"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick Newspapers"
Daniel F. Johnston passed away on February 22, 2005
JOHNSON, DANIEL FRED - 51, Saint John, N.B., passed away peacefully at home on February 22, 2005. Born in Fort Fairfield, Me., August 25, 1953, he was the son of Fay (Tregunno) Johnson of Bedford, N.S. and the late Verdell C. Johnson (Perth-Andover, N.B.). He was a 1971 graduate of Southern Victoria High School, Perth Andover, N.B. and of UNB (Bachelor of Business Administration) in 1975. A veteran researcher, author and professional genealogist, Dan led a lifetime of achievement and accomplishment. He was a longtime member of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada. In 1985 he was named an Accredited Certified Genealogist by the Genealogical Institute of the Maritimes. He was awarded the certificate of Merit by the American Association for State and local history in 1996. He served as Director and newsletter editor of the Canadian Genealogical & Family History Association and on the executive of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society. He authored many publications on New Brunswick history and was responsible for compiling 102 volumes of New Brunswick vital statistics. He received recognition and awards for his great contribution to the preservation of New Brunswick's history. He is survived and sadly missed by his mother, Fay (Tregunno) Johnson, Bedford, N.S.; brother, Mark (Martha), Perth-Andover, N.B.; sister, Celia (Brian) Charlton, Hammonds Plains, N.S.; nieces and nephews, Laura, Emma, Andrew and Luke. Memorial service is to take place on Saturday, February 26, at 2:00 p.m. in Brenan's Select Community Funeral Home Chapel, 111 Paradise Row, Saint John, (634-7424). Family flowers only. Donations may be made to Kidney Foundation of Canada or charity of choice.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick Newspapers" Project. In 1982, Daniel F. Johnson chaired the Vital Statistics committee of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society. The objective of the committee was to extract genealogical items from New Brunswick newspapers and publish the results. After the committee disbanded, he continued the project privately. Since that time, 80 volumes have been printed covering the period 1784 to 1891 and cross referenced by 500,000 names. Included in this project is the Carleton Sentinel published in Woodstock. Other newspapers published in Fredericton such as the N.B. Reporter and The Capital contain several Carleton County references as does religious newspapers such as the Free Baptist Religious Intelligencer. Although these books are found in major libraries across North America many genealogists with N.B. roots are still unaware of this valuable source of information. About two years ago he established a search and extract service (SAE) by which the computer locates every entry for any specified surname i.e. Jones, Smith etc. and reproduces the information as it appears in the above publication, accompanied by the newspaper reference. This project is supported wholly by the sale of books and a fee for the searches. Daniel F. Johnson, C.G. received his certification from the Genealogical Institute of the Maritimes in 1985. He has have served as president of the Saint John Branch and as Vice-President on the provincial body of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society. Four new volumes are published annually. Currently working on Volume 81 and years 1891-1892. If SAE does not generate any information for surname specified, there is no charge. It is possible to search subjects if provided key words. Updated 7 Dec. 1999.
The SAE service is supplied in two ways:
1. Diskette - 3 1/2 inch in ASCII. Will also provide in Word Perfect 5.1
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2. E-Mail.New Brunswick Newspapers
Saint John (St. John Co.)
B.C. British Colonist C.G. City Gazette D.M.N. Daily Morning News D.N. Daily News D.T. Daily Telegraph FREE Morning Freeman GLOBE St. John Globe M.N. Morning News M.T. Morning Telegraph N.B.C N.B. Courier N.B.Z. N.B. Chronicle PROGRESS Progress R.I. Religious Intelligencer S.J.G. St. John Gazette S.J.H. St. John Herald STAR St. John Star SUN Daily Sun T.B. Times or True Briton T.T. Temperance Telegraph TEL Daily Telegraph VISITOR Christian Visitor WATCHMAN The Watchman W.C. Weekly Chronicle W.O. Weekly Observer
Woodstock (Carleton Co.) C.S. Carleton Sentinel W.J. Woodstock Journal W.T. Woodstock Times
Chatham (Northumberland Co.) M.M. Miramichi Mercury G.N.S. Gleaner & North. Sched. U.A. Union Advocate WORLD World
Fredericton (York Co.) CAP Fredericton Evening Capital FARMER Colonial Farmer F.T. Fredericton Telegraph H.Q. Headquarters N.B.R. New Brunswick Reporter N.B.R.G. N.B. Royal Gazette LOY Loyalist Sussex (Kings County) K.C.R. Kings County Record Moncton (Westmorland Co.) TIMES Moncton Times Sackville (Westmorland Co.) BORDER Sackville Borderer POST Chigecto Post Saint Andrews (Charlotte Co.) PILOT The Bay Pilot HERALD St. Andrews Herald STD or STA St. Andrews Standard St.AC St. Andrews Courant Saint Stephen (Charlotte Co.) BANN St. St. Stephen Banner COURIER St. Stephen Courier "Vital Statistics From New Brunswick Newspapers"
Volume To - From 1 1784-1816 2 1816-1823 3 1823-1828 4 1829-1831 5 1832-1834 6 1835-1836 7 1837-1838 8 1839-1840 9 1840-1842 10 1842-1845 11 1845-1847 12 1847-1850 13 1850-1852 14 1852-1854 15 1854-1856 16 1856-1857 17 1857-1859 18 1859-1861 19 1861-1862 20 1862-1863 SAE Examples
Appleby O'Connor Whitehouse
Research Word: Appleby
Date: 8 March 1998
Research String: APPLEB
Volume Numbers Searched: 1-72"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 1
349 Est. Samuel LOCKWOOD, St. John; Exec. Lydia LOCKWOOD, Elnathan APPLEBY.
10 November 1801 NBRG
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 3
1458 m. Saturday, 2nd inst., Robert DAVIS / Miss Ann APPLEBY.
9 February 1828 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 4
208 m. Sheffield (Sunbury Co.) 25th, by David Burpe, Esq., Charles APPLEBY / Miss Letitia BURPE, all of that place.
8 July 1829 CG
492 m. 28th, Nelson (North. Co.) Henry VYE / Elizabeth APPLEBY.
12 January 1830 GNS
544 d. 19th, Kingston (Kings Co.) Ann APPLEBY, age 21.
10 February 1830 CG
545 d. 31st, Kingston (Kings Co.) Hannah APPLEBY, age 61.
10 February 1830 CG
1829 Accident! Sunday, age 18, Ann APPLEBY d/o John APPLEBY, Saint John. Met her death at corner Prince William and Queen Sts. Verdict: The deceased came to her death in consequence of falling from the door of a stable in Queen St. a distance upward ten feet, by which the vertibrae of the neck was broken.
3 December 1831 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 5
1932 d. Thursday, Hampton parish, Kings Co., James APPLEBY, age 29. CG NBRG
22 November 1834 N.B.C.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 6
473 d. Tuesday eve., Peter APPLEBY, age 54, early settler, left large family.
29 August 1835 NBC
529 m. 17th inst., by Rev. Dr. Gray, Benjamin APPLEBY /Mrs Mary TRE___ of this city.
26 September 1835 NBC
878 m. 3rd last, by Rev. William Walker, Robert APPLEBY / Miss Jane DANIEL both of Hampton parish, King County.
19 March 1836 NBC
1054 m. Thursday eve., 9th inst., by Rev. Wilson, Peter DRAKE / Miss Sarah Jane APPLEBY, both of this city.
18 June 1836 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 7
834 d. Monday eve., Mary Jane APPLEBY w/o John APPLEBY, age 24.
24 February 1838 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 8
500 A most atrocious and wanton murder was committed at the house of Terrence FERGUSON on the road to Kingston (Kings Co.) about seven miles from this city on Tuesday last. It appears that four men named LEONARD, McGUNNAGLE, COYLE and HALEY (some of whom are married and had their wives with them) left town on the morn. of that day in waggons for a days amusement in the country, and having drank rather freely of spirituous liquors, became abusive and quarrelsome and insulted several persons on the road; and __ entered Mr. Ferguson's where their behavious towards Mrs. F., while insisting on being furnished with liquor, has highly criminal. A man named Bernard COYE in the employ of Mr. Fergusom having interfered, was literally beaten to death by the ruffians. Three of them are immediately secured by men from Mr. APPLEBY's shipyard and conveyed to Kingston Jail, but Leonard who is said to be the ringleader effected his escape and is still at large. The deceased was a native of Athlone, Ireland, by trade a Busher.
10 August 1839 STD
1385 m. Halifax, N.S., 10th inst., by Rev. W. Cogswell, George E. APPLEBY, Saint John / Miss Caroline NORRIS, Halifax.
18 July 1840 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 9
222 m. Sunday morn., new Baptist Chapel, by Rev. S. Robinson, Anthony APPLEBY of Kings Co. / Eliza J. FEARERBY youngest d/o late Thomas FEARERBY of St. John City.
31 October 1840 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 10
719 m. Tuesday eve., by Rector (St. John), John APPLEBY, Queens Co.) / Margaret Elizabeth eldest d/o John MOORE of this City.
7 January 1843 NBC
1611 m. Sussex Vale (Kings Co.) 12th inst., by Rev. H.N. Arnold, John APPLEBY, Hampton parish / Miss Elizabeth TAYLOR, former place.
