NSGS - Nebraska Ancestree, Vol VII - Index (con't)
NSGS Ancestree
Nebraska State Genealogical Society Journals

Volume Seven, no. 4
Spring 1985



A-Kirkpatrick | Kirwin - Z

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 149 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Kirwin, 46             Kruger, 19             Lawthers, 36           Lindsay, 79  
Kiser, 90              Krull, 32              Layton, 125            Lindsey, 110  
Kish, 118              Krupicka, 46           Le valley, 125, 126    Lindsley, 107  
Kitchen, 35, 65        Kruse, 20              Lea, 109               Lindstedt, 10, 20  
Kitterman, 125         Krusemark, 20          Leach, 7, 28, 52,      Lindstrom, 85  
Kittle, 125            Kruser, 125              71, 125              Ling, 6  
Klassent, 14           Kryger, 99, 134, 135   Leak, 129              Link, 11  
Kleen, 91              Kuchar, 79             Leake, 99, 134         Linken, 27  
Klein, 125             Kuennemann, 71         Leard, 25, 108         Linkhart, 52  
Klemm, 73              Kuester, 11            Learned, 28            Linney. 106  
Klien, 8               Kuhl, 115              Leavitt, 28, 105       Linskea, 137. 138  
Kline, 12              Kuhlman, 7             Lebens, 70             Linton, 10, 11  
Klink, 11              Kuhn, 90, 134          Ledderman, 69          Lippencott, 46  
Klong, 9               Kuhnel, 46             Lee, 7, 14, 15, 18,    Lischke, 58, 59  
Kloos, 25              Kuhre, 91                27, 28, 47, 50, 107, Litsey, 125  
Kloster, 72            Kummer, 69, 71           111, 117, 139        Living, 15  
Klowann, 117           Kunz, 125              Leese, 90, 91          Livingston, 26, 47  
Klump, 125             Kurth, 140             Leetsch, 100, 102      Llevee, 52  
Klusman, 79            Kuse, 131              Lefevre, 51            Llewellyn, 107;  
Kmichelson, 25         Kusher, 31             Legg, 36               Lloyd, 16, 103  
Knapp, 28, 79          Kuska, 46              Leggett; 108           Lobb, 108  
Knatie, 70             Kyhn, 125              Lehman, 76, 91         Lochner, 71  
Kneef, 8               Kyner, 50              Lehr, 10, 90           Locke, 34  
Kneifel, IS            Kyser, 61              Leidy, 26              Lockhart, 53  
Kneifl, IS             Labarre, 52            Leifeld, 72            Lockmiller, 73  
Knerr, 7               Lacey, 47              Leigh, 25              Lackner, 70  
Knight, 32, 179        Lachnit, 71            Leighfield, 102        Lockwood, 30, 31, 32  
Knock, 114             Lacy, 29               Leighton, 47           Loeb, 26  
Knotts, 74             Laflin, 108            Leis, 59               Loeffler, 116  
Knox, 56, 125          Lagaschultz, 67        Leitch, 125            Loetscher, 20  
Knudsen, 76            Lageschulte, 67        Leland, 125, 126       Lofgren, 18  
Knutson, 64            Laing, 7               Lembeke, 18            Lofo, 61  
Koca, 46               Laird, 101, 102, 104   Lemke, 26              Logan, 28, 47, 50,  
Koch, 73, 125          Lake, 21               Lemkuhler, 125           51  
Koelkiz, 10            Lamar, 50              Lemmer, 71             Lohaus, 52  
Koening, 28            Lamb, 35, 69, 71       Lenard, 28             Lohm, 71  
Koertner, 53           Lambert, 10            Lenney, 111            Lohse, 27  
Kohrell, 47            Lamp, 69               Leo, 125               Lokney, 117  
Kollbaum, 18           Lamson, 135            Leonard, 14            Lomax, 17  
Konagel, 19            Landen, 27             Leonardson, 109, 110   Long, 9, 17, 74, 76,  
Koontz, 24             Landis, 51, 90, 91     Lash, 47                 90  
Koop, 25, 245          Lane, 7, 28, 29, 53,   Lessig, 52             Longan, 213  
Korbelik, 46             125                  Lester, 125            Longfre, 6  
Korff, 24              Langdon, 17            Level, 15              Langley, 15  
Karns; 51              Lange, 28              Levi, 24, 90           Longmore, 125  
Korten, 16             Langmack, 19           Levos, 73,             Lonn, 61  
Kortz, 26              Langworthy, 51, 91     Lewelling, 38          Loomis, 30, 31, 32,  
Kosch, 52              Lankin, 6              Lewis, 9, 23, 47         25, 321 (sic)  
Koser, 26              Lapping, 76              51, 52, 70, 75, 85,  Loon, 61  
Kotas, 46              Large, 91                91, 97, 99, 125,     Lorain(e), 77  
Kottas, 46             Larkin, 16               134, 135, 137        Lore, 53, 54, 56  
Koubek, 125            Larsh, 24              Lhuberle, 26           Lorenzen, 134  
Kountz, 90             Larson, 7, 18, 56,     Libby, 134             Loring, 50, 78  
Kracht, 10               57, 61, 76, 125      Lidgett, 124, 125      Lorton, 108  
Kramer, 36, 125, 13    Lasalle, 50, 91        Liebendorfer, 108      Loucks, 74  
                       Lasalle, 136           Liemback, 75           Loughran, 79            
Kramph, 6              Lasher, 24, 55         Liewer, 19, 20         Louis, 28  
Krasser, 45            Latham, 47             Lighthill, 103         Loukota, 46  
Krauss, 136            Lathop,  25            Lightner, 76           Loux, 110  
Krebs, 25, 99, 134     Lathrop, 26, 51, 69,   Lilly, 50, 74, 86,     Love, 51, 57, 108  
Kreissler, 140           125                    91, 137              Lovett, 49, 90  
Kreitz, 16             Latimore, 125          Lily, 125              Loving, 36  
Krembrow, 125          Laughlin, 130          Lindberg, 9, 11, 61    Lovitt, 91  
Kressen, 25            Laun, 46               Lindel, 50             Lowe, 50, 108  
Krick, 114             Lauzier, 37. 76        Linder, 61, 125        Low, 32  
Kriegle, 50            Lavelle, 6             Lindercraus, 61         
Krise, 97, 98 99       Lawrence, 23, 75,      Lindley, 7, 105         
Kronguist, 61            76, 116, 136         Lindly, 125             
Kronkrights, 74   

