Andrew Jackson State Park
This 360-acre park was
established to honor the seventh President of the United States,
Andrew Jackson. The museum tells the story of Jackson's boyhood
experiences during the Revolutionary War in the Carolina Back
Country. The focal point of the grounds is an equestrian statue
of young Jackson by famed sculptress Anna Hyatt Huntington. A
replica of a late 18th-century schoolhouse also is on the
grounds. |
196 Andrew Jackson Park Road
Lancaster SC 29720
Phone: 803-285-3344
Hours: Open daily 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Daylight Savings
Time; 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Fees: Park and museum entrance are free. Recreational
opportunities include a campground, fishing lake, picnic
shelters and nature trails.
Their Website
Carolinas Historic Aviation Commission & Museum
The aviation history
of the Carolinas comes alive at the Aviation Museum, housed in
the original hangar built for Charlotte's first municipal
airport. Numerous aircraft are on exhibit. There are also
rotating exhibits of aviation memorabilia and artifacts. |
4108 Airport Drive
Charlotte NC 28208
Phone: 704-359-8442
Hours: Tuesday 10-8, Monday - Saturday 10-5, Sunday 1-5.
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
Catawba Valley Scottish Society at Rural Hill Farm
The Catawba Valley
Scottish Society seeks to introduce the people of the Carolinas
to the rich pageantry of their Scottish heritage. The historic
Rural Hill homesite hosts many special events. The Society has
plans to build a Scottish Living History and Genealogical
Research Center there. |
4431 Neck Road
Huntersville NC 28070
Phone: 704-875-3113
Hours: Open third weekend in April for Loch Norman
highland Games, first weekend in November for Rural Hill Sheep
Dog Trials, and August and September for the Amazing Maize Maze.
Fees: Admission charged.
Visit Their
Charlotte Folk Society
The Charlotte Folk
Society is dedicated to promoting the enjoyment, preservation
and continuance of traditional folk music, dance, crafts, and
lore through classes on acoustic instruments, concerts,
programs, an instrument lending library and archives of
traditional music. Monthly programs held at CPCC in Uptown
Charlotte and Myers Park Baptist Church. Concert locations vary. |
PO Box 36864
Charlotte NC 28226
Phone: 704-372-FOLK
Visit Their
Charlotte Jewish Historical Society
The Society collects,
records, documents and preserves the history of the Charlotte
Jewish community. "By Street & Number -- Two Centuries
of Charlotte Jewish Life," a driving tour map of historic
Jewish Charlotte, is available at no charge. The collection
includes a photo archive and an extensive video oral history
collection. Located adjacent to the Jewish Community Center at
Shalom Park on Providence Road. |
5007 Providence Road
Charlotte NC 28226
Phone: 704-366-507
Hours: Open by appointment.
Fees: Free admission.
Their Website
Charlotte Museum of History Hezekiah Alexander Homesite
& American Freedom Bell
Explore three centuries
of regional heritage at the Charlotte Museum of History. Visit
the Revolutionary War era home of Hezekiah Alexander (circa
1774). Tour the restored and refurnished landmark home with a
costumed docent as your guide. Hear the sound of the American
Freedom Bell, which is also located on the museum grounds. |
3500 Shamrock Drive
Charlotte NC 28215
Phone: 704-568-1774
Hours: Tuesday 10-9, Wednesday - Saturday 10-5, Sunday
1-5. Public tours for the house 1:15 & 3:15 Tuesday -
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
Charlotte Trolley and Museum
Take a ride on Number
85 as the last trolley to operate in Charlotte rolls again! Also
visit the Charlotte Trolley Museum which explains the role of
the electric streetcars in the development of Charlotte beyond
the inner city at the turn of the 20th century. |
2104 South Boulevard
Charlotte NC 28203
Phone: 704-375-0850
Hours: Friday - Sunday 10-6. Trolley operates Friday -
Saturday 10-9, Sunday 10-6.
Fees: Museum admission free. Trolley fare charged
(children under 12 free with adult).
Their Website
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission
The Historic Landmarks
Commission (est. 1973) identifies and designates historic
landmarks, reviews proposed alterations to existing landmarks,
and acquires renovates and resells endangered historic
properties. |
2100 Randolph Road
Charlotte NC 28207
Phone: 704-376-9115
Hours: Monday - Friday 10-5 by appointment.
