The Eastern Nebraska Genealogical Society was formed in 1972 and at that time covered all of Eastern Nebraska. Since its beginning, there have been many other societies formed, however, we do not choose to change the name of our organization.
Areas covered by our society are the counties of Butler (limited to marriages and census records), Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Saunders and Washington. All of the cemeteries have been walked and recorded. Marriage records for Cuming, Dodge and Saunders and Washington counties are available up to and including 1900.
Naturalization records for Dodge county are on microfilm and our society has a copy which was purchased through the NE State Historical Society.
Research can be requested by mail - Our society charges $5.00 per hour plus copywork and postage. Please be explicit as to what you desire researched at time of writing, such as marriages, estate probates, land records, obits, census records. Group sheets are helpful.
Prices for marriage records vary by county, so it is not possible to give an exact figure, however, generally not over $2.00. Copywork for estates and land records are $1.00 per page.
Birth and death records are not kept in the counties in the State of Nebraska, but are at the Dept of Vital Statistics, P O Box 95007, Lincoln NE 68509. We suggest you write there and request the price first, as they have been increasing each year. Birth & death records were not required by the State until 1904.
Our society does have a good-sized library and it is housed in the basement at the home of Claire Mares, 1722 East 19 Fremont, NE. If you want to come and do research, please call and make an appointment (402-721-9553).
Our library has extensive information for the 5-6 counties on histories and other materials. Some Dodge county church records, however, no Catholic records. We have the International Genealogical Index fiche from the LDS Family History Library - it covers all of the US, Canada, Germany, Austria, USSR, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, Wales, and the Scandinavian countries. We have 4 fiche readers, plus one microfilm reader.
We meet on the second Monday of each month, except July, August and December We have a browse nite on the 4th Monday of each month for library users. Monthly newsletters and four quarterlies - ROOTS & LEAVES- are mailed to members. Dues - 1st year $19, renewals $15 - payable each January.
Printable ENGS Membership Application
This page was submitted to the Dodge county NEGenWeb site
by Renee Bunck -[email protected]
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