a one-time announcement of a new list, web site, or commercial advertisement..
  • Don't reprint or copy private email to the list.
  • Keep posts to genealogy/computers please.
Gen-Newbie List Administrators

Elaine Maddox

Terry Beck-Listowner Emeritus

We'll help you with your subscription or list problems, so drop anyone of us a note.  If we can't fix it, we'll do everything we can do find someone who will!
Gen-Newbie is proud to be part of  the Rootsweb Genealogical Data Cooperative.