27 January 1844 NBC
2591 m. 8th by Rev. Enoch Wood, John APPLEBY / Miss Eliza Fanny BUSKIRK of this city (St. John)
11 January 1845 NBC
2592 m. By same, 27th Nov., James APPLEBY, Westfield (Kings Co.) / Miss Mary Ann NEPTUNE of this city. (St. John)
11 January 1845 NBC
2812 It appears that during the dense fog on Sunday eve., the schr. "Tom Cringle" of and for this port from Boston, came to anchor close to the shore near Musquash (St. John) and on getting under way with a light air of wind, was thrown by a swell of the sea against the rocks which are almost perpendicular to the place and soon dashed to pieces. Out of a crew of five persons and nine passengers, only three individuals escaped a watery grave. These are G. KENNEDY of this city, a passenger named GILBERT of Richibucto (Kent Co.) and John APPLEBY, seaman. The following drowned: Capt. DEAN, unmarried; Mr. TYNAN, mate, left wife, three children; Henry GAULT, unmarried, of Portland, Tallow Chandler; Francis McCULLOUGH of Portland, left wife, four children; William STEWART of Portland, unmarried; James McCORMICK of this city, unmarried; Mr. GLANCY of this city, left wife and family; Capt. WATSON, late of brig "Kate Nickleby"; Mr. HANDLIN of Portland, seaman, unmarried; a sailor lad, name not known, belonging to Liverpool, G.B. and another person. The "Tom Cringle" was owned by the Master and by Capt. S.STEPHENSON of this city and was uninsured. The body of Capt. DEAN was brought to the city on Wednesday and interred day following; that of Mr. GAULT has been found and will be interred from his late residence in Pond Street at 2 o'clock Sunday.
10 May 1845 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 11
475 m. By same, 16th inst., Thomas APPLEBY / Miss Eliza Jane RICHARDSON of Deer Island (Charlotte Co.)
24 September 1845 STD
1489 d. At his residence, Darling's Island (Kings Co.), age 39, Robert APPLEBY, left wife, three children, aged mother.
16 July 1846 LOY
2056 m. 23rd ult., by Rev. Samuel Robinson, Robert APPLEBY / Miss Mary Elizabeth HUESTIS all of (St. John) city.
6 March 1847 NBC
2497 d. Hampstead (Queens Co.) 30th ult., John APPLEBY, age 83,left wife, family.
14 August 1847 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 12
849 m. Tuesday eve., by Rev. Samuel Robinson, John APPLEBY / Elizabeth STULTS eldest d/o Lewis STULTS, all of (St. John) city.
30 December 1848 NBC
870 d. 3rd inst., Eliza VANBUSKIRK eldest d/o John VANBUSKIRK and w/o John APPLEBY, age 31.
24 May 1848 CV
2498 An inquest was held before James Wetmore, Coroner 1st inst. on view of Eliza LINDSAY and Nancy JORDAN found on the ice between B. APPLEBY's ship yard, Kennebecasis and Long Island (Kings Co.) supposed to have been frozen night 30th Jan. Verdict: That Eliza LINDSAY came to her death under the influence of liquor and by excessive cold and fatigue, widow, left three children; Nancy JORDAN supposed to have been assisting the former, left husband, family. Both resided on Long Island, were on their way home from the city
9 February 1850 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 13
472 m. 14th inst., by same, Peter Earl APPLEBY (St. John) / Charlotte RICHARDS youngest d/o Thomas RICHARDS, Greenwich (Kings Co.)
16 November 1850 NBC
496 m. Wednesday 13th inst., at house of bride's father, by Rev. J. Skinner, Joseph A. DENNISTON of Scotland / Miss Hannah APPLEBY of Wickham parish (Queens Co.)
23 November 1850 NBC
1007 d. Hampton Ferry (Kings Co.) Wednesday morn., John APPLEBY, age 44, left wife, six children. Remains will be interred Sunday at Hampton Church.
8 March 1851 NBC
1589 m. Saturday, by Rev. S. Robinson, William BROWN / Mary Ann APPLEBY youngest d/o John APPLEBY of (St. John) city.
1 November 1851 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 14
2772 d. 5th inst., Queens Co., Philip APPLEBY, age 27.
11 March 1854 NBC
2982 d. Simonds (Carleton Co.) 26th ult., Charles APPLEBY eldest s/o C.S. APPLEBY, age 24.
10 March 1854 WC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 15
2919 d. Simonds (Carleton Co.) 15th inst., Ebenezer APPLEBY youngest s/o Charles S. APPLEBY, age 16.
1 March 1856 CS
3059 m. At residence of bride's father, Wickham (Queens Co.) 14th Feb., by Rev. J.C. Skinner, William APPLEBY / Miss Isabella AKERLEY both of that place.
1 March 1856 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 16
22 m. 26th ult., at house of bride, by Rev. Lewis Jack, Springfield (Kings Co.) Samuel APPLEBY, Wickham parish (Queens Co.) / Miss Rebecca Jane DEWAR, Cambridge.
12 April 1856 N.B.C.
356 m. 9th ult., by Rev. Geo. M. Armstrong, Harding ELSWORTH / Miss Anna L. APPLEBY both of this place.
2 August 1856 N.B.C.
1611 m. Thursday 17th Sept., by Rev. Wm. Henderson, James ROBINSON, Newcastle parish (North. Co.) / Miss Mary Jane APPLEBEE, Nelson parish.
19 September 1857 G.N.S.
1612 m. Same time, by same, Thomas MURE / Miss Rosanna APPLEBEE, both of Nelson parish (North. Co.)
19 September 1857 G.N.S.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 19
330 d. Darlings Island, Hampton (Kings Co.), 5th inst., Jane APPLEBY, age 79. She came to this Province with the Loyalists in 1783.
6 July 1861 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 20
92 d. Hampstead (Queens Co.) about 21st Dec., Luke APPLEBY, age 97, one of the loyalists.
10 March 1854 RI
1661 d. Florenceville (Carleton Co.) 26th Jan., of diptheria, J. Watts s/o C.S. APPLEBY, age 25.
14 February 1863 NBC
2906 d. Florenceville (Carleton Co.) 26th inst., of diptheria, J. Watts s/o C.S. APPLEBY age 25 (see original) (Fredericton papers please copy)
7 February 1863 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 21
538 m. At residence of Capt. APPLEBY, Eastport, Maine, by Rev. Martin, George WEBB (St. John) city / Frances C. third d/o late John APPLEBY, West Isles (Charlotte Co.) N.B.
28 November 1863 NBC
1242 m. 28th May, by Rev. H.J. McLardy, Benjamin APPLEBY, Woodstock (Carleton Co.) / Miss Sarah Jane HILLMAN, Richmond
11 July 1863 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 23
2113 m. 31st ult., by Rev. George Schofield, Thomas MORRISON, Black River (St. John) / Miss Charlotte Ann APPLEBY, same place.
2 January 1866 GLOBE
2376 m. 28th ult., by Rev. Samuel Robinson, Patrick FLANNAGAN / Miss Sarah APPLEBY, all of (St. John) city.
22 September 1865 RI
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 24
185 m. 28th March, by Rev. James Spencer, Seaman's Chaplain, William TOBIN / Miss Mary APPLEBY both of (St. John) city.
12 April 1866 VISITOR
868 d. Wickham (Queens Co.) 1st inst., Jane w/o Samuel APPLEBY, left husband, four children.
15 November 1866 VISITOR
936 d. Wickham (Queens Co.) 15th ult., Benjamin APPLEBY, age 80
13 December 1866 VISITOR
2275 m. 3rd inst., by Rev. Ranald F. Smith, Robert BILLINGS / Miss Matilda APPLEBY, all of this place.
6 June 1866 STD
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 26
230 Election of Mr. CUDLIP to the Local Legislature. The following is a list of his nominors, the names of those mong them (as far as known) who voted for Union two years ago, being given (underlined). (see original) Robert REED, J.V. TROOP, L. DONALDSON, L.H. DeVEBER, Charles WARD, J.V. THURGAR, Wm LIVINGSTONE, Francis FERGUSON, Alex. Petrie, Henry GILBERT, Robert ROBERTSON, James VERNON, John McSWEENY, Wm A. LAWTON, Francis RUDDOCK, George V. NOWLIN, Jmh. HARRISON, Arthur McDONALD, Joseph RUDDOCK, Francis Collins, Edward SEARS, Thomas MERRITT, John McGRATH, Thomas GILBERT, Jas. GAULT, D.J. McLAUGHLIN, A. McTAVISH, Thomas E. MILLEDGE, Wm M. McLEAN, Simeon JONES, Lewis RIVERS, James McFARLANE, Stephen P. WETMORE, Benjamin APPLEBY, Joseph BEATTEAY, Henry S. BECK, John VASSIE, Chas. PATTON, Wm N. VENNING, J. MANSON, W. ELLMAN, Charles DRURY, Geo. A. LOCKHART, J.D. LEWIN, Samuel STRANGE, Solomon HERSEY, Wm DAVIDSON, G.S. BAKER, B. LINGLEY, Robert F. HAZEN, R. KELTIE, Alex. RANKIN, Thomas McLACHLAN, W. JACK, J. TUCKER, James REED John GILLIS, George F. EVERETT, W. KENNEDY, John SMITH, Thomas HATHEWAY, J.W.M. IRISH, John ANDERSON, John CLARK, Charles KETCHUM, C.M. GARDNER, Charles MERRITT, Henry MELICK, James STACKHOUSE, John WILSON, Jr., G.H. LAWRENCE, R.N. KNIGHT, Thomas O'MAHONEY, Peter CORMACK, Charles CLERKE, James TRAVIS, Wm J. BERTON, S.R. THOMPSON.
