Ashe County Loose Estates Index

Ashe County North Carolina Loose Estates Index

Index to files for Ashe County that are in the
FamilySearch database at


Published by NCGenWebProject -


Created August 2013. Index listing by Taneya Koonce
and hosted by the NCGenWeb Project


The list below contains a list of names with records
in the collection of the North Carolina Estate Files
hosted online at FamilySearch. The index was created
via a collaborative partnership between the
North Carolina Genealogical Society and FamilySearch.
You can access the entire database of digitized NC estate
files at


Maddox, Louisa (1866)
Maddox, Louisa L (1855)
Mahala, Jennie (1874)
Mahala, Jesse (1910)
Mahala, John (1911)
Marlin, J P (1874)
Marsh, J M (1908)
Mart, David (1831)
Martin, Alexander (1887)
Martin, B Y (1898)
Martin, J P (1875)
Martin, John (1889)
Martin, John W (1877)
Mash, Farrar (1906)
Mash, James (1905)
Mash, John (1863)
Mash, William (1886)
Mast, David (1838)
Mast, Joseph (1840)
Maxwell, Catherine (1863)
Maxwell, Eli (1848)
Maxwell, James (1840)
Maxwell, Sidney (1860)
Maxwell, Sydney (1855)
Maxwell, Sydney (1912)
Maxwell, W P (1867)
May, David (1863)
May, John (1873)
May, M C (1896)
May, Nancy (1869)
May, W H (1910)
May, W M (1910)
McCall, Samuel (1840)
McCarter, Philander (1870)
McCarter, William (1872)
McCarty, Philander (1870)
McClure, Eleazar (1882)
McClure, M F (1912)
McConnell, Henry (1894)
McConnell, John E (1900)
McEwen, Nannie (1901)
McGeehee, John A (1851)
McGrady, Jacob (1867)
McGrady, Jennie (1908)
McGuire, John M (1881)
McGuire, Milas (1878)
McGuispsey, Thomas & Mary (1828)
McKenzie, R (1872) McLove (1912)
McLower, H S (1907)
McLure, Samuel (1908)
McMillan, A (1877)
McMillan, A B (1860)
McMillan, A B (1911)
 McMillan, A J (1862)
McMillan, A J (1872)
McMillan, A N (1903)
McMillan, A, Colonel (1891)
McMillan, Alex B (1867)
McMillan, Andrew J (1863)
McMillan, Andrew, Colonel (1878)
McMillan, Franklin B (1854)
McMillan, Henry (1859)
McMillan, Irdell (1899)
McMillan, James (1844)
McMillan, James (1856)
McMillan, James (1871)
McMillan, James M (1881)
McMillan, Jesse B (1907)
McMillan, John
McMillan, John (1848)
McMillan, John (1854)
 McMillan, John (1894)
McMillan, Lizzie (1909)
McMillan, W H
McMillan, W H (1912)
McMillan, William (1865)
McMilland, James (1836)
McNeil, Viney (1899)
McNeill, L A (1910)
McNeill, Peter (1909)
McQuinn, Samuel (1855)
Megrada, Jacob (1867)
Merriman, W C (1889)
Mikeal, Sidney (1889)
Milam, William (1849)
Miller (1898)
Miller, A (1868)
Miller, Abe (1902)
Miller, Abraham (1902)
Miller, Abram (1893)
Miller, Asa (1904)
Miller, C E (1908)
Miller, Christian (1855)
Miller, Daniel (1898)
Miller, David (1845)
Miller, David (1865)
Miller, Esther (1882)
Miller, Fred (1910)
Miller, G S (1917)
Miller, G W (1865)
Miller, Henry H (1847)