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 150 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Lowry, 28, 108         Maney, 55, 71          Maybury, 134           Mcgehee, 52  
Lubben, 18             Manion, 7, 126         Maycock, 28            Mcgillivrae, 32  
Lubkin, 135            Manly, 34              Maya, 140              Mcginn, 7  
Lucas, 125, 176        Manning, 30            Mcalister, 108         Mcgonnagle, 18  
Luce, 125              Mannion, 18            Mcallister, 25, 73     Mcgown, 29  
Luckey, 29             Mannlein, 73           Mcandrew, 50, 51,      Mcgraw, 99  
Lucky, 55              Manson, 11               90, 91               Mcgregor, 101  
Ludwick, 10, 74        Manuel, 30, 31, 32     Mcbeigh, 36            Mcgrew, 17  
Ludwicks, 74           Manuell, 31            Mcbride, 10, 57, 85    Mcgriffen, 137  
Ludwig, 70, 72         Many, 71               Mccabe, 70             Mcguire, 59, 126  
Luehrs, 90             Marcum, 34             Mccall, 75             Mchenry, 74  
Luhrs, 116             Marcusson, 52          Mccallum, 53           Mchosley, 135  
Luhr, 58               Marhoff, 106           Mccann, 47             Mcilreevy, 24  
Lukas, 102, 103        Marin, 11              Mccarthy, 57           Mcintire, 103  
Luksik, 46             Maring, 35             Mccartney, 25, 74      Mcintosh, 53  
Lum, 105               Marin, 11              Mccartneys, 74         Mcintyre, 25, 91  
Lund, 18, 61, 74       Maring, 35             Mccarty, 130           Mckay, 15, 76  
Lundburq, 16           Mark, 126              Mccashey, 91           Mckeag, 47  
Lundgren. 115          Marker, 34             Mccashland, 47         Mckee, 22, 55  
Lunger, 71             Marlatt. 50            Mcclain, 32, 50, 77,   Mckeighan, 105  
Lusche, 68, 69         Marlin, 70               79                   Mckeinke, 25  
Lusk, 47               Marlowe, 75            Mcclanaghan, 136       Mckinley, 18  
Luthy, 4, 5, 45, 115   Marnell, 25            Mcclaren, 100          Mckinney, 110  
Luth, 20               Marquardt, 16, 85      Mcclary, 18            Mcknight, 22  
Lydick, 26             Marquis, 26, 58        Mcclellan, 8, 126      Mckribbens, 74  
Lyktle, 12             Marron, 20, 58, 59     Mcclellom, 8           Mcland, 105  
Lyman, 38              Marrs, 126             Mcclenahan, 29         Mclane, 8  
Lymond, 6              Marsh, 23, 28, 126     Mcclintock, 25         Mclaughlin, 20, 90,  
Lynch, 37              Marshall, 7, 28, 35    Mcclung, 88              91  
Lynn, 46, 70, 111        47, 85, 88, 133      Mcclure, 110           Mclean, 126  
Lyons, 38, 70, 71,     Marshal, 7             Mcclusky, 69           Mclellang 25  
  125                  Marsteller, 51         Mccmant, 28            Mclellen, 24  
Lyon, 25, 103, 110,    Marte, 69              Mccolligan, 18         Mcmain, 34  
  134, 135             Martelle, 32           Mccollough, 76         Mcmanus, 129  
Lytle, 99              Martille, 32           Mccomas, 24, 25        Mcmasters, 107  
Maccuaig, 24, 25       Martin, 1, 11, 13      Mcconaughey, 126       Mcmeen, 106  
Mace, 115                25, 36, 51, 52, 91,  Mccone, 76             Mcmillan, 7, 25  
Macelroy, 7              97, 99, 101, 108     Mcconkey, 138          Mcmillen, 26)  
Macfield, 34             110, 117, 118, 126   Mccord, 51             Mcmindes, 50  
Macgregor, 75          Martindale, 28         Mccorkey, 29           Mcnamara, 26  
Macin, 49              Martine, 25            Mccormick, 25, 101,    Mcnamar, 25  
Macke, 73              Marty, 140               110, 134             Mcnare, 97, 134  
Mackey, 57, 76         Martye, 140            Mccown, 136            Mcnarty, 8  
Mackin, 26             Marvin, 138            Mccoy, 16, 24, 126     Mcneal, 47  
Macklin, 67            Masek, 46              Mccracken, 28, 179     Mcnear, 110  
Mackling, 20           Masher, 47             Mccreary, 126, 127     Mcneil, 136  
Macomber, 125, 138     Masom, 24              Mccrowley, 117         Mcnew, 105  
Macomer, 51            Mason, 25, 36, 117,    Mccue, 28              Mcniel, 107  
Macy, 58                 126                  Mcculloch, 24          Mcormick, 57  
Madden, 7              Masters, 59            Mccullough. 27, 177    Mcowen, 126  
Madison, 24            Mastick, 51            Mcdermott, 36, 78,     Mcpherran, 58  
Magary, 91             Matchett, 110            110                  Mcquade, 91  
Magers, 108            Mathews. 179 24, 37,   Mcdonald, 16, 47,      Mcqueen, 110  
Magill, 50               51, 126                50, 72, 65, 126,     Mcsay, 15  
Magnuson, 125          Mathewson, 47, 116       127, 136             Mctaggart, 25  
Magory, 90             Mathies, 69            Mcdougal, 99           Mcvay, 36  
Magraw, 51             Matous, 26             Mcdowell, 37, 47, 50   Mcvea, 36  
Mahen, 8               Matter, 76             Mcelroy, 71            Mrveigh, 36  
Maher, 7               Matthews, 69           Mcfadden, 47           Mcvey. 36  
Mahin, 47              Mattoon, 136           Mcfarland, 126         Mead, 10, 28, 52,  
Mahl, 37               Mauer, 34, 70          Mcfarlane, 47            85, 131  
Main, 15, 125, 126     Maule, 47              Mcfate, 126, 127       Meador, 22  
Majors, 26, 51         Maurer, 35, 98, 134    Mcfeeley, 126          Meany, 71  
Makepeace, 56          Maxfield, 47           Mcferrin, 24           Mearns, 106  
Malick, 105            Maxon, 126             Mcgabeny(?), 48        Meberg, 137  
                       Maxson, 37             Mcgath, 71             Medlin, 17  
Maltby, 88             Maxwell, 74            Mcgeary, 100           Meedel, 69  
Mandeville, 55         May, 7, 16, 134        Mcgee, 66              Meegan, 26  

