

Newspaper& Documents write-ups about Carleton County People

Carleton County HomePage

The Carleton Sentinel, The Dispatch and The Press Newspapers were published
in the Town of Woodstock, N.B.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 7, 1898
Monday, May 2nd, '98.
The case of the
Queen vs Chalmers and Melvin Crabb, indicted for having burned the buildings of Sidney Lloyd at Gregg Settlement, on Oct. 15th last. Attorney General and F B Carvell for the crown; G F Gregory and S B Appleby for defense.
The case was given to the jury at 11:10 a.m., Tuesday.
The jury disagreed and the prisoners were
remanded to jail for the trial in June next.

Queen vs Geo F Craig, indicted for a charge of assault on counstable Adam T Ruff when in discharge of his duty. The jury after being out a short time brought in a verdict of guilty on all the counts. Attorney General and S B Appleby for crown; F B Carvell for defence.
The Chief Justice
sentenced the prisoner to two years in the Dorchester penitentiary.

The civil case
H A Connell vs Geo W Upham continued from last week was taken up, but was settled out of court.
A B Connell, Q C, for plaintiff and Attorney General and F B Carvell for defendant.

Court adjourned.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 7, 1898
Death of Mrs. Porter
A correspondent writes :-
Quite a gloom was cast over the inhabitants of Meductic on the moring of April 28th, when they heard that
Mrs. Rebecca Porter, widow of the late George Porter, had died that morning. The deceased had been poorly for some time, but had somewhat improved and was able to be around. On the morning of her death she started to go from the stove to the bed and called to her daughter, Mrs. Brittain, who went to her when deceased fell dead in her arms.
The funeral took place on Sunday morning. A large number followed the remains to the Baptist meeting house, where Rev. Thos T??? preached an effective sermon from Revelation VII:7.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 28, 1898
A Typical Woodstocker
The Cambridge (Mass) Daily Press, has the following references to a former well known Woodstock boy :-
I hear that
George J Raymond of Roseland street has bought a farm in Sudbury.
If this is true, I'll warrant hundreds of his friends will have the jolliest time this summer they ever had in their lives. Mr. Raymond believes nothing is too good for his friends, but he always looks for the true blue quality before his heart expands. I know of few more kind-hearted men than he is, although it sometimes seems to me that his experience in running so big an establishment as the Raymond syndicate stores would almost harden his heart against humanity. It doesn't though.
know of lots of men and women who would now be serving time but for the big heart of George Raymond, and a dozen young men of my acquaintance, starting out in business, have him to thank for the lifts given which had tided them over many dark places.
That's why I know his friends will have a good time this summer at his farm in Wayland, although I will say, sub rosa, that I don't think that there are as many fish by 100,000 as George says there are in the small pond on which the farm borders. In fact, I think he caught the only one in the pond last week, and that was a gamey, handsome, pound-and-a-quater, lively-kivey.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 28, 1898
W. L. Drier Dead
William L Drier an old and well known resident of the County died, we regret to have to announce, at his residence Connell, on Monday evening last.
He has suffered much, for a long time, from a cancer which caused his death. A prominent man, Mr Drier had filled important positions of trust in the County.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 28, 1898
A woods fire, on Sunday, burned the house and barns of H. Stead, a short distance below town.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 28, 1898
The River
Everyone, who can, should avail themselves of the opportunity while
the steamer Aberdeen is running, and take a trip to the celestial by the river. It is worth while to have tha dust of ordinary and railway travel brushed away by the pure fresh breeze on this noble stream while it is a source of delights, the landscape on either side where fertile fields and pleasant homestead lie, environed by the varied greenness of grass and shrubs and trees.
The Aberdeen is doing as good a business as usual this season with some increase in the passenger traffic.
She is efficiently officered by Capt Norwood, Purser McMulkin and Pilot Lockwood, while engineer and steward excelletly discharge their duties.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 28, 1898
Fire caught in the roof of the old Deacon Connolly homestead, Jacksontown, occupied by his son W A Connolly, on Sunday afternoon, and notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of the neighbors who speedily came to the rescue, it and the barn and other out buildings were all destroyed. A heavy wind prevailed at the time. We have not had an estimate of the loss, but it must be quite heavy; There was an insurance on the buildings of $1,000.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 28, 1898
A very enjoyable dance was held in the A O H rooms, Tuesday evening.
The music was excellent, and came from Houlton;
