Nebraska State Gazetteer


NEGenWeb Project

Named for James G Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman. 
Established 5 March 1885. 


Nebraska State Gazetteer

Business Directory and Farmer list for 1890-1891

Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block, 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe  & Co,
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

                                                                          Business Directory  

Brewster, the county seat of Blaine county, is beautifully situated in the North Loup valley and near the center of the county. A stage line connects the town with Dunning, about 12 miles southwest on the B. & M. R. R., the nearest railway point at present. However, a branch of the B. & M. R. R. is projected from Arcadia. Although but a new town, Brewster has made considerable progress. There are a Baptist and a Methodist church, two good printing offices and newspapers -- the Blaine County News and the Blaine County Democrat -- two banks, a hotel, a feed mill, a nursery and various other business concerns, etc., which have laid a good foundation for the future prosperity of the town. The population is 200.

Dunning, a post office in the southwestern part of Blaine county, 20 miles from Brewster, the county seat, on the G. I. & W. C., a branch of the B. & M. R. R. Population, 100. Purdum, a post office located in the northwestern part of Blaine county, 25 miles from Brewster, the county seat. It is situated near the North Loup river, in an exceedingly productive valley. Population, 25. Halsey, a station in the western part of Blaine county on the G. I. & W. C. branch of the B. & M. R. R., 49 miles west of Broken Bow and about 20 miles west of Brewster, the county seat. Population, 25. Linscott, a post office in the southern part of Blaine county, about 15 miles from Brewster. It is a flag station of the Newcastle line of the B. & M. R. R., 31 miles northwest from Broken Bow. Population, 15. Hawley, a post office and station in the extreme western part of Blaine county, on the Grand Island and Black Hills branch of the B. & M. R. R. It is eight miles west of Dunning.

Edith, a post office in the southeastern part of Blaine county, eight miles southeast of Brewster.


                                                                                             Farmer List

Adams Calvin, Brewster          Kirpurweit Julius, Brewster
Adams Wm, Brewster              Klammer Wm, Brewster
Anderson P, Brewster            Lang M D, Brewster
Applegate Wes, Brewster         Langhran Jas R, Anselmo
Bailey John, Brewster           Langhran Thomas, Anselmo
Baker Geo, Brewster             Leach Edwin, Brewster
Baker John R, Brewster          Lingenfelter B F, Brewster
Baker Theo, Brewster            Lingenfelter Geo, Brewster
Barton Albert, Brewster         Lowe C J, Linscott
Barton J O, Brewster            McAlevy J S, Brewster
Beck T C, Hawley                McAlevy S C, Brewster
Bittes Jacob, Brewster          McAntyre A K, Brewster
Boaz R E, Dunning               McCormick Ed, Brewster
Bridges Thos, Brewster          McCormick Jos, Brewster
Brown J D, Purdun               McCormick J P, Brewster
Brown J W, Dunning              McCormick M P, Brewster
Burke Thos, Brewster            McCormick Pat, Brewster
Butrick W C, Brewster           McCormick Wm, Brewster
Carleson Jno A, Brewster        McDonald Michael, Brewster
Clapman J, Edith                McGown John, Brewster
Clapper F S, Brewster           Maxfield Nat, Brewster
Clay G W, Brewster              Miller R L, Edith
Clayton C B, Hawley             Miller T B, Edith
Clayton J F, Hawley             Miner Fred, Dunning
Clifton C T, Purdun             Miner J T, Dunning
Cline A D, Halsey               Miner R D, Dunning
Cline J S, Halsey               Monnohan J T, Dunning
Cline Wm N, Dunning             Moon D, Brewster
Collinson H J, Hawley           Nollenberg W C, Brewster
Cook Chas E, Brewster           Northup T S, Brewster
Cook F T, Purdum                Oden J H, Dunning
Connelly Al, Dunning            Oldham L E, Purdum
Connelly B T, Dunning           Oldham S H, Purdum
Connelly Hiram, Dunning         Overman J L, Dunning
Copp H H, Brewster              Patech J T, Dunning
Cox A B, Purdum                 Pike F M, Brewster
Cox E M, Purdum                 Pixley C O, Brewster
Crouch A L, Hawley              Pixley Ed, Brewster
Crouch R F, Hawley              Pixley Frank, Brewster
Crouch Elisha, Hawley           Pixley George, Brewster
Crouch W H, Hawley              Polley Hiram, Brewster
Crook Fred, Purdum              Preuss Charles, Brewster
Donahoe Burt, Purdum            Purdum G F, Purdum
Dorgan Robt, Brewster           Rankin E W, Anselmo
Downey Geo A, Dunning           Rankin W F, Anselmo
Downey H S, Dunning             Reed Wm F, Brewster
Dunn E P, Brewster              Reiman Emil, Brewster
Dunning A L, Purdum             Reiman Fred, Brewster
Eikelberry Henry, Brewster      Reiman John, Brester
Ewing R D, Linscott             Rhodenbaugh J, Brewster
Featherston M, Brewater         Richmond R C, Brewster
Featherston Thos, Brewster      Riggs L W, Purdum
Fees John, Dunning              Rittenhouse Wm, Brewster
Femmy F C, Brewster             Royce J D, Brewster
Field F H, Dunning              Sadler Wm, Dunning
Field F W, Dunning              Samson Geo A, Dunning
Fisher I T, Brewster            Schipporeit A, Brewster
Fletcher J N                    Schipporeit F, Brewster
Freeman E E, Brewster           Schuler Chas, Brewster
Gardiner J Warren, Purdum       Scott Winfield, Brewster
Golson J C, Brewster            Schull A H, Brewster
Greenland R R, Purdum           Schull R R, Brewster
Hanna J M, Anselmo              Smith E B, Brewster
Hastings T J, Brewster          Smith W F, Brewster
Hayberg J A, Brewster           Spencer F W, Brewster
Hazelrigg F M, Brewster         Spicer J W, Edith
Heartley M L, Dunning           Squire F B, Dunning
Heitholt Henry, Brewster        Staben Edward, Purdum
Heitter J B, Purdum             Stoddy J A, Purdum
Hickey Pat, Purdum              Thomas T, Edith
Hollopter S T, Brewster         Townsend R A, Brewster
Hollopter U, Brewster           Van Neste C E, Brewster
Huwaldt Henry, Brewster         Vaught C L, Dunning
Irwin W S, Brewster             Vermuch August, Brewster
Jackson T, Purdum               Welch N E, Brewster
Jacobs Wm, Halsey               Wendt Ferdinand, Brewster
Jochem John, Brewster           Wendt Otto, Brewser
Johnson P W, Brewster           Wertz M F, Purdum
Joneschit John, Brewster        Whaley Ed, Purdum
Kalzer Gotlieb, Brewster        White Geo W, Purdum
Kalzer William, Brewster        Youngberg Alf, Brewster

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