7 April 1868 M.T.
621 d. Black River (St. John) Saturday eve. 10th inst., 8 o'clock Charlotte widow of Peter APPLEBY of this City, age 34. Funeral Tuesday from her son's residence, Black River, half past one o'clock p.m.
13 October 1868 M.T.
637 During the present Michaelmae Term, Joshua CHANDLER, B.A., Chas. LUGRIN, B.A., Stephen B. APPLEBY, L.L.B. were admitted and enrolled Attorneys of the Supreme Court.
22 October 1868 M.T.
1177 m. By Rev. Edward Hickson, 21st inst., Baptist Parsonage, Newcastle (North. Co.) John APPLEBY, Nelson / Miss Jessie HUBBARD, Northesk.
31 October 1868 GNS
1583 m. 29th ult., by Rev. Wm Walker, Rector St. George's Church, Carleton (St. John) William McCALL, New York / Annie Lavinia d/o Robert APPLEBY, Carleton.
6 February 1868 VISITOR
1864 m. 23rd ult., at residence of bride's father, by Rev. W.A. Corey, Samuel APPLEBY, Wickham (Queens Co.) / Sarah J. d/o James COWAN, Spriingfield (Kings Co.)
8 October 1868 VISITOR
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 27
61 We are pleased to learn that our friend S.B. APPLEBY secured a first class certificate and was admitted an Attorney of the Supreme Court at the recent session of that body in Fredericton.
24 October 1868 CS
1190 d. Upper Norton, 5th inst., Peter APPLEBY, age 47, left wife, five children.
9 June 1869 MN
1996 Farewell address to Rev. A.W. NICHOLSON, Chaplain of Woodstock, Lodge of F. and A.M. by Masonic Brethern. (signed) Stephen B. APPLEBY, Randolph K. JONES, Wm M. CONNELL (see original)
31 July 1869 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 28
459 m. Thursday 25th inst., St. Peter's Church, Portland, by Rev. Father Joseph Michaud, George APPLEBY, Kingston (Kings Co.) / Miss Jane McMAHON, St. Patrick, Golden Grove.
26 November 1869 M.T. (also known as D.T.)
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 29
1860 d. Friday 23rd inst., Mary APPLEBY w/o B. APPLEBY, Esq. Funeral Tuesday 27th inst., 2 o'clock from her residence Union St. (St. John)
24 December 1870 Sat. D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 30
182 d. Of apoplexy, Thursday morn., 27th ult., Mary Ann APPLEBY w/o Robert APPLEBY, Carleton (St. John), age 46, left husband, one son, three daughters. The deceased was the d/o late Robert HUESTIS of Queens Co. In her girlhood she professed her new born faith and was baptized by Rev. J.A. Smith. After her marriage she removed to St. John and subsequently united with the Baptist Church of Carleton. (see eulogy)
3 November 1870 VISITOR
534 m. 18th inst., Baptist Seminary, Fredericton, by Rev. C. Goodspeed, Benjamin APPLEBY, Southampton (York Co.) / Adeline M. PALMER, same place.
24 August 1871 VISITOR
642 John HART, known as a dealer of mineral waters, had occasion to go to Mr. APPLEBY's store on Friday afternoon on business and was in apparently good health; but while engaged in conversation with Mrs. APPLEBY, he suddenly threw up his hands and almost instantly expired. Dr. Travers stated before the Coroner's inquest that death was occasioned by the rupture of a blood vessel of the brain, occasioned by a sudden change of temperature. The deceased was baptized upon a profession of his faith many years ago in Fredericton by the late Duncan Dunbar.
9 November 1871 VISITOR
652 m. 8th inst., by Rev. J.W. Titus, John F. APPLEBY / Miss Mary E. MURDOCK both of (St. John) city.
16 November 1871 VISITOR
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 31
302 George HARTT an elderly man and dealer in `mineral water' died on Friday afternoon. It appears he had been called at the shop of Anthony APPLEBY on King St. east (St. John) in regard to the storage of some barrels, suddenly raised his arms as exclaiming `Oh,Oh' fell back upon the chair. Dr Travers was sent for, and on his arrival, it was found life had fled. The Doctor was of the opinion that death had proceeded from rupture of the heart. An inquest was held before Coroner Earle. Mr. HARTT leaves a wife and son, the latter of whom was in Fredericton at the time of the sad occurrence.
6 November 1871 DMN
598 m. Woodstock (Carleton Co.) 24th inst., by Rev. Thos. Neales, John BOYD, Dumfries Parish (York Co.) / Caroline APPLEBY d/o John APPLEBY of Rankin's Mills. 2 September 1871 CS
678 m. 6th ult., by Rev. Leopold A. Hoyt, Wm PETERS, Esq., Grand Falls (Victoria Co.) / Carrie E. APPLEBY only d/o Chas. S. APPLEBY, Esq., Florenceville (Carleton Co.)
9 December 1871 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 32
944 d. 5th inst., at residence of his brother, Benjamin APPLEBY, Union St. (St. John) / John APPLEBY, age 69. His remains will be taken to the Episcopal Church, Black River, Simonds Parish (St. John) Funeral Thursday 8th inst., 1 p.m.
6 August 1872 D.T.
1006 Fatal Accident at South Bay - Killed by a PicNic Train - The lady killed was Mrs. Nelson WILLIAMS who resided at South Bay, only a short distance from the station. She was about 54 years old and had a family of five children. Her husband is a boss Millwright and is known as a first class mechanic. When the accident happened he was at Miramichi engaged in some work in Messrs. Ritchie and Snowball's mill. An inquest was held yesterday by Coroner Rigby. The jury were: Wm ROXBOROUGH, E.J. SHELDON, Wm HALSEY, Freeman SPEARIN, Walter TURNBULL, Chas. GODSOE, James COOPER Testimonies of Angus MURRAY, engine driver; Benjamin APPLEBY, conductor; George ABRAM, brakeman; Phoebe WILLIAMS, daughter of deceased; William THOMAS, Millman. The deceased Elizabeth WILLIAMS on Wednesday 21st Aug., at the crossing at Lancaster Station, came to her death accidentally. The body of Mrs. WILLIAMS will be brought to Carleton (St. John) today for interment.
24 August 1872 D.T.
1028 d. Carleton (St. John) Monday eve., 26th inst., Henry Oscar APPLEBY, age 4 mos. 29 days, only child of Benjamin APPLEBY and Mary APPLEBY. Funeral Wednesday 3 o'clock from his father's residence, Winslow St.
28 August 1872 D.T.
1410 d. Carleton (St. John) Monday eve., 26th inst., Henry Oscar APPLEBY, age 4 mos. 20 days, only child of Benjamin APPLEBY and Mary APPLEBY. Funeral Wednesday 3 o'clock from his father's residence, Winslow St., Carleton.
28 August 1872 D.N.
1647 Railway Collision - Inquest on the bodies of Angus MURRAY and Edward SHEEHAN Testimonies of Benjamin APPLEBY, Oscar JOHNSTON, Station Master, John B. TAYLOR (see original)
26 November 1872 D.N.
1777 St. John City School Taxes Assessments: East Side - Benj. APPLEBY
6 July 1872 FREE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 34
141 The Hampton Tragedy - The following parties will be required to attend the coroner's investigation: Henry MELICK, George WOODS, Jas. WOODS, Andrew McALARY, John McGINLEY, Martin O'BRIEN, Joseph STACKHOUSE, Robt. APPLEBY, Wm APPLEBY, Dennis B. MABEE, James MABEE, Thos. OGDEN, Wm TAYLOR, Wm MORTON, N.R. GORHAM, H.T. FOWLER, John DARLING. Testimonies of R.B. VAIL, John KENNY, James KINCADE, John M. STAFFORD (see original)
28 August 1873 D.T.
741 The funeral of the late Hon. W.H. STEEVES took place yesterday from Cedar Cliff and was largely attended by the leading men of the city. The service at the house was conducted by Rev. Carey of Germain St. Baptist Church, assisted by Rev. I.E. Bill. The pall bearers were: Hon. Judge WETMORE, Hon. A. McL. SEELEY, James REED, Robert REED, John HEGAN, James D. LEWIN. The singing at the house was led by the choir of the Germain St. Baptist Church. The body was taken to Rural Cemetery. The prayer at the grave was offered by Rev. Carey. By kind permission of B. APPLEBY the body was committed to his family vault until the spring, when it will be removed to the family burying ground. (Rural Cemetery is now known as Fernhill Cemetery, Westmorland Road, Saint John)
13 December 1873 D.T.
2241 m. Nelson (North. Co.) 27th Nov., by Rev. James Anderson, Peter APPLEBY, Nelson / Miss Margaret GODFREY, Glenelg
3 December 1873 U.A.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 47
880 d. Tuesday afternoon, 28th Aug., at residence of B.H. APPLEBY, Esq., Sand Point, Carleton (St. John) Maud Leah NAPIER w/o John Robert NAPIER, age 55. The funeral will leave her residence Market Square, Thursday afternoon. Funeral services in St. George's Church, 2 o'clock.