Frank and Fred Hogan officiated on the violins, and Frank Monahan capably presided at the organ.
James Brown,
in his usual first-class manner, guided the dancers as prompter.
The affair was highly spoken of by the dancers and reflects credit on the committee,
Messrs Harry Nevers, M Ryan and Walter Cogger. The rooms were gaily decorated with flags and chinese lanterns.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 7, 1898
Woodstock Loses a Valued Citizen
It is with sincere regret we have
to announce the departure of W B Jewett and his family from town. They left on Monday morning for Buffalo, N.Y., where they propose to settle. Mr. Jewett was born and has always resided in Woodstock and for many years he has successfully carried on the business of Watchmaking and jewellry. Mechanical skill, good judgement and honorable dealing insured him constant and lucrative patronage, and a competence was the result.
We join in the general and kindly regards of our citizens, which Mr. Jewett carries with him, and trust that good fortune and happiness will be the lot of himself and family in their new home.
On Saturday evening, at Williamson's Restaurant, by invitation, Mr. Jewett was the guest of a number of his friends. His Worship Mayor Hay presided, and a oyster supper was enjoyed. After the repast. Police Magistrate Dibblee read a complimentary address, signed by representatives of all classes and professions of the town, recording their high appreciation of Mr. Jewett's character as a man and citizen and expressing their rerets at his departure. This was followed by short speeches from several of the gentlemen present.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 21, 1898
Bedford Tower, Northampton, was severely kicked by a horse on Monday, on the stomach, and still remains in a critical condition. Dr. Hand is in attendance.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 21, 1898
Of consumption, at Lynn, Mass, May 12th,
Etta, wife of George E. Hanson and only daughter of the late Moses Geddes, "formerly of this town." Deceased was about 22 years of age. She spent a portion of the summer of 1897 visiting friends here, all of whom could attest to her kind and lovable disposition. A husband , mother and brother survive her to mourn the loss of one so much beloved. She was buried at Lynn, on Sunday, the 15th inst., from her mother's residence, Chatman street, a large crowd of friends and relatives from Boston and Lynn attending the funeral.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 21, 1898
At Wicklow, C. C., N. B., May 6th, of pneumonia,
Jane, aged 56 years, beloved wife of Andrew Tweedie and daughter of Andrew McCain, leaving a sorrowing husband, 7 sons, 2 daughters, and 3 brothers to mourn the loss of a true wife, a kind mother and a affectionate sister. Deceased was a faithful member of the Florenceville Baptist Church, having been baptized into the fellowship some 38 years ago by Rev J G Harvey. The funeral services were held on the 8th inst., at the Free Baptist Church, Wicklow, in presence of a very large gathering of people, testifying to the high esteem in which she was held. The funeral sermon was preached by her pastor, A H Hayward, from Rev 14:13, Revds John Perry and D Fiske assisting in the services. Her remains were borne to her last resting place by her own sons, who were all present, except the eldest, who is in Sandon, B.C.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 14, 1898
The dwelling house of Charles Griffith was destroyed by fire Friday of last week.
Only a portion of the furniture was saved. The loss is a severe one; the insurance was only $300.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 14, 1898
Everybody is attracted by the unique, artistic and handsome window decoration to be seen in one of The Baird Company's drug store windows. It resembles much the "Bridal Veil" fall in the Yosemite Valley. Away up through a cleft of the rock, whose perpendicular face is covered with rocks and boulders, percolates a tiny stream which tumbles and tosses and twists around and among the hindrances met with in its fall, until it buries itself in the bosom of a quiet lake at the base. The lake lies embedded in grasses and moss, ferns and palms, among the foliage of which may be discerned frogs, snakes and other animals. The clean , clear water of the lake affods favorable ground for fish, specimens of which are seen swimmig in its depths. The idea originated, we believe, with F J Morton, but in the carrying out of the details he acknowledges that he has to divide the honors with the clerks of the establishment.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 14, 1898
There is probably
no place in the Dominion where the bank of a river is permitted to be made the general dumping grounds for all kinds of refuse as is the case in Woodstock. The sight presented as one stands upon the bridge and gazes upward from King to Queen street, is simply disgraceful. If the town council do not possess the power to remedy the evil the matter might rightly come under the attention of the board of health.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 21, 1898

Mr. John Currie, Houlton road, was a heavy loser by fire last week. His barns and shed were destroyed together with several hundred bushels of oats, hay and farm implements.