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 151 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Meek, 126, 138         Moffett, 111           Murmert, 97            Nooden, 35  
Meeks, 96, 99          Moffitt, 125, 126      Murphy, 10, 16, 51,    Noonen, 20  
Mehan, 107             Mogan, 73                66, 69, 70, 71, 77,  Nordgin, 9  
Mehrens, 68            Mohlman, 68, 72          106, 110             Nordgren, 61  
Meik, 68               Mohney, 137            Murray, 7, 8, 9, 46,   Nordling, 61  
Meinke, 39             Mohr, 37                 127                  Noren, 127  
Melick, 135            Mohrenstecher, 24      Murrell, 47            Norris, 91, 102  
Mellen, 47             Mollring, 24           Musick, 36             Norrish, 127  
Mellinger, 31, 124,    Monion, 7              Musselman, 47          Northrop, 77  
  126                  Monroe, 43, 91, 97,    Musser, 70, 79         Norton, 11, 66, Be  
Mellott, 133             125, 126             Mutton, 25             Norwood, 71  
Mengedoht, 75          Montagne, 57           Myers, 71              Nott, 9  
Mennel, 48             Montgomery, 31, 110,   Myhre, 75              Novotny, 76  
Merchant, 18, 28, 76     111, 126             Nacumber, 51.          Nuckolls, 24, 25  
Meredith, 25           Moody, 22              Nagel, 35              Nuernberger, 59  
Merithew, 51           Mooers, 6              Naimon, 46             Null, 15  
Merk, 31               Mooman, 28             Nansel, 126, 127       Nunn, 46, 131  
Merkley, 78            Mooney, 17             Napier, 91             Nutt, 66  
Merriam, 106           Moore, 11 20 29,       Nash, 97, 98, 99,      Nutting, 70  
Merrill, 37, 47, 90,     32, 46, 40, 51, 52,    134                  Nyberg, 61  
  91                     76, 90, 91, 98, 124, Naslund, 61            Nye, 51, 91  
Merrit, 91               176, 134             Nation, 34              
Merrithew, 51          Moran 8, In 76         Neafus, 10             Nyrop, 11  
Merritt, 90, 126       Morden, 25             Needham, 127           O'binney, 134  
Merton, 53             Morehead, 87           Neeley, 5 28           O'boyle, 46  
Merwin, 15, 16         Morey, 26              Neff, 17, 24, 25,      O'connell, 6  
Metager, 10            Morgan, 46, 74, 110,     110                  O'conner, IS  
Metz, 26                 126                                         O'connor, 50  
Metzger, 10, 34        Morgenstern, 02        Neffenegger, 69        O'day, 98  
Meyers, 34, 69, 90,    Moriarty, 36           Neifer, 24             O'donnell, 75  
  126                  Morisse, 73            Neihart, 25. 34, 47    O'hara, 59  
Meyer, 25, 51, 71,                            Neikirk, 33            O'laughlin, 54  
  90, 115, 131, 139    Morlan, 52             Neilson, 165 68, 127   O'neill, 20, 26, 57,  
Mhers, 16              Morore, 117            Nelson, 10, 24, 26,      59  
Micheel, 90            Morris, 7, 16, 90,       28, 47, 57, 59, 74,  O'toole, 17  
Michele, 126             91, 97, 98, 126,       76, 77, 91, 104,     Obrist, 76  
Michelson, 25            130, 133, 174          127, 137             Oherns, 8  
Middlemus, 7-8         Morrison, 15, 98,      Nesbit, 51             Ohlson, 127  
Miles, 22, 110, 111,     126                  Neth, 127              Oldham, 47  
  126                  Morrow, 137            Neuman, 59             Olin, 61  
Milhalen, 52           Morse, 25, 42          Neve, 127              Olofson, 61  
Mille, 18              Mortiz, 11             Newburn, 74, 117,      Olsen, 71, 127  
Miller, 8, 16, 25,     Morton, 24, 115          127                  Olson, 20, 25, 26,  
  26, 28, 31, 32, 34,  Mortsen, 7             Newell, 28, 127          61, 75, 76, 127, 256  
  47, 51, 52, 57, 67,  Moseley, 22, 51        Newgren, 59            Oltman, 133  
  69, 73, 78, 84, 86,  Mosell, 24             Newkirk, 127           Oltmanns, 131  
  87, 88, 110, 115,    Moser, 25, 91          Newman, 24, 66, 126,   Oman, 127  
  126, 134, 136,       Moses, 90, 91            127                  ?Omig, 135  
  137, 140             Moss, 75, 76           Newton, 10, 105, 110   Ondrak, 46  
Milles, 74             Mothersead, 132        Nexbit, 51             Ong, 27  
Millet, 66             Motherstead, 88        Neyffenegger, 69       Oppen, 37  
Millett, 66            Motis, 46              Niblack, 46            Oppliger, 36  
Milligan, 51, 124,     Mott, 127              Nichols, 25, 29, 72    Oran, 4  
  126, 140             Moyer, 15              Nichol, 99             Orcutt, 51  
Millinger, 30          Mozer, 79              Nicholson, 24, 31,     Orens, 51  
Mills, 12, 25, 50,     Muehl, 77,               51, 127              Orman, 35  
  74                   Mueller, 25, 37, 78    Nickelson, 65          Orr, 17, 70  
Milton, 86, 108        Muesey, 36             Nickerson, 74, 75,     Orton, 47  
Miner, 55, 99          Muffley, 76              76, 140              Ortquist, 9  
Minkler, 98            Muir, 23               Niedermeyer, 133       Osage, 24  
Minnick, 91, 140       Mukehl, 73             Niehaus, 72            Osborn, 9, 36, 84,  
Minnuim, 59            Mulroney, 127          Niles, 136               85, 87, 89, 128  
Minshall, 28           Mumy, 90               Nilson, 61             Osborne, 8, 51, 90,  
Mirrel, 29             Mundo, 10              Nimms, 136               91  
Mitchell, 24, 25,      Munn, 6, 90            Ninde, 17              Osgood, 6  
  56, 130, 132         Munnell, 127           Nittler, 77            Osterhout, 78, 126  
Mobely, 47             Munsing, 69            Noble, 38, 47, 110     Ostrander, 115  
Moehring, 26           Munson, 51             Noe, 59                Otte, 38  
                       Murie, 68              Noelting, 26           Otten, 13  

