

Newspaper& Documents write-ups about Carleton County People

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The Carleton Sentinel, The Dispatch and The Press Newspapers were published
in the Town of Woodstock, N.B.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Jan 20, 1894
George Hendry's Death
A telegraphic message received by
Mr. George Hendry, of this Town, on Sunday morning conveyed the startling and distressing intelligence that his son, George Hendry, had been killed on Saturday night at Harvey Lake.

Mr. S. Watts, a coronor for the County of York, also received a dispatch asking him to go to McAdam and hold an inquest. It so happened that the Presque Isle Express, detained by the storm on Saturday, reached Woodstock early in the afternoon on Sunday and
in that train Mr. Hendry, the undertaker, with a casket, and Mr. Watts proceeded to McAdam where the remains having arrived an inquest was held and the facts, on evidence, disclosed as follows:-

Mr. Hendry, aged 23 years, was a fireman on the St. John Section of the C. P. R., and on Saturday evening was, acting in that capacity on one of two engines, ordered out with a snow special from McAdam Junction; the driver was E. Haddock and conductor James Wright. The train consisted of snowplow, two engines and caboose. At Harvey Lake, from some unknown cause, the snowplow and leading engine with cab and tender, the train running at about 12 miles an hour, left the irons and went over the embankment, about 20 feet high, on and through the ice into the lake, the engine and greater portion of the cab being submerged. A hole was broken into the tank, by the collision, from which the water rushed into the cab and the coal from the tender also poured into it.

The driver escaped through the window of the cab onto the the ice,
Hendry being, as it appeared, carried down into the water of the lake under the coal in the cab. Efforts were at once made to find the missing man. Mr. G. A. Haggerty was, as soon as possible at the scene of the accident with a wrecking train, but it was found impossible to secure the body until the morning, (Sunday), when the cab was burned, the ice melted and on reaching down his arms length into the water, one of the men was able to grasp Hendry's hand. It then required the united strength of two men, Michael Ward and John Ganong, to draw the body , which seemed to be in a crouching position, from under the coal which was upon it. It was found that the left arm was broken above the elbow and one arm and leg badly scalded.

The coronor's jury, J. W. Hoyt, J. W. Green, E. W. Brownell, M. H. Goodspeed, G. T. Baskin, W. H. Densmore and J. H. McLeod, found a verdict in accordance with the facts, as they appeared on evidence, exonerating the Ry. Co. and employees from blame.

The remains of young Hendry were placed in a casket by the undertaker, Francis Kelly, in the office of G. W. Haggerty who showed every possible attention, and then brought to Woodstock on Monday morning on a special.

The funeral, largely attended, took place on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Baker of the Albert St. Baptist Church officiated. Woodstock Lodge L. O. L. attended the funeral in a body, and also a delegation of Foresters from McAdam. The parents and sisters of the deceased have the public sympathy in this sad bereavement, by which a promising and bright young man, only 23 years old, highly esteemed by those who knew him, met his untimely end.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Jan 20, 1894

Willie Hoyt broke his arm by falling on the ice while going to school one day last week.

G. H. Garden, formerly of Woodstock, now of Montreal, has been elected a member of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.

Mrs. Stephen Parsons, an aged lady---69 years old---a native of and for nearly the whole of her life a resident of Woodstock, died on Friday last and was buried on Sunday.

Mr. John Wallace, foreman of this office, on Saturday was wired the intelligence that his mother was dead at Fredericton; Mrs. Wallace was 81 years of age; was for some time a resident of Woodstock where, as well as in Fredericton, she was well known and highly esteemed.