May 21, 1898
Fred Moore, having obtained the permission of town authorities, hitched six horses on to the road machine, last week, and did an excellent piece of road work on Broadway.

May 21, 1898
His many friends will be sorry to hear that
J S Bailey has had a sudden and severe attack of hemorrhage of the lungs. He has gone to Kilburn, where his father is station agent, to recuperate.

May 21, 1898
The plank sidewalk from the corner of Main and Connell streets, down to the Connell brick block, and from the Carlisle up to post office corner has been torn up and the walk is being prepared for asphalting.

May 21, 1898
Messrs Connell Bros think it is a strong proof of the growing popularity of their steel plough, the fact that up to the 17th May, the present season, they sold 72 of their ploughs, as against 15 sold in the same period last season.

May 21, 1898
The will of the late Asa Dow was probated, last week, before D B Gallagher, Esq., specially deputed for the purpose. Estate valued at $400 real and $400 personal. Executors, Jacob Vanwart of Woodstock, and Alonzo Dow of Canterbury.

May 21, 1898
The house, store and outbuildings of Mr. M E Thornton, at Rockland, were destroyed by fire on the 12th, caused by the bursting of a burning flue. Everything but a small portion of the store goods was destroyed. He had only recently moved into his new store. Loss estimated at over $3,000; insurance $1,000.

May 21, 1898
Miss Annie Sprague, daughter of Rev Dr. Sprague, is to be the valedictorian of the class of 1898 at Mt. Allison. This honor is given to that member of a class who makes the highest average throughout the entire course, and carries with it a life membership in the Alumni Society. Miss Sprague is a niece of T F Sprague of Woodstock.

May 21, 1898
Sabbath Desecration
The plea of necessity could not surely be pleaded in defence of the driving of logs last Sunday on our noble St. John River.-
The water was high, the driving facilities excellent; unless it were the cost of boarding the men on a Sabbath, honored instead of desecrated, what argument for the violation of God's holy day could be urged? And surely this argument could not be presented to the Lord of the Sabbath were he met face to face and the qusetion put to him,
Why do you violate my day, D Fiske ?

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 30, 1898
St. John River
The earliest date the St. John river has opened since 1825 was April 2, 1881;

The latest date it opened was May 7, 1854;

The earliest date it closed was Nov.5, 1833;

The latest date it closed was Dec. 18, 1878;

The shortest open season was 196 days in 1832, or 6 1/2 months.

The longest open season was 247 days in 1878 , or eight months.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 30, 1898
Mr. H H McCain, M P P, having acquired the Tracy mills cheese factory , that establishment will no doubt be restarted and conducted with Mr. McCain's wonted energy. It is to be hoped that he will be enabled, by the co-operation of farmers in the vicinity to run the works as a butter factory in winter.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 30, 1898
On Friday morning at an early hour,
the residence of Humboldt Sharp , Upper Woodstock, was discovered to be on fire, but it was extinguished, as was supposed, without much damage. In about three hours afterwards the fire broke out again and this time, notwithstanding the arduous effort of the neighbors, the building was totally destroyed. Nearly all the contents of the upper flats were also burned. There was an insurance on the building of $400, but Mr. Sharp's loss will be heavy.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 30, 1898
Dibblee Giberson of Bath, and Charles Sweeney, on their return from the lumber woods stopped at a drug store in Houlton and purchased a bottle of methylated spirits. The druggist's warned the parties against using it internally and labelled the bottle "poison." After reaching home they drank some of it when the effect was quick and painful. Giberson suffered severely for a short time and then expired. Sweeney at last accounts was in great suffering, but hopes were entertained of his recovery.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 30, 1898
The remains of A A Brittain, whose death occurred at Skaguay as reported by this paper last week, reached his former home, Bristol, in charge of E W Bell, on Wednesday. The funeral took place on Thursday and was in charge of the local Orange and True Blue lodges, of which deceased was a worthy member. D Hipwell, G M., and Mrs. Hipwell; J M Queen, C M; Rev. J C Bleakney and other delegates from the Orange and True Blue lodges, Woodstock, went up to attend the funeral.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 30, 1898
On Thursday evening there was a
Hallelujah wedding in the Salvation Army barracks. Frank E Shea of the C P R train dispatcher's staff and Miss Alice J Smith the popular clerk in Saunders Bros dry goods store, were the contracting parties. Ensign Pugh and Rev J W Rutledge officiated.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Apr 30, 1898
Charles Connell now occupies one of the handsomest stores in town. It is large, light, conveniently arranged, and its furnishings and appointments are in keeping with the character of the room, and with the well known taste of the proprietor and his popular clerk Mr. Sheasgreen.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 25, 1893
The Woollen Mill
On Monday the
first woollen fabric ever woven by steam power in Carleton County passed through the looms of the Woodstock woollen mill. These fabrics were white flannel and summer tweeds. It was a notable event:
Carleton still leads as we believe there are but two other counties in the Province where a mill of this character is in operation. On Saturday the committee of the County Council visited and thoroughly examined the mill and its several details and expressed themselves as perfectly satisfield with the result and as being prepared to report most favorably, and that the engagements entered into with the Council have been most fully carried out thus far.

