County Notables

Alleghany County Notables


Source: Alleghany Chamber of Commerce

Artifacts found here, show that this tiny bowl-shaped valley located on the banks of a sleepy creek fed by various springs, must have been first a trading and hunting center for various Indian tribes. It was named Piney Creek from the pines, fir and spruce growing on its banks.

The first person other than the Indians to come was probably a hunter from the Cox Fort in Grayson County. 

An old picture of the Piney Creek Masonic Lodge which is still in use today.

During or directly after the Revolutionary War, William Halsey, Jr., who fought in the Revolution from New Jersey, settled north of Piney Creek. Two Parsons brothers, Solomon and Caleb came to this county from England and settled on a king's land grant near Mrs. Cleo McMillan farm. The Hills and the Brown settled the north side of Baker's Ridge before, during or just after the Revolutionary War. 

The first Sturgill settled around 1770 on a large grant of land down on the river near the Big Rock. 

The first church in the settlement stood near where the present Primitive Baptist Church stands. The present Church was completed in 1878. Five churches serve the community, Primitive Baptist, Methodist, Regular Baptist, Free Will Baptist, and Baker's Ridge Mission. 

In 1850's Ore Knob Mines were at peak production and since Piney Creek was on the direct wagon route to Marion, Va. it became a thriving little village. At this time there were at least two stores (where Pugh's Grocery is now), a tin shop, a smithy. a mill, and a brick kiln. 

Just north of the stores -- about 100 yards -- the first school, a log structure, was built. It was later replaced by a two-room structure in 1910. It became the Piney Creek Academy around 1920. 

In 1919-20 a co-operative built a cheese factory in Piney Creek which offered a cash crop to its citizens. This co-operative was under the guidance of F.R. Farnham of N.C. State College. 

Family names from 1825 include the Blacks, Senters, Delps, VanHoys, Williams, Jones, Pughs, Phipp', Carters, Dixons, Hamptons and Miles. 


This page was last updated August 31, 2007.