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Garfield County

Garfield County Roundup Vol. I

Compiled by Garfield County Historical Society Burwell, Nebraska

Part Eight-- Vol. I

Part Eight -- Rural Settlements

Chapter I -- Pioneers Along the Loup

Names appearing in this chapter in alphabetical order.
"*" denotes a photograph.
"**" denotes a photograph other than an individual.

Abbott(s), 235
Abbott, Charles, 234
Abbott, William, 234, 258
Alderman, Adolph A. "Dolph" (A. A.) , 233, 237, 247
Alger, R. P. Captain, 233, 258
Anderson, Merle, 259
Auble, Glen Dr., 240, 254, 259
Auble, Glen Mrs., 254
Augustyn, Benjamin F., 254
Augustyn, Thomas R., 254

Babcock, H. A., 234
Bailey, Mr., 230
Baker boys, 233, 237
Baker, George, 247, 248
Bales, Henry, 253
Bales, Nellie, 253
Bank(s), 254
Barr, James, 258
Bartholomew, Ike, 233
Beauchamp, George R. , 254
Beauchamp, Margaret S. "Maggie" Mrs., 254
Beauchamp, Anna Miss, 254
Beauchamp, Eliza Schrader Miss, 254
Becker(s), 258
Beebe, Dr., 243
Bumpus, Mrs., 233
Burns, 258
Burnham, Richard, 235
Butterfield, 258
Butts, Leonard, 255

Cameron, Anna, 259
Cameron, Minnie Osmer, 252
Carpenter, Capt., 244
Case, John, 229, 230, 233, 242
Chase, Stephen, 233, 237, 239, 247, 248
Church, M. B., 241
Clifton(s), 244 245, 258
Clark, Thomas M., 253, 258
Colby, Harry, 233, 237
Coffin, Charley B., 246
Coffin, H. J., 241
Collison, 254
Collison, Mrs. 254 
Comtpon, Linn, 258
Coppinger, Capt., 244, 247
Crandall, Genia Rood, 243, 259
Culpepper, Mrs. William, 226
Culpepper, William, 226
Cummins, J. Frank, 235
Curtis, Frank, 229

Davenport, Charles, 235, 253
Davenport, Florence, 253
Davis, Horace M., 259
Defenbaugh, 258
Defenbaugh, Henry, 258
Degan, Mr., 251
Dougherty First Sergeant, 244, 246, 249, 253
Draver, Alex, 234, 251
Draver, Kenneth, 235
Draver, Meda, 234, 235, 251
Draver, Robert, 234
Draver, William, 233, 234, 235, 237, 258

Eagle Feather, 251, 252

Fisher(s), 258
Flint, James, 247, 248, 249
Foght, 224, 223
Freeland, Almira Jane, 245
Freeland, Elmer, 226, 259
Freeland, Jane Russell, 244, 245
Freeland, Truman, 225*/**, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 235, 236, 240**, 241, 244, 245, 250, 251, 255, 258, 259 
Frey, Chris, 229
Frost(s), 258
Frye(s), 254, 255

Garrison, Dorothy, 245, 259
Garrison, L. J., 234, 258
Garrison, Lee, 234
Gaukel, M., 258
Goff , elder, 245
Goodell, W. L. Rev., 240
Goodenow, Maude, 231, 232, 241, 242, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255**, 259
Goodenow, Claude, 231, 232, 250, 252
Goodenow, Melville "Mel" (M. B.), 227, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 242, 246, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255
Goodenow, Minnette, 231, 232, 236, 239, 246, 250, 254, 255
Grant, Ulysses S. President, 242, 243
Griffin, Edwin John, 253

Haney, Cy, 233, 237, 239
Hanks, Steve, 258
Harlan(s), 258
Harper(s), 249
Harper, Amos R. (A. R.), 233, 235
Harper, W. A. 233, 237, 242
Harris, Zack, 241
Hartsuff, George L. General, 243
Harvey, Robert, 226
Haskell, Grandpa, 246
Haskell, O. S., 230
Hemmett, Tom, 246, 249, 258
Hennick, Mrs, 250
Hill, Bob, 233, 237
Hill, Mr. 245
Hillman, 245
Hitchcock, Gilbert M Senator, 242
Horton, George, 233
Hughes, Charles, 254
Hughes, Eliza Beauchamp, 254
Hughes, Wildeay, 258
Hyle, Lieutenant, 246, 248, 249