Thomas L. McRae, one of our enterprising young men, went to Eel River this week, where he has started a tailoring business in the Edwards' shop. The people in that vicinity will " make no mistake " in patronizing Mr. McRae as he is a steady young man and a competent workman who is bound to please.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Jan 27, 1894
East Glassville Items
Our neighborhood was the scene of a very sad calamity this morning, Saturday the 20th, involving loss of life.
Mrs. Harvey Fisher, whose husband was absent in the lumber woods left her house about 10 o'clock to do up her barn work, her two children, aged one and three years respectively, remaining in the house.
Shortly afterwards from some cause, to your correspondent unknown, the house took fire.
Mrs. Fisher heard an alarm and made for her dwelling, reaching the door, only to be driven back by the flames. Her efforts to rescue her children were alas unavailing.
In a brief period the dwelling was in ashes, and the remains of the little ones buried beneath the debris. The heart broken mother's friends in West Glassville were immediately notified of the mournful dispersation, by-Robinson, Alexander Brown and Frank Hume harnessed up and started for Burnthill to apriee the bereaved father of his loss.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Jan 27, 1894
Bristol Items
Mr. G. S. Wiggins met with a painful accident and had a most wonderful escape from a shocking death, Monday morning. While working in the griss mill, his clothing was caught in a rapidly revolving laying shaft, and he was carried round with it. The shaft was about three feet from the floor, so that only his feet would strike at each revolution. He supposes he must have turned with the wheel at least a hundred times, before he lost consciousness. When he came to himself he was lying on the floor under the shaft, with his coat, vest and under clothing completely torn from his body, by these giving way he had fallen free from his dangerous position. Dr. Atkinson was summoned, but upon examination found that with the exception of some very severe bruises on his feet, shoulder and head no injury had been sustained.

Two deaths occurred quite suddenly in Wicklow lately.
Mr. Joseph Giberson died last Friday, and was buried on Sunday. He was about 63 years old and had been in poor health for some time.
On Monday
Mrs. Giberson died of pneumonia. A large family were thus deprived of both father and mother's care in a period of only three days.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper March 11, 1893
Thanks to
E. G. Milbury, New York, for late papers.

death is announced, at Fredericton, of the wife of Mr. J. Henry Phair.

The year 1893 began on a Sunday and will finish on a Sunday, so that it will contain 53 Sundays.

Peter McCusker, a witness in a Scott Act case, before the Police Magistrate, last week, refused to testify, and was committed to jail for a week, for contempt.

Since our last, 5 first offences under the Scott Act, have been recorded against
Charles Budden; and 2 first offences against against George Clark. Inspector McClintock accompanied by Constable Baker raided the premises of Jas. Troy, Wm. Karnes and George Clark; a small quantity of liquor was found and confiscated on the premises of the first two named.

John Travis gives the Sentinel the following record of marriages, births and deaths which have occurred at St. Thomas in this county from the year 1834 to Feb. 11th, 1893:
Marriages, 46 ; births, 93; deaths, 44.

Drs. Colter and Hand, on Monday, amputated the forearm of Mrs. Wm. Montgomery, Watson Settlement, just above the wrist. This operation was found necessary owing to the rapid spread of a cancer in the hand.

The foreman of this office, John Wallace, while putting the Sentinel to press last week, had the tip of the middle finger of his right hand taken off by being caught in the machinery. Dr. Hand dressed the wound.

If you wish first-class dressmaking done call
at Mrs. Shaw's rooms No.29 Main St., over Mr. Dalling's jewelry store, where you will find Miss Given who is from the States; and is competent to give patrons perfect satisfaction.-3i


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 18, 1893

John Bubar, Upper Brighton, met with a serious accident the other day. While swamping a road in the woods he was struck in the eye by a twig entirely destroying its sight. Dr. Beairsto is attending him.

Recent local appointments have been made in this county, as follows:
Norris R. Brown, James Toms, William Nicholson, Bradford Palmer, William J. Davis, Hanford Turner, Mason Benn and Orrin P. Hayward,
justices of the peace. G. Washington Craig, issuer of marriage licenses.

Wm. Wright of Carlisle, cut his foot fearfully on Tuesday, while at work in the Miramichi lumber woods. All efforts to stop the bleeding which ensued were fruitless, and an attempt was made to convey him to the nearest physician, at Hartland, but just as he reached the doctor's residence he died.