Miller, J A (1906)
Miller, J S (1901)
Miller, Jacob (1867)
Miller, Jacob (1870)
Miller, Jacob (1882)
Miller, James (1873)
Miller, Jerry (1880)
Miller, Jesse G (1912)
Miller, John (1861)
Miller, Johnathan (1865)
Miller, Lee A (1908)
Miller, Martha (1898)
Miller, Mary (1911)
Miller, Mikel (1885)
Miller, W W (1910)
Miller, Washington (1878)
Mills, Wells (1911)
Mink, David (1895)
Mink, Mary (1880)
Mink, Vina Jane (1903)
Mirex, John (1851)
Mirphy, John (1844)
Mitchell, Anderson (1881)
Mitchell, Anderson (1899)
Money, Daniel (1849)
Moody, Edward (1838)
Moore, Caleb (1872)
Morgan, James (1846)
Morgan, W B (1896)
Morphew, John (1841)
Morphew, S E (1888)
Morphew, Silas (1840)
Morphew, Silas (1884)
Mort, David (1833)
Mowry, Frederick (1857)
Moxey, Daniel
Moxey, William (1841)
Moxley, Daniel (1849)
Murphy, John (1841)
Musgrove, John (1902)
Neal, Addie (1909)
Neal, Benjamin H (1897)
Neal, J B (1904)
Neal, John (1909)
Neal, John Z (1902)
Neal, W H (1906)
Neaves, William (1854)
Neil, John R (1872)
Neil, P (1872)
Nelson, Harvey (1869)
Nelson, James H (1863)
Nelson, John (1862)
Norris, John (1847)
Nye, George H P (1881)
Nye, George W (1847)
Odell, John (1860)
Oliver, George (1858)
Oliver, James (1895)
Oliver, Joseph M (1900)
Oliver, Mary (1858)
Oliver, Pleasant (1851)
Olliver, Abram (1898)
Osborn, Alexander (1863)
Osborn, Anna (1871)
Osborn, Enoch (1878)
Osborn, Jeriamiah (1872)
Osborn, William (1899)
Osborne (1901)
Osborne, Alfred (1884)
Osborne, Alvin (1850)
Osborne, C W (1902)
Osborne, David (1904)
Osborne, Dialpha (1911)
Osborne, Enoch
Osborne, Houston (1904)
Osborne, J A (1903)
Osborne, J A (1906)
Osborne, J W (1872)
Osborne, Jane (1900)
Osborne, Jesse G (1892)
Osborne, John
Osborne, John (1896)
Osborne, Jonathan (1834)
Osborne, Martha (1896)
Osborne, R F (1897)
Osborne, Sallie (1903)
Osborne, William A (1884)
Papmore, Augustus (1830)
Parker, Ambrose (1838)
Parker, Jesse (1872)
Parker, John A (1891)
Parkins, Allen (1868)
Parkins, William F (1878)
Parson, I B (1869)
Parson, J B (1872)
Parson, William B (1853)
Parsons, Catharine (1886)
Parsons, J B (1882)
Parsons, J O (1918)
Parsons, Joseph B (1861)
Parsons, W H (1886)
Patrick, Baltania (1864)
Patrick, James (1859)
Patterson, James (1870)
Peden, Joseph M (1884)
Pendergrass (1873)
Pennington, Douglas (1888)
Pennington, Easter (1895)
Pennington, Levi (1886)
Pennington, R E (1912)
Peppers, Reuben (1868)
Perkins, Allen (1867)
Perkins, Allen (1876)
Perkins, Allen (1884)
Perkins, James (1832)
Perkins, Johnson (1884)
Perkins, Joseph (1878)
Perkins, Thomas (1877)
Perkins, W E (1898)
Perkins, W F (1872)
Perry, Catharine (1878)
Perry, Catherine (1861)
Perry, Hiram (1869)
Perry, Jonathan (1862)
Perry, Levi (1865)
Perry, Richard (1834)
Perry, Richard (1875)
Perry, William (1863)
Perry, William (1870)
Perry, William H (1863)