Janes, B. F., 241
Janicek, Frank, 258
Johns, Anna Beauchamp, 254
Johns, Will C., 254, 258
Johns,H. T., 254, 258
Johns, H. T. Mrs., 254
Jones, Carrie Weare, 225, 253
Jones, Charles H. (Charley), 224*, 225, 226, 227, 235, 246, 247, 249, 252, 253, 257, 258
Jones, Lee, 253
Jones, Willie "Billy", 225, 253
Jordan(s), 241

Kent, Elmer, 258, 259
Kern, Lyman Rev., 240
Key, Cheri, 259
Key, Faran, 258
Key, Opha, 240**
Kramer, Virgil, 235
Kusek, David, 258

Langstrom, Bess Mrs., 240
Lawrence, Charley, 241, 244
Lech (place), 232
Lech, Joe, 255**
Leffingwell, George, 233
Liercamp, Minnie, 235
Lindquist, 254
Littlefield, Marion, 233, 237, 239, 240
Luddington, M. T. Chief Quartermaster

Mattley, Herman, 240

Mattley, John, 258
Maxon, Albert C., 258
Maxson, George, 258
Maxson, George Mrs., 258
Maxson, Henry, 236
McAnulty, George, 229, 233, 236, 237, 239, 241, 242, 244, 252, 258, 259
McClimans, Alta, 240, 259
McClimans, Catherine, 226, 236**
McClinams, Floyd, 251, 259
McClimans, Grace, 254
McClimans, Harold, 240**
McClimans, Lloyd, 240**
McClimans, Mabel, 254
McClimans, Mary, 226
McClimans, Newton "Newt", 236, 240**, 247, 248
McClimans, Opha Key, 240**
McClimans, Ralph, 240
McClimans, Richard "Dick", 226, 233, 235, 236, 239, 240**, 241, 251, 254, 258
McClimans, Roy, 240**
McClimans, Thomas [son of Roy & Opha], 240**
McClimans, Thomas (Uncle Tommie), 225, 226, 227, 235, 236, 240**, 241, 258
McDonough, Carry E., 253
McGrew(s), 258
McKinney, Art, 258
McKenney, E. D. Dr., 229, 233, 242
McNutt(s), 249
McNutt, John, 247, 248
Messenger(s), 233
Messenger, J. W. "Wes", 234, 240, 251
Meyer, Arthur J., 255**, 259**
Meyer, August, 255**
Meyer, August Mrs., 255**
Meyer, Dewey, 255**
Middleton, "Doc", 229
Miles, General, 249
Mitchell, E.N., 253 
Mix, Captain, 230, 236
Moller, Falle, 229
Mortensen, Peter, 229, 233, 253
Munson, Captain, 230, 242, 243, 244

North, Jim, 225
North, Luther H. Capt., 231

Ord, General, 242
Osmer, Minnie, 252

Papiernik, Mike, 258
Pearsons, 236
Penas, John, 258
Pierce, Luther, 240
Pierson, William, 233
Pope, Andrew J. 245
Post, A.G., 229, 230
Post, Calvin, 229
Post, Charles, 229
Post, David, 229, 237
Post, Frank, 229
Potter, David, 235
Potter, Zara Brother, 245
Proctor, Enoch, 235, 258

Raymond(s), 249
Raymond, Elmer, 247, 248, 249
Reineke, Roy Mrs., 235
Robke, Frank, 235
Robke, Frederick, 234, 258
Robke, Minnie Liercamp, 235
Rood, Genia, 243
Rose, B. A., 254
Rowan, Abe, 252
Rowse, Floyd, 258
Ruggles, George D. Assistant Adjutant General, 242
Russell, Jane, 244