The building is admirably adapted, so the managers say, for the work, being commodious, well lighted , of easy access and convenient for fuel and water supply, standing as it does on the bank of the creek.

There are three floors above the basement each with an area of forty feet by one hundred feet, so that ample floor space is afforded for the machinery , and its operation, apportioned on the different floors for the economy of space and time.

In the basement, firmly placed, on a foundation of solid masonry and running without jar or tremble are the boiler and engine the former of steel, the latter of the Clipper pattern and of 45 horse power. The masonary was done by Mr. Hasty and gives the managers great satisfaction. In an adjoining apartment are the rinser, dye vats, scoring and fulling machines and also the extractor, these doing the preliminary work of preparing the wool for later processes.

On the first floor, where there are several stores to let, the office and show room of the mill will be located.

On the second floor are the cards, spinners, looms and machines for warping. At one end of this room is the carding machine specially provided and adapted for custom carding; it is of most approved make and has a capacity of 200 pounds per day. Then there are turee sets of carding machines for making the wool into yarn for cloth, fine machines they do their work well. These are set in the centre of the room and extended some forty feet, while upon both sides are the spinning frames or jacks carrying 886 spindles; these frames when in operation move backward and forward as by rail and at the same time may be spinning several different kinds of yarn. West of the carding machines are the looms__ five narrow ones for weaving tweeds, homespuns, fannels,etc. and a wider one for blankets, sheetings and such goods.
Much of this machinery has been designed by and made under the supervision of Mr. Willis the manufacturing manager. As will be observed these machines occupying one floor feed, as it were, each other and afford every convenience for manipulation. Here also are the breakers, so called, and finisher.

As the spindles are filled they are taken to the spooling frames or to the reels as the material is required for yarn or for weaving respectively.

On the third floor are the picking and mixing machines, the wool being supplied directly from them to the carders and spinning frames below.

When woven the cloth is put through a scouring machine on the second floor; here the cloth is thickened or shrunk and softened:
this machine is one of Mr. Willis' invention; from here the cloth goes to the third floor where are the picker room, dry room and tenter bars which are an arrangement of movable frames carrying hooks on which the cloth is suspended for drying and stretching.

The shearing machine is, as it' importanes in the final stage of manufacture demands, of the very best design and finish.

Mr. Willis has four sons all experts in the business, each of whom has charge of a branch of manufacture.

It is intended that goods shall be produced here of just such a character as will meet local requirements, and it is affirmed that the farmer can here have his wool made into yarns and cloth with a saving or profit to him of from 25 to 50 per cent. as compard with his present means of disposing of the wool.

