


This ride is to reaffirm the treaties signed with the First Nations of Turtle Island. Many facts have to be addressed as to what rights we have as First Nations. We believe that through our ancestors that we (The First Nations) are the sole landlords of Turtle Island. The treaties were signed only to loan land to the minorities that migrated to this country.

We must now speak in one common voice in recovering our sacred lands of the Black Hills Territory and to obtain just compensation and again, the Oyate must unite unanimous bond to settle the unquestionable alientation of our lands which have created an injustice to the Oyates. The Oyates seek unity and truth for the past 130 years of injustices through the violation of our treaties.

The Oyates call upon the people of the world to help clarify the unjust sales of our land.

We call upon the Oyates and other nations to support the unjust causes in these treaty issues.

Tatanka Chante