29 October 1879 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 49
369 Address to Thomas W. LONGSTAFF, Esq., Grafton (Carleton Co.) on the eve of his departure for Digby, N.S. by inhabitants of Woodstock (sgd) Stephen SMITH, M.D., William DIBBLEE, Charles McKEEN, Wm A. BALLOCH, H.A. CONNELL, J.H. DUGAN, David MUNRO, Donald MUNRO, C.P. CONNELL, M.D., F.R.J. DIBBLEE, J.T. ALLAN, John FISHER, Chas. W. JENNIE, R.K. JONES, John C. WINSLOW, W.T. BAIRD, W.F. GLIDDEN, G.W. SLIPP, J.A. SLIPP, D.F. MERRITT, John WALKER, James WATTS, John McCORMACK, Wm WALLACE, John DALTON, R. MAXSTEAD, L.S. VANWART, Stephen B. APPLEBY, James CARR, Charles O'DONNELL, B. LYNCH, James McELROY, John REGAN, A.B. CONNELL, J.D. KETCHUM, E.W. WILLIAMS, John HAMILTON, Hugh HAY, Jr., Hugh HAY, W.B. JEWETT, Robert SMITH, Gilbert S. FLETCHER, J.H. HALL, J.R. TUPPER, Wm T. DRYSDALE.
3 May 1879 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 50
464 m. Portland (St. John) 6th inst., by Rev. W.A. Corey, Phillip J. APPLEBY, Wickham (Queens Co.) / Rebecca J. CAMERON, Cambridge
20 October 1880 VISITOR
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 51
925 m. At residence of John BLIZARD, Esq., Portland (St. John) 6th inst., by Rev. W.A. Corey, Phillip J. APPLEBY, Wickham (Queens Co.) / Rebecca J. CAMERON, Cambridge
9 October 1880 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 52
687 Funeral of F.T. BRIDGES, Mayor of Woodstock, took place yesterday afternoon under the direction of the Masonic fraternity. A short service was held at the residence at 2:30 p.m. by Rev. G.W. McDonald; Chaplain of the Masonic Lodge, assisted by Rev. W.W. Colpitts. Pall bearers were S.B. APPLEBY, W.S. SAUNDERS, S. McLEOD, Wm DRYSDALE, John S. GIBSON, Josiah MURPHY. Mr. Bridges was in the 38th year of his age and leaves a wife and three children. He was the son of Henry BRIDGES of Sheffield (Sunbury Co.). He served his time as a watchmaker in Saint John where he had many friends. He came to Woodstock about twenty years ago where he followed the occupation of watchmaker, dealer in silverware, jewelry, etc. He identified himself with the temperance workers. He was a member of the Town Council for several years. Last March he was elected to the Mayoralty. He fell victim to consumption. (abridged)
17 November 1880 D.N.
758 d. Hartford, Conn., Wednesday 24th inst., Peter APPLEBY, formerly of Moncton, age 20.
29 November 1880 D.N.
1600 Peter APPLEBY of Moncton, brakeman on the New York and New England Railway was recently
killed in a collision between an engine and a freight train.
4 December 1880 FREE
"Vital StatisticsFrom New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 53
252 d. Hartford, Conn., Wednesday 24th inst., Peter APPLEBY, formerly of Moncton, N.B., age 20.
29 November 1880 GLOBE
1256 m. Germain St. Baptist Church (St. John) 8th inst., by Rev. G.M.W. Carey, A.M., William APPLEBY, St. John / Lila TREADWELL eldest d/o William TREADWELL, Esq., Hampton (Kings Co.)
9 July 1880 SUN
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 54
721 Peter APPLEBY, brakeman, age 20, was killed at Andover, Conn. on 23rd ult. He was a son of Mrs. Norman BENTON of Moncton, N.B. and the body was taken there for interment.
2 December 1880 POST
1288 d. Hartford, Conn, Wednesday 24th, Peter APPLEBY, formerly of Moncton, age 20. Funeral tomorrow half past 1 o'clock from residence of Norman BEATON, Telegraph Street (St. John papers please copy) (see also original p.3 c.4)
27 November 1880 TIMES
1510 d. Nelson (North. Co.) 8th inst., Jane APPLEBY w/o William APPLEBY and d/o late John REDMAN, native of Nova Scotia, age 66.
13 December 1876 U.A.
1837 d. At residence of her grandmother, Mrs. APPLEBY, Benton (York Co.) 10th inst., of croup, Ellen BILLINGS, age 5, d/o Robert BILLINGS, St. Andrews (Charlotte Co.)
21 January 1881 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 56
3965 d. 10th inst., at residence of her grandmother, Mrs. APPLEBY, Benton (York Co.) of croup, Ellen BILLINGS, age 5, d/o Robert BILLINGS of Town of St. Andrews (Charlotte Co.) The remains were interred in the Rural Cemetery yesterday.
13 January 1881 PILOT
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 57
293 d. Derby (North. Co.) Sunday night, 2nd inst., Janet B.E. Vye APPLEBY w/o Hiram APPLEBY, grand daughter of John EDGAR and d/o Joseph VYE and Eleanor VYE, age 22. The remains will be removed from the residence of Jos. Vye for interment in the burial ground of St. James's Church at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
5 January 1881 U.A.
513 d. Derby (North. Co.) Janet B.E. APPLEBY w/o Hiram APPLEBY, granddaughter of John EDGAR and d/o Joseph VYE and Eleanor VYE, age 22.
6 January 1881 TIMES
2075 m. Benton (Carleton Co.) 23rd inst., by Rev. Thomas Neales, William H. MURCHIE / Georgie A. APPLEBY youngest d/o John APPLEBY, both of Benton.
31 January 1882 D.T.
4141 m. At residence of bride's mother, Gagetown (Queens Co.) 21st inst., by Rev. W. Harrison, George BROOKS, Gagetown / Miss Agnes APPLEBY, same place.
25 October 1882 D.T.
4172 m. Avondale (Carleton Co.) 19th inst., by Rev. Edwin Mills, Peter APPLEBY, Wilmot / Miss Nina Jane ORSER, Brighton.
30 October 1882 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 58
103 m. At residence of brides father, 18th July, by Rev. Isaac N. Parker, Hiram APPLEBY / Alice CLOUSTON d/o John CLOUSTON, both of Derby (North. Co.)
27 July 1882 D.N.
829 Address to Miss Maud THOMPSON who was about to attend Normal School by fellow pupils of Mrs. Chas. McLEAN's school (sgd) Alice BULL, Millie BAIRD, Alice EMERY. Josie WATTS, Charlie APPLEBY, Clarence DAVIS, George BAKER, Blanche THOMPSON, Gertie CONNOR, George ARNOLD, Cynthia VEYSEY, Mary HAYDEN, Randolph McLEAN, James BOYER, Violet BARKER, Florrie SMITH, Lucinda SMITH, Adella DRYSDALE, Clara CARR, Minnie DONOHO.
28 October 1882 C.S.
2541 m. 18th ult., at residence of bride's father, Derby (North. Co.) by Rev. Isaac N. Parker, Hiram APPLEBY / Alice CLOUSTON d/o John CLOUSTON, all of Derby
3 August 1882 POST
3342 d. Carleton (St. John) 15th inst., Herbert Dowling APPLEBY fourth s/o B.H. APPLEBY and Mary APPLEBY, age 3 years 6 mos. Funeral Wednesday 2 o'clock from his father's residence, Lancaster.
17 January 1883 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 59
239 d. Lancaster Heights (St. John) Wednesday eve. 25th April, Mary Elizabeth APPLEBY w/o Benjamin H. APPLEBY, age 36, left husband, three children. (Boston, Mass. papers please copy) Funeral will leave her residence for St. George's Church, Friday afternoon, half past 1 o'clock.
26 April 1883 D.T.
2103 m. At residence of groom's father, 27th ult., by Rev. J.F. Estey, Frank F. APPLEBY / Miss Lizzie A. CALDER, both of West Isles (Charlotte Co.)
17 December 1883 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 60
1051 Mrs. E. APPLEBY d/o Deacon GOSS of St. George (Charlotte Co.) died 26th May last, age 27. She was baptized by Rev. T. Crawley eight years ago and became a member of the 2nd Falls Church. She leaves a husband, parents, two brothers, four sisters.
15 August 1883 VISITOR
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 61
4167 d. Saint John city, 21st inst., Mrs. Leah Appleby widow of Arthur CORRIE. Funeral from her residence 133 King St. east, Sunday half past 2 o'clock. (cross reference: Leah APPLEBY) GLOBE: Aug. 23 Arthur COREY)
21 August 1884 GLOBE
4177 d. Friday 22nd inst., Eliza APPLEBY w/o Anthony APPLEBY, 73rd year. Funeral from 149 Erin St.,Saint John to go by 8 o'clock train to Norton (Kings Co.) for interment.
23 August 1884 GLOBE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 62
114 d. Saint John city, at his residence Erin St., Saint John, Anthony APPLEBY, 78th year. Funeral Thursday St. Martins (St. John) after arrival of noon day train.
20 October 1884 GLOBE
881 An accident occurred at Millville (York Co.) on Thursday afternoon. James APPLEBY was sawing wood with horse power when the driving belt came off. Mr. Appleby turned to the brake and put it down on the wheel suddenly, breaking the rim. A piece of the broken wheel flew off and struck him on the temple, crushing his skull. He only lived a few moments. The deceased was a man about 65 and resided on the Woodstock road, two miles from Millville.
18 December 1884 CAP
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 63
39 Riel Rebellion - The Saint John City Troops - Below is a list of men selected to go with the New Brunswick contingent to the Northwest. All these men will have to pass a medical examination and therefore the list is not final. Company 2: Color Sgt. J.W. APPLEBY (see original) (see also D.T. May 13, 1885, page 2 col. 4 for names of men of the Infantry School Corps, Fredericton who start for the front) (see also D.T. May 19,1885 `Forward March')
14 May 1885 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 67
918 m. Millville (York Co.) 26th ult., by Rev. G.B. Trafton, Edward APPLEBY / Miss Annie GOOD, Mapleton 5 July 1887 D.T.