Wm. Hall, who have been sick for some time, died on Friday last. Funeral at the F. C. Baptist meeting house, Knowlesville; Elder Bennison conducted the services.

William Young, Upper Woodstock, received a severe cut in his leg, while coasting on Tuesday. Dr. Sprague was called and sewed up the wound.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 18, 1893
Fatal Accident
A sad accident occurred on Monday evening by which one of our old, well known and highly respected citizens,
Mr. Robert Hume, aged 94 years, lost his life. Mr. Hume was moving about the house in the dark when in some way he fell down the entire length of the stairs. His daughter was aroused by the noise of the fall and proceeding to discover the cause found her father lying at the foot of the stairs in an unconscious condition. Help was soon at hand, the sufferer placed on a bed and Dr. Sprague called. It was found that Mr. Hume had suffered a dislocation of one shoulder, a breakage of the collar bone and, of course, a severe shock to the whole system. His sons, George and Bedford were sent for, and everything done to alleviate the patient's suffering and prolong life, but in vain, and after lingering till Wednesday evening death came to the release of the sufferer.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 18, 1893
In Memoriam
The sudden and unexpected
death of Mrs. Dr. T. S. Pitt, of Boston, better known here as Miss Sadie Shaw, will be sad news for her many friends in this part of the county.
Mrs. Pitt was born in Middle Simonds some 35 years ago. When quite young she learned dressmaking, and after working at it here for several years, she went to Boston, and there continued working at dressmaking, occupying an important position in one of Boston's largest dressmaking establishments.
Three years ago she married Dr. T. S. Pitt.
Immediately after her marriage she went west with her husband where they remained for a year, after which they returned to Boston and occupied a handsome residence in Boyleston, a suburb of Boston.
The cause of Mrs. Pitt's death was a tumor of the stomach which had been growing on her side for the past year, but so mindful was she of others feelings her trouble was known but to a few of her friends. About two weeks ago in consultation with specialists, they advised her as her only hope to live any time was to submit to an operation. With the same brave spirit with which she faced the battle of life, she faced the painful ordeal of a surgical operation from the shock of which she never rallied, dying Wednesday evening Feb. 8, two days after the operation.
Funeral services were held at her home in Boston, Friday afternoon, after which
her body was taken to the train that was to bear her to her old home and friends in Woodstock and Simonds. The body arrived in Woodstock at one o'clock Saturday, accompanied by her husband Dr. Pitt, and her two sisters and brother.
The remains were taken to her mother's house on Water St. where they were viewed by her many friends of Woodstock. Sunday a. m. she was taken to Simonds, where at 12 o'clock the funeral services took place, Rev. D. D. Page of the Advent Church, conducting them. She was buried in the old Simonds burying ground beside her father and two sisters.
Much sympathy is felt for the bereived mother, this making the third daughter brought home to her from the States to look upon for the last time.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 18, 1893
Woodstock Town Council (excerpt)
On motion, Coun. Leighton, seconded by Coun. Lindsay,
the following were appointed constables and members of police force:-
Albert R Carr
Alfred W Fields
George Laird
A G Gilman
John C Campbell
S T Baker
E J Bailey
A G Fields
J H Wilbur, jr.
Jas A Gibson
J R Lindow
John Tattersoll
Arthur J. King
John McKenzie
Ed. Bedreau
John A Brawn

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 11, 1893
A Carleton Co. Boy Honored

