Mother: Catherine CLOSE |
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Michael BIESECKER __| | (1800 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Mary Ann BIESECKER | (1833 - 1923) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Catherine CLOSE ____| (1800 - ....) | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Nancy TINSLEY |
_Daniel Ambrose BURFORD _+ | (1737 - ....) _James Thomas BURFORD _________| | (1755 - 1811) m 1782 | | |_________________________ | _Ambrose Rucker BURFORD _| | (1784 - 1873) m 1796 | | | _Ambrose RUCKER I________+ | | | (1724 - 1807) m 1755 | |_Mary "Mollie" Tinsley RUCKER _| | (1761 - 1826) m 1782 | | |_Mary TINSLEY ___________+ | (1735 - 1818) m 1755 | |--Sylvester L. BURFORD | (1808 - ....) | _Edward TINSLEY Sr.______+ | | (1704 - 1782) m 1724 | _David TINSLEY ________________| | | (1747 - 1828) | | | |_Margaret TAYLOR ________+ | | (1705 - 1782) m 1724 |_Nancy TINSLEY __________| (1780 - ....) m 1796 | | _George MCDANIEL ________+ | | (1722 - 1821) m 1746 |_Nancy MCDANIEL _______________| (1747 - 1824) | |_Margaret GOFF __________+ (1725 - 1807) m 1746
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Mother: Asenath DEPEW |
1870 EDWARDS LEVI Luzerne County PA 212 Madison Twp Federal
Population Schedule PA 1870 Federal Census Index PA53912408
"Levi Edwards had 2 wives. Melissa Swartz and Elizabeth Fike
b.1817. Melissa was his 2nd wife and he was near 60 when the
marriage took place. I believe this has caused some confusion
with the dates that have been estimated on your website.
I am including a Gedcom for descendants of William Edwards and a
Descendancy report in PDF format generated from FTM. I am a mere
amateur at this and have gathered most of my info from imported
gedcom's and info from the internet, but you may want to take a
look at any rate.
I have learned much from your website and I am truly amazed at
the work you have done. My Mayflower connection was a nice
surprise. I have been trying to prove a connection to Chief
Joseph Brant through Harriett Brant b. Abt 1838, as it has been
passed down in my family that she was a full American Indian,
but that is proving to be very difficult. I am also interested
in the possible relation to Abraham Lincoln through Lydia Holmes
b.1669 wife of Cap. John Browne b. abt 1660.
Again thank you for your hard work and I hope you can use some
of my info."
Mike Edwards
File #392-Court House
_Nicholas EDWARDS Jr._+ | (1748 - 1812) m 1768 _Richard EDWARDS ____| | (1769 - 1843) m 1787| | |_Marcy EDWARDS _______+ | (1749 - 1838) m 1768 _Richard EDWARDS ____| | (1791 - 1839) m 1817| | | ______________________ | | | | |_Mary HOWARD ________| | (1770 - 1847) m 1787| | |______________________ | | |--Levi EDWARDS | (1819 - 1907) | _Thomas DEPEW ________+ | | (1750 - ....) | _Levi DEPEW _________| | | (1777 - 1868) m 1796| | | |______________________ | | |_Asenath DEPEW ______| (1799 - 1879) m 1817| | _Richard WALKER ______ | | (1750 - ....) |_Rachel WALKER ______| (1777 - 1857) m 1796| |______________________
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Mother: Apphia Keene BUSHROD |
_Moore FAUNTLEROY "the Immigrant"_ | (1630 - 1666) m 1653 _William FAUNTLEROY Sr._| | (1656 - 1686) m 1678 | | |_Mary UNDERWOOD __________________+ | (1639 - 1684) m 1653 _William FAUNTLEROY Jr._| | (1684 - 1757) m 1712 | | | _Samuel GRIFFIN __________________+ | | | (1636 - ....) | |_Catherine GRIFFIN _____| | (1664 - 1728) m 1678 | | |__________________________________ | | |--Mary FAUNTLEROY | (1707 - ....) | _Richard BUSHROD "the Immigrant"__ | | (1626 - 1668) m 1654 | _John BUSHROD __________| | | (1663 - 1719) m 1688 | | | |_Apphia HUGHS ____________________ | | (1631 - ....) m 1654 |_Apphia Keene BUSHROD __| (1690 - 1757) m 1712 | | _William KEENE Jr.________________+ | | (1665 - 1700) |_Hannah KEENE __________| (1676 - 1738) m 1688 | |_Elizabeth ROGERS ________________
