No. | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
NAME | Larry Griffin | ||||||||||||||||||
RANK | Drummer | ||||||||||||||||||
WHEN | Feby 26/1865 | ||||||||||||||||||
BY WHOSE ORDER | Lt. Col. B.F. Pratt, Comd 36th U.S.C.T. | ||||||||||||||||||
WHAT REASON | S.O. #48 II - Hd.Qrs. 36th USCT. in the field Va. to date Jany
REMARKS | Transferred to non Com.Staff as principal musician.
| *********************RECORD BREAK******************* |
No. | 2
| NAME | Adolphus Redding
| RANK | Fifer
| WHEN | Oct. 21/1865
| BY WHOSE ORDER | Major Wm. H. Hart Comdg. Regt.
| WHAT REASON | Per S.O. #104--II--Hd. Qrs--36th USCT Brazos Santiago Texas Oc
| REMARKS | Appt'd Principal Muscn. Vice Griffin Reduced and transf'd to non Com. Staff.
| |