The Montreal Gazette says:-
Mr. G. H. Garden, chief engineer of the Montreal & Western railway, was made the recipient, at St. Jovite, on Friday of a handsome Persian lamb coat. The gift accompanied an address from the employes of the road and leading residents of the parishes through which it runs, expressing their warm appreciation of Mr. Garden's professional attainments and personal qualities, and of the energy and ability he had shown in carrying out the work, which was calculated to be of much importance to the northern part of the county of Terrebonne.
The address, which was read by Mr. Murray, of St. Jovite, concluded by expressing the hope that Mr. Garden's wife and family, as well as himself, would be blessed with a long and happy life.
Among the one hundred and fifty people present were Dr. Grignon, of Ste. Adele ; Mr. Bisecn, of St. Jovite ; Mr. Fiset and Mr. Boileau, of St. Jerome, and other leading residents of the county. After the presentation, the evening was spent in dancing and social intercourse.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 11, 1893
The Unexpected Happens
The ladies of Albert Street Baptist Church invited Rev. B. H. Thomas to apear before them on Monday evening last at the house of Mrs. J S Marcy. After a social time had been spent,
Mr. Thomas was taken completely by surprise in being presented with a life size portrait of his late father. In every detail the picture is perfect ; it was enclosed in a very elaborate frame. Mr. Thomas tried to express gratitude. Mrs. J. S. Marcy was the artist. Mrs. Thomas also received a purse of money from the Sisters.
At a late hour the company retired and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas returned home feeling that it is blessed to receive as well as
"to give."-Com.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 11, 1893
E. S. Milbury New York, we are in receipt of late N. Y. Papers.

A bundle of papers to hand from
J. F. Turner, San Francisco, Cal. Thanks

R. J. McLean has handed us a sample of those handsome and toothsome Wealthy apples he has on sale.

No clue to the perpetrators of the robbery from
the storehouse of A. C. Smith & Co., some two weeks ago, has yet been discovered.

J. Wesley Slipp cut one of his feet badly with an axe while splitting wood in his door yard on Tuesday. Dr. Hand dressed the wound.

J. T. G. Carr, Hartland, is prepared to handle five or six carcasses good beef per week, while the cold weather continues. He will pay cash._2ins. .5

Mrs. James Gow fell on the ice in her yard on Tuesday evening; a simple fracture of the wrist was the painful consequence. Drs. Keirstead and Rankin were called.

On Tuesday the front of
Mr. John Graham's new building presented quite a pretty appearance. It was covered completely with a coat of sparkling white frost.

Mrs. W. R. Snow has a fine oleander tree of which she is justly proud. It is now, with its profusion of bloom, of large delicate pink blossoms, a very handsome sight.

Annie Keens was, on Tuesday, convicted before the Police Magistrate, of keeping a bawdy and disorderly house, and sent up for six months; and Lena Adams being convicted of being an inmate of the same was committed for the same term.

What everyone says must be true is applicable to
Mr. Campbell's eating house at Newburg Junction. What everyone says about that is " it is just the nicest and tidiest railroad restaurant in the Maritime Provinces; where the best cooked, most toothful and enjoyable food and drink is promptly served."

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 11, 1893

The following are the officers of Lakeville Lodge, I. O. G. T, for current quarter
R. L. Carvell, C T ;
Edith Hume, V. T. ;
C. King, Sec ;
Maud Wiggins, A. S. ;
Camp Wiggins, F. S. ;
Lizzie Fowler, T ;
Alex Hume, Chap ;
Lewis Carvell, M ;
James King, D. M. ;
Fred Pickering, G. ;
Adam Biggar, S. ;
W. J. Page, P. C. T.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 11, 1893
A correspondent writes that
Dr. F. M. Brown has arrived at Centreville where he intends practicing his profession. The Doctor is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. He spent some time in the Hospitals of London and while in Great Britain obtained the qualifications of Licentiate of the Royal College of Physiciaus of London ; Litentiate Royal College Physicians Edingburgh, and also of the Royal College of Surgeons and Licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.