Philips, George (1844)
Phillips, C R (1860)
Phillips, George (1893)
Phillips, George (1903)
Phillips, J L (1866)
Phillips, John (1903)
Phillips, Jonathan (1836)
Phillips, Nathan (1866)
Phillips, Nathan (1874)
Phillips, Nathan (1884)
Phillips, Ransom (1912)
Phillips, Richard (1836)
Phillips, W (1870)
Phillips, William (1856)
Phillips, William H (1903)
Phipps, B F (1892)
Phipps, Benjamin
Phipps, Benjamin F (1881)
Phipps, Charity (1910)
Phipps, George (1833)
Phipps, H G (1906)
Phipps, Harvey (1884)
Phipps, James H (1884)
Phipps, John (1845)
Phipps, John (1856)
Phipps, John (1894)
Phipps, Joseph (1858)
Phipps, L H (1912)
Phipps, Robert F (1903)
Phipps, W C (1894)
Phips, Joseph (1840)
Pierce, C V (1897)
Pierce, R K (1899)
Plain, David (1872)
Plummer, Abe (1827)
Plummer, Harvey (1865)
Plummer, Harvey (1879)
Plummer, J C (1895)
Plummer, James (1899)
Plummer, Nancy (1871)
Plummer, Reisin (1889)
Plummer, Samuel (1884)
Plummer, Samuel (1893)
Poe, John (1902)
Poe, L A (1897)
Poe, M (1871)
Poe, Martha (1903)
Poe, Mathias (1860)
Poe, Mathias, Sr. (1852)
Pollen, R (1852)
Pope, George (1895)
Porter, G L (1903)
Porter, J F (1904)
Porter, James (1885)
Porter, L R (1904)
Porter, Phebe (1896)
Porter, Polly (1888)
Porter, William (1885)
Posley, Rebecca (1879)
Potter, John (1903)
Power, George (1876)
Powers, Andrew (1902)
Powers, Inze (1912)
Powers, Mary (1883)
Powers, Polly (1881)
Powers, Rutha (1906)
Powers, William (1902)
Price (1906)
Price, Bernice, Eula, Roy & Goss (1909)
Price, Diederna (1906)
Price, F M (1888)
Price, George L (1911)
Price, Jesse (1871)
Price, Lee & Margaret (1899)
Price, Lee (1889)
Price, Lee (1895)
Price, Lee (1908)
Price, Samuel (1909)
Price, Thomas (1877)
Price, William (1881)
Price, William (1895)
Prince, Lonnie Huston (1930)
Privett, H G (1902)
Privett, Owen (1869)
Pugh, Julian (1845)
Rash, D P (1905)
Ray, Ellender (1843)
Ray, George W (1900)
Ray, H H (1906)
Ray, Hilton (1906)
Ray, Hiram (1882)
Ray, James (1852)
Ray, James (1861)
Ray, James (1869)
Ray, Jeramiah (1873)
Ray, Jesse (1839)
Ray, Jesse (1844)
Ray, Jesse (1900)
Ray, John (1868)
Ray, Larken (1849)
Ray, Thomas (1863)
Reaves, Adaline (1903)
Reedy, Rebecca (1901)
Reeve, Jesse F (1866)
Reeves, Caroline (1904)
Reeves, Charles (1897)
Reeves, David (1857)
Reeves, George W, Colonel (1904)
Reeves, George, Jr. (1838)
Reeves, Hannah (1903)
Reeves, J A (1911)
Reeves, J F (1866)
Reeves, Jesse (1835)
Reeves, Jesse (1849)
Reeves, Jesse A (1867)
Reeves, Jesse B (1863)
Reeves, John (1870)
Reeves, John (1883)
Reeves, Joseph (1904)
Reeves, Phebe (1912)
Rese, Monroe (1918)
Rhodes, John A (1883)
Richardson, Allen (1906)
Richardson, Canady (1863)
Richardson, Elisha (1859)
Richardson, Roscoe (1912)
Richardson, Susan (1904)
Richardson, William (1866)
Richardson, William (1892)
Riddle, Samuel (1903)
Rimer, Moses (1857)