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Mother: Lucy STROTHER |
_Robert Duff GREEN "the Immigrant"_+ | (1693 - 1748) m 1720 _William GREEN ______| | (1725 - 1770) | | |_Eleanor DUNN _____________________+ | (1700 - 1793) m 1720 _Francis Wyatt GREEN _| | (1770 - 1826) | | | _Samuel COLEMAN ___________________+ | | | (1704 - 1748) | |_Ann COLEMAN ________| | (1724 - 1804) | | |_Elizabeth "Betty" WYATT __________+ | (1705 - ....) | |--Robert GREEN | (1790 - ....) | ___________________________________ | | | _Joseph STROTHER ____| | | (1750 - ....) | | | |___________________________________ | | |_Lucy STROTHER _______| (1774 - 1826) | | ___________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |___________________________________
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Mother: Sarah "Patsy" DANIEL |
Samuel Henderson and Anthony Hampton signed the marriage bond of
James Harrison and Elizabeth Hampton which was witnessed by Wade
Hampton. James and Elizabeth joined the wagon train and
accompanied the Hamptons to the Up-Country of SC
DAR No. 79 68; No. 83 227.
Gary Cooper writes: "One of the most interesting relatives that
I have researched was James Harrison, a son of John Harrison and
Sarah Daniel. His sister was Mary Polly Harrison, who married
William Cooper I. I am including the children and grand-children
of James Harrison and Elizabeth Hampton, his wife, because of
their great success. Elizabeth Hampton's brother was the famous
General Wade Hampton of the Revolutionary War James Harrison and
Elizabeth Hampton were married 20 July 1773 in Surry County,
North Carolina. They and the Hampton's came by wagon train to
Upstate South Carolina and became Indian traders. James Harrison
had a store in the South Tyger River area.
Elijah Harrison Cooper, son of William Cooper and Mary Polly
Harrison, apparently, was a favorite of James Harrison. He
worked in the Harrison store as a young man and stayed with the
Harrison's. It is likely Elijah H. Cooper influenced William and
Mary Polly to move to Union County, South Carolina William
Cooper was a carpenter and it is likely that Elijah H. Cooper
was skilled in this trade as well. James Harrison later migrated
to Greenville County, South Carolina. He was an aggressive
business man and eventually acquired 16,000 acres that became
the Cripple Creek Plantation. This was a dangerous time in that
area. There was an Indian massacre of the Hampton family where
many of their family were killed as well as one of James
Harrison's babies. The child's head was smashed against the log
house and the brains of the child could be seen on the logs.
When James Harrison built his mansion on Cripple Creek, he had
port holes built in the brick walls of the house so they could
fire at hostile Indians if need be.
Elijah H. Cooper helped build and supervise the house, perhaps
William Cooper assisted. This house was the finest in Upstate
South Carolina. The brick were made on the plantation. Some of
the marble and other supplies were brought by wagon as faraway
as Charleston, South Carolina.
A cemetery was built a few hundred yards from the house. This
was a rectangular plot that had 6 foot walls made of large stone
and no mortar was used. This area, 20 feet X 30 feet still
stands today. Some of the stones would weigh 4 - 5 hundred
pounds and unless it is destroyed by man, this cemetery will
stand like the pyramids of Egypt.
I met with Bob Harrison, the only remaining descendant that
still lives in this area. He said, "the bodies were put inside
the wall through an opening in the south end of the wall, after
the last body was interred the opening was closed." Some other
family members, as well as some slaves, are buried outside the
wall. The cemetery is the only remaining land that still belongs
to the Harrison's and consist of just a few acres. The balance
of the 16,000 acres has been sold."