1100 m. At residence of Isaac WETMORE, 14th inst., by Rev. Thos. Todd, Thomas V. KEIRSTEAD, Sheffield (Sunbury Co.) / Miss Emma M. APPLEBY, Bloomfield (Kings Co.)
19 July 1887 D.T.
1898 Coburn BURPEE, wife and daughter, Philadelphia, were guests of S.B. APPLEBY while in Woodstock on their visit to many friends in New Brunswick.
17 September 1887 D.T.
3974 A few days ago, Benj. APPLEBY who lives at Riverside, while crossing a field at his place, was attacked by a young bull, which threw him to the ground, stamped upon him and tried to gore him. He partially defended himself with a stone which he held in one hand while he clung to the animal's horn with the other. His cries at last brought him assistance, but not before he was very severely injured.
5 August 1887 GLOBE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 68
1204 m. Millville (York Co.) 26th inst., by Rev. G.B. Trafton, Edward APPLEBY / Miss Annie GOOD, Mapleton
2 July 1887 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 69
2045 d. Charlestown (Carleton Co.) 23rd ult., Nina Jane APPLEBY w/o Peter APPLEBY, age 22.
10 March 1888 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 70
753 d. Deer Island (Charlotte Co.) 4th inst., John W. APPLEBY, age 69 years 5 mos.
19 October 1888 D.T.
1961 the fishing schr. "Geo. W. Pierce" went into Portland, Maine on Sunday with a flag at half mast for the supposed loss of one of her crew who was lost in his dory Saturday afternoon while fishing off Cape Elizabeth. His name was Lewis J. APPLEBY, about 35 years of age and a native of New Brunswick. He was married but had no children.
7 February 1888 GLOBE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 71
165 Deer Island (Charlotte Co.) John APPLEBY of Chocolate Cove, one of the oldest settlers on the Island, died Wednesday after a short illness. The funeral, which took place on Friday, was attended by Rev. Hughes of Eastport.
10 October 1888 SUN
578 S.B. APPLEBY, Esq. left on Monday morn. for Boston, there to meet the remains of his mother-in- law, Mrs. Holland ESTEY who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. McGUIRE of New York. The remains reached Florenceville (Carleton Co.) on Wednesday morn. and were interred there the same afternoon.
7 January 1888 CS
652 d. Charlestown (Carleton Co.) 23rd Feb., Nina Jane APPLEBY w/o Peter APPLEBY, age 22, of consumption, left husband, two little sons.
10 March 1888 CS
1924 d. Deer Island (Charlotte Co.) 4th Oct., John W. APPLEBY, age 69 years 5 mos.
18 October 1888 COURIER
SAE Example
Research Word: O'Connor
Date: 25 July 1998
Volume Numbers Searched: 1-72"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 1
35 Found dead, Scotch Row (St. John) city, 21st inst., Charles O'CONNER, broken neck. Verdict wilful murder by person unknown
27 March 1787 NBRG
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 2
318 d. Ireland, Thomas O'CONNOR, Esq. only lineal descendant of the ancient Monarchs of Ireland. 31 March 1818 NBRG
812 m. Newcastle, North Co., Timothy O'CONNOR, age 25 / Widow WALSH, age 50.
7 March 1820 NBRG
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 4
286 m. Halifax, N.S., James McDONALD / Anastatia CODY; Patrick O'CONNOR / Miss McGRATH; Eon McDONALD / Eliz. SHAW, P.E.I.
18 August 1829 GNS
1013 d. Halifax, N.S., Samuel WESTON, Catherine O'CONNER; Robert FLETCHER, Windsor Rd., John STEWART, John Christopher DUGELL, James McPHERSON.
2 November 1830 GNS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 5
495 m. Fredericton, Saturday last, by Rev. McSweeney, Timothy O'CONNOR / Miss Ellen COONEY, both of that place.
3 November 1832 N.B.C.
809 m. Fredericton, 16th by Rev. Michael McSweeny, Henry JACKSON / Joanna O'CONNOR eldest d/o Michael O'CONNOR NBRG
23 May 1833 N.B.C.
1281 d. Monday last, Thomas O'CONNOR, carpenter, age 40, mechanic Member of the Friendly Sons of Erin Society. CG NBRG
11 January 1834 N.B.C.
1347 Est.: Thomas O'CONNOR, carpenter, Saint John; Exec.: Julia O'CONNOR, Dennis O'NEILL
15 February 1834 N.B.C.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 6
1193 m. Tuesday, by Rev. Dunphy, Michael KOOGAN / Miss Bridget O'CONNOR, both of this city.
20 August 1836 NBC
605 d. Sunday 28th ult., Eliza O'CONNOR second d/o Thomas O'CONNOR of St. John City, age 15.
10 April 1841 NBC
905 d. Saturday, Catherine O'CONNOR youngest d/o late Thomas O'CONNOR of St. John City, age 13.
31 July 1841 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 10
808 d. Fredericton (York Co.), Friday 3rd Feb., Mary O'CONNOR w/o Michael O'CONNOR, Deputy Land Surveyor.
25 February 1843 NBC
2753 d. Fredericton (York Co.) Sunday morn., 16th inst., Andrew O'CONNOR, age 46. 29 March 1845 NBC
3122 d. Sunday morn., Andrew O'CONNOR, age 46.
21 March 1845 NBR
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 11
1892 d. Fredericton (York Co.) 9th inst., by Rev. Dollard, John McGINTY, St. Andrews (Charlotte Co.) / Anna O'CONNOR second d/o Michael O'CONNOR, former place.
16th September 1846 STD
2455 A List of Passengers who have died in Hospital on PartridgeIsland (St. John) with their names and ages and the names of vessels in which they arrived at Quarantine during the month of July 1847. From Barque "Pallas" from Cork - Thos. O'CONNOR, 15
7 August 1847 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 12
1094 d. New York, 27th ult., age 22, James O'CONNER s/o late Andrew O'CONNER of Fredericton (York Co.)
17 November 1848 NBR
1191 d. At her son's residence, Bathurst (Glouc. Co.) Maria Charlotte O'CONNOR widow of Thomas O'CONNOR formerly Dublin, Ireland.
5 December 1848 GNS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 13
425 m. Tuesday eve., 29th ult., St. Malachy's Church, by Rev. James Quin, James O'CONNOR / Mary Ann FINN widow of James FINN, merchant, all of (St. John) city.
2 November 1850 NBC
557 d. Fredericton (York Co.) 12th inst., Daniel O'CONNOR, age 42
21 December 1850 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 14
1860 d. Fredericton (York Co.) 25th, Miss Frances Catherine O'CONNOR, age 22.
29 October 1853 NBC
2580 m. 10th inst., St. Malachi's Church, by Rev. John Quinn, John GAHAN / Mary Anne Josephine O'CONNOR d/o late Thomas O'CONNOR of (St. John) city.
14 January 1854 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 15
1484 m. Mill Town (Charlotte St.) 1st inst., by Rev. Quinn, James T. O'CONNOR, St. John / Elizabeth A. WADDELL eldest d/o James WADDELL, St. Stephen.
10 August 1855 WC
3019 d. Pugwash, N.S., 24th Dec., Simon O'CONNER, native of Tipperary, Ireland, formerly soldier 16th Foot in which regiment he served under late Duke of Wellington in most of the battles obtained by that great General.
19 January 1856 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 16
1385 d. Simonds (Carleton Co.) 21st inst., Charles O'CONNOR, age 50, left widow, nine children.
20 June 1857 C.S.
1723 d. Friday morn., Stephen O'CONNOR, age 33. Funeral Sunday 2 o'clock from his residence Brussells St. (St. John)
31 January 1857 N.B.C.
1737 d. (St. John) city, Friday morn. 30th Jan., Stephen O'CONNOR age 38; On Monday afternoon, 2nd Feb., his brother, James O'CONNOR, age 35.
7 February 1857 N.B.C.
2370 d. Monday afternoon, James O'CONNOR age 35. Funeral Thursday 3 o'clock from his residence Dock St. (St. John)
4 February 1857 M.N.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 17
1853 m. Kingsclear (York Co.) 3rd ult., by Rev. Black, Robert B. WOOD / Ellen O'CONNOR second d/o
Timothy O'CONNOR, all of Fredericton
3 March 1858 H.Q.
717 d. Alma (Albert Co.), 22nd inst. Sunday, of putrid sore throat, age 6 years 1 month, Margaret O'CONNOR second d/o Roderick O'CONNOR and Catherine O'CONNOR.
28 December 1861 NBC
2297 d. Alma (Albert Co.), 22nd ult., of putrid sore throat, age 6 years one month, Margaret O'CONNOR
second d/o Roderick O'CONNOR and Catherine O'CONNOR.
1 January 1862 HQ
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 20
1643 We learn from Halifax that a man named O'CONNOR, a carpenter was killed Monday morn. on
the railway line near Windsor, N.S. He was passing over the top of a box car at the time to reach the passenger car, having stepped on a platform car in the fore part of the train and was struck on the back of the head by a stringer while passing over a bridge crossing and killed instantly.
14 February 1863 NBC
1822 m. Cathedral, Tuesday morn., by Rev. John Quinn, John O'CONNOR / Mary E. fourth d/o Michael FINN, St. John.
