On 28 Dec 1922 the Times printed a notice "that a meeting of all the lot owners in the Papillion Cemetery, formerly known as the Schaab Cemetery, will be held Friday evening, Janury 5 [1923]... for the purpose of discussing the feasiblility of organizing a cemetery association with the view of taking over this cemetery, iimproving it and arranging to have a care taker who will have charge of all lots therein, and keep them mowed and give them proper care."
The lot owners met in January and decided to purchase the cemetery. On 22 Mar 1923 at a meeting of the Papillion Cemetery Association the name of the cemetery was changed to Cedar Dale and the association to Cedar Dale Cemetery Association. Emil Grothe and his wife Margaret signed a deed on 2 May 1923 granting the cemetery to the Cedar Dale Association. The consideration was $750, and the deed was filed on 4 May 1923 and recorded in Book 52, Page 296.
Thus between 1913 and 1923 the name of the cemetery had gone from Schaab to Papillion to Cedar Dale. The discarded name "Papillion Cemetery" was later taken over by the Sautter Cemetery.
The cemetery is still owned and operated by the Cedar Dale Cemetery Association. It is located in the Northwest Quarter of Sec 35, Twp 14, Range 12 in southeast Papillion on Cedar Dale Road, about 1/2 mile east of the Sarpy County Courthouse.
Gary Iske, Sarpy County Genealogical Society, 1995.
Cedardale Cemetery
Kent Betts