Roark, Alexander (1897)
Roark, Calvin (1908)
Roark, Charles (1910)
Roark, David (1867)
Roark, J H (1869)
Roark, Jesse (1839)
Roark, Jesse (1897)
Roark, Johnathan (1901)
Roark, Stacy (1907)
Roark, V R (1907)
Robberds, Menton (1854)
Robbins, Larkin (1895)
Roberts, John (1898)
Roberts, Melton (1854)
Robinson, Betsey (1908)
Rolen, William (1875)
Rose, William (1902)
Ross, Alfred (1846)
Ross, Ruten (1821)
Roten, David (1842)
Roten, Jacob (1904)
Roten, James (1855)
Roten, Nancy (1906)
Roten, Piney T (1909)
Roten, Solomon (1864)
Roton, Sydney (1885)
Rouse, John (1870)
Rouse, John H (1862)
Rousseau, J P (1908)
Rowark, Ephraim (1863)
Rowland, David (1902)
Sanders, Richard
Sanders, Wagganes (1874)
Sapp, Benjamon (1898)
Sapp, D S (1900)
Sapp, Jesse (1896)
Sapp, Lee (1903)
Sapp, Samuel (1863)
Scot, James A (1903)
Scott, Charity (1858)
Scott, Charles (1908)
Scott, F W (1877)
Scott, Frank (1876)
Scott, Frank (1905)
Scott, John (1903)
Scott, Solomon (1852)
Seavers, Frederick (1839)
Senter, J H (1855)
Senter, James (1856)
Senter, Joseph C (1863)
Senter, N M (1905)
Senter, William (1852)
Setsor, Jacob (1899)
Settle, F S (1868)
Settle, S F (1867)
Setzer, Jacob (1896)
Sevedge, William (1884)
Severt, Fredrick (1876)
Severt, J G (1907)
Severt, Susan (1875)
Severt, W H (1911)
Severt, Wiley (1875)
Sexton, Archibald (1910)
Sexton, Mary A (1911)
Sexton, Pryor (1878)
Sexton, Reuben (1886)
Sexton, William, Sr. (1852)
Shatley, L C (1907)
Shearer, Andrew (1819)
Shearer, Robert (1849)
Sheets, Andrew (1857)
Sheets, D J (1908)
Sheets, Easter (1885)
Sheets, Frederick (1865)
Sheets, J B (1910)
Sheets, Jacob (1908)
Sheets, Jane (1904)
Sheets, Jason (1906)
Sheets, John (1847)
Sheets, Jordan (1869)
Sheets, Rachel (1862)
Shepard, Levi (1903)
Shephard (1912)
Shephard, Alfred (1860)
Shephard, Gardner (1880)
Shephard, John (1870)
Shephard, John F (1875)
Shephard, Noah (1910)
Shepherd, J W (1899)
Shepherd, Noah L (1905)
Shepherd, Rosa (1907)
Sheppard, John F (1889)
Shoat, Cabrit
Shoat, John (1873)
Shown, Elizebeth
Shown, Leonard (1850)
Shown, Nelson (1879)
Shull, Mary (1852)
Shull, Simon (1848)
Shumate, Rosa B (1909)
Simonton, R F (1877)
Simpson, James (1903)
Singular, Allen I (1834)
Sitzer, J A (1897)
Slansbury, Callie (1877)
Slitt, Jacob (1863)
Sluder, Alex (1887)
Sluder, Isaac E (1912)
Sluder, John (1901)
Smith, Albert (1899)
Smith, Bennett (1844)
Smith, David & Esther (1904)
Smith, Eli C (1848)
Smith, Hugh
Smith, Hugh (1863)
Smith, Hugh (1872)
Smith, J L (1879)
Smith, James (1870)
Smith, James G (1872)
Smith, Joel (1855)
Smith, John O (1898)
Smith, M F (1899)
Smith, M F (1904)
Smith, Mattie (1908)
Smith, Samuel C (1863)
Smith, William B (1866)
Smithdeal, Elizabeth (1865)
Smithdeal, Joseph (1885)
Smithdeal, Joseph (1903)
Smithdeal, Tobias (1902)
Smithdeal, William & Joseph
Smithdeal, William (1865)