Sartain, David Jr., 234
Schrirer, 258
Schroyer boys, 237
Schroyer, Dave, 233, 247, 248, 258
Schuler, Emily, 258
Schwartzlander(s), 232
Scott(s), 258
Scott, Jim, 226
Scott, Mary, 226
Scott, Michael, 226
Shaver, Elizabeth, 229, 259
Shepperd, J. W., 233, 237
Shepperd(s), 254
Sibal(s), 258
Sitting Bull, 249
Smith, Charles, 233
Smith, William (W. L.), 233, 237
Stanek, Frank, 258
Stanton, M. S. Captain, 242, 243
Styles, Mr., 233
Swearengen, Jack "Happy Jack", 229, 230, 233, 236, 237, 244, 257

Tetschner, Agusta Mrs., 253
Tetschner, Christian, 258
Tetschner, Jack, 245, 258
Tetschner, Lloyd, 235, 253
Tetschner, Lou 253
Tingley, David, 234
Todd, George S. Judge, 258

Wallace, Alta McClimans, 224, 259
Weare, Dr., 225, 253
Weare, Mrs., 225
Webster, Frank, 233, 236, 258
Welsh, Frank Congressman, 242
Wentworth, Billy, 233
Wentworth, Conrad "Little Buckshot", 229, 233, 237, 248, 249
Williams, Will, 259**
Wilson, Ab, 258
Wilson, Don, 258
Wirtz (Wertz), William "Bill"/ "Will", 233, 237, 247, 249
White, Charley "Buckskin Charley", 233, 237
White, I. W., 233, 237, 239
Woods, Art, 258
Woods, Edwin Ross, 258
Woods, Mr., 231, 232
Woods, Mrs., 231, 232
Woods, Ross, 233
Woods, William, 233
Wooster, James, 253

Photo from Dedication of the Littlefield monument, June 13, 1937.

p. 238

Anderson, Floy
Anderson, W. A.
Ashman, Charley
Austin, Emma

Barrett, Emma
Borden, Art
Brown, Jennie
Butcher, Wilford Mrs.
Butts, Ferd
Butts, Grandma

Campbell, Etta
Capek, Dan
Carricker, Frank Mrs.
Cram, Bert
Cram, Ed

Draver, Irma
Draver, Meda
Draver, Robert

Ehreshman, John
Evans, George
Evans, George Mrs.

Fickle, Mattie
Franssen, Herman
Freeland, Truman

Garrison, Sam
Goodenow, M. B. Mrs.
Goodenow, Maude

Harris, Zack
Harris, Zack Mrs.
Harris, Zack Mrs.
Harvey, Nick
Heitz, J. Mrs.
Heitz, James
Helmcamp, Lena
Herbst, A. J. Mrs.
Herbst, Andrew J.
Herrick, J. Mrs.
Herrick, John
Hetfield, John
Hetfield, John Mrs.
Hulbert, Fred
Hulbert, Fred Mrs.

Johnson, Cora

Kellogg, Frank
Kent, Lula

Livermore, Fern

Massey, Tillie
Maxfield, Nate
Maxfield, Nate Mrs.
Maxson, Edgar
Maxson, George
Maxson, Harriett
Maxson, Reed
McAnulty, George
McClimans, Ralph
McClung, William
McDonald, William
McKinzie, Mrs.
Messenger, Wes
Meyers, Lyle
Mills, Irene
Mills, Rebecca
Mitchell, Emma
Mohr, Pete
Mohr, Pete Mrs.
Moss, Leona

Oliver, Bob

Parker, Charley
Patridge, Al
Patridge, Al Mrs.
Penas, J. Mrs.
Penas, John

Robke, Frank

Schreier, Jack
Smith, Thurman
Smith, Thurman Mrs.

Tetschner, Frank
Tetschner, Nancey
Thurston, E. Dr.

Ulm, Ben

Weber, Mrs.
Woods, Charley
Wright, Joe


Photographs – Chapter I

p. 224 Charles H. Jones
p. 226 Sod house of Truman Freeland, near the Loup River, with inset of Freeland.
p. 238 Dedication of the Littlefield monument.
p. 240 Thomas & Catherine McClimans home. Frame house built in 1873.
p. 242 Fort Hartsuff
p. 255 The old Ida Post Office.
p. 259 St. Paul to Black Hills stage coach that delivered mail to Ida and the Forks (Burwell.)

Our thanks to Sandra Barber for compiling this index of names.  This was a huge undertaking.

If you have any questions or problems with this page
please feel free to e-mail me e-mail Betty Aron Schneider, Garfield coordinator.
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