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Garfield County
Farmer's List


Note: Names appear without punctuation and business titles are abbreviated.

              Nebraska STATE GAZETTEER
                 Business Directory and farmer list for 1890 - 1891 Omaha: 
J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509 - 510 Paxton Block 1890 
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, 
by J.M. Wolfe & Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, 
at Washington, D.C.

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   Mc   M
N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U  V  W   X   Y   Z

Abbott J W, Burwell. Anderson David, Burwell.
Abbott W H, Burwell. Anderson John, Jordan.
Acree J A, Willow Springs. Anderson  M D, Willow Springs.
Acree Jas F, Willow Springs.  Anderson Z B, Willow Springs.
Adams T C, Burwell. Andrews S W, Jordan.
Alderman A A, Burwell. Armstrong Jas, Burwell.
Aldrich Wm, Burwell. Armstrong N, Burwell.
Alger R P, Burwell. Arumb, Adolph, Jordan.
Alger Vernon, Burwell. Ashman J B. Willow Springs.
Ball E L, Jordan. Botenfelt J, Willow Springs.
Ball Percival, Jordan. Botenfelt J M, Willow Springs.
Ballah R A, Ballaugh. Bradshaw T M, Jordan.
Bandt F W, Erina. Brown E I, Willow Springs.
Barr James, Burwell. Brown J O, Jordan.
Batterson J F, Burwell. Brown R D, Willow Springs.
Beckwith A L, Burwell. Brown Wm, Willow Springs.
Beckwith J, Burwell. Brownell J A, Burwell.
Beckwith L, Burwell. Bryce James, Jordan.
Berry J J, Burwell. Bullis G W, Willow Springs.
Bissel C, Ord. Bunn A W, Jordan.
Bobu Adam, Burwell. Butler James, Erina.
Bolick S, Burwell. Butler P L, Burwell.
Borden O J, Burwell.
Caffin H J, Burwell. Conner B F, Willow Springs.
Calhoun M P, Jordan. Conner J E, Jordan.
Campbell J L, Ballaugh. Conner J, Willow Springs.
Carpenter C E, Burwell. Conner R A, Jordan.
Carpenter W D, Burwell. Conner S J, Willow Springs.
Carter Henry, Erina. Conner T C, Jordan.
Chatfield John, Jordan. Connolly John J, Erina.
Clark D J, Erina. Connolly Lawrence, Erina.
Clark T L, Ord. Connolly Wm, Erina.
Clawson J J, Ord. Crain J L, Jordan.
Clem A W, Jordan. Crosby A L, Ord.
Cole D R, Jordan Cunningham P S, Willow Springs.
Cole Wm, Jordan. Curry H E, Willow Springs.
Comess M D, Erina.
Davenport Clark, Burwell. Dodson W V, Willow Springs.
Davenport Geo, Burwell. Donoughue M D, Erina.
Day Thos, Burwell. Douglas G W, Ballaugh.
Day T J, Burwell. Drover Alex, Burwell.
Deafenbaugh J, Burwell. Drover Wm, Burwell.
Deaver L, Burwell. Duby Ed, Ord.
DeWolfe A J, Willow Springs. Dunnell G G, Willow Springs.
Ehler E, Jordan. Ericson Hans, Willow Springs.
Fillmore Lott, Willow Springs. Foss Geo, Burwell.
Fitzgerald B B, Jordan. Freeland T, Willow Springs.
Fleener S, Burwell. Fusion O I, Jordan.
Ferdham G W, Burwell.
Garmon M O, Jordan. Goom T W, Jordan.
Gilbert D S, Willow Springs. Groff Albert, Burwell.
Gilmore J R, Burwell. Guyer M E, Jordan.
Hahn E E, Jordan. Herbest Andrew, Burwell.
Halbert L H, Willow Springs. Hiatt Thos, Burwell.
Hale Van A H, Willow Springs. Hill C E, Burwell.
Halfhill Sam, Willow Springs Hillhouse W K S, Jordan.
Halfield H L, Willow Springs. Hopkins Isaac, Willow Springs.
Hanson Nels, Willow Springs. Hopkins J D, Willow Springs.
Harderty P, Jordan. Horten I F, Jordan.
Harris Peter, Burwell. Hughes C E, Burwell.
Harter E S, Jordan. Hughes E A, Burwell.
Hemmett T G, Willow Springs. Hughes E M, Burwell.
Hemmett W W, Willow Springs. Hunter J E, Burwell.
Hennich C W, Burwell. Hurlbert H, Jordan.
Henes Meyer Henry, Erina.
Ingalls W A, Ballaugh. Inglehart B E, Jordan.
Jackson Joe, Burwell. Johns H T, Willow Springs.