9 May 1863 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 23
1745 d. At her son's residence, Calais (Maine) 12th inst., Mrs. Julia O'CONNOR. Her remains will be brought to (St. John) city and the funeral will take place from the Suspension Bridge 4 o'clock. 15 January 1866 MN
2086 On New Year's Day, the young men belonging to the Cathedral Choir presented Prof. COLEMAN
a handsome walking cane. (signed) Geo. McSORLEY, John C. FERGUSON, P. McARDLE, Nicholas MURPHY, James GUTHRIE, Jno. O'CONNOR, James W. McSORLEY, Timothy McCARTHY, Jr., James BARRY, Thomas KELLY. (Henry S. COLEMAN, Esq. was Director of Cathedral Choir)
4 January 1866 FREE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 24
676 m. 1st inst., at Cathedral, by Rev. Wm J. Foley, John E. HOGAN, Portland (St. John) / Mary second d/o Timothy O'CONNOR of this city.
13 September 1866 VISITOR
696 d. Sunday morn., 16th inst., John O'CONNOR, age 26, native of County Wexford, Ireland, left widow, one child.
20 September 1866 VISITOR
1658 d. Sunday morn., 16th inst., John O'CONNOR, age 26, native of County Wexford, Ireland, left widow, one child. Funeral Tuesday 2 1/2 o'clock from his residence 4 Orange St. (St. John)
17 September 1866
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 25
1701 m. Christ Church, St. Stephen (Charlotte Co.) Thursday eve., 15th Nov., by Rev. J.H. Saturley, Thomas STEWART / Hannah O'CONNOR, both of St. Stephen.
29 November 1867 COURIER
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 26
1798 m. 22nd inst., by Elder G. Garraty, Allen BELYEA, Greenwich (Kings Co.) / Henrietta O'CONNOR, Portland (St. John)
30 July 1868 VISITOR
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 28
757 d. Sunday 6th inst., Daniel O'CONNOR, age 91, native of County Kerry, Ireland and for 43 years a resident of this city. Funeral Tuesday 2:30 o'clock from residence of his son-in-law, James COSTIGAN, No. 4 North St. (St. John)
8 March 1870 FREE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 29
375 We learn from Halifax, N.S. papers that on Wednesday a disaster occurred on that harbor by which two young men, James O'CONNOR and Martin O'CONNOR and their sister, Margaret, lost their lives. The men, accompanied by two of their sisters, Miss BUTLER and Mrs. Jas. O'CONNOR went in a sail boat for a short excursion on the harbor and when in the vicinity of George's Island, the encountered the brigantine "Chieftain" beating out, and were run down. James O'COONOR had been married but a few months. His brother Martin was about 16 and their sister Margaret, about 18 years old. (see original)
22 July 1870 Friday D.T.
389 An inquest was held Friday on the bodies of James O'CONNOR and Margaret O'CONNOR who were drowned in Halifax harbor Wednesday last. The body of Martin O'CONNOR has not yet been recovered. (see original)
25 July 1870 Monday D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 30
1382 d. Tuesday eve., 31st Jan., Ellen O'CONNOR w/o Patrick O'CONNOR and d/o James SULLIVAN of Crough, Bantry, County Cork, Ireland. Funeral Thursday 2 1/2 o'clock from her residence corner Main St. and Paradise Row, Portland (St. John) (Boston `Pilot' and Cork papers please copy)
2 February 1871 FREE
1515 d. Tuesday night, 6th June, Bridget O'CONNOR, age 84, native of County Kerry, Ireland. Funeral from residence of James COSTIGAN, No. 4 North St. (St. John) Thursday 2 1/2 o'clock. (Boston papers please copy)
8 June 1871 FREE
2349 m. Manse, Bathurst (Glouc. Co.) 15th inst., by Rev. Frederick (Home) John MacMILLAN, blacksmith / Lucy O'CONNOR, both of Bathurst.
23 February 1871 U.A.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 31
1149 m. 30th Nov., by Rev. James Quinn, James T. O'CONNOR, merchant / Miss Lucy OGDEN, both of St. Stephen (Charlotte Co.)
7 December 1871 COURIER
1886 d. Wednesday morn., 17th inst., Mrs. Ellen O'CONNOR, age 73. Funeral 19th inst. 2 1/2 o'clock from her residence 4 Brussells St. (St. John)
18 April 1872 D.N.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 32
671 m. Cathedral, Thursday morn. 6th inst., by Rev. Michaud, Charles O'REGAN / Miss Annie O'CONNOR both of (St. John) city.
7 June 1872 D.T.
916 m. At residence of bride's father, 17th inst., by Rev. Frederick Home, Francis O'CONNOR / Sarah McMILLAN d/o James McMILLAN, all of Bathurst (Glouc. Co.)
31 July 1872 D.T.
1264 m. At the Cathedral, Thursday morn., 6th inst., by Rev. Michaud, Charles O'REGAN / Miss Annie
O'CONNER both of (St. John) city.
7 June 1872 D.N.
1758 m. Cathedral, Thursday morn., 6th inst., by Rev. Michaud, Charles O'REGAN / Miss Annie O'CONNOR both of (St. John) city.
8 June 1872 FREE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 33
199 m. At residence of bride's father, 17th inst., by Rev. Frederick Home, Francis O'CONNOR / Sarah McMILLAN d/o James McMILLAN, all of Bathurst (Glouc. Co.)
31 July 1872 U.A.
920 A Montreal paper states that Jeremiah McCARTHY of Souris, P.E.I. has become heir to a fortune
of $ 10,000 left to him by some relative if Ireland. Messrs. James WALLACE and John B. O'CONNOR of Milk St., Cork, Ireland advertise they are ready to pay Mr. McCARTHY the above amount when he presents his claim.
1 March 1873 D.T.
1208 d. St. Stephen (Charlotte Co.) Wednesday 16th inst., Lucy A. O'CONNOR w/o James T. O'CONNOR, age 21.
23 April 1873 D.T.; 24 April 1873 FREE; 24 April 1873 COURIER
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 35
1062 d. Town of Portland (St. John) Monday morn., 19th inst., Patrick O'CONNOR, age 67, native of Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Funeral Wednesday 21st inst., from his residence corner Main St. and Paradise Row.
20 January 1874 D.N.
1474 d. Town of Portland (St. John) Monday 19th inst., Patrick O'CONNOR, age 67, native of Bantry,
County Cork, Ireland. Funeral Wednesday 21st inst., 2 o'clock from his residence corner Main St. and Paradise Row. (Boston `Pilot' please copy)
20 January 1874 FREE
1865 d. At her father's residence, Friday 7th inst., Dora Agnes Perpetus O'CONNOR third d/o T. O'CONNOR, Esq. of Fredericton city.
12 August 1874 NBR
2069 d. Fredericton, 7th inst., Dora Agnes Perpetua O'CONNOR third d/o T. O'CONNOR, Esq.
12 August 1874 STD
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 37
968 A man named O'CONNER was killed near Summerside, P.E.I. Tuesday, by the fall of a timber on him.
23 July 1875 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 41
1585 Address to Robert CHALMERS, teacher of the Superior School at Campbellton (Rest. Co.) on his departure by residents of Campbellton (sgd) A. McKENZIE, M.P.P., Wm MOTT, J.P., J.B. McKENZIE, Geo. A. BALCOM, M.D., Robt. PARKER, A.R. CHAMBERLIN, Wm FERGUSON, Wm McRAE, Hugh O'KEEFE, H. MELANSON, John SMITH, Jas. SMITH, David J. FRASER, Wm DALY, D.C. FIRTH, Robt. RUTHERFORD, Shields CONNOR, John McMILLAN, Wm MURRAY, John McKENDRICK, G.E. ASKER, Alex. COOL, James MENZIES, Chas. MURRAY, J.P., M. PATTERSON, J.P., A. FERGUSON, V.J.A. VENNER, M.D., A.M. KENDRICK, P.M., John HENDERSON, Jas. BAIRD, Wm WEST, P. ROY, John KEAN, Archd. SMITH, Donald SMITH, Walter GLOVER, H.R. SMITH, E.M. TOMNEY, David CONNOR, J.W. McDONALD, Richard PARKER, D. McDONALD, John LINDSAY, J.P. MOWAT, F. O'CONNOR, Richard DAWSON Address from pupils: H.A. SMITH, A.D. McKENDRICK, W.A. MOTT, Freddie PRICE, A.O. DAWSON, Maggie BOTSFORD, Annie E. KERR, Lavinia McKENDRICK, Lizzie PRICE, Janie O'BRIEN, Jessie MURRAY, Ellie E. KERR, Janie K. THOMSON, Maggie KEAN, Sarah COOL, Ethel H. MOTT, James McDONALD, Joseph ELMS, George McKENZIE, John KERR, Joseph PINETTE, Herbert LeCRASS, Isaac CRAWFORD, John McDONALD, David McRAE, Edward KEAN, Albert CONNACHER, Lizzie JARDINE, Edith FERGUSON, Minnie McDONALD.
8 November 1877 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 45
1254 m. Cathedral, 22nd Aug., by Rev. A. Ouellet, J.F. O'CONNOR / Miss Katie GALLAGHER both of
Town of Portland (St. John) 29 August 1878 FREE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 47
2254 d. New York, Tuesday 1st inst., Margaret O'CONNOR w/o Bartholomew O'CONNOR, age 28.
7 July 1879 D.N.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 48
1023 d. New York, Tuesday 1st inst., Margaret O'CONNOR w/o Bartholomew O'CONNOR, age 28. Funeral from residence of Mrs. LENNIHAN, Sunday half past 2 o'clock.