NB Reporter & Fredericton Advertiser March 8, 1876
Early on Sunday morning last, fire was discovered in the large Brick Building, corner of Main and Connell Streets, and before the Steam Fire Engine could be got ready for work, this fine building was all in a blaze.
The wooden building belonging to McDonough, and John Cole's brick building, on Connell Street were totally consumed. Brown's building on the corner was occupied by F. T. Bridges, Jeweller, Robt. Smith, Hardware, and Mr. Tompkins Grocer. The owner had $4,000 insurance on the building, Mr. Smith had $3,000 on on his stock. Bridges, and Tomkins, had no insurance. Mr. Cole and Mr. McDonough were partially insured.
The necessity for frequent trial of the Steam Fire Engine was here apparent.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper Feb 25, 1893
At an early hour Thursday morning fire broke out in an out building attached to the
Queen Hotel. The firemen were prompt in responding to the alarm and soon succeeded in subduing the flames and confining it, as was supposed, to the locality where it started, but at a later hour fire was discovered in the main building of the Queen and before the firemen got control of the flames the entire roof and upper portion of the ell and main building were destroyed, while it was perfectly flooded with water so that the damage to the interior of the building and the furniture was disastrous. Mr. Watson, the owner, has on his property insurance of $2,000 in the Imperial, Miss Allan local agent, and $1000 in the North British and Mercantile, J. N. W. Winslow agent.

After the first fire had been quenched, as supposed, the firemen were handsomely regaled at supper by Mr. Boyer, but they had scarcely finished when the last alarm again called them to duty.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 3, 1897
Jas. Cadman Dead
A long time well known gentleman will no more be seen upon our streets. James Cadman, ?. E., died at his residence Upper Woodstock on Monday, of paralysis, with which he was stricken a week previous, aged 5?. Deceased came from England in 1862 to become mining engineer of the New Brunswick Charcoal and Pig Iron Co. After these works closed he was resident engineer for the European and North American railway and in 1868 became assistant engineer of the Intercolonial railway, which position he occupied until 1875 when he was engaged on the survey of the Newfoundland railway; afterwards he was locating engineer on the North Shore railway and later chief engineer of the Quebec and St. John railway. Some years ago he retired from active work and has since lived at Upper Woodstock. His wife died some 28 years ago; he leaves two sons, Frederick W. and Norris B. and a daughter, who is wife T. C. L. Ketchum.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 3, 1897
The Late Livingstone Dibblee
In our obituary last week was stated the death of Mr. Livingstone Dibblee, aged 69 years. Deceased was well-known and aged resident of Woodstock Parish, and was an intelligent and progressive farmer. He was a grandson of the first Rector of this Parish, Rev. Frederick Dibblee, and a brother of the late Sheriff F. R. J. Dibblee. He was a gentleman of pleasing and attractive dispostion whose friends were numerous. His widow and six children survive, the sons being Rev. H. E., Rector of Oromocto, and Reginald and Thaddeus who live at home. The funeral largely attended, took place last Saturday.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 15, 1897
Death of Mrs. Dibblee
Another of the links in the human chain that connects the past with the present of our community, has been severed by the
death of Mrs. Dibblee, widow of the late Sheriff Dibblee. The deceased has been in failing health for a length of time; she died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Connell, on Monday evening, aged 70 years, leaving two children, a daughter, Mrs. Connell, and a son, Col. F. H. J. Dibblee.
She is survived by a brother, Frank B., of Brooklyn, N. Y., and by her sisters, Mrs. J. W. M. Ruel, mother of Mrs. Wm. Dibblee; Mrs. Whitney, of Brooklyn; Mrs. W. W. Clark, of Carleton, St. John, and Mrs. Dr. Morse.
Mrs. Dibblee was a daughter of the late Geo. W. Cleary, and one of a large family that occupied an interesting position in Woodstock society some forty years ago. Amiability and benevolence were distinguishing traits of the deceased lady's character.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper May 15, 1897
Saunders - Hale
One of those happy events which are always of especial interest to the ladies, transpired at the residence of the bride's father, Grafton, Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, when Rev. C. T. Phillips read over the formula by which were
united for life M. Aurilla Hale, daughter of F. H. Hale, M. P., a young lady highly esteemed for her many excellent qualities and amiability of disition, and our popular young physician, E. H. Saunders. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present. The reporter is debarred from itemizing the bridal presents, but he cannot be prevented from saying that they were not only large in number but beautiful in character; A sumptuous supper was served and after a few hours very pleasantly passed the happy couple proceeded to their future residence on Broadway. The Sentinel tenders sincere and earnest good wishes.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 3, 1897
Miss Emma McInnis, a native of Woodstock and daughter of Jas. A. McInnis, died at Windsor, N. S., aged 26 years on the 24th. Deceased was well and favorably known as a vocalist and elocutionist.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 3, 1897
At Woodstock on the 20th of March by Rev B. Colpitts,
Oakman Harris, to Mrs. Annie Hanson, both of Lower Southampton.