Janes W L, Willow Springs. Jones Ben, Willow Springs.
Jensen A W, Erina. Jorgensen S R, Ord.
Jensen Nels, Willow Springs.
Kelley Mertin, Willow Springs. Key Scott, Willow Springs.
Kenner Geo, Willow Springs. Knowles J G, Ericson.
Kester Wm, Willow Springs. Knowles J G, Jordan.
Key F M, Willow Springs. Kruser M P, Burwell.
Lambert G W, Burwell. Leonard C W, Willow Springs
Ledger Abner, Willow Springs. Long J E, Ballaugh.
McClemons R, Willow Springs. McIntyre F B, Willow Springs.
McCoy James, Jordan. McIntyre Jesse, Willow Springs.
McCutcheon J W, Willow Springs. McIntyre J W, Willow Springs.
McDonald P A, Erina. McKellor D H, Burwell.
McDonald W H, Willow Springs. McKenney Arth E, Burwell.
McFarland W D, Erina. McKenney E B, Burwell.
McGowen G W, Ballaugh. McKenzie T, Burwell.
McGuire J C, Jordan. McNutt John, Burwell.
Mackaman W G, Burwell. Messinger H A, Burwell.
Magill P H, Ballaugh. Mitchell M N, Willow Springs.
Maring L E, Ballaugh. Miller Clark, Willow Springs.
Markel E O, Erina. Morgusen M N, Willow Springs.
Markle G A, Erina. Mohr John jr, Burwell.
Marshall H, Willow Springs. Mohr John sr, Burwell.
Mart S H, Jordan. Moht Peter, Burwell.
Mattley J, Burwell. Mulvany L, Burwell.
Maxon O C, Burwell. Mungus S E, Ballaugh.
Mease John, Jordan. Murphy J A, Erina.
Nally M R, Jordan Nevins Ed, Willow Springs.
Nelson F J, Jordan. Nevus J A, Willow Springs.
Nelson T B, Burwell. Newton M, Willow Springs.
Nelson W P, Burwell. Noonan J J, Willow Springs.
O'Brien Ed, Willow Springs. Oleson Nils, Jordan.
O'Hara F J, Willow Springs. Oleson Ole, Burwell.
Oleson H, Willow Springs. Osmer D, Burwell.
Peck T J L, Willow Springs. Phillps J C, Willow Springs.
Peafield E L, Burwell. Poling James, Burwell.
Peterson Nels, Ord. Powers R M, Willow Springs.
Phillps A, Erina. Proctor E, Willow Springs.
Phillps D, Willow Springs. Purnell Ed, Willow Springs.
Quinn John, Erina. Quinn R, Erina.
Raes Leon, Erina. Rex August, Burwell.
Raes Louis, Erina. Rice J W, Ericson.
Randall O, Ericson. Richardson J W, Erina.
Rape N L, Burwell. Robkie Fred, Burwell.
Ray G H, Ericson. Romin L V, Ericson.
Raymond S, Willow Springs. Roudall O E, Burwell.
Reasoner S L, Burwell. Rouse James, Erina.
Rechter J, Willow Springs.
Sargent C F, Willow Springs. Spade A H, Ballaugh.
Schrier Jacob, Burwell. Spade A J, Burwell.
Schuyler J F, Burwell. Stahn Wm, Erina.
Schuyler John, Burwell. Strang N G, Burwell.
Scott W W, Willow Springs. Strunk David, Burwell.
Sewal J W, Willow Springs. Strunk E M, Burwell.
Sherman D, Burwell. Strunk M, Burwell.
Simmons L N, Burwell. Summer A B, Willow Springs.
Slater H H, Burwell. Summer G, Willow Springs.
Smith D S, Ericson. Summer W R, Willow Springs.
Smith W L, Burwell. Swanson A J, Ericson.
Sorenson Nels, Ord.
Thompson G M, Ballaugh. Tolson H, Willow Springs.
Thompson, G M, Ord. Tolson J, Willow Springs.
Thurman Chas, Burwell. Trambly Ben, Burwell.
Vandusn H, Burwell. Verley W D, Burwell.
Vanlund J P, Ord. Vin C M C, Ballaugh.
Verley W A, Burwell.
Wade C B, Ballaugh. Witcher D A, Willow Springs.
Wambold J W, Willow Springs. Woods E R, Burwell.
Warden T R, Burwell. Woods Wm, Burwell.
Warren Joseph, Jordan. Worcester J, Willow Springs.
Watson C F, Willow Springs. Workman D D, Willow Springs.
Weiz F W, Burwell. Wright A H, Willow Springs.
White J, Burwell. Wright J E. Willow Springs.
White J W, Burwell. Wright R P, Willow Springs.
Wilson O, Burwell. Wyberg Jonas, Ericson.
Wilson S, Ballaugh. Wydell J A, Ord.
Wise J H, Willow Springs.
Zonderback S A, Jordan.


If you have any questions or problems with this page
please feel free to e-mail me e-mail David Gochenour, State Coordinator.

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