February  2006


1722 East 19-Fremont Nebraska

13 February 2006 7 P.M.

   PROGRAM:   Sanborn Maps Help in Family

                          History-Renee Bunck, Jeff Kappeler,

                                                 and Claire Mares

  BROWSE NITE:  27 February 2006 7 p.m.

January meeting proved out to be a very interesting meeting.  Renee took us out on to the Web site and used a relative name of Claire's for her subject.  She used her laptop and slides on to the screen.  The TV was just a bit too small to read the information, so she opted to make the program into slides and project them on to the screen.  Incidentally, Renee did find Claire's long lost relative that she has been searching for and it went back 4 more generations.  Thank you for a delightful program Renee.  Everyone enjoyed it, and also the hand outs you had along for them.



A Thank You to Petey Croshaw for the book entitled Colonial Records of Virginia.  She also included one for records on Massachusetts.

 We received a CD from Harry Wagner of TX which has 35 Hooper Annuals on it - this will be a nice addition to our library.  Thank you Harry.

 We also received a copy of the 1914-15 Fremont City Directory for our shelves.  The original book is fast deteriorating and the Dodge County Historical Society asked for a copy to use rather than the original book and we were able to make ourselves a copy.  Thanks to Patty Manhart for remembering us. The Society is always a helpful place to check for guidance, and believe me, they have a great photograph collection of Dodge County.

Fremont Conservatory of Music

  Following is the program of the entertainment given at the Normal on Monday evening, Feb 13th:

Piano solo-Waltz op.9, No 3 (Schubert) Miss Josie Salmon.

Vocal solo-The Fog Bell, (Pontete) Mr Jacob Maxwell.

Recitation-Miss Frank May.

Violin solo-Theme, with Variations, (Dancla) Mrs Frank Smith.

Vocal duet-When Life is Brightest, (pinsuti) Misses Torpin  and McDonald.

Piano solo-5th Nocturne, (Leyback) Miss Lyda Larson.

Chorus-Like The Lark, (Abt) St Cecelia Society.

Piano solo-Ye Banks and Braes (Transcription), (Pape) Miss  Anna McDonald.

Recitation - Miss Lucia Knox.

Violin Duet-From "Judas Maccabaeus" (Handel) Played by 12  violins.

Male Quartette-When the Shades Fall (Emerson) Messrs  Byars, Hall, Houston, Maxwell and Carey.

Vocal solo-Ecstacy of Love, waltz song, (Badia) Miss Louise  Topin.

Recitation- Miss Etta Gray.

Piano solo-Nocturne (Wely), Miss Kate Lord.

Chorus-Morning Invitation (Veazie), Sight-Singing Class.

                 Fremont Weekly Herald 16 Feb 1888  4:4

Book 11 - 1906

Orville R Humston to Bertha Carpenter on 03 Feb
Austin Samson to Mrs Louisa C Samson on 05 Feb
Harvey C Chilcoat to Julia Evert on 06 Feb
Elmer M Hickok to Mary McEwen on 06 Feb
Edward G Allen to Eva McKnight on 06 Feb
William J Riley to Estella Maude Hively on 07 Feb
John H Strickland to Anna Ruwe on 08 Feb
John S Griffin to Amy M Petty on 12 Feb
Frank Bahner to Florence Haven on 14 Feb
Carl L Lichtenberg to Anna C Lorenzen on 14 Feb
James Raishl(Raisl) to Mary Marsoun on 20 Feb
William Kappius to Fanny Pruss on 20 Feb
Winfield S Bishop to Cora B Bader on 21 Feb
James M Bradbury to Edna G Phillips on 21 Feb
Isaac T Shriver to Mrs Malissia B Colville on 21 Feb
Albert Larson to Maggie Jacobson on 24 Feb
Edward Hein to Hilda Waechter on 24 Feb
Henry Haden to Mrs Catherine Peterson on 27 Feb



One of Fremont's Popular Ladies Weds Washington Man

   A very pleasant wedding ceremony was celebrated at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the home of Mrs Christine Ruwe, 1234 East Military avenue.  The contracting parties were Miss Anna Ruwe and John H Strickland, of Seattle, Washington.  The affair was a very quiet one, void of all ostentatious features.  Only the immediate relatives of the families were present.  The Rev John F Krueger, pastor of the German Evangelical Lutheran Salem church, performed the ceremony in a very happy yet impressive manner.  Mr & Mrs Strickland left for one of the eastern states on a short tour, after which they will return to this city and spend several weeks before going to their future home in Washington, where the bridegroom is a prosperous business man.

     Fremont Daily Herald 09 Feb 1906  1:5


Sheriff Degman Killed by an Insane Man in the Jail.

  Yesterday morning at about 7:40 o'clock, John Degman, Sheriff of Colfax county, was killed by an insane man named Lapour.

  Lapour was sent to the insane hospital at Lincoln some time last summer, but upon apparent recovery was allowed to return to Schuyler.  Later on he became delirious again and he was confined in the county jail.  Yesterday morning Sheriff Degman went into the cell to give him his breakfast as usual and when he turned to go out Lapour struck him over the head with a heavy club which felled him to the floor.  He then hit him again, crushing in his skull so that death ensued in a little less than two hours.  Lapour then endeavored to escape but was captured by the deputy sheriff and locked up again.  The club used was a portion of the prisoner's bed.

  LATER - Last night about thirty men from all parts of the county got off the train and quietly proceeded to the jail and took Lapour out and hung him, thus make quick and effectual work of the whole affair.

                Fremont Weekly Tribune 13 Feb 1886  8:5

This from 20 Jan 1886  2:5 Fremont Weekly Tribune

 Lapour was confined for some time in the state insane hospital, but being released last summer, the officials declared him sane.  However, he defaulted and a charge against him being maltreatment and abuse of his family.  His wife had applied for divorce and his daughter charged him with an unnatural crime.

SHERIFF DEGMAN the man whom Lapour murdered, had held his office only five days having been elected to that position last fall and sworn in on the 7th instant. He was about 35 years old and unmarried, though, it was reported he was soon to wed a young lady of Kentucky, his native state.  The commissioners have appoint his brother to fill the vacancy.


  An infant child of Wenzel Miller was buried Friday.

  Died - Monday night, the wife of Henry Fegener, eight miles north of town.

  Died - Saturday afternoon the infant child of Mr and Mrs Ed Schinkel.

  H R Grow, who has held the position of foreman, compositor, general manager, and devil in this office for over a year, left for his home at Loup City, NE yesterday.

  G W Montgomery, Glencoe, one of Dodge county's oldest and most respected citizens, had a stroke of apoplexy, Monday, which came near proving fatal.  His left side was completely paralyzed. 

  A large and enthusiastic crowd of fun loving people, under the leadership of Mrs Kennedy, assembled in Dodge, Saturday morning, and drove out to the residence of Mr and Mrs Samuel Longacre, one mile north of town.  The occasion was the anniversary of Mr and Mrs Longacre's wedding; hardly was the dinner over, however before a messenger from Dodge  with a telegram announcing the death of Mrs Longacre's sister, in Dakota. - Advertiser.

  From the Fremont Weekly Herald 26 Feb 1891  4:3

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