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 152 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Ottis, 71              Panne, 9               Porter, 52, 74, 75,    Ramsay, 45, 137, 138  
Ottos, 68              Pennell; 51              90, 91               Ramsbottom, 33  
Otwell, 91             Penrod, 54             Porterfield, 137       Randal, 52  
Ourmat, 68             Penry, 75                                     Randalls, 74  
Oustott, 29            Percival, 7, 127       Post. 101, 114          
Ovenden, 65            Perkins, 7, 17, 127    Potter, 15, 51, 52,    Randall, 28, 29, 97,  
Overgard, 127          Perry, 9, 10, 11         90, 98, 99, 110, 125   134  
Overla, 51               70, 86, 97, 98, 108  Potts, 107, 108. 110   Randal, 105  
Overton, 24, 25, 127   Person, 61             Powell, 28, 47         Randol, 117  
Overturf, 65           Pester, 46             Power, 138             Randolph, 17  
Owen, 51, 108          Peter, 62              Powers, 28, 29, 37,    Ranks, 34  
Owens, 29, 76          Peterman, 47             52. 70               Ranyom, 13  
Pachol, 116            Peters, 20, 28, 47     Prange, 52             Raper, 110  
Page. 47, 90           Petersen, 72, 129      Prants, 29             Rapp, 99  
Pagenstecher. 27       Peterson, 6, 15, 16,   Pratt, 9, It, 51       Rasfin, 75  
Paine, 51, 127           38, 67, 75, 76, 110, Prescott, 6, 47        Rasmuson, 62  
Paliman, 47              115, 127, 129, 129,  Preskorn, 34           Rasmussen, 57  
Pallister, 24            131, 132, 133        Preston, 30, 32        Rast, 62  
Palman, 34             Peth, 47               Price, 50, 76, 110,    Ratcliffe, 74  
Palmer, 6, 15, 16,     Petrea, 108              126, 136             Rathbun, 47  
  23, 47, 69, 127, 139 Petring, 24, 25, 26    Prichard, 36           Rauscher, 90, 91  
Palmquist, 86          Pettitt, 100           Priest, 90, 117        Rawlings, 58  
Pansearau, 59          Petty, 15              Prince, 90. 91         Ray, 36. 133  
Park, 6                Pettyjohn, 50          Pringle. 110. 111      Raven, 57  
Parker, 9. 17, 19,     Paxton, 97, 90, 134    Pritchard, 36, 57      Raymonde, 6  
  26, 73, 100, 127,    Pfann, 26              Prochaska, 101         Raymond, 28, 62  
  129, 136             Pfeifer, 90, ?1        Prohodove, 75          Reahm, 11  
Perkins. 9             Phelps, 74, 86, 90,    Prokop, 46             Reardon, 10  
Parks, 17, 59, 110       104, 110, 134        Pronger, 24            Reaser, 47  
Parmenter. 84, 105     Phels, 34              Proper, 25, 130        Reckard, 50  
Perry. 103             Philleps, 14           Prose, 55              Rector, 90, 91.  
Parsons, 91            Phillips, 22. 31,      Prosser, 98            Redden, 37  
Partch, 6                47, 74, 131, 135     Prottsman, 117         Redding, 47, 67  
Partridge, 12          Philpot, 138           Provean, 8             Ready, 76  
Partsch, 71            Phinney. 73            Prue, 25               Reed. 8, 16, 47. 57,  
Pascoe, 137            Phippeney, 22          Pryce, 136               11, 74, 105, 100,  
Pasnell. 31.           Phipps, 25             Pucket, 98               117. 137  
Pass, 24, 25           Phlillips, 29          Puffer, 129            Reese, 15, 73  
Patrick, 87, 89        Pickett, 132           Puffol, 70             Rees, 6, 110, 111  
Patten, 140            Pierces, 74            Pulec, 46              Reeves, 101  
Patterson, 7, 24,      Pierce, 25, 51, 62,    Purdy, 8, 28, 109      Reger, 73  
  27, 76, 102, 127,      74                   Purintun. 110          Reichmann, 35  
  136                  Piersol, 91            Purkerpile, 110        Reichman, 35  
Patton, 50, 108, 127   Pifes, 51              Purple, 96             Reid. 37. 137  
Pattoroff, 31          Piffer, 71             Purtell, 117           Reiheimer, 66  
Paulk, 36              Pile, 70               Purtell, 117           Reiland, 67  
Paull, 47              Pilgee, 107            Purviance, L36         Reimers, 21  
Paul, 11               Pilling. 70            Putman, 59             Reinert. 5  
Payen, 15              Pillsbury, 137         Putney, 24, 47         Reis, 25  
Payne, 10, 24, 36,     Pinkney, 77            Pyle, 108              Reisch, 71  
  50, 91, 108          Pinkston, 127                                 Relph, 32  
Payton, 30             Piper, 90              Quade, 76              Remington, 51.  
Peabody, 47            Pipes, 12              Quick, 14              Remy, 50, 51  
Peacock, 51            Piquet, 36             Quig, 101              Renehan, 71  
Peaisen, 91.           Pitts, 117                                    Renfrew, 78  
Peale, 7, 16           Placek, 46             Quiggle, 104           Rengler, 76  
Pearce, 127            Plauk, 51              Quigley, 7, 91         Renneker, 110  
Pearman, 24, 108       Plett, 37              Raab, 6                Renny, 88  
Pearsoll, 90                                  Raabe, 16               
                       Plummer, 36            Raasch, 90, 91         Renschler, 42, 100,     
Pearson, 51, 133       Pock, 50               Radel, 110, 111          114  
Pease, 127             Podlesak, 46           Radstrom. 12           Reome, 51  
Peavy, 127             Polansky, 46           Regains, 110           Reowe, 51  
Peck, 29, 129          Pollack, 135           Ragan, 70              Reuss, 73  
Peckuse, 31            Pollard, 2 28          Rehfeldt, 20           Reyman, 89  
Pedersen, 57           Poncar, 79             Rahn, 18               Reynolds, 9, 16, 47,  
Painter, 77, 90        Pond, 105              Railin, 51               51, 97, 98, 99, 131  
Patton, 56             Poole, 15, 76          Rails,  28             Rhese, 24  
Penn, 98                                                              

