__ | __| | | | |__ | _ROMANUS I LECAPENUS of the East Roman Empire_| | (0880 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--CONSTANTINE | (0900 - 0944) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |______________________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Elizabeth Ann CLARK |
13 Feb 1796
_CHARLES ANTHONY Knt._ | _Mark ANTHONY "the Immigrant"______| | (1679 - 1731) | | |______________________ | _Joseph ANTHONY ______| | (1713 - 1785) m 1741 | | | ______________________ | | | | |_Isabella HART ____________________| | (1671 - ....) | | |______________________ | | |--Sarah ANTHONY | (1742 - ....) | ______________________ | | | _Christopher CLARK "the Immigrant"_| | | (1681 - 1753) m 1709 | | | |______________________ | | |_Elizabeth Ann CLARK _| (1719 - 1825) m 1741 | | ______________________ | | |_Penelope JOHNSTON ________________| (1684 - 1741) m 1709 | |______________________
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Mother: Sarynthia A. SMITH |
_Louis ELLZEY "the Immigrant"_ | (1765 - 1852) m 1790 _John Shaffer ELLZEY Sr._____| | (1796 - 1880) m 1823 | | |_Eva SHAFFER _________________ | (1770 - 1852) m 1790 _John Shaffer ELLZEY Jr._| | (1829 - 1874) m 1851 | | | _Aquilla CONEY _______________+ | | | (1775 - 1823) | |_Elizabeth CONEY ____________| | (1808 - 1858) m 1823 | | |_Jane_________________________ | (1775 - ....) | |--Lou Ella (Laurah_Luclla) ELLZEY | (1862 - 1863) | _Jeremiah G. SMITH ___________+ | | (1773 - 1843) m 1798 | _Wyatt SMITH ________________| | | (1809 - 1874) | | | |_Joanna DILLON _______________+ | | (1778 - ....) m 1798 |_Sarynthia A. SMITH _____| (1833 - 1905) m 1851 | | _William Jasper FORTENBERRY __+ | | (1772 - ....) |_Euseba "Sibby" FORTENBERRY _| (1809 - 1878) | |_Violette KENNINGTON _________ (1786 - ....)
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Mother: Frances |
William and Lucy moved to Montgomery Co, NC about 1784 and
settled on the PeeDee River (Stanly Co today). William was last
on the Brunswick County, VA tax rolls in 1783.
William served as a lieutenant, 1777, in Brunswick County,
Virginia militia. (DAR REDORD # 79323-Mrs. Nellie R. Brian
Order of his sons is probably Peyton, Meritt, William, Henry and
Wyatt per James Randle on 27 April 1867."
22 July 1765. Deed Book 8, page 182. John Sims of County of
Brunswick for love and affection and good will for William
RANDLE and Lucy his wife, my daughter, I give and grant for
their advancement a number of negroes. No witnesses.
28 Aug 1771. Deed Book 10, page 165. William, John and Peter
RANDLE sell to Josias RANDLE, tract of land in Brunswick Co
adjoining John RANDLE'S line on Brandy Creek to main branch of
Rocky Branch, to William RANDLES line thence back to John
RANDLES line. Josias RANDLE has taken possession and is living
on the said land. Wit: Francis Young, Peter Jackson, Samuel
1773. Deed Book 11, page 58, Brunswick Co: Peter RANDLE to
William RANDLE, both of Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co. For 26
pounds current money tract of land south of Meherrin R on the
North side of Great Coldwater, part of a tract of land granted
by his Majesty to Adam
Simms. 100 acres. Signed Peter RANDLE.
1773. Deed Book 11, page 184, Brunswick Co: William RANDLE of
Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co, buys from Douglas Wilkins and
wife Tabitha, Edmund Wilkins and Rebeccah his wife, Wizney
Wyche, 36 pounds current money, 100 acres on lower side of
Coldwater Run being part of a tract granted to Adam Sims dec'd.
No witnesses.
25 Apr 1774. Deed Book 11, page 268, Brunswick Co: William
RANDLE of Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co, sells to Daniel Grant
of same place for 6 pounds current money 40 acres on south side
of Meherrin River, being part of a 1400 acre patent to John
RANDLE, dec'd. No witnesses.