Wool is already coming in in quantities and, from the interest shown by the farmers already, assurance is given that the mill will be generally patronized.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 25, 1893
Sad Death
Under the above heading the Calgary Herald of the 8th inst., contains the following notice of the death, on that day, o
f a grand-daughter of John G. Vanwart, formerly of this town:-

We regret to have to record
the death of Jennie Alberta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Linton.
The little one was but 2 years and 8 months old, death being due to tuberculosis.
Mr. and Mrs. Linton will have the sympathy of the entire community in their affliction.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 4, 1893
Fire was discovered in the cellar of John McDonagh's grocery store, King Street, shortly after midnight on Tuesday. The fireman made a quick response to the alarm and were rapidly pouring torents of water into the cellar. Mr. McDonagh and family occupied the upper story of the building as a residence and safely made their exit. The smoke was intense completely filling the building in which was, besides those named, the dry goods store of McManus Bros. The stock in both stores was badly damaged by the smoke, but to what extent can not yet be told, but it will be heavy. Both parties are insured. The cause of fire is not known.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Sept 18, 1869
As we went to press last week, ere yet
the cheers of the people of Upper Woodstock, on the passing of the Prince, had scarcely died in echo, we could say little of the welcome given him there. The tri-part arch thrown across the street at the entrance of the village was very handsome, of seemly proportions, neatly decorated, bearing on one side the motto "Welcome to Prince Arthur;" on the other, "God save the Queen"; while the Union Jack floated above the whole. There was a large turn out of people, and their shouts, lingering upon his ears as his carriage passed the parish line, left as the lastest impression of Woodstock that its people knew the nature and could illustrate the spirit of a British cheer.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Sept 25, 1869
The local competition of the N.B. Provincial Rifle Association for this County took place on Tuesday, the 7th September, instant. The weather was fine, and out of 33 subscribers to the Association, 31 were on the ground to complete for the prizes the and there to be fired for.
The firing party was under the command of Major C. W. Raymond, who also acted as umpire and marker.
The first competition was at 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 yards___five rounds at each range__highest possible score 100.
The following is a list of the successful competitors, with amount of the several prizes:

1st Prize Pt. S. McLeod 67 pts $10.00 & Medal
2nd En W. H. Bourne 54 $12.00
3rd En A. Currie 52 $11.00
4th Pt. D. Jackson 51 $10.00
5th Lt. R. McIntyre 51 $9.00
6th Pt. A. B. Bull 51 $8.00
7th Capt. H. Emery 50 $7.50
8th Pt. J D. Baird 50 $6.50
9th Pt. F. Longstaff 48 $5.50
10th Capt R. B. Ketchum 45 $5.00
11th Pt. C. Garden 44 $4.50
12th Pt. H. Dibblee 44 $4.00
13th Pt. H. Smith 44 $3.50
14th Capt. J. D. Ketchum 44 $3.00
15th Pt. R. Phillips 43 $2.50
16th Pt. C. H. Ferguson 43 $2.00
17th Pt. J. Tracey 42 $1.50
18th Segt. W. F. Atkinson 41 $1.50
19th Pt. D. McFarlane 41 $1.00
20th Pt. T. Golding 41 $1.00

The second competition was at 200 yards, for the benefit of those who were unsuccessful in the first competition. The result was as follows:-

1st Prize En S. Peabody 14 points $4.00
2nd Pt. W. W. Atkinson 14 $3.00
3rd Corpl W O Raymond 14 $2.00
4th Corpl F W Bourne 12 $1.00

As will be seen, there were no high scores made in either competition, but taking into consideration the fact that there was a majority who fired that had had but little opportunity of practice, the firing was very good.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
In recognition of their services
at the fire, which so damaged his hotel last week, the proprietor, Ansley Watson, treated the members of Hose Co. No. 1, to an oyster supper at Williamson's, on Thursday evening.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
George W. Vandine, Somerville, writes to say that the statement in the "Somerville Items," in last week's Sentinel, that he intends moving to Littleton, Me., is not true, as he has not the slightest idea of moving.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
The C. P. R. know a good thing when they see it, and so having to secure the services of an
Inspector of clocks and watches for this district, they naturally and wisely selected Mr. H. V. Dalling for that position. Horace will be found right, every time.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
Wedding Bells
A very pleasant wedding was celebrated
at the residence of Daniel Parks, Richmond, when his daughter, Della May, contracted the life partnership with Mr. Merchie A. Seely, of Houlton, Maine. While the organ played the beautiful strains of "How welcome was the call," the bride entered the room, on the arm of her father, handsomely gowned in white china silk, lace and chaifon trimmings. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. A. W. Teed. After the ceremony the company sat down to a rich and bouteous supper. The bride who was one of our fairest belles was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. Their many friends wish success.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
The Oak Mountain Bear tells a Bear Story
Some fifty years ago in N. B. when bears and "Sliver Cats" were more plentiful than they are at present, two young men,
Jack Smith and Rob Stubble, of Stubble Settlement, started to the the nearest village to attend singing school. The school being out about ten o'clock our two young friends started for home, no doubt after seeing their "best girl" home as was the custom in those early days. When about a mile from home thay had to pass through a piece of woods in which bears had often been seen; the boys were not thinking of bears but nevertheless were startled to see a large dark object move slowly across the road in front of them. Rob noticed it first, and had just made up his mind that it was a bear, when Jack exclaimed, "G-whillikins Rob there is a bear, lets make tracks."