Smitheal, Conrad (1833)
Snead, Rebecca (1880)
Snider, Jonathan (1879)
Snow, Elizabeth (1841)
Snyder, Emanuel (1918)
Southerland, Joseph (1860)
Southerland, Thomas, Sr. (1859)
Spicer, Dela (1902)
Squier, Hiram (1872)
Stamper, E V (1908)
Stamper, Eli (1873)
Stamper, George (1853)
Stamper, John (1890)
Stamper, Joshua (1867)
Stamper, Solomon (1853)
Stamper, William (1901)
Stanberry, David (1906)
Stanberry, Ollie (1909)
Stephen, John (1865)
Stewart, Mary (1878)
Still, Jacob
Stitt, Jacob (1858)
Stowe, Isaac P (1800)
Stringer, Jefferson (1896)
Strunk, James (1852)
Strunks, Lucinda (1887)
Stuart, A M (1904)
Stuart, Elbert (1911)
Stuart, J Horton (1905)
Stuart, Jacob (1908)
Stuart, Walter (1902)
Stuart, William A (1911)
Stump, W G (1912)
Stunks, Lucinda (1888)
Sturgill, Fely (1855)
Sturgill, Francis (1849)
Sturgill, James (1855)
Sturgill, Joel (1875)
Sturgill, John (1861)
Sturgill, John (1867)
Sturgill, John (1876)
Sturgill, Joshua (1894)
Sturgill, Phebe (1856)
Sturgill, William (1863)
Sturgill, William (1883)
Sullivan, Jordan (1907)
Sutherland, Didama (1866)
Sutherland, R P (1883)
Sutherland, Thomas (1860)
Sutherland, Thomas (1905)
Swift, Morgan (1885)
Swift, Richard (1841)
Tatum, George (1866)
Tatum, James (1830)
Tatum, Joseph (1890)
Taylor, A A (1903)
Taylor, Hellen (1900)
Taylor, Isaac (1834)
Taylor, John (1854)
Taylor, John A (1903)
Taylor, Martha (1909)
Taylor, Sarah A (1901)
Taylor, Stephen (1872)
Teague, Isaac (1836)
Teague, Jacob (1837)
Testerman, Agnes
Testerman, Hamilton (1844)
Testerman, James (1861)
Testerman, James (1907)
Testerman, John (1834)
Testerman, John (1845)
Testerman, Nancy (1903)
Testerman, Peter (1880)
Testerman, Peter (1903)
Testerman, Steven (1905)
Testerman, Thomas (1845)
Testman, Egness (1843)
Thomas, A H (1886)
Thomas, Blanche (1910)
Thomas, Lee (1908)
Thomas, Oscar (1909)
Thomas, Rebecca (1885)
Thomas, S (1871)
Thomas, Stephen (1866)
Thomas, Wiley P (1893)
Thompson, Alexander (1883)
Thompson, Ambrose (1896)
Tilley, Edmund (1862)
Todd, W R (1885)
Toliver, Franky (1856)
Tollaver/Tolliver, Jesse (1838)
Tolliver, John
Tolliver, John (1832)
Tracy, Peter (1911)
Trivett, Jesse (1866)
Trivett, Nathan (1866)
Trivett, Oin (1874)
Trivett, Owen (1865)
Trivett, Owen (1886)
Tucker, David (1911)
Tucker, J B (1905)
Tucker, Jackson (1906)
Tudarey, Christopher (1864)
Turner, Andrew
Turner, Andrew & Caroline (1863)
Turner, Fortune (1886)
Turner, H C/Turner, Hugh (1876)
Turner, John (1893)
Turner, Marion (1879)
Turner, Mollie (1912)
Turner, Rosey (1891)
Turner, Stanford (1885)
Turner, William (1834)
Turner, William (1885)
Utzman, John (1909)


Vaden, B S (1872)

Vanderpool, Abraham (1837)
Vanney, Jesse (1864)
Vannoy, Mary C (1880)
Vanover, Cornelius (1875)
Vanroy, James B (1911)
Vaught, J L (1910)
Verows, Jacob (1831)
Volentine, John (1871)