Visit Their
Davidson Historical Society
The Davidson
historical Society was formed to promote an understanding and
appreciate of the history of Davidson, NC and the surrounding
area. Walking tours of the town and Davidson College are
available upon request. |
PO Box 144
Davidson NC 28036
Phone: 704-892-8528
Gaston County Museum of Art & History
The main building of
the Museum -- the historic Hoffman Hotel (1852) -- houses
permanent galleries and temporary exhibits featuring regional
history and local and national art. A modern Carriage house
contains North Carolina's largest public collection of horse
drawn vehicles. |
131 West Main Street
Dallas NC 28034
Phone: 704-922-7681 24-Hour INFO-LINE 704-852-6025
Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10-5, Saturday 1-5 and 4th Sunday
2-5, closed Monday.
Fees: Free admission.
Their Website
Heritage Room of Union County
Staffed by historians,
the Heritage Room houses reference materials for use on site.
Holdings include books, census records, birth and marriage
indexes, maps, scrapbooks, surname files, old newspapers, church
and school files, cemetery indexes, exchange bulletins and old
photographs. Located on the first floor of the Old Union County
Courthouse in downtown Monroe on the square. |
300 North Main Street
Monroe NC 28111
Phone: 704-289-6737
Hours: Monday - Wednesday 10-3, Thursday 1-4.
Fees: Free admission
Historic Brattonsville
Historic Brattonsville
is a 775-acre living history village and Revolutionary War
battlefield site. Features 29 18th and 19th century historic
structures and programs chronicling Carolina Piedmont
development from the 1750s through the 1840s. Includes the Walt
Schrader Trails, eight miles of natural paths, and an award
winning heritage farm program, which includes preservation of
rare breeds of farm animals. |
1444 Brattonsville Road
McConnells SC 29726
Phone: 803-684-2327
Hours: Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 1p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed New Years Day, Thanksgiving,
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
Historic Latta Plantation
Latta Plantation (c.
1800), a living history farm and museum, portrays early 19th
century plantation life. The site was home to James Latta, a
Scots-Irish merchant and planter. Situated n 53 acres of the
original plantation, the site includes the original dwelling
house and smokehouse, 11 outbuildings as well as historic
livestock breeds, gardens and costumed interpreters. |
5225 Sample Road
Huntersville NC 28078
Phone: 704-875-2312
Hours: September - May: Closed Mondays, Tuesday -
Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday 12 - 5 p.m. June - August:
Closed Mondays, Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Different
hours may apply for special events. All tours on regular days
are self-guided.
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
Historic Rosedale Plantation
Rosedale, built in
1815, is one of the finest examples of Federal period
architecture in North Carolina. Visitors will learn about the
19th century lifestyles of Piedmont area residents as well as
view three rooms of original French wallpaper. The eight acres
include restored formal gardens and numerous treasure trees. |
3427 North Tryon Street
Charlotte NC 28206
Phone: 704-335-0325
Hours: Tours Thursday and Sunday 1-4, group tours
weekdays by appointment. Grounds are open weekdays 9-4. Closed
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
Hugh Torance House and Store
The oldest standing
store building in North Carolina, the Hugh Torance House and
Store is one of Mecklenburg's few remaining 18th century
structures. The log portion of the house was build c. 1779 with
a storehouse addition c. 1787 and a Federal addition c. 1805.
Hugh Torance house and Sore, Inc. is a non-profit organization
responsible for restoring and preserving this historical site.
Tour of the site focuses on the life of Hugh Torance and his son
James. Hugh was a merchant and planter and James operate a store
from this site 1805-1825. His store records survive. Interior
woodwork is similar to that found in Latta Plantation. |
Gilead Road
Huntersville NC 28070
Phone: 704-875-3271
Hours: Open for tours the second Sunday of every month
from June 8th to September 14th. Hours are 2 PM until 5 PM. Our
first person reinactors will be there to portray Hugh and
Isabella Torance with their son, James, and one of Isabella's
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
Iredell Museum of Arts & Heritage
Located in an 1899
water pump station, the Museum offers a varied permanent
collection of fine art an artifacts, including an Egyptian
mummy. Walking trails meander through 30 wooded acres with one
leading to a pioneer settlement where programs are offered by
costumed interpreters. |
1335 Museum Road
Statesville NC 28677
Phone: 704-873-4734
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10-5, Sunday 2-5
Fees: Admission charged.
James C. Dowd House
Built in 1879 by
Confederate Captain James C. Dowd, this two-story Victorian
house is best known locally for its role during World War I as
headquarters for the US Army at Camp Greene, a military training
base. Today the house is furnished and has exhibits documenting
its role during World War I. |
2216 Monument Street
Charlotte NC 28208
Phone: 704-398-2260
Hours: Open by appointment.
Fees: Free admission.
James K. Polk Memorial
James K. Polk Memorial is
located on the site of the birthplace of the 11th US President.
