Military Records

Military Records

Source: National Archives and Records Administration
The Atlanta Records Center in East Point, GA


State of Virginia

County of Grayson

On this 4th day of July 1844 personally appeared before me one of the acting Justices of the Peace in and for said County RACHEL HALSEY a resident of Grayson County and State aforesaid aged 81 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed 4th of July 1836.

That she is the widow of WILLIAM HALSEY who was a Soldier in the Revolution and Served as herein stated.

That he entered the service while he resided in the state of New Jersey as a Volunteer in or about the year of seventeen hundred & seventyfive (1775). The day or month he entered the service she does not recollect.

That he was under CAPTAIN EMILY who was commanded by GENERAL DAYTON during some period of the War - was at the BATTLES OF BRANDYWINE, BUNKERHILL, ASH SWAMP, COWPENS, and many other battles, but being old and infirm, she cannot now recollect the number of battles, the several officers he served under, or the length of time that intervened between the battles.

But that during some of those battles, or during some considerable portion of the War, he the aforesaid WILLIAM HALSEY was one of GENERAL WASHINGTON'S LifeGuards and served in that capacity during the time GENERAL WASHINGTON was stationed at MORRISTOWN in the state of NEW JERSEY and in addition hereto she thinks he served through many privations and dangers as the LifeGuard of WASHINGTON for a period of three years.

That he marched mostly through the New England States, and that owing to the scarcity of provisions and the strength of the enemy in those states, they were oft stript of all provisions and compelled to go for days without food.

And finally near the close of the War as in or about the year 1782 he returned to his father's house in County of MORRIS and State of NEW JERSEY. And that he was not in the Service afterwards.

She further declares that she was married to the said WILLIAM HALSEY on the 3rd day of November 1780 and that she was married to him by Joseph Gravies a Minister of the Presbyterian Church. And that her husband the aforesaid WILLIAM HALSEY died on the 21st day of February 1832 and that she has remained a widow ever since that period.

And she further declares owing to rising old age and great bodily infirmity, she is not able to go to the courthouse to make this her declarations. And she knows of no documentary evidence she has to prove her husband's services all of which will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereunto annexed.

Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year above written 




Before me

William Young JP

State of Virginia
Grayson County
I William Young an acting Magistrate in and for said County do hereby certify that the above declaration of the signature of RACHEL HALSEY is her act and deed, and that she is a credible and Christian woman and is to be believed on Oath. I further certify that she is the widow of the identical WILLIAM HALSEY who was in the War of the Revolution and died on the 21st of February 1832, as declared by the above declarant.

I also certify that I have known the afforesaid WILLIAM and RACHEL HALSEY for the last thirty years during which time they have lived together as man and wife up to the time of his death, and that the legality of their marriage has never been for a moment doubted.

I further certify that owing to old age and bodily infirmity, she the afforesaid RACHEL HALSEY is not able to go to the Courthouse to file her declaration.

Given under my hand and seal
This the 4th day of July A.D. 1844
William Young J.P.

Grayson County

I, John Dickinson, Clerk of the County
Court of Grayson County do hereby
certify that William Young is Magistrate
as above and that the foregoing
signature purporting to be his is
genuine. In testimony thereof I have
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of my office this 28th day of July 1845.

John Dickinson
Clerk of the County Court
Of Grayson County

(from the Revolutionary War Veterans Records file of William Halsey; National Archives, Atlanta)


This page was last updated August 18, 2007.