Volentine, John (1885)
Waddell, Elizabeth (1895)
Waddell, Jane (1907)
Waddell, Melvina (1912)
Waddell, William (1912)
Waddle, John (1840)
Waddle, Lizzie (1897)
Waddle, W M (1912)
Wagg, James (1881)
Wagg, W H (1884)
Waggoner Wagoner, J H (1904)
Wallace, Rebecca (1909)
Wallis, Josiah (1873)
Walter, L N (1893)
Walters, Abram (1857)
Walters, Bowen (1869)
Walters, George (1882)
Walters, Jacob (1878)
Walters, Jonathan (1861)
Walters, L W (1892)
Walters, Lewis (1853)
Walters, Lewis (1860)
Walters, Mark (1889)
Walters, William (1830)
Walton, A Y (1848)
Walton, James W Y (1845)
Walton, Reuben (1858)
Walton, T W T (1845)
Ward, Benjamin
Ward, John (1865)
Ward, L D (1875)
Wariner, T W (1878)
Warren, A T (1910)
Warych, Bird (1902)
Wasborn, James (1872)
Waters, Mark (1899)
Waugh, James (1877)
Waugh, W K (1870)
Waugh, William (1855)
Waughes, William (1866)
Wayman, Thomas (1876)
Weaver, Ambrose (1910)
Weaver, Asa & Rebecca (1897)
Weaver, Asa (1892)
Weaver, Elihu (1912)
Weaver, Elizabeth (1866)
Weaver, Gideon (1883)
Weaver, Isaac (1855)
Weaver, Jane (1889)
Weaver, John (1865)
Weaver, John (1873)
Weaver, Joshua (1897)
Weaver, Merideth (1893)
Weaver, Merideth (1900)
Weaver, Mitchell (1900)
Weaver, Nancy (1854)
Weaver, Nathan (1828)
Weaver, Noah (1864)
Weaver, R W (1907)
Weaver, Tamsen (1904)
Weiss, R M (1909)
Welch, James (1898)
Welch, John (1908)
Wells, William (1867)
West, George K (1897)
Weste, J B (1869)
Whitman, John (1866)
Wickle, Edwina (1907)
Wilcox, A F (1906)
Wilcox, Cyrus (1889)
Wilcox, J O (1899)
Wilcoxson, W K (1912)
Wiles, Thomas (1855)
Wiles, William (1869)
William, Lewis (1852)
Williams, Effie A (1904)
Williams, Lewis (1860)
Williams, Mathias (1849)
Williams, T H (1910)
Williams, W J (1911)
Willis, Lean (1848)
Wilson, Alfred (1910)
Wilson, Caroline (1901)
Wilson, Isaac (1864)
Wilson, John (1892)
Wilson, John Henry (1905)
Wilson, W H (1927)
 Winebarger, Hiram (1905)
Winebarger, Winton (1905)
Wingler, Leonard (1879)
Winkler, Libby (1834)
Witherspoon, Sidney (1865)
Wooddie, Talton (1877)
Wooddy, James (1845)
Woodfin, Archibald W (1852)
Woodie, Calvin (1904)
Woodie, Cicero (1897)
Woodie, Jackson (1910)
Woodie, James (1893)
Woodie, N C (1866)
Woodie, Noah J (1901)
Woodie, Simon (1911)
Woodpin, A W (1837)
Woodruff, Allen, Jr. (1837)
Woodruff, John (1848)
Woody, Bryant (1863)
Woody, Henry (1905)
Woody, Mitchel M (1862)
Woody, N C (1867)
Woody, Noah J (1905)
Worth, David (1890)
Worth, Elizabeth (1897)
Wren, Mitchel (1899)
Wright, Lucy (1868)
Wyall, Chosty (1899)
Wyatt, Alexander (1887)
Wyatt, Charity (1897)
Wyatt, John (1895)
Wyatt, Lofly (1892)
Wyatt, William (1859)
Wyatt, Zebdee (1851)
Yarbough, T R (1886)
Younce, Marvel (1886)
Younce, Phillip (1886)
Young, J B (1862)
Young, John (1863)
Young, Milly (1829)


Zeigler, J F (1872)


This page was last updated October 28, 2015.