5 July 1879 GLOBE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 56
2587 m. Cathedral, New York, 1st Oct., by Rt. Rev. Mons. Quinn, D.D., V.G., Mary Catherine WALSH only d/o late Patrick WALSH, Halifax, N.S. / Philip F. O'CONNOR, New York.
6 October 1881 FREE
3912 The funeral of Miss SHARKEY who departed this life last Thursday took place this morn. 9 o'clock from her residence near the Barker House. The principle mourners were Owen SHARKEY, Esq., James T. SHARKEY, father and brother of deceased and in the carriage immediately following the mother and sisters of the deceased. The pall bearers were T.G. O'CONNOR, Esq., James DEVER, Esq., Thomas LUCY, Esq., T.A. SHARKEY, Peter FARRELL and J. OWENS, jr. The remains were interred in the new Catholic Cemetery (see original)
6 August 1881 CAP
3089 d. Metis, Quebce, by Rev. T. Fenwick, Presbyterian Minister, George H. GORHAM / Miss Maria C. O'CONNER, both of Ste. Flavie Station, I.C.R.
30 April 1881 SUN
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 57
2578 d. Public Hospital, Saint John, 22nd inst., Thomas A. O'CONNOR, age 58, left wife, nine children. (Portland, Maine papers please copy)
24 March 1882 D.T.
2846 m. R.C. Church, St. George (Charlotte Co.) 16th inst., by Rev. E. Doyle, Louis O'CONNOR, Black's Harbour / Miss Jane GILLIS, P.E.I.
22 April 1882 D.T.
2858 d. New Ireland (Albert Co.) 26th ult., Isabella O'CONNOR w/o Jeremiah O'CONNOR, age 25 years 9 mos.
22 April 1882 D.T.
3096 d. Saint John city, 28th inst., Timothy O'CONNOR, native of Inchmore, County Kerry, Ireland, 69th year. Funeral from his residence Cliff St., Tuesday half past 2 o'clock.
29 May 1882 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 58
22 m. Cathedral, 26th inst., by Rev. A. Ouellet, John O'CONNOR, Waterford (Kings Co.) / Helen BARRETT, Saint John
28 June 1882 D.N.
277 m. Cathedral, 19th inst., by Rev. A. Ouellet, H. O'CONNOR / Sarah MOONEY d/o B. MOONEY, Esq. of Saint John city.
20 September 1882 D.N.
1038 d. New Ireland, Isabella O'CONNOR w/o Jeremiah O'CONNOR, 26th year.
28 March 1882 GLOBE
1090 d. Bathurst Road (Glouc. Co.) N.B., 8th April, William Allen O'CONNOR fifth s/o Charles J. O'CONNOR and Lucy O'CONNOR, age 18 years 8 mos.
27 April 1882 GLOBE
2360 d. 26th ult., New Ireland (Albert Co.) Isabella O'CONNOR w/o Jeremiah O'CONNOR, age 26 years 9 mos.
20 April 1882 POST
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 59
123 m. New Ireland (Albert Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. E.J. McAuley, Jeremiah O'CONNOR / Miss Annie O'REGAN, Hopewell Hill.
9 April 1883 D.T.
619 d. At his residence Sunday 17th inst., William O'CONNOR, native of Wexford, Ireland, 79th year. Funeral from his residence, Millidge Road (St. John) Wednesday half past 2 o'clock.
20 June 1883 D.T.
840 d. Saint John city, 17th inst., Willie J. O'CONNOR, age 9 years 6 mos., youngest s/o Philip O'CONNOR and Ellen O'CONNOR. Funeral Thursday half past 2 o'clock from residence of his parents Brussells St.
19 July 1883 D.T.
1478 On Sunday last Halifax, N.S. was aroused over a fatal case of abortion on a widow woman, Bridget O'CONNOR, age 23. (see original)
10 October 1883 D.T.
2120 d. Halifax, N.S., 16th inst., 56th year, Edward R. O'CONNOR, native of Brighton, England and for past 18 years chief clerk in the Agency of the Queen Insurance Company in that city.
19 December 1883 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 60
1986 d. New Ireland, 3rd inst., by Rev. E.J. McAuley, Jeremiah O'CONNOR / Miss Mary O'REGAN, Hopewell Hill (Albert Co.)
12 April 1883 POST
3490 The inquest into the death of Mrs. Bridget O'CONNOR was resumed Thursday afternoon half past 4 o'clock at Halifax, N.S. before Coroner Somers. The jury's verdict was that the deceased came to her death through criminal abortion performeed by Dr. LAWSON.
13 October 1883 TIMES
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 61
698 d. Capbellton (Rest. Co.) 28th ult., Percival Rainy O'CONNOR only s/o Harry Gorham O'CONNOR and Maria C. O'CONNOR, age 2 years 4 mos.
3 April 1884 D.T.
711 Birth - Elgin (Albert Co.) 27th ult., wife of Jeremiah O'CONNOR, a daughter 5 April 1884 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 62
811 To His Worship Mayor of City of Fredericton - We, the undersigned inhabitants of the City of Fredericton, feeling the necessity for the early construction of a railroad up the Valley of the Nashwaak and down that of the Miramichi to the Intercolonial, beg leave that you will call a Public Meeting in the City Hall for some day this week in order that the people may have an opportunity of expressing their views on this subject: A.A. STERLING, Fred B. EDGECOMBE, Edward JACK, Frederick S. HILYARD, E. Byron WINSLOW, William LEMONT, Richard A. ESTEY, M. TENNANT, William COOPER, Robert DAVIES, Geo. HATT & Sons, Thomas W. SMITH, James S. NEILL, John J. WEDDALL, H.A. CROPLEY, G. Fred FISHER, J.F. McMURRAY, Alonzo STAPLES, E.M. PATTERSON, John BLACK, James G. McNALLY, W. McTAVISH, D.A. HENNEBRY, Wesley VANWART, J.A. VANWART, J.B. GUNTER, Henry CHESTNUT, J.H. MILLER, Ely PERKINS, G.L. ATHERTON, Henry G. ESTEY, Charles S. INGRAHAM, James HODGE, James E. BARRY, Thomas HARRISON, H. POLLOCK, E. ESTABROOKS, S.D. MacPHERSON, E. CLARK, James R. HOWIE, Joseph PHILLIPS, G.H. SIMMONS, Alonzo SMILER, Jas. D. MacPHERSON, Wm ROACH, J.C. MILLER, Michael McGUIRE, H.D. BURDEN, S.H. McKEE & Sons, I.K. LONG, WHITTIER & HOOPER, J. EDGECOMBE & Sons, Herman H. PITTS, John M. WILEY, Geo. E. CROSCUP, William A. QUINN, G.F. WHITTAKER, William FISHER, A.S. MURRAY, P. DEVER, A. LOTTIMER, J.B. McALPINE, John HASLIN, D. LUCY, C.H. THOMAS, Fred P. THOMPSON, John CAMERON, J.A. EDWARDS, J. Douglas HAZEN, J.W. McCREADY, Robert SUTHERLAND, N.C. SUTHERLAND, Chas. L. RICHARDS, H. RUTTER, Geo. H. DAVIS, P. FARRELL, C. BRODERICK, Wm CAMERON, Geo. C. HUNT, R. SUTHERLAND, jr., J.F. GALLAGHER, T.G. O'CONNOR, John McDONALD, Nelson CAMPBELL, F.B. COLEMAN, William LAWLER, W.A. HICKSON, G.T. WHELPLEY, Thos. STANGER, C.J.R. KERR, John OWENS, S.F. SHUTE, Owen SHARKEY, J.W. SPURDEN, D. Lee BABBITT, W.B. COULTHARD.
13 March 1884 CAP
1893 m. St. Patrick'c Church, Grand River, Lot 14, P.E.I., 27th ult., by Rev. P. Doyle, P.P., Martin O'CONNOR, P.E.I. Railway s/o John O'CONNOR, Esq., Arlington, Lot 14 / Mary Theresa MURPHY d/o Thos. MURPHY, Esq., Port Hill.
6 June 1884 TIMES
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 63
3842 Yesterday morn. Miss Josie O'CONNOR d/o W.J. O'CONNOR was married to James S. CARNEY at Church of St. Monica. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Frank CARNEY, brother of the groom. After nuptial mass breakfast was served at residence of bride's father, 221 East 79th St. - New York `Telegram', 19th. The groom is a Saint John boy, the brother of Rev. F.L. CARNEY. (see original)
22 August 1885 GLOBE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 64
1017 d. St. Stephen (Charlotte Co.) 10th inst., Mrs. Mary O'CONNOR, age 78.
24 September 1885 PILOT
2170 d. Goshen, Elgin (Albert Co.) 15th inst., Margaret A. O'CONNOR youngest child of Arthur O. O'CONNOR and Ann O'CONNOR
29 October 1885 POST
3256 Birth - Elgin (Albert Co.) 16th inst., wife of Jeremiah O'CONNOR, a daughter
27 February 1886 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 66
447 C.A. O'CONNOR of New Hampshire bar, after visiting his father, T. O'CONNOR and Fredericton friends, left for home today.
6 February 1886 CAP
586 P.S. BARRY, a former Frederictonian and for time clerk in the clothing establishment of T.G. O'CONNOR returned home after six years residence in Minnesota. He speaks of meeting many York Co. men in that state, amongst others William COOPER of this city who has a situation in a wheat inspector's office in Duluth. Three young men from Hanwell, Messrs. HURLEY, are also in Minnesota, one of them having been for a number of years on the Minneapolis police force. Mr. YERXA, formerly of the boot and shoe trade in this city and a brother are doing a large grocery business in Minneapolis under the name Yerxa & Yerxa. A Mr. SHEPHERD of Douglas and Mr. SCOTT, once a York Co. lumber operator are located at Duluth, the former being a building contractor. Mr. Barry leaves again in a few weeks for Duluth.