Notes James Harrison was a "planter, surveyor. Educated at
Donald Robertson's Academy, King and Queen Co., VA 1761-62.
soldier, SC militia, Rev. War Estab. Fairforest plantation and
Harrison's store, Union Co., SC, ca 1777: commr roads. 1778: rep
Upper Dist. SC House 1782-86: Union Co. 1786. Estab Cripple
Creek plantation. Greenville Co.. SC 1784; moved there 1786.
Surveyor to lay off lots in new capitol, Columbia, 1786. First
state senator from Greenville Co., 1789-90. Washington Dist.
(Greenville Co.), 1791; rep. Greenville Co.. in SC House,
1794-96. Owned over 15,000 acres land in several plantations.
His account book for 1783-90 is with the Harrison Family Papers,
USC. Buried with wife in family cemetery at Cripple Creek.
Listed in DAR Patriot Index and Biographical Directory of the
South Carolina Senate."
Samuel Henderson and Anthony Hampton signed the marriage bond of
James Harrison and Elizabeth Hampton which was witnessed by Wade
Hampton. James and Elizabeth joined the wagon train and
accompanied the Hampton's to the Up-Country of SC.
DAR No.79 68; No.83 227. Reference: " Tennessee Cousins", by
Worth S. Ray "The Venturers", by Virginia Meynard.
Soon after the war ended, James' brother, Maj. Richard Harrison
(who had married Nancy Patillo), and his brother-in-law and
sister, Reuben and Betsy (Harrison) Daniel, moved to South
Carolina from Nut Bush and settled in Spartanburg County. James'
eldest sister, Polly, and her husband, William Cooper, also
arrived with their family and lived on the Harrison plantation
at Fairforest. One of the Coopers' sons, Elijah, clerked in
Harrison's store. With slaves to work his plantation, relatives
to look after his property, and good help in his store, James
was free to travel about the state looking for good land to
invest in and attend meetings of the legislature at Charleston.
The Harrison's returned to Fairforest and prepared to move to
Cripple Creek. Apparently James closed his store at the
crossroads, for accounts of Union residents are marked "paid in
full" at that time. However, he did not sell his Fairforest
plantation until 1790, and the Coopers continued to reside
James, Elizabeth, their six children, and their slaves arrived
in Greenville County before September and probably resided there
temporarily in an overseer's house at Cripple Creek. One of
James' first acts was to furnish provisions for Col. Robert
Anderson's militia.
The elegant Harrison house finally was completed in 1791. The
last 30,000 bricks were brought and wagoned to Cripple Creek.
James kept a record in his account book of the cost of materials
and labor (other than slaves) which totaled over 335 pound
sterling. The downstairs rooms, both walls and ceiling were
paneled with natural walnut, and the ironwork was hand wrought.
A large, triangular brick chimney stood at one end of the house,
and adjoining the other end was a brick kitchen and dining room
with an immense chimney and a fireplace for cooking. The
stairway to the upper floor was enclosed in a hall near the
outside wall to prevent spread of fire, and there were portholes
near the eaves to shoot at Indians in case of an attack.
(Elizabeth had never forgotten the Hampton massacre in which she
lost her parents and her firstborn child.).
A tenth child, £Eliabeth Harrison. was born in the new house in
October 1792, and then tragedy struck that winter when eight
year-old Clarissa was burned to death after her clothes caught
on fire. Three more children were born at Cripple Creek: Mary
Vivian (called Polly) in 1794, Benjamin in 1796 and Henry
Hampton Harrison in 1798 when Elizabeth was 40 years old. (Both
boys died young.) [S14] [S419] [S89]."