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 153 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Rhodes, 15             Roelph, 30             Sackett, 27            Schloesser, 71  
Rice, 7, 64, 97        Roeph, 31              Saelee, 51             Schluter, 27  
  99, 110, 134, 135,   Roewert, 79            Sagasser, 69           Schmeltekap, 38  
  136                  Rogers, 7, 37, 51,     Sager, 110             Schmidt, 27, 35,  
Rich, 76                 58, 78, 137          Sagesers, 68             103, 133, 137, 139  
Richards, 9, 25, 57    Roger, 51              Sagesser, 69           Schmimke, 24  
Richardson, 34, 57,    Rohm, 134              Sails, 51              Schminke, 25  
  91, 105, 124, 130    Rohn, 67               Sall, 62               Schmitt, 72  
Richey, 77             Rohr, 34               Sallee, 51, 91         Schmitz, 73  
Richlow, 66            Roinson, 108           Salmons. 27            Schmuke. 108  
Richmond, 17, 90,      Rolfe, 24              Sametz, 116            Schmuncker, 20  
  110                  Rollman, 52            Samez, 116,            Schneider, 24, 25,  
Rickert, 66, 135       Rolph, 30, 31          Samkuelson, 11           69  
Rickett, 69            Roman, 86              Semler, 51             Schnell, 88  
Rickly, 69             Romine, 98, 134        Sampont, 71            Schnitger, 91  
Ridgeway, 7            Romosier, 7            Samuelson, 11, 62      Schnitzer, 90  
Riechardson, 90        Rooney, 6, 64          Sanborn, 28.           Schnurr, 37  
Riege, 28, 29          Roos, 57               Sand, 116              Schock, 138  
Ries, 11               Roost, 18              Sanders, 174           Schoening, 20  
Riffey, 16             Root, 47               Sander, 20             Schondhordt, 91  
Rilely, 48             Rosea. 99              Sanderson, 67          Schonfield, 137  
Riley, 51, 57, 71,     Roseconce, 90          Sandford, 76           Schonhard, 90  
  103                  Rosemeyer, 38          Sandman, 111           Schooley, 29  
Rimer, 76              Rosenberger. 70        Sands, 24              Schopke, 20, 59  
Rime, 7                Rosenburger, 60        Saner, 25              Schott, 79  
Rinderspacher, 117     Rosengrants, 110       Sanford, 619           Schrad, 72  
Ringer. 97             Rosicky, 112           Santchi, 70            Schram, 18  
Ringland, 1& 26        Rosinfield, 48         Santo, 36              Schramling, 15  
Rinqler, 28            Ross, 17, 134          Sapp, 23               Schramm, 66  
Ringwald, 22           Rossiter, 20           Sasse, 27, 67          Schreyer, 125  
Ripley, 29             Rosten, 62             Satein, 46             Schribar, 47  
Ripp, 71               Roth, 16               Satern, 27             Schroder, 29  
Rippey, 51             Rotter, 1.11           Sauler, 27             Schroeder, 67, 71  
Risden, 50             Roush, 86              Saum, 819              Schrumm, 66  
Risdon, 50             Rowan, 84              Saunders, 29, 33,      Schu-te, 16  
Risewick, 135          Rowe, 91, 137            107                  Schuehardt, 10  
Rishean. 68            Rowan, 128             Savage, 112            Schulenberg, 27  
Rislow, 66             Rowland, 101           Sawerbameir, 27        Schulenberger, 135  
Ritcheson, 102         Rowlins, 70            Sawyer, 12, 15, 47.    Schulenburger, 135  
Ritchey, 7, 28         Roy, 8                   51, 98               Schulsky, 27  
Ritter, 84             Royal, 34              Sayer, 4               Schulte, 9, 10  
Rivett, 25             Rover, 26              Sayle, 129             Schultz, 10, 11, 27,  
Roach. 18, 339         Royse, 117             Sayler, 129              33, 47, 91  
Roasch, 91             Royston, 7Q            Seymour, 24            Schulz,  
Robberts, 28           Rudisil, 47            Scattergood, 90, 91    Schupbach, 46  
Robbins, 4, 10, 11,    Ruff, 7:1              Schaad, 69             Schussel, 27  
  22, 64               Ruf, 16                Schabach, 69           Schwaderer, 25, 26  
Roberts, 26, 28, 34,   Rumery, 11             Schaberg, 27           Schwager, 27  
  53, 39, 75, 79, 110  Rundquist, 62          Schacht, 25            Schwake. 25. 26  
Robertson. 28, 30.     Rupard, 120, L30       Schaeffer, 34          Schwanke, 27  
  33, 84, 09, 136      Rupert, 128            Schatz, a              Schwarg, 27  
Robinson, 11, 17,      Rush, 79               Schave, 27             Schwarten, 19, 20  
  75, 46. 47. 51, 84,  Rusher, 28, 31         Scheetz, 110           Schwarz, 176,  
  110, 136, 137        Rushton, 47            Scheif, 27             Schweer, 20  
Robison, 52            Russell, 28, 34, 55    Schelbitzki, 46        Scofield, 51.  
Roby, 126                71                   Schellpeper, 27        Scones, 77  
Roche, 98              Rust, 36, 50, 53       Schelp, 74             Scott, 17, 28, 32,  
Rocket, 46             Rutherford, 34, 77,    Schen, 91                47, 105, 110, 115,  
Rockford, 116            91                   Scherbring, 72           137,  
Rockly, 69             Rutledge, 91           Scherer, 11.1          Screeter, 27  
Roddy, 24, 25          Rutt, 16               Scheuerman, 12         Scrimsher, 86, 129,  
Rodenbaugh, 9          Rutter, 28             Scheuk, 90               130, 132  
Rodenbrock, 24, 25     Ruwe, 137              Scheve, 59             Scripture, 27  
Roder, 53              Ruxton, 90             Schilling, 37, 78      Scriven, 29  
Rodgers, 72            Ryan, 6, 19, 20, 57    Schinder, 73           Scruby, 47  
Rodwell, 51              69, 70, 71           Schindler, 11, 73      Scully, 33  
Roe, 107               Ryburn, 47             Schirmer, 78           Seabold, 133  
Roeber, 20             Ryerson, 15            Schlegel, 114          Sealvic, 110  
                       Saal, 70               Schleyer, 99                                   

