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Sgt. Frank Roberts, "Sergt.Bob", 1st NC Colored Volunteers,
a native of Elizabeth City, NC
Drawing from the Fred W. Smith, Jr. Civil War Sketch Book
From the Collection of Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens

The NC-US Colored Troops Project

The NC-USCT Project is a volunteer, non-profit project. The data on the soldiers of the five US Colored Troop regiments formed in North Carolina is being transcribed company by company by our volunteer researchers. It is being posted to the regimental roster as each company is completed. An index has been added for your convenience. We hope to have all the data online as soon as possible, but until then, please be patient. If you would like to volunteer and join with us in this worthwhile project, please let us know. John B. McGowan and Charles P. Barnes


1st NC Colored Infantry / 35th US Colored Infantry

2nd NC Colored Infantry / 36th US Colored Infantry

3rd NC Colored Infantry / 37th US Colored Infantry
(Also See: "History of the 37th USC Infantry....")

1st NC Colored Heavy Artillery / 14th US Colored Heavy Artillery

135th US Colored Infantry (Roster of soldiers from North Carolina)

African Americans in the U. S. Navy from North Carolina

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NCUSCT-L Mailing List

Regimental Histories
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Regimental Service Records

Pension Records

Soldier's Letters Page

Medal of Honor Winners

USCT Links Page

Recruiting Poster

NC Union Volunteers Home Page



In order to facilitate research of the U.S.C.T. soldiers, I will set up links between descendants and their ancestor, or any researcher interested in a particular soldier.

1. If you would like to make contact with other researchers of a particular soldier, send me your name and email address, the soldier's company and regiment, and I will post this at the end of the veteran's information. To contact you, others can then click on your name and send you an email.

2. If you have any information on any of these soldiers, before, during and after his service, please share it with us and I will post it on a separate page linked with that soldier's name.

3. Anyone having information on old photos of any soldier, from any period, please email John McGowan.

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NCUSCT Project
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