28 June 1779. Deed Book 13, page 282.Paul Heartwells and wife
Mary to Peter RANDLE and William RANDLE for 510 pounds, tract of
land in Brunswick Co.
24 Sept 1779. Deed Book 13, page 357. William RANDLE and wife
Lucy and Peter RANDLE and wife Mary of Brunswick Co to Owen
Wynick of same a tract of land for 1700 pounds. Signed by
William and Peter RANDLE and their wives.
27 Oct 1783. Will Book 2, page 197. William RANDLE and wife Lucy
sell to William Harrison of Sussex County, 620 acres in
Brunswick County. Bounded by Richard Heartwell and William
Warwick, Bartel Sims, and William Simms.
Brunswick Co, VA Court Order books [from Kay Oatas]:
September Court 1754 5:311: John Randall, William Randall &
Peter Randall Plts. }agst } In Chancery Nicholas Lanier Deft
}Continued 'til next Court.
January Court, 1755 5:338: John, William and Peter Randall Plts
}agst } In Chancery Nicolas Lanier }The Deft. Having put in his
answer to the plts. Bill on the motion of the plt. by their
Counsel Time is allow'd them 'til next Court to reply.
January Court, 1755 5:376: John, William and Peter Randall Plts
}agst } In Chancery Nicolas Lanier }The Plts. Having filed their
Replication to the Defts answer. By consent of the parties by
their Counsel a Commission is awarded them to examine and take
the Depositions of their Witnesses in this Cause each Party
giving the other legal Notice of the Time and place of executing
the same.
June Court 1756 6:75: John, William & Peter Randall by Frances
Randall}their Guardian Complts }agst } In Chancery Nicholas
Lanier Respondt }
This Cause was this Day heard upon the Bill of the Complts the
Respondent's answer the Depositions taken and ____ ____ ____ the
Arguments of the Counsel on both sides On consideration whereof
It is Decreed and Ordered That the Injunction obtained by the
Complainants to stay the proceedings on a Judgment obtained by
the Respondent against the Complainants for the Lands and
appurtenances in the Bill mentioned be made perpetual and that
the Respondent pay unto Complainants their Costs as well in this
Behalf expended as in defending the Ejectment commenced by him
against them on which the Judgment was rendered. Marginalia:
Costs 331 £ tobo &15 (an abbreviation, possibly shillings)
18 15
349 30
22 November 1757 7:132: On the motion of William Randall Junr
his mark is ordered to be recorded this is a smooth crop & ____
under keel (?) in each ear.
At a Court held for Brunswick County the 27th Day of October
1783 (p 155) 8:162: William Randle ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Acknowledged his
Indenture of bargain and Sale to William Harrison which is
ordered to be recorded.
Monday, 28 Sep 1767 10:462: Wm Randle Sr & ____ to work on road
25 Sep 1769 11:313: Ordered that William Randle be appointed
Surveyor of the Road from the westward Bridge to Quarel Swamp in
the room of William Chapman decd.
4 Jun 1771 11:365: An indenture of Bargain & Sale and Memorandum
of livery between William Randle John Randle and Peter Randle on
the one part and Josias Randle on the other part were
acknowledged by the said William Randle and John Randle and the
other parties thereto.
November the 24th 1783: 8:292 A Commission for taking the
acknowledgment and privy examination of Lucy Randle the wife of
William Randle to an Indenture of bargain and Sale from the said
William Randle to William Harrison was returned unto Court and
together with the Certificate of the Execution thereof ordered
to be recorded."
_John RANDLE II____________________+ | (1640 - ....) _John RANDLE III_____| | (1678 - 1753) m 1699| | |___________________________________ | _John RANDLE IV______| | (1705 - 1753) m 1725| | | _Richard JOHNS Jr. "the Immigrant"_+ | | | (1640 - 1703) | |_Mary JOHNS _________| | (1678 - 1781) m 1699| | |_Jane FOX _________________________+ | (1648 - 1704) | |--William RANDLE | (1747 - 1790) | ___________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |___________________________________ | | |_Frances_____________| (1700 - ....) m 1725| | ___________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |___________________________________
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