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 154 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Seaman, 50             Sherry, 10             Skinner, 46, 110       
Searles, 47            Sherwood, 71           Skirvin, 35            Speaker, 137  
Searle, 7              Shesbak, 46            Skow, 136              Speice, 69  
Sears, 59              Shick, 135             Sktasktny, 17          Speiker, 73  
Seattergood, 52        Shideler, 99, 135      Slagle, 64             Spellman, 136  
Seckel, 79             Shidler, 135           Slater, 91             Spence, 53  
Sedgewick, 106         Shields, 37, 47        Slatery, 139           Spencer, 28, 51, 91  
Seeley, 9              Shiminie, 66           Slayton, 51            Spenser, 133  
Seelig, 138            Shinn, 107             Sleuman, 76            Sperling, 98, 99  
Segesser, 70           Shipman, 50, 52        Sloan, 25, 52          Spicer, 136  
Seizer, 16             Shipmen, 27            Siroat, 24             Spielman, 33  
Self, 25               Shirey, 105            Sluening, 47           Spmder, 68  
Sellars, 51            Shirley, 104           Small, 110, 111        Spoerry, 71  
Sellery, 135           Shobe, 99              Smalley, 91            Spohn, 23  
Selzer, 25             Shockey, 101, 103      Smart, 52              Sponsler, 77  
Senecal, 70            Shoemeaker, 25         Smedley, 87, 130,      Sprague, 11, 139  
Sengbush, 35           Shonquest, 28            131                  Sprangler, 34  
Sensel, 100            Shook, 64, 133         Smee, 15               Springer, 28, 59  
Serrill, 48            Short, 10, 11          Smethers,  112, 113    Sproul, 15  
Servernor, 110         Shove, 6               Smiley, 47             Spruerman, 69  
Settles, 22, 35,       Showalter, 25          Smith, 4,  6, 7, 8     Spurting, 10, 11  
  116, 118             Shrader, 15              17, 20, 23, 24, 25,  Squibb, 38  
Stez, 86, 89, 131      Shull, 133               27, 28, 32, 34, 35,  Squires, 88, 89, 117  
Setzer, 27,            Shumaker, 27             46, 47,  51, 52, 55, Sroat, 24  
Seudder, 50            Shuman, 25               56, 57, 50, 59, 62,  Srons, 110  
Severeut, 68           Shumway, 91              64, 65, 66, 69, 70,  Srouf, 21  
Severin, 27            Shutt, 75                71, 75, 76, 85, 88,  St. Louiss, 74  
Seymour, 6, 24         Shwant, 6                90, 91, 98, 103,     St. Mary, 8  
Shacklock, 76          Shyrock, 136             106, 108, 110, 111,  Stackhouse, 47  
Shade, 50              Sias, 84                 117, 129, 132, 134,  Stadal, 27  
Shafer, 51             Sichl, 25                137, 138, 139        Stadig, 62  
Shaffer, 76, 136       Sider, 27              Smithberger, 27        Stafford, 24, 25, 47  
Shafford, 50           Sidlo, 53              Smutz, 26              Staffort, 24  
Shafto, 17             Sidner, 137            Snavelly, 17           Stahl, 47  
Shakelford, 46         Sieber, 46             Snavely, 17            Stahlhammer, 37  
Shank, 6, 31           Sieke, 27              Snell, 50              Stahlhut, 24, 25  
Shannon, 8, 25, 69,    Sigge, 27              Snider, 14, 52         Stal, 62  
  70                   Sigman, 46             Snook, 90              Staley, 35  
Sharp, 27, 99          Sigworth, 10           Snow, 23               Stall, 90  
Shaup, 47              Siler, 38              Snyder, 8, 52, 126     Stallbaum, 20  
Shaw, 34, 69, 71,      Sillon, 14             Sobotka, 45, 112       Stanch, 77  
  91, 129              Silvrants, 139         Sodergren, 62          Stange, 27  
Shea, 8                Sim, 26                Soderstrom, 62         Stanley, 50  
Sheahan, 71            Simacek, 46            Soelter, 47            Staples, 97, 135  
Shedd, 75              Simington, 110         Sohneringer, 15        Staple, 134  
Sheefenbein, 70        Simmen, 69             Sok, 73                Stapleton, 25  
Sheer, 24, 25          Simmons, 29            Sokol, 27              Star, 24  
Sheets, 9, 10, 11      Simon, 24, 27          Solfermoser, 35        Stark, 20, 27  
Sheetz, 27             Simonton, 27           Sonders, 67, 68        Starkeys, 74  
Sheffield, 8           Simpson, 24, 34, 75,   Sones, 4, 23, 26,      Starlin, 27  
Shefford, 66, 70         76, 102, 127           28, 34, 36, 44, 48,  Starr, 46, 91, 124  
Sheifelt, 16           Sims, 8, 99, 110,        111, 139             Starzl, 20  
Sheir, 132               134                  Soper, 134             Stastny, 17  
Shelden, 24, 90        Sinclair, 50           Sorensen, 18           Staube, 27  
Sheldon, 6, 75, 84,    Sindelar, 17           Sorenson, 7, 68, 107   Stauffer, 38  
  87, 89, 91, 107, 136 Sinwalzen, 79          Sorrick, 27            Steams, 28  
Shellhorn, 54          Sipple, 25, 26         Sothmann, 35           Steburg, 126  
Shelmidine, 52         Sissen, 76             Souder, 29             Stech, 46  
Sheminic, 66           Sisson, 26, 74, 75,    Sousley, 24            Steckman, 36  
Shenck, 105              76, 131, 133         South, 22, 71          Steecker, 20  
Shenham, 27            Sixta, 27              Southworth, 50         Steele, 133  
Shepard, 47, 77        Skanderupp 75          Sowaslh, 47            Steel, 15, 133  
Shepherd, 10, 25       Skates, 21             Spahr, 47              Steer, 28  
Sherer, 27             Skatts, 22             Spalding, 138           
Sherfey, 24            Skeen, 23              Spengler, 6, 25, 32    Steffes, 52, 71  
Sheridan, 110          Skelton, 111           Sparks, 110            Steiger, 47  
Sherlock, 20           Skillin, 22            Spaulding, 28, 71,     Steinacher, 46  
Sherman, 97                                      107                     