27 January 1886 NBR
2852 m. Halifax, N.S., 11th inst., St. Mary's Cathedral, by Rev. Mons. Power, Wm Louis WOOLNOUGH / Bridget Theresa O'CONNOR, both of Halifax
17 January 1887 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 67
1403 d. Milford (St. John) 8th inst., Philip O'CONNOR, age 79, native of Co. Wexford, Ireland (Boston and Florida papers please copy) Funeral Wednesday half past 2 o'clock.
10 August 1887 D.T.
3507 d. Carleton (St. John) 26th inst., Maurice O'CONNOR, age 3 mos. 3 days, infant s/o Edmund O'CONNOR and Bridget O'CONNOR (P.E.I. papers please copy)
28 March 1887 GLOBE"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 68
326 m. 7th inst., St. Patrick's Church, Quebec, by Rev. Father Hayden, Edward O'CONNOR s/o Michael O'CONNOR / Mary Isabella HURST d/o James HURST, Saint John, N.B.
11 November 1887 GLOBE
509 d. Boston, Mass., 28th Dec., Jennie O'CONNOR w/o Redmond O'CONNOR, age 30 years 6 mos.
29 December 1887 GLOBE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 69
2129 d. Halifax, N.S., 12th inst., Margaret O'CONNOR w/o Michael O'CONNOR, age 45. 16 March 1888 D.T.
3077 d. North Sydney, N.S., 22nd May, Mrs. William O'CONNOR, native of St. John's, Nfld., age 64.
30 May 1888 D.T.
4019 The last will and testament of John GALLAGHER, late of city of Portland (St. John) has been duly
filed in the registry office. The estate is disposed of as follows: To his son, James GALLAGHER, the homestead on Main St.; to his daughter, Jane FITZGERALD; to his son, Richard GALLAGHER; to his daughter, Kate O'CONNOR; to his two grandchildren, Minnie FITZGERALD and Annie FITZGERALD. (see original)
17 August 1888 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 70
2697 m. Quebec, 13th inst., by Rev. Father Rossbach, Alfred PARENT, Madawaska, N.B. / Theresa C. O'CONNOR youngest d/o late Daniel O'CONNOR
16 August 1888 GLOBE
2723 m. Cathedral, this morn. 22nd inst., by Rev. John J. Walsh, Patrick W. KEANE / Maggie O'CONNOR only d/o Philip O'CONNOR, both of (St. John) city.
22 August 1888 GLOBE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 72
124 m. New Ireland (Albert Co.) Nov. 6, by Rev. E.J. McAuley, Henry O'CONNER / Miss Sarah Jane O'REGAN, Elgin.
8 November 1888 Maple Leaf
2353 d. Fredericton city, Friday eve., 24th inst., Ellen O'CONNER w/o Timothy O'CONNER, Esq., age 78.
25 May 1889 CAP
2355 Chas. A. O'CONNOR s/o T. O'CONNOR, Fredericton city, editor of the New Hampshire Catholic Herald, was present at his mother's funeral which took place on Wednesday. Rev. Arthur O'CONNOR of Wisconsin arrived on the day of the funeral in time to attend it. Mass was held in St. Dunstan's church. The remains were interred in the Catholic Cemetery above town.
1 June 1889 CAP
2879 Jennie L. MEEHAN second d/o Daniel MEEHAN and F.M. O'BRIEN, Amherst, N.S., were united in wedlock by Rev. J.C. McDevitt in St. Dunstan's Church, Wednesday morn. The bride was attended by Miss Frances O'CONNOR while Isaac WYNN did the agreeable for the groom.
30 November 1889 NBRResearch Word: WHITEHOUSE
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 21
2395 d. Ohio, 28th Dec., Joseph WHITEHOUSE, age 62, left widow, family. 13 February 1864 NBC
6 February 1864 NBC
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 23
2494 m. Argyle, N.S., 30th ult., by Rev. E. Sullivan, Jas. GOODWIN / Miss Emily WHITEHOUSE, Knowlesville.
22 December 1865 RI
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 27
2035 m. 11th inst., by Rev. G.W. Orser, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Aberdeen (Carleton Co.) / Miss Jerusha
MANUEL, Brighton
25 September 1869 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 29
1055 m. 27th ult., at residence of bride's father, by Rev. G.T. Hartley, Joseph CRAWFORD, Esq. / Miss Deborah J. WHITEHOUSE, all of Knowlesville (Carleton Co.)
7 May 1870 CS
1140 On Wednesday 31st ult., Walter WHITEHOUSE second s/o Joseph WHITEHOUSE of Knowlesville (Carleton Co.) while returning from the Miramichi (where he had been on a fishing and shooting excursion for two days) met with an untimely end. It appears that within a mile of his father's residence, he crossed from the road towards a fence for the purpose of speaking to one of his neighbours who was harvest work, and in so doing, he rested the butt of his gun on a log, holding the muzzle in his right hand, and in the act of stepping across the log, the gun slipped, and the hammer in coming in contact with the log, the gun exploded and lodged the contents in a slanting direction upwards in the right arm and shoulder, shattering the bone and otherwise inflicting a fearful wound. He was removed to his father's house and Dr. David WILEY was soon in attendance, when every remedy that could be obtained was used to alleviate the pain and comfort the poor sufferer, but sad to relate, he gradually sank and expired about six ( ) after the accident. The mortal remains of the deceased, age 24, were interred at the burial ground at Knowlesville on 2nd inst. Rev. Geo. T. Hartley gave a discourse. Mr. W. and family were formerly from Yarmouth, N.S. and have resided in Knowlesville about nine years.
17 September 1870 CS
1145 d. 31st Aug., Knowlesville (Carleton Co.) Walter W. WHITEHOUSE, age 24 years 11 mos. He accidentally shot himself about a mile from his father's house and lived only four hours.
17 September 1870 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 33
117 d. 20th ult., of typhus fever, Theora F. WHITEHOUSE, age 18 years 4 mos., third d/o Jacob WHITEHOUSE and Susan WHITEHOUSE of Knowlesville (Carleton Co.) (see verse)
21 December 1872 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 34
1549 m. Upper Woodstock, 26th ult., by Rev. G.T. Hartley, Leonard A. DOUCETT / Miss Adrah A. WHITEHOUSE, all of Knowlesville (Carleton Co.)
1 November 1873 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 42
1793 d. Knowlesville (Carleton Co.) of typhoid fever, Adelina D. WHITEHOUSE, age 15 years 1 month, fourth d/o Jacob WHITEHOUSE and Susan WHITEHOUSE.
16 June 1877 CS
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 52
784 Capt. DIMMOCK of bark "Unanima" of St. John, N.B. is missing. He had been for some years first mate of the bark and been engaged in the general carrying trade between this city and Norway. In August he went to Halifax, N.S. and passed examination for a master's certificate. He returned to this city three weeks ago and took command of the "Unanima", Capt. WHITEHOUSE of that vessel being transferred to another. Capt. Dimmock at once began to get the bark ready for sea. On Monday last, leaving her at 60th Street, North River, he went to Brooklyn to see some friends. On Tuesday morn, he was seen crossing the South Ferry. He had only a small sum of money. His clothes are on board the vessel. It is feared that he is drowned. - `New York Herald'
3 December 1880 D.N.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 57
4402 m. At residence of bride's father, Knowlesville (Carleton Co.) 9th inst., by Rev. Wm DeWare, Joseph GAYTON, Pennsylvania / Della WHITEHOUSE d/o Joseph WHITEHOUSE
27 November 1882 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 65
710 m. Yarmouth, N.S., 18th inst., by Rev. Edwin Crowell, Enos W. PURDY, Yarmouth / Elenora WHITEHOUSE, Brazil Lake
23 August 1886 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 67
124 m. Lower Argyle, N.S., 16th inst., by Rev. J.W. Freeman, Martin J. ROBERTS / Miss Sadie H. WHITEHOUSE, both of Glenwood.
23 April 1887 D.T.
387 Birth - Glenwood, N.S., 1st inst., wife of Capt. J.W. WHITEHOUSE, of twin daughters
14 May 1887 D.T.
414 Jacob WHITEHOUSE left last night for Toronto where he is to engage in business.
17 May 1887 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 69
2005 m. Hebron, Yarmouth Co., N.S., 29th ult., by Rev. L. Daniel, James H. WINTER / Hattie E. WHITEHOUSE, both of Brenton.
8 March 1888 D.T.
3730 m. At salvation army barracks, Yarmouth, N.S., 17th July, by Rev. L. Daniels, Thomas MONEGLE, Edinburgh, Scotland / Ethel WHITEHOUSE, Carleton, Yarmouth Co.
25 July 1888 D.T.
"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 72
1089 m. 15th inst., at residence of Wm TINGLEY, Springhill, by Rev. D.W. Johnson, A.M., James A. WHITEHOUSE, Springhill / Agnes WALSH, Chatham (North. Co.)
28 August 1889 U.A.
2013 m. Woodstock, 8th inst., by Rev. C.T. Phillips, Charles H. GAYTON / Minnie WHITEHOUSE, both of Knowlesville (Carleton Co.)
21 September 1889 CS