They started back and roused all the men who could be persuaded to go bear hunting. They collected all the fire arms, knives, axes and clubs that time could allow. The young blacksmith carried the only "piece of artillery" that would "go off." It was an old flint lock pistol which his grandfather had had since the late American war. The blacksmith led the party and they marched along resembling a band of Australian bush rangers out on a mid-night raid. When they came to the woods the blacksmith advanced cautiously, his pistol held out the full length of his right arm, while the others kept close behind with their knives, axes and clubs all ready for the bear. The blacksmith saw it first and fired, but his pistol did not respond. The bear rose as if to inquire into the cause of the "racket" but was at once made a target for knives, axes and stones, but presently the old flint lock "went off" and brought him down. All made a rush for the bear. The young blacksmith who was the first to reach him electrified the company by exclaiming G-hos-fat boys its neighbour Brown's yearlin heifer.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
Daniel McCartin,jr., a Woodstock boy, died at Lawrence, Mass., last week, after a short illness of pneumonia, aged 24 years and eight months. His remains arrived in Woodstock, Sunday morning, the funeral taking place on the afternoon of that day; the interment was made in St. Gertrude's cemetery.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
George Phillips, aged about 70 years, of Pembroke, was suddenly struck down by paralysis in his yard, on Thursday of last week, and died from the effects on the following Saturday morning.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 4, 1893
Since our last, the following convictions for violation of the Scott Act have been had before the Police Magistrate :
Chas. Budden four 1st offences, D. Thompson, seven 1st and one 3rd offence.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Jan 6, 1894
Mr. LeBaron Smith, formerly of Woodstock, now of San Francisco, has applied for a divorce from his wife on the grounds of cruelty. Mr. Smith has, we believe, a divorced wife in New Brunswick. Application was refused.

Jan 6, 1894

James R. Brooks
, Grafton, aged 63 years, and a man who up to the moment that he was stricken down enjoyed perfect health, while in his barn yard on New Year's eve, was prostrated by a stroke of paralysis and died in a few hours.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 15, 1893
Glassville Items.
(From an occasional correspondent) April 11, 1893.
George Growe of Glassville, died at an early hour this morning. The suddeness of his death led to the sending for coroner Port, Dr. Atkinson came about the same time. The coroner took charge and assisted by Dr. Atkinson questioned the persons who was present when Crowe died.

For what was told the coroner, it appears that Crowe went to Dr. Welsh and had a powder prepared for him, this he laid on the counter of the drug shop, with a bottle of medicine, while he got the change from his pocket. When he got ready to go
instead of the powder prepared for him, he took away a small packet of arsenic also on the counter, with the result above mentioned.

Mr Crowe was 45 years of age his making a terrible mistake could hardly have been looked for, and guarded against. Coroner Port on account of his being in poor health, and thinking an inquest necessary, took advantage of Dr. Atkinson's presence in the choice of some one to take the inquest off his hands. Dr. A. recommended coroner Dr. Curtis. A request was sent to coroner Curtis to continue the inquest.

The body still lies-10 p.m.-as at the moment of death ! In the meantime wild rumors are filling the air, among others, post mortem's, appeals to the attorney general, for a supply of lawyers from somewhere. And the end is not yet.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 15, 1893
J. B. Lynch
The following complimentary reference to a former Woodstock boy, Mr. J. B. Lynch, we extract from the Toronto Empire:-
According to further advices received by the Department of Agriculture, Mr. J. B. Lynch, accountant of the department, has been doing good work at Washington lately. Considerable m'sapprehension, it appears, prevailed there among the officials of the United States Marine hospital service, which body administers quarantine matters on the other side of the line with reference to the nature of the disinfection of immigrants' baggage arriving at Canadian ports this season. The assurances given by Mr. Lynch on the authority of the department that it was the intention to use steam disinfection in Canada was very gratifying to the United States authorities. From all that can be ascertained the Washington authorities were contemplating an embargo on European immigration via Canadian routes, which, if carried into effect; would have been a serious matter for the C. P. R. and G. T. R. Mr. Lynch's timely visit to Washington has obviated this so far, as the federal authorities are concerned.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 8, 1893
Wilford Schriver, 30 years of age, of East Florenceville, was drowned in the Ontonagon river, Mich., on the 22nd March. He was fixing a dam and fell threw the ice. The remains were recovered and brought home for interment. The deceased has been in the employ of D. M. Co. as foreman, for five seasons and was very generally respected. He was unmarried.