At Dover, Me., on the 25th ult. by Eld. A. H. Kearney,
Mr. John Z Everett of Phillips, Me., to Mrs. Margaret A. Henderson of Debec Junction, N.B.

At the residence of the bride's father March 29th, by Rev. Kenneth McKay, B .A.,
Robert Faulkner of Richmond, N. B., to Sarah, daughter of Duncan Robinson Esq., of Houlton.

At Bloomfield, March 23rd,
Herbert McKinley, aged 4 months and 14 days, infant son of Frank and Gertrude Black. "Suffer the little children to come unto Me."

At Florenceville, March 28th,
Carrie, aged 4 months and 15 days, infant daughter of Edward and Carrie Brown. My beloved is gone down into his garden to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens and to gather Lillies.

At Gordonsville, C Co., N. B., March 11th, of la grippe,
Hannah E., aged 62 years, beloved wife of James Bridges, Esq., and daughter of the late Robert B. Wasson, of Blissville, Northumberland, Co., N.B., leaving a husband, three sons and four daughters to mourn their loss. Her end was peace.


Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 17, 1897

Millinery opening,
Miss McCafferty will display her fine line of fashionable millinery to the public gaze on Thursday, 22nd inst. She has not the time nor help at her disposal to arrange her goods in as attractive style as she could desire, but she will be able to show the ladies a line of millinery which, for beauty, variety and price, she is sure will satisfy them.

Joel Jewett of Bloomfield died last week of pneumonia, aged 60 years. Deceased had been a successful farmer and an esteemed neighbor; he leaves a widow and five children. He was a Forester; his funeral was largely attended.

Clarence A. Kirkpatrick having graduated with high honor and secured the degree of D. D. S., from the Philadelphia Dental College, has returned to Woodstock where he will be associated with his brother, Dr. E. S. Kirkpatrick, in the practice of dentistry.

The green house of
James Sutton is a pleasant place to visit. His large stock of choice plants, of all varieties, look strong and healthy, and while the bloom is kept pretty well cut down to fill constant orders, the profusion of bud abound gives promise of a rich display of full bloom presently.

E?en Estabrooks, a venerable settler, died at his residence, near Tracey Mills, on the 7th inst., aged 83 years. Thrice married, his last wife and four sons and four daughters, who reside in the United States survive him. A large concourse attended the funeral thus attesting to the high repute in which deceased was held.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 3, 1897
A Busy Establishment
We find the following in a late number of the Daily World, plublished at Victoria, Brithish Columbia.
Latson and Burpee are both New Brunswickers, the former being from Chatham, and the other is F. W. Burpee, son of Mr. John Burpee this town.

Messrs. Latson & Burpee's premises, at No. 150 Water street, are at present a veritable hive of industry, and over time has to be resorted to in order to keep up with the many orders in hand. This firm became established here at the above premises in October last,
they being patentees and manufacturers of the Latson & Burpee can wiper, while special attention is given to cannery work, especially as regards die making. They have a die of their own invention and manufacture, which has many features to recommend it, and which has been favorably received by those practically interested in the cannery business. In one die there are two centre pieces, of single parts, thus doing away with the old custom of having two dies. Their can-wiping machine is an exceedingly clever device and must come into service in every modern cannery, for whereas the old machines were only capable of handling 400 or 500 cases a da?, by this firm's invention, as high as 2,000 cas?s can be put through in a day, this having been actually done in one of Alex. Ewen's canneries. These machines have been installed in many canneries on the Fraser and up North, while orders are in hand for 10 more. Six machines have just been completed. They are adjustable to wipe and clean cans of any size, and are capable of being regulated to different speeds of operation. The works are most thoroughly equipped in every way, having their own motive power, in an Elison 12 horsepower electric motor, with the lastest and most approved styles of lathes, planers, etc.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 10, 1897
India Famine Fund.
The Star publishes the following additional subscriptions:-
Perth Centre S School collections $10.
Residents of Glassville, per Rev. J K Bearisto, $11.05.

