HartSearch Genealogy Research Service

Research Requests:

In order to provide you with more time and cost effective services, it is suggested that you provide as much background detail as possible relating to the requested research or services. Examples of types of helpful information that you may provide (when related to your research request) are:
  1. Full name (including nicknames) of individual to be researched (maiden and married names for females).
  2. Place the event occurred that you are interested in finding information about , e.g., place of birth, place of marriage, place of residence (be as specific and complete as possible).
  3. Dates that relate to the search, e.g., dates of birth, immigration, marriage, divorce, death, etc.
  4. Names of relevant family members, including maiden names (e.g., names of parents, spouses, children, siblings, etc.).
  5. Religious affiliation of your selected ancestor(s).
  6. Occupation of your ancestor.
  7. Nationality, if foreign born (i.e., outside the United States).
  8. Census records where individual and family is listed including Enumeration numbers and sheet numbers listed.
  9. Any other information you may have that you believe will make the research more specific and efficient, such as family group sheets, pedigree charts, what research you have already conducted on the subject of your inquiry, including the results.

How to contact me...

Patrice Hartman
HCR 01 Box 32A
Regent, ND 58650
[email protected]
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