The Memorial's exhibitions commemorate significant events in the
Polk administration. Reconstructions of typical homestead
buildings -- a log house, separate kitchen and pack house -- are
authentically furnished. |
308 South Polk Street
Pineville NC 28134
Phone: 704-889-7145
Hours: April - October: Monday - Saturday 9-5, Sunday
1-5. November - March: Tuesday - Saturday 10-4, Sunday 1-4.
Fees: Free admission.
Their Website
Levine Museum of the New South
The museum explores the
diverse history of the South since the Civil War with a focus on
Charlotte and the surrounding Carolina Piedmont region. It has
permanent and changing exhibitions, educational programs and
activities for all ages and interests. Large groups can be
accommodated by reservation. |
324 North College Street
Charlotte NC 28202
Phone: 704-333-1887
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-5.
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
Mecklenburg Historical Association
Mecklenburg Historical
Association (founded 1954) promotes interest and pride in the
county's history. MHA has program meetings quarterly, publishes
books, assists with historic site preservation and sponsors the
MHA Docents. The Docents conduct ongoing research, serve several
area sites as tour guides and present programs on local history
in the public schools. |
PO Box 35032
Charlotte NC 28235
Phone: 704-333-6422
Their Website
Mint Hill Country Doctors Museum
Housed in a restored
turn-of-the-century country doctor's office, this special museum
focuses on the practice of medicine in rural Mecklenburg County
from 1880 to 1930. Exhibits include hand-blown medicine bottles,
instruments, and medical equipment and furnishings, plus an herb
garden. |
4311 Hillside Drive
Mint Hill NC 28227
Phone: 704-573-0726
Hours: Open second Sunday of month 2-5. Groups by
Fees: Free admission.
Their Website
Museum of the Waxhaws (Andrew Jackson Memorial)
As a regional history
museum, the Museum covers the area named after the Waxhaw
Indians who once populated the region. It serves also as a
memorial to the 7th US President, Andrew Jackson, who was born
nearby, and highlights the region's Scots-Irish settlers. |
8215 Waxhaw Highway
Waxhaw NC 28173
Phone: 704-843-1832
Hours: Wednesday - Saturday 10-5, Sunday 1-5.
Fees: Admission charged.
Their Website
North Carolina Transportation Museum
Located on the site of
what was once Southern Railway's largest steam locomotive
servicing facility, the Museum features antique automobiles, an
airplane, and railroad rolling stock. Exhibits trace the
development of transportation in NC. There is a season train
ride and audiovisual program. |
411 South Salisbury Avenue
Spencer NC 28159
Phone: 704-636-2889
Hours: April 1 - October 31, Monday - Saturday 9-5,
Sunday 1-5; November 1 - March 31: Tuesday - Saturday 10-4,
Sunday 1-4.
Fees: Museum free, small admission for train ride. Call
ahead for cost and times.
Visit Their
Preserve Elmwood Pinewood Cemetary
The Joint Committee to
Preserve Elmwood/Pinewood Cemetery (PEP) is committed to
ensuring that Elmwood/Pinewood remains a serene, beautiful
memorial and an urban oasis for all Charlotteans to enjoy. We
welcome the participation of other groups or individuals in this
effort. Respect for the wishes of relatives of those buried must
be paramount. We must be ever mindful of the concerns regarding
the veneration of Confederate soldiers and the recognition of
those who suffered under slavery and segregation. Our purpose is
to preserve this architectural treasure, to return it to its
original park-like atmosphere and, to use it as an opportunity
to teach future generations about our past. |
2100 Randolph Road
Charlotte NC 28207
Phone: 704-386-7286
Hours: Guided tours are given on the third Saturday of
each month.
Their Website
Reed Gold Mine State Historic Site
In 1799 on the farm of
German immigrant John Reed, a 17-pound gold nugget was
discovered. Reed Gold Mine was noted for its large, pure
nuggets, the most substantial of which weighed 28 pounds. Today,
visitors can tour a portion of the underground mine, an ore
crushing mill, the Talking Rocks Trail, pan for gold and view
museum exhibits. |
9621 Reed Mine Road
Stanfield NC 28163
Phone: 704-721-4653
Hours: April - October: Monday - Saturday 9-5, Sunday
1-5. November - March: Tuesday - Saturday, 10-4, Sunday 1-4.
Fees: Free admission. Small fee for panning for gold
(available April - October).
