BLAINE COUNTY  NEBRASKA Named for James G Blaine


NEGenWeb Project

Named for James G Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman. 
Established 5 March 1885. 




From the files of the
  Loup County Pioneer Museum,
   Taylor, Nebraska


For further information you may contact:
P. O. BOX 102
TAYLOR, NE 68879-0102

         Blaine County's neighbor to the east, Loup County, shares the following,
courtesy of Kevin Brown, Loup County Historical Society, President"

     The Blaine Co. envelope marked biographies contains obits. and death notices for the following (probably  taken  from the BREWSTER NEWS):

Ordinance No. 10:  Electric Light and Power Franchise, Brewster, Nebraska (with
Custer Public Power District,1953)

1952 New Street Lights in Halsey

A Brief History of the Brewster Congregational Church by Ralph Spencer

Dunning Congregational Church
Dedication of 1952

Street Light Dedication in Brewster in 1953

1951 Freight train derailment west of Dunning 

Herbert Baker

John N. Barton

Mary Lena Bartsch Blake

Tom Body

William (Mike ) Carruth Emler Christopherson (brother of Sophia Pierce) Charles S. Copp


Elmer N.   Demaray - -
30 years as county official in 1953

Elmer Demaray's Good Neighbor Award in 1954 from Ak-Sar-Ben

Mary Demaray's 90th birthday

Mary Moody Dugger

Mabel Shoemaker
Jenny Duryea Maria Jane

Beulah Hanna

Anita Ferguson/Ralph
Meade wedding
George C.
 Hugh R. Ferguson
Louis C.

LaVerna Adkins Folsen

Jesse G.
Lulu Irene
Lockhart Fountain
Arthur Francis



Frank T.
Frank Greenland Richard Franklin 

Ida May Kile
Lee V. Hunt Lee Vivian Hunt

Noel Douglas

Edith Idora

Lucinda D. "Lucy" Jennings Mrs. Cliff Jewell (nee Fitch), sister of Mrs. John Turner Frank F. Jones (also of Loup Co.)

Mary A. Joslin.

Louis Kaiser Ethel L. Houser
Rev. W.D. King

William Lewis
Eva Mae
 Williams Losh

Ira Karl Lucy

William Mackey William (Doc)
William Challis (Doc) Martin

EdgarW. O'Neel

Harold Morgan

M. Oscar

Myron Oscar

Mary Gertrude Pitt
Mrs. William Pitt

Judge Charles H. & Lucy (Little) Rice - - 55th wedding
Mrs. Charles H.

Nellie Ferguson Sadler Otto
Harry Shamblin Dr. Alfred Spencer
Waters Spencer

Mary Louise 
 Dill Taylor
Mary (Molly)
 Riggs Taylor
Ralph Teaford Joe Harold Turner
Phil Wadhams'
 75th birthday

Glen Wagner

James Waters

Marie Robbins
  (Mrs. Clark)

Sallie Wilkinson - - 90th birthday

Andrew U.

Frank Wright

Earl Zeigler


Thursday, October 8, 1940
Newspaper Unknown 

A transaction which we were aware several weeks ago, but did not publish until papers were closed, was that of Harry Zutavern selling his half interest in the Gage Lumber Company to Omar L. Gage.  This transaction brings Mr. Gage’s only son George in with his father and will give him valuable experience in this capacity.  Mr. Zutavern has been connected with the Gage Lumber Company many years and the two partners has enjoyed a good business patronage for many miles distant.  As yet we have not learned definitely the plans on Mr. and Mrs. Zutavern, but understand they are considering locating in the west, perhaps California, where their only son Harry Zutavern and wife reside.  The following clipping from our neighbor paper, The News at Brewster, appeared recently.

            Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Gage were over from Dunning on business last Friday and while in town paid the shop a friendly visit.  We learned that the Gage Lumber Company has undergone a recent change in management in that Harry Zutavern has sold his interest in the organization and Mr. Gage’s son, George is going in with his father in the lumber business.  Mr. Zutavern expects to devote more of his time to ranching activities.  Incilentally(sic) this is the third generation of the Gage family to have an active part in the operation of the poneer(sic)  yard of Blaine County. J. D. Gage was the founder of the company many years ago.  Later his son, Omar went in with him and has been actively engaged in the business at times since.  Now conts(sic) his son George as the third generation that family to choose that line of work.  The Gage Lumber Company has enjoyed, and deservedly so, a large volume of business through the years and we do not hesitate to predict more of the same in the years to come.



Marshall Taylor . . . Vocal
H. E. Poole . . . Violin
Lyle Wilson . . . Violin
W. L. Buzzard . . . Trombone
Mrs. H. G. Zutavern . . . Piano
Mrs. Rob't. Blakely, Accompanist





March 21st, 1917



P. Wilson                   Bass Drum
Hugh McMillan                   Bass
Lawrence Wilson         Trombone
Dr. C. T. Owings          Trombone
R. H. Stevens                        Alto
E. G. Reed                 First Cornet
Arthur Scism             Solo Cornet
H. E. Poole               Snare Drum
Marshall Taylor            Baritone
W. L. Buzzard              Trombone
Vivian Roberts                   Tenor
Dr. E. J. Mitchell                  Alto
Lyle Wilson              Solo Cornet
W. L. Buzzard - - Director


March  "Perambulator"                            Band
Overture                                                     Band
Violin Duet -             Messrs. Poole and Wilson
Operatic Mingle                                         Band
Vocal Quartette
       Messrs. McMillan, Reed, Poole & Wilson
Trombone Solo                             W. L. Buzzard
Medley "Yankee Hash"                           Band
Vocal Solo                                 Marshall Taylor
Piano Solo                         Mrs. H. G. Zutavern
March "Friendship"                                  Band


This was the  program for the "Grand Concert" at the Jones Opera House, March 21, 1917 by the Dunning Band.  I don't know where the Jones Opera House is -- perhaps Dunning, Anselmo, Merna, or Broken Bow (I know that Broken Bow had an opera house). I did several web searches, but can't find it.  Perhaps someone else will know

Regarding the band members: P. Wilson (William Pearson "Pete" Wilson) is my grandfather, Lawrence Wilson is my father, Lyle Wilson (Carlyle Wilson) is my uncle, and Mrs. Rob't Blakely (Bessie Wilson) is my aunt. 

- - - contributed by Larry Wilson 

Facsimile created for Blaine NEGenWeb - - 2002 - - Patricia C. Ash

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Blaine NEGenWeb - 2002 - Patricia C. Ash