Teachers and scholars, Tracey's Mill's, N. B., school, per Miss Mary S Turner :
Frank Carmichael 5c,
Mary Page 5c,
Howard Adams 10c,
Lottie Sloat 5c,
May Sloat 5c,
Florence Steeves 10c,
Ora Tracey 5c,
Vernette Tracey 7c,
Mary S Turner 50c,
Ruby Sinnett 5c,
Wm. Brewer 10c,
Lea Sloat 10c,
Bertie Sinnett 5c,
Fred Noble 5c,
Alanda Sloat 5c,
Fannie Sloat 5c,
Wesley Sloat 5c,
Roland Miller 5c,
Halse Miller 5c,
Fannie Sinnett 5c,
Jennett McDonald 5c,
Wesley Harris 5c,
Ernest Nelson 10c,
Howard Hartley 2c,
Grace Noble 5c,
Wellington Haines 1c,
Fleetwood Hartley 5c,

Total $2.00
Tobique Stream, N.B., Council Royal Templars of Temperance, proceeds of public entertainment and social, per J W Corey, $13.22
J Douglas Winslow, Woodstock, .41

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 10, 1897
At Centreville, on March 31st, by the Rev. Jos A. Cahill,
Amos Downey to Miss Julia L. McKenzie.

Carleton Sentinel Newspaper April 10, 1897
At Pembroke, on the 17th ult., of congestion of the lungs,
Fae Idelah, aged 14 months, youngest child of Elwood and Florence Gray.
This lovely bud so young, so fair,
Called hence by earthly doom,
Just came to show how sweet a flower,
In Paradise would bloom.

E'er sin could harm or sorrow fade
Death came with friendly care,
The opening bud to Heaven conveyed,
And bade it blossom there.

At his home in Minneapolis, Minn., March 21st, after a protracted illnes of thyphoid fever,
T. Bliss, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Trafton, aged 19 years, 5 days.
( A poem printed as well).

April 10, 1897 Newspaper
Fire caught in the roof of
Edward Everett's house, Jacksontown, Friday last week. Mr. Everett in his successful attempt to save his building burned both his hands very severely. He was brought in to Dr. Kierstead who dressed the wounds.

Dispatch Newspaper July 11, 1894

The government has given
J. McFarlane, of Woodstock, a bonded warehouse in town. Business can't be really so bad as some of the disloyal grits are charged with saying it is.

Samuel Briggs lately of this county but at present of Aroostook, planted 28 acres of potatoes this spring. He expects to dig from 75 to 100 barrels to the acre and find a ready market for them.

Wilfred Birmingham came down from Florenceville on Monday with a raft of hemlock. He says he made a good sale ; that hemlock is better in the Canadian market this year than last.

Frank Johnson engineer of the Woodstock Woodworking Factory, who met with an accident recently, resulting in the breaking of his right knee cap is getting on well though still confined to his bed.

J. T. Garden, J. N. W. Winslow and John Gibson started on a fishing tour to Bathurst lake last Saturday, and will give themselves over to one fortnight's quiet meditation in company with the eel, the sucker and the chub.

Somebody seems to be hunting up new torments for newly wedded couples all the time. At a recent Maine ceremony a feature was the reading of an original poem by a friend of the pair. What if the custom should become general !__Ex.

The scarlet fever patients are generally doing well. The disease does not spread to any extent. A new case is reported at the lower corner. Harry Archibald, aged 13, died on Monday of the fever. This is the second case where it has produced fatal results.

Judson Briggs of Lindsay tells The Dispatch that the best cow of the Holstein and our native animal. The results to be procured both as to milk and beef as well as in economy are better than from any other cow he has seen.