Their Website
Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room of the Public Library of
Charlotte and Mecklenburg County
This reference collection
focuses on the Carolinas and the Southeast United States, past
and present. Formats include books, periodicals, newspapers,
microfilm, microfiche and computers. Visitors can research local
history, genealogy, demographics, etc. Photocopy machines are
available. Located in the heart of uptown Charlotte, the library
runs the length of 6th Street from College to Tryon with the
front entrance on 6th Street. |
301 North Tryon Street
Charlotte NC 28202
Phone: 704-336-5153
Hours: Monday - Thursday 9-9, Saturday 9-6, Sunday 1-6.
Fees: Free admission. Parking is a available for a fee in
area parking lots.
Their Website
Rowan Museum
The 1854 Courthouse
which survived Stoneman's Raid in 1865, is one of the finest
examples of pre-Civil War architecture in the state. Throughout
its grand old rooms, including the beautiful second floor
courtroom and public gathering place, the life and history of
Rowan County is presented through displays and interpretive
exhibits. The Museum also operates two historic house museums:
The Utzman-Chambers House, 1815 and Old Stone House, 1766. |
202 North Main Street
Salisbury NC 28144
Phone: 704-633-5946
Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 1-4
Fees: Admission charged.
Schiele Museum of Natural History and Planetarium
See the brilliant new
Henry Hall of the American Indian. Measure-up to a skeleton of
Tyrannosaurus Rex. Enjoy Planetarium programs and changing
exhibits which explore the region from prehistoric times through
the Colonial period. Visit the museum's Backcountry Farm,
Gristmill and reconstructed Southeastern American Indian Village
on the 3/4-mile long Nature Trail that winds along Slick Run
Creek. |
1500 East Garrison Boulevard
Gastonia NC 28054
Phone: 704-866-6900
Hours: Monday - Saturday, 9-5, Sunday 1-5. Outdoor
exhibit hours vary seasonally.
Fees: Admission charged except for second Tuesday each
month, 4-8 pm.
Their Website
Second Ward High School National Alumni Foundation, Inc.
Alumni House/Museum
Second Ward High
School (1923-1969) was the first public high school for Blacks
in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. While the original building does not
survive, alumni -- through the Foundation -- purchased a house
and designated it "The Alumni House/Museum" to store
and display artifacts and memorabilia. |
1905 Beatties Ford Road
Charlotte NC 28216
Phone: 704-398-8333
Hours: Open by appointment only to groups or individuals.
Special Collections at UNC Charlotte
This research collection
contains approximately 1 million manuscripts, 50,000 photographs
and 7,000 architectural drawings that document the social,
political and architectural history of Mecklenburg and
surrounding counties from the 18th century to the present.
Located on the 10th floor, Dalton Library Tower on UNC Charlotte
campus. |
Special Collections, Atkins Library, UNCC,
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte NC 28223
Phone: 704-547-2449
Hours: Monday - Friday 9-5. Appointment suggested.
Their Website
Stanly County Museum
Discover the Piedmont's
rural heritage in Albemarle, gate to Morrow Mountain State Park.
Museum features historical exhibits plus tours of two antebellum
homes. Gift shop and research room. |
245 East Main Street
Albemarle NC 28001
Phone: 704-986-3777
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:30. First Saturday 10-2.
Fees: Free admission.
Their Website
Wadsworth House
Wadsworth House is a
conference and special events facility that provides meeting
space as well as plan and coordinate other events. The house was
designed by prominent North Carolina architect, Louis H. Asbury,
in 1910 and built in 19ll by developer, E.C. Griffith. The
Wadsworth House is a two and one-half story frame house sheathed
in wood shingles with architectural features of the Arts and
Craft Era. It was originally built for George Pierce Wadsworth,
a local businessman who served as president of Wadsworth Sons
Company, a family business that operated a diverse group of
businesses including a hardware store and a baking company. |
400 South Summit Avenue
Charlotte NC 28208
Phone: 704-332-3050
Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm. Other hours available
by appointment.
Fees: Rental fee plus fees for additional services.
Contact facility for specifics.
Their Website
Woodlawn School
Woodlawn House was
built in 1836 by George W. Stinson, the first trustee of
Davidson College. It was used as a residence until 2002, when it
was renovated for use as an administration building for a
private school. It is a fine example of a Greek Revival/Federal
style home, with a fireplace in each of its eight rooms, large
entry hall, columns on the front porch, and spiraling staircase.
Woodlawn was a popular destination for many early Davidson
College students, since Mr. Stinson had 4 daughters and allowed
square dancing (which was frowned on by the college's
Presbyterian founders). |
131 Woodlawn School Loop
Mooresville NC 28115
Phone: 704-895-8653
Hours: Tours by appointment only Monday through Thursday,
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Fees: No admission charged. Donations accepted.
Their Website