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 155 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Steinhart, 24          Stults, 50             Terpening, 126         Towns, 129  
Steinhaus, 52          Stump, 52              Terrill, 30            Townsend, 90, 91,  
Steinhouse, 11         Sturdevant, 16         Terry, 27, 90, 91,       129  
Steinmann, 20          Sturge, 47               110                  Towsend, 77  
Steinmeyer, 91         Sturtevant, 110        Tessendorf, 72         Towsley, 97  
Stelle, 27             Styastny, 130          Teten, 25. 35          Tracy, 34  
Stensenn, 27           Styles, 76             Tews, 27               Trail, 26  
Stenstrom, 62          Sublette, 26           Thamussen, 76          Tranton, 90  
Stephens, 57, 107      Sudin, 62              Thayer, 107            Travis, 116  
Stephenson, 134, 135   Sullivan, 52, 56,      Thies, 27              Treadwell, 47  
Sterner, 35              57, 91, 124          Thissen, 134           Trefren, 26  
Stethem, 102           Sundquist, 62          Thomas, 24, 25, 26,    Trenkamp, 73  
Stettler, 76           Sundt, 57                27, 46, 52, 65, 75,  Trent, Ill  
Stevens, 8, 36, 47.    Surber. 20, 58, 59       97, 111              Treslak, 27  
  97, 99, 104, 134     Surface. 76            Thomazin, 75           Trevett, 20  
Stevenson, 24, 26,     Suter, 97              Thomopson, 24          Triloff, Ill  
  52, 90, 91, 134      Suther, 32             Thompson, 8, 24, 25,   Trimble, 32  
Stewart, 19, 24, 47,   Sutherland, 73           27, 46, 47, 48, 65,  Trine, 27, 101, 102  
  59, 87, 91, 104, 117 Sutter, 97               74, 94, SO, 90. 91,  Triplett, 35, 101  
Sticka, 73             Sutton, 11, 51, 52       111, 130, 134, 139   Trompen, 32  
Stickelberg, 27        Svec, 46               Thomsen, 47, 59, 79,   Trott, 139  
Sticken, 86            Svoboda, 27              97                   Trout, 71  
Stielhamer, 37         Swaid, 74              Thontenberg, 62        Trowbridge, 10, 11,  
Stiles, 16, 47, 51,    Swan, 28, 105          Thornton, 99, 134        98, 99, 135  
  57                   Swanberg, 20           Thorp, 24, 25, 26,     Trumm, 73  
Still, 106             Swank, 52                27                   Tryon, 114  
Stillhamer, 37         Swanlund, 62           Thorpe, 8              Tschudy, 52  
Stillman, 71.          Swanson, 10, 28, 34,   Thrall, 52             Tschuten, 69  
Stiner, 28               62, 75, 76, 86, 88   Throckmorton, 74       Tubbs, 97, 134  
Stinglely, 27          Sward, 9, 11, 76       Throp, 24              Tucker, 27, 46  
Stinor, 28             Sweat, 52              Thrush, 70             Tuffer, 66  
Stock, 27              Sweeney, 20            Thulin, 62             Tuffield, 107  
Stockham, 27, 29       Swenson, 62            Thurman, 111           Tupper, 66  
Stockwell, 17          Swick, 19              Thurtle, 26,           Turk, 91  
Stodard, 100           Swift, 22, 25          Tibbets, 66            Turnell, 133  
Stoehr, 50             Swisher, 37            Tibbetts, 89           Turner, 47, 52, 54,  
Stohl, 90              Swortwood, 91          Tibbits, 24              137  
Stokslager, 71         Swuair, 76             Tickner, 137           Turpin, 113  
Stomp, 35              Syas, 47               Tiday, 15              Turrell, 89, 111  
Stone, 36, 90, 91,     Sylvester, 107         Tidball, 47            Tuttle, 10  
  98, 99               Symonds, 27            Tiedes, 74             Tvaruyn, 28  
Stonecipher, 136       Synovec, 67            Tiecke, 27             Twiford, 17  
Stoner, 99             Synovic, 66            Tieskoetter, 52, 71    Tyler, 26, 27, 133  
Storey, 46             Szaspanska, 135        Tiffany, 52            Tyrrel, 52  
Stork, 18                                     Tiffiny, 47            Tyson, 46, 128  
Storm, 22, 55          Taber, 37              Tigarstrand, 62          
Storts, 52             Tabler, 116            Tighe, 27              Udey, 99  
Stout, 23, 65          Tabor, 125             Tigner, 107            Uhlig, 52, 71  
Stowell, 90            Taege, 27              Tilden, 30, 31, 32     Underhill, 35  
Stoy, 46               Tagte, 67              Tildon, 32             Underwood, 117  
Strand, 62, 84         Tallman, 127           Timber, 69             Unthank, 11, 134  
Strasser, 59           Talmadge, 47           Timmons, 6             Urbam, 62  
Strate, 138            Tann, 131              Tinker, 1055 118       Usher, 47  
Strator, 30            Tanner, 11             Tinney, 27             Utterbach, 75  
Stratton, 107, 100     Tannner, 28            Tinning, 27            Utterback, 26  
Straub, 68             Tapken, 106            Tinsley, So              
Strawn, 47, 55         Tarbox, 35             Tipton, 10             Vaill, 136  
Street, 137            Tatman, 51             Tobin, 19              Vail, 9, 11  
Streeter, 30, 31, 32   Taylor. 24, 27, 34,    Todd, 8, 97 5 99       Vale, 8  
Streighnan, 86           36, 45, 46, 47, 50,  Toliver, 51            Valley, 62  
Strete, 91               69, 70, 75, 90, 91,                         Van brunt, 46, 47  
Stretesky,               100, 107, 110, 130,  Tolle, 24              Van camps, 74
                         135                  Tolstrop, 19           Van cleave, 111
Strong, 28, 73         Tefly, 27              Tomay, 73              Van de burgh, 85  
Strother, 47           Tekl, 27               Tomlinson, 76          Van debergh, 05  
Stroud, 28             Temple, 15, 16         Toncray, 68, 69        Van doozer, 69  
Strunk, 31             Templeton, 110         Topping, 25, 26        Van doren, 108  
Stuart, 47             Templin, 26            Tortel, 15             Van horne, 136  
Stuheit, 66            Ternus, 52             Towey, 27              Van ostrand, 97  
Stuhr, 26                                                            Van scoype, 36  

