Genealogist's Most Wanted

Haywood County

Fanna Gipson

Who was Fanna Gipson?

She was born March 28, 1808. She died March 8, 1880
She is buried in Dellwood Cemetery in Haywood County, NC.
Her tombstone was handmade. Someone cared enough to bury her with love. Nothing else is known about her life.
Who were her parents? Who were her siblings?
Was she married? Did she have children?
The person who so painstakingly crafted her marker did not
want her to fade from the memory of her family and community.
If anyone knows who Fanna Gipson was, please send a message to HaywoodCountyNC so that she can be recorded with her family where she belongs.

Lucretia Gibson

Are there any descendants of Lucretia Gibson searching?
The National Allison-Allanson Family Association and the descendants of Solomon and Fanna Gibson would love to meet her descendants.
Please contact us. We'll be happy to share what we know.


Music playing is "Gotta Travel On" sequenced by a talented
Haywood County donor who wishes to remain anonymous.

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� Copyright 2003 by Becky Howell