Dispatch Newspaper Jan 16, 1907
George Scovil of Wicklow was arraigned before the police magistrate yesterday morning, charged with setting fire to the buildings of the Joseph Giberson farm. A. B. Connell, K. C. appeared for the complainant and T. C. L. Ketchum for the defendant. At the request of Mr. Connell the case was adjourned to next Tuesday, Mr. Scovil being allowed to go on his own recognizance.

Dispatch Newspaper Jan 16, 1907
Wm. Hamilton received a telegram on Saturday night, announcing
the death of consumption of Albert McKenzie, of Vancouver, B.C., in the hospital. He had been ill about six months. His parents, Mr. and Mrs Alex. McKenzie reside in Glassville. Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Mrs. Coles Dugan and Mrs. Humbolt Sharp of this town are sisters. He served his apprenticeship as a tailor in the town of Woodstock in the shops of R. B. Jones and the late Thomas McCrea. He was about 38 years of age. His remains were interred in Vancouver.

Dispatch Newspaper Jan 16, 1907
Among the men who are doing good work in the faculty of medicine at McGill University are W. L. Tracy of Hartland, H. Cody of Centreville and H. Burton Loggie formerly of Woodstock. All three men have passed with honors in more than one subject. Mr. Tracy and Mr. Loggie are both graduates of the University of New Brunswick.

Dispatch Newspaper Jan 16, 1907
Sullivan's Rollawam in the Young building will open to the public on Monday evening next. Frank Sullivan is now in Boston purchasing new skates. The 67th band will be in attendance. All the seating capacity is arranged so that a view of the floor can be had. No smoking will be allowed in the rollaway. There will be a general admission on the opening night.

Dispatch Newspaper Jan 16, 1907
Charles D. Richards, principal of the Grammer School, has been unable to take his school since last Thursday on account of a threatened attack of appendicitis. It is expected he will be able to resume work tomorrow.


Dispatch Newspaper Jan 2, 1907
Shaw__At Havelock, Carleton Co. on the 6th inst., Ezra Shaw, aged 59 years, after a long and painful illness which he bore with much patience to the Divine will. He leaves a sorrowing widow, five sons and four daughters to mourn their loss. The funeral service was conducted by J. N. Barnes.

DeWier___At Waterville on the 30th November, at his own home, Rev. Wm. DeWier, aged 56 years. He leaves a sorrowing widow, two sons and three daughters to mourn their loss.

Jones ___At Lower Woodstock, December 13th., Susan E., relict of the late Joseph Jones, in the 77th year of her age.

Hobbs___At Knowlesville, December 4th. Mrs. Abigail Hobbs in the 96 year of her age.


Press Newspaper July 8, 1907
> Wedding
A very prettying wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, of Grafton, June 26th at 8 p.m., when their daughter,
Christeen, was united in marriage to Mr. Herbert Robinson, the wedding ceremony being performed by Rev Dr Keirstead. The bride becomingly attired in a dress of white silk and carried a bouquet of white carnations; the bride was attended by Miss Nora Clark, cousin of the bride, and wore a dress of white lawn and carried a bonquet of pink carnations. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. George Robinson. They received many  useful and handsome presents including silver, china, glass and linen, etc.

The Press Newspaper April 29, 1907
A Grafton Wedding
A very pretty marriage occurred at the residence of Mr and Mrs George Clark, Grafton , at ten thirty a.m. on Wednesday when their son
Hollie Clark was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Wheway  of Woodstock. The bride was dressed in white silk and carried a boquet of white carnations. She received many costly and handsome presents.  We all join in wishing them a long and happy life.


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