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 156 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Van slyke, 47          Walker, 24, 25, 36,    Wendell, 87             
Vanarsdall, 75           47, 69, 75, 84, 85,  Wendt, 71              Willets, 75  
Vandeberg, 87            88, 103, 111, 129    Wenerick, 9            William, 56  
Vandecalk, 30          Wallace, 46, 87,       Wenkel, 57             Williams, 5, 6, 6,  
Vandegrurgh, 85          105, Ill, 130        Wenn, 85                 15, 20, 23, 24, 28,  
Vandekolk, 31          Waller, 62, 76         Wertberg, 62             36, 46, 47, 50, 51,  
Vanderbergh, 87        Wallmeir, 133          Werthmer, 99             70, 74, 75, 76, 78,  
Vanderburgh, B5        Walrath, 76            Werthner, 99             90, 105, 108, 124,  
Vandergurg, 85         Walsh, 15, 29, 58,     Wescott, 32              139  
Vanderhoof, 75           59                   Wessel, 24, 25         Williamson, 28  
Vanderkolk, 31, 32     Walters, 24, 47        West, 25, 28, 97,      Willich, 133  
Vandickolk, 31         Walttes, a               98, 99, 134, 136     Willick, 17  
Vanfleet, 30           Waltz, 74              Westberg, 62           Willmann, 24  
Vanflett, 31           Wamacks, Ill           Westergren, 62         Willman, 24  
Vangilder, 134         Wammer, 32             Westmore, 74           Willson, 22, 135  
Vanier, 55             Wanker, 52             Westover, 52, 90       Wilmurth, Ill  
Vanorsdel, 91          Ward, 50               Weyer, 50, 137         Wilsey, 54  
Vatava, 31             Warden, 25             Weygint, 99, 134       Wilson, 11, 17, 24,  
Vaughn, 37, 47         Ware, 11, 17, 24,      Weymand, 68              25, 47, 48, 50, 52,  
Vejraska, 46             25, 91               Whaley. 77               62, 69, 70, 73, 75,  
Vellect, 29            Warnefeld, 90          Wheeler, 9, 47, 50,      76, 77, 91, 101,  
Verges, 79             Warner, 47, 51, 52,      75, 76, 90             100, 111, 127, 128,  
Verzani, 19              74, 104, 116         Wheeler, 50              130, 135  
Vesey, 15              Warren, 27, 47, 102    Wherry, 108            Wilton, 11  
Vichery, 28            Warrick, 52            Whipple, 26, 72, 73,    
Vickers, ?I            Wasaleski, 27            91                   Winchester, 23  
Villard, 107           Wasmuth, 20            Windmayer, 133,         
Villect, 29            Watham, 129, 132       Whips, 29, 32, 111     Wineteer, 20  
Vintt, 70              Watkins, 22, 50, 111   White, 10, 12, 29,     Wing, 138  
Viox, 132                                       91, 136              Wingate, 9  
Vizzard, 74, 75        Watson, 9, 11, 26,     Whitemore, 111         Wink, 98  
Vlasny, 79               27, 133              Whitesel, 104          Winkley, 50  
Vlazny, 79             Wattier, 66            Whitford, 19           Winn, 134, 135  
Vllect, 29             Waugerow, 34           Whiting, 111           Winston, 58  
Vodicka, 46            Weathers, 125          Whitman, 47            Winter, 62, 79  
Volkhardt, 25          Weaver, 69, 73         Whitmore, 10, 47, 98   Wintermut, 29  
Vollmer, 77.           Webbe. 74              Whitney, 95            Winters, 112  
Volt, 29               Webb, 75               Whittaker, 70          Wirth, 25  
Von minden, 59         Webber, 67             Whitte, 10             Wirt, 16  
Vonberg, 20            Weber, 28, 59, 72,     Whittecar, 52          Wise, 50  
Vonderhoff, 75           75, 76, 91.          Whitten, 77            Wiswell, 91  
Vongetz, 15            Webster, 52            Whittig, 50            Witchey, 71  
Voos, 90               Wedin, 62              Wicks, 15              Witchy, 71  
Voss. 16, 20, 37, 59   Weeden, 136            Wickstrom, 17          Witte, 10, 34  
Voter, 107             Wehe, 139              Widhalm, 52            Witt, 16  
Votortr, 30            Wehrman, 79            Widman, 7              Wnzwer, 52  
Voulgamore, 107        Weigrand, 24           Wiederhold, 67         Wolf, 7, 20, 69  
Vroman, Ill            Weiler, 97             Wiest, 67              Wolfe, 7, 11, 97  
Vrtiska, 114           Weimer, 24             Wight, 22              Wolff, 131  
Vrzal, 79              Weinandt, 19, 20       Wikoff, 97             Wolford, 38  
Waddell, 136           Weir, 57               Wilberger, 25, 26      Wolfran, 45  
Wade, 26, 140          Weismiller, 52         Wilbert, 90, 91        Wollan, 46  
Wager, 130             Weitzel, 73            Wilcox, 11, 15         Wood, 28, 30, 31,  
Wagers, 113            Welburn, 11, 90        Wilderson, 117           90, 91, 128, 131  
Wagner, 5, 113         Welch, 16, 26, 47,     Wiles, 28                135, 136, 137, 139  
Wagoner, 107             70, 108              Wilgocke, 10           Woodhead, 101  
Wahlberg, 62           Wellenstein, 59        Wilhaus, 91            Woodhurst, 27  
Wainwright, 46         Weller, 90             Wilhelmy, 24           Woods, 17, 52, 107  
Waite, 99              Wellerberg, 62         Wilke, 68, 69          Woodside, 106  
Wait, 99               Wellington, 52         Wilken, 16             Woodward, 32  
Wake, 75               Wellmann, 69, 70       Wilkie, 89, 129, 130   Woodworth, 98  
Walden, 31             Wellman, 70, 71        Wilkins, 5, 90, 113,   Woolen, 103  
Waldon, 15             Wells, 15, 75, 76,       114                  Woolery, 35  
Waldron, 100             86, 108, 112, 134,   Wilkin, 69             Woolsey, 56  
Waldsmith, 24            136                  Wilkinson, 106         Workman, 15  
Wales, 52              Welsh, 139             Willard, 75             

NSGS--NEBRASKA ANCESTREE Vol VII, no. 4, page 157 - Spring 1985


Issue no. 1 - pp 3-34

Issue no. 2 - pp 43-76

Issue no. 3 - pp 83-115

Issue no. 4 - pp 123-141

Worrell, 138            Zabrieski, 107
Worthington, 134        Zanuck, 99, 135
Wright, 6, 17, 25,      Zaylor, 75
  29; 47, 68, 73, 74,   Zehner, 213
  91, 100, 101, 104,    Zeigler, 47, 70
  107, 116              Zeitler, 57
Wrightsman, 51          Zimerman, 100
Wulf, 50                Zimmerer, 25
Wussow, 35              Zimmerman, 102
Wylie, 10               Zink, 99
Wyman, 6                Zinneker, 41, 49
Wyvel, 51               Ziola, 79
Yates, 28, 116          Zirhut, 46
Yeoman. 19, 91          Zitek, 53
Yoder, 131              Znajemsky, 46
Young, 19, 28, 76,      Zoevian, 74 
  79, 92, 101, 124,     Zvonicek, 46
Younger, 75, 115 
A-Kirkpatrick | Kirwin - Z

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