December  2004




We wish everyone a great Christmas Holiday and A Happy New Year.

The old saying, “What goes around, Comes Around.” Am beginning to believe that applies to Claire.  In 2003 our presenter was Margie Sobotka in November, and an apology from Claire for an error.

          W E L L L L L L it happens to be the same song for the year of 2004.  Margie Sobotka told of her trip to Czechoslovakia and had some very good snapshots to share with us.  Unusual churches were visited as well as outdoor museums, displaying bee hives that looked like small  thatched roof houses  (almost like what you see in Africa).  A great evening traveling with Margie, but then she served kolache’s. My, oh my, they really made a hit with everyone.    Yes, she even met some of her distant relatives.



Now for Claire’s apology-she checked the master on the computer and everything was great, hit print and took it to Staples for printing of the Roots & Leaves.  It is always collated for us, so that was great.  Somewhere along the way, Claire noticed page 80 was on a sheet by itself.  That is a no-no. Going backwards through the pages I discovered there were 2 page 71’s.  And my computer only has one....great! Almost all were stapled sorted and ready for the mail.  AND she knew what was wrong!  Snuggles uses her mouse for her pillow as Claire works at the computer.  I am only guessing what happened, a hidden page?, well, I truly apologize and am sorry, the complete story is there, but in two versions, as I had made a correction on that page.  And yes, as I type this newsletter, Miss S is sitting in front of the screen, trying to catch the pointer.  She wishes everyone a Merry Christmas too.  Shy Cha isn’t even about, sleeping most likely.





Around The Circle-The history of the Masonic

Eastern Star Home for Children.  It is edited by the home and is great for our shelves.  So many times someone is seeking information about this home.



A box social was held at the home of Arnold Romberg on Saturday evening.  A large number were present and a pleasant evening was passed with games and social chat.  The proceeds which amounted to twelve and one half dollars, will be used for the benefit of a Christmas tree at St John’s church.

                                Scribner Rustler 18 Dec 1902


A Quiet Observance of the Day

In Scribner.


Although the weather and other conditions were quite unfavorable, the merchants of Scribner enjoyed a good holiday trade.  The Christmas festivities commenced Wednesday evening with tree and interesting exercises at the different churches.  Christmas Day was unusually quiet.  The cold weather, which during last night caused the mercury to drop as far as 10 below zero, almost entirely concentrated the enjoyment of the day about the family hearth.  There were the usual arrivals and departures of holiday visitors, including Santa.


                                Scribner News 28 Dec 1902


100 YEARS AGO  DECEMBER 1904  Bk 11


Henry Peterson to Anna Schuler on 14 Dec
Oscar Isackson to Edith Sunden on 14 Dec
John McPherson to Bessie Jones on 21 Dec
Harry M Thorndike to Ida M Patterson on 22 Dec
Frank U Jarrett to Jennie E Rowe on 22 Dec
John E Faltys to Jessie E Dunn on 25 Dec
Henry Beyerle to Gesena Siems on 26 Dec
Frank Myers to Anna E Brown on 27 Dec
James C Johnson to Dagmar H Nielsen on 28 Dec
Alfred Rexin to Jettie Killeen on 28 Dec

A Christmas Wedding


  On Christmas day at high noon, the wedding of Miss Jessie Dunn and Mr John Faltys took place at the residence of Mr Harvey Mosley on East Fifth street.  There were only a few relatives of the contracting parties present, and no attempt was made at decorations, aside from boquets of carnations.  Rev Foskett officiated.  The bride was gowned in a brown traveling suit, without flowers, and unattended, and the couple took the afternoon train to So Omaha, where they make their future home.

  Miss Dunn has for some time been engaged with the Nebraska Telephone Co., and her intense popularity has been proven by the number of “showers” which were given for her by admiring friends, before the wedding.  She is a young lady of modest and unassuming manner, and had endeared herself to many hearts during her stay in the city.

  Mr Faltys is also well known to business men of the city.  For some time he was employed at the Eno hotel, but accepted a lucrative position with F A Cressey at So Omaha, in which position he will continue to show the manly qualities and business ability he has hitherto demonstrated.


Wild Birds Abounded on Island in ‘56


That Winter Venison Was So Plentiful that Settlers Were Tired of it.


  In early days which are still within the recollection of first Fremont settlers, they shot their Thanksgiving turkeys over on Fremont island in the Platte River, instead of buying them, already dressed, at the market places, as they do now.  It was in 1856 – the year that Fremont was staked out.

  “I well remember it,” said Mrs J J Hawthorne this afternoon.  “It was the first year we were here and tame turkeys in Nebraska were unknown.  Some of the young men went on a turkey hunt on the Platte.  They shot several turkeys on the island.  I saw one of them myself.  It weighed eighteen pounds.”

  Mrs Hawthorne recalls that for meat that year turkey supplied the one relief from monotonous venison, which was served nearly every meal.  That year Indians shot 400 deer on Fremont island and vicinity.


This was taken from the first DAR scrapbook and is undated.

LOOKING BACK – from North Bend Eagle files dated 9 Dec 1992              


 Plans and specifications for the new opera house are on file at city hall and subject to bids by contractors...Rogers now boasts of two butcher shops...Funeral services were held E H Ives, editor of the PlainDealer...The Catholic church at Ridgeley will be dedicated on Thursday.



  We extend our sympathy to Bill & Lavilda Passick in the loss of Bill’s brother, Dr James Passick, of Humboldt, IA.
Copyright 2002,2003,2004 Claire Mares

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