Dispatch Newspaper June 20, 1894

Michael Gallagher, of Newburg, is a well and hearty man today, and it is a wonder. On the 6th of last September, he tells THE DISPATCH, he met with a slight accident. It was this:
He was driving on a wagon along the river road and fell off the seat. The wagon was well loaded. On it were eight pieces of scantling, 40 bushels of buckwheat, 6 men, 2 barrels of flour and 20 gallons of molasses. This load passed over Michael's prostrate form and to make use of his own realistic description,
" it tore all the ribs off my back bone, shoved one rib through my bowels, and one rib ain't knit yet." It is wonderful what some men can pass through and live.

Dispatch June 20, 1894

Last Wednesday
a very pretty wedding took place at Benton, when Miss Mary Gibson, daughter of Mr. Wm. Gibson, was married to Mr. Samuel Arscott, of London, Ont., of the firm of Arscott & Co. The bride was attired in a cream satin gown trimmed with lace, a bridal veil and orange blossoms. She was attended by her sister, Miss Janet Gibson, who wore a pale blue dress of crepe de chene, and Miss Nellie McElroy, dressed in pale pink of the same material. Both costumes were exceedingly becoming. Little Lizzie Anderson acted as maid of honor and Master Harry Manaton as page. Willie Jarvis of London, Ont., and Wallace Gibson, brother of the bride, supported the groom. Rev. Mr. Manaton, with the assistance of Rev. Mr. McKay, tied the knot. The church was beautifully decorated. Mrs. C. H. Manaton presided at the organ. After the ceremony the wedding party, with relations and some immediate friends, repaired to Mr. Gibson's residence where a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Arscott left on the night train for Montreal, where they spend a few days and then proceed to their future home in London, Ont.

Dispatch June 20, 1894
Mrs. Barnaby of Digby, N. S., died at the residence of her daughter Mrs. R. B. Jones in Woodstock, on Friday morning. The funeral took place Sunday. Mrs. Barnaby was the mother of Mrs. George Connell, of this town.

Dispatch Newspaper June 20, 1894
All the papers have given THE DISPATCH a hearty welcome. This from the Sussex Record :
"We welcome to our exchange list Woodstock's new eight-page weekly, The Dispatch. The new venture is a healthy and vigorous youngster and will, we are inclined to think, make its neighbors hustle. It has a good advertising patronage and a splendid county to back it."

Dispatch June 20, 1894
Hugh Wilson, of Salmon River, Queens Co., met with a serious accident on Friday last while working in the woods for Mr. Appleby, of Northampton. He and another man were felling a tree, when the axe of his fellow workman slipped and buried in Wilson's leg just below the knee, making a very ugly cut. Dr. Sprague was called from town and dressed the wound.

Dispatch June 20, 1894
Dr. Hand lives on Chapel St., next to the Methodist church. On Wednesday last the Methodist quarterly meeting was in session in Woodstock and a large number of Methodist clergymen and laymen were in town. On Wednesday evening Dr. Hand's clothes line was rifled. Tho unjust inference that has been drawn from these coincidential facts by some evil minded people is worthy of every condemnation.

Dispatch June 20, 1894
Sandy Vanwart received a severe blow on the left eye last week while at work at Hayden's mill.

Horace Dalling went a fishing up the Meduxnakeag on Thursday last and bagged fifteen trout.

Ed Lyness, one of the men who was so badly hurt in the accident on the bridge, speaking of the laborers tax says the town " won't 'andle no $4 of mine."

infant child of Mrs. Herbert Wilson, Upper Woodstock, who was badly injured by a bottle of cau-de-cologne being poured over her face, something over a week ago, is now recovering.

Rob. Welch, while making noble efforts to pull down a "fly" on the base ball grounds last week, was struck in the eye with the ball and knocked senseless. He was not seriously injured.

Frank Johnson, engineer of the Woodstock Woodworking factory, met with an accident on Sunday morning last. He slipped and fell, causing such a severe injury to his knee, as to confine him to bed.


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