Title Page
Preface by J. Ray Braswell iii
Angels and Folsoms 1
Ashley 3
John Cabot Biggerstaff 5
Theodore Roosevelt Burleson Family 9
Samuel Burleson 13
William Burleson 15
Wilt Burleson 22
Philip Church's Family 24
The Clarks of Harper's Creek 28
John Dallas Clark and Rachel Elizabeth Dale Clark 29
Coffey 32
Cook 34
Cooke - Beech Mountain and Greer 37
Jeff Crowe and wife Hettie Forbes Crowe 39
Cordell Dellinger Family 43
Eller 45
English 47
The Conard Farthing Family 54
The Family of George Freeman 55
William Hobert Freeman 58
Franklin-Connelly History - John Franklin, Sr 59
James C. Franklin 63
Henry G. Franklin 65
Robert D. Franklin 66
Theodore Columbus Franklin 68
Gragg (descendants of Revolutionary Bill) 72
Obidiah Gragg 77
Zora Greene 80
Gwyn 85
Haga 87
Kelly Lincoln Haga 88
Harmon-Townsend 92
Harmon of Rush Branch 95
Jim Heaton 96
Henley 99
Hicks 104
The Can (Canada) Hicks Family 110
Holtsclaw 115
Different Branches of Holtsclaws 118
The Baxter Hughes Family 119
Johnson 121
Johnson 124
Laws 131
Aaron Cornelius Laws 132
The Lee Family 1 134
Loven-Webb-Clay of Linville 137
The Lowe Family in Avery County. N. C 137
McGuire 142
Moody 143
Joseph Taylor Ollis 145
The Ollis Story: A Genealogical Breakthrough 148
Rev. W. H. Ollis and Family 154
Phillips 156
The Ray Story 158
Colonel Jesse Ray 158
Arthur William Ray 163
Dr. Ritz Clyde Ray 163
Col. Sam Ray 163
John Edward Ray 164
Emanuel Rose 165
Fannie Rose 166
Clate Rose 168
The Smiths of Pineola 169
Sam Smith 170
The Family of James Richard "Dick" and Jane Frye Stewart 173
History of Andrew Jackson Taylor Family 175
Thompson-Clark-Cook 176
Trivett (Larkin M.) 177
Vance-Hughes-Pittman 181
Vance-Pope 187
Weatherman 189
Adam Wiseman Family 192
Leona Wiseman 195
Pink L. and Nell Burleson Young 198
The Family of Merrit Clayton and Estella Erwin Young 203
D. A. R. Cabin 209
Dark Ridge 212
Henson's Creek 216
History of Beech Mountain Missionary
Baptist Church and Her People 219
History of Big Meadows Baptist Church 223
Buck Hill Presbyterian Church 230
Crossnore Baptist Church 232
Crossnore Presbyterian Church 243
The Beginning and Foundation of
Green Valley Missionary Baptist Church 244
Minneapolis Christian Church 244
First Baptist Church of Newland 246
Pisgah United Methodist Church 246
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 251
Plumtree Presbyterian Church 254
History of Sugar Mountain Baptist Church 258