NSGS AncestreeNebraska State Genealogical Society Journals NEBRASKA ANCESTREE
Volume Five
Vol. 5, no. 1 - Summer 1982 |
pages |
available |
4-6 |
Cass County, Registered Voters, 1st Ward (4 Oct 1872) |
6 |
Cass County, Baptisms, Evangelis Presbyterian Church (1887-1889) |
7-9 |
Cass County, Directory of
Farmers - 1905 Plat Book |
10-13 |
13 |
13 |
14-15 |
Passenger List of "Cultivator" (departed Liverpool, arrived New York 20 May 1867) |
16-17 |
Passenger List of "Russia" (departed Dublin, arrived New York 26 Jan 1849) |
17-18 |
Burt County - Paddock Hill Cemetery |
18-19 |
Burt County - Unnamed Cemetery |
19 |
Seward County - Letters (re: settlement of colony from Waynesville, OH near Aurora, NE) |
19-21 |
21 |
Antelope County - Civil War Soldiers in Laurel Hill Cemetery |
21-22 |
Grayson Co., VA Marriages (related to settlers in Madison-Cherry-Hooker ) |
22-24 |
24-26 |
26-30 |
30-31 |
Cass County - Avoca Public School #20, 1890 Census |
31 |
32-33 |
Douglas County - Omaha Bee, Birthday Book (4 Jan 1911) |
33 |
Vol. 5, no. 2 - Fall 1982 |
pages |
available |
42-43 |
44-45 |
45-48 |
48 |
49-51 |
52 |
52 |
Gage County, War Veterans |
53 |
Gage County, Jury List, 1910 |
53-54 |
Gage County, Advertised Unclaimed Letter Lists (April 1910) |
54 |
Gage County, Early Settlers (History of Gage County, NE, by Hugh J. Dobbs, 1918) |
54-55 |
Gage County, Liberty Gazette (28 Jul 1887) |
55-56 |
Nance County , Redwing Cemetery |
56-57 |
57 |
58 |
Mount Stewart Elphinstone Passenger List, 1849 (departed Glasgow, arrived NY 28 April) |
59-61 |
61 |
62-63 |
63 |
64-65 |
Hall County, East Grand Island Cemetery |
65 |
65-69 |
69 |
Wayne County, 1890 Personal Property List, Leslie Prect |
70 |
70 |
Brown County, 1889 Real Estate List, Pine Prect |
70-71 |
Brown County, 1889 Real Estate List, Burley Prect |
71 |
Brown County, 1889 Personal Property List, Burley Prect |
71 |
71-73 |
Vol. 5, no. 3 - Winter 1982-3 |
pages |
available |
82-84 |
Lancaster County, Cemetery at Stagecoach Lake |
84 |
Box Butte County, Directory from Alliance Semi-Weekly Times |
84 |
85-88 |
88-90 |
90-91 |
Wayne County, Personal Property Assessment, Garfield Precinct, 1891 |
91 |
Wayne County Real Estate Assessment, Garfield Precinct, 1891 |
92 |
Wayne County Personal Property Assessment, Deer Creek Precinct, 1891 |
92 |
Wayne County Real Estate Assessment, Deer Creek Precinct, 1891 |
92-93 |
93-98 |
99-102 |
103-104 |
104-105 |
105 |
105-106 |
106 |
106 |
Webster County, 1905 Cloverton School, Dist. 25 |
106-107 |
(Saunders Co - Col. John Johnson) |
107 |
see county website |
107 |
Webster County, Modern Woodmen of America 1893 |
107 |
Holt County, Cemetery |
107 |
see county website |
108-109 |
109-114 |
Vol. 5, no. 4 - Spring 1982-3 | pages |
available |
123 |
124-129 |
129 |
Hamilton County , Index to 1903 Atlas |
130-132 |
Cass County , Directory of Farmers, 1905 Plat Book |
133-137 |
138-141 |
142-143 |
omitted |
Suggested Places to Look For Material For Nebraska Ancestry | 162 |
Local Genealogical Societies in Nebraska | 163 |
omitted |
Publications for Sale | Current List | |
Area Representatives and Alternates | cover | omitted |
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