John Hampton HARRISON
Louisa Jane "Hardtimes" HARRISON
Elizabeth HARRISON
Mary Vivian (Polly) HARRISON
Henry Hampton HARRISON
_Andrew HARRISON Sr._________+ | (1648 - 1718) m 1684 _Andrew HARRISON Jr._| | (1687 - 1753) m 1710| | |_Eleanor Long ELLIOTT _______ | (1642 - ....) m 1684 _John HARRISON ________| | (1719 - 1796) | | | _John "The Ranger" BATTAILE _+ | | | (1658 - 1707) m 1693 | |_Elizabeth BATTAILE _| | (1695 - ....) m 1710| | |_Elizabeth SMITH ____________+ | (1668 - 1770) m 1693 | |--James Mason HARRISON | (1748 - 1815) | _____________________________ | | | _John DANIEL IV______| | | (1701 - 1762) m 1722| | | |_____________________________ | | |_Sarah "Patsy" DANIEL _| (1719 - 1761) | | _John WILLIAMS ______________+ | | (1679 - 1741) m 1704 |_Ann WILLIAMS _______| (1708 - 1761) m 1722| |_Mary (Kelynge) KEELING _____+ (1684 - 1730) m 1704
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Mother: Elizabeth WITHERSPOON |
_(REQUEST QUERY) JAMES _+ | _WILLIAM JAMES Esq._______________| | (1667 - 1719) m 1697 | | |________________________ | _William JAMES "the Immigrant"_| | (1701 - 1750) | | | _THOMAS WYNDHAM Bart.___ | | | (1650 - ....) | |_ANNE WYNDHAM ____________________| | (1677 - ....) m 1697 | | |_ELIZABETH CROKE _______ | (1650 - ....) | |--William JAMES | (1730 - ....) | _David WITHERSPOON _____+ | | (1635 - 1670) | _John WITHERSPOON "the Immigrant"_| | | (1670 - 1737) m 1693 | | | |_Elizabeth GORDON ______ | | (1640 - ....) |_Elizabeth WITHERSPOON ________| (1703 - 1750) | | _James WITHERSPOON _____+ | | (1640 - 1670) |_Janet WITHERSPOON _______________| (1670 - 1734) m 1693 | |_Helen__________________ (1644 - ....)
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Mother: Esther Martha MCGEHEE |
_David MERIWETHER _________+ | (1690 - 1744) m 1711 _Francis MERIWETHER __________| | (1717 - 1793) m 1749 | | |_Anne HOLMES ______________+ | (1695 - 1736) m 1711 _John MERIWETHER _______| | (1750 - 1820) m 1771 | | | _Zachary LEWIS II__________+ | | | (1702 - 1765) m 1725 | |_Mary Waller LEWIS ___________| | (1726 - 1807) m 1749 | | |_Mary WALLER ______________+ | (1698 - 1781) m 1725 | |--John Herndon MERIWETHER | (1772 - 1847) | _William MCGEHEE I_________+ | | (1672 - 1748) m 1717 | _William McGEHEE MACKGEHEE II_| | | (1702 - 1796) m 1730 | | | |_Mary CARR ________________+ | | (1704 - 1759) m 1717 |_Esther Martha MCGEHEE _| (1755 - 1808) m 1771 | | _Henry or John MCCULLOUGH _+ | | (1680 - ....) |_Elizabeth MCCULLOUGH ________| (1710 - ....) m 1730 | |___________________________
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Franklin Co. GA Deeds: "Morgan": 4 Sep 1786 thru 29 Oct 1804 -
numerous of Daniel Morgan.
1789 signature on deed Franklin Co. GA - Daniel Morgan & wife,
10 oct 1793 - Franklin Co. Military Rosters Daniel Morgain.
23 Feb 1797 - Daniel Morgan & wife, Patience wit: Susannah
22 Apr 1799 - Daniel Sr to David Morgan, Daniel Morgan, Jr.
21 Dec 1801 - Daniel Morgan & wife, Patience.
2 Nov 1805 Franklin Co. GA - Benjamin Morgan to infant nephew &
neice Noel Morgan Jones and Eliza Jones, Susannah Jones
Lottery of 1805: Charles Margan, Daniel Sr. Margan, Daniel Sr.
Morgan, David, George, Samuel Sr & JR, Silas, William (orphan of
John) Morgan.
9 Nov 1811 - Daniel Morgan & Patience
16 oct 1816 - Daniel Morgan & wife, Paty
1812 Tax List Marion County, Mississippi
1813 Tax List Lawrence County, Mississippi
1814 Tax List Lawrence County, Mississippi
1815 Tax List Marion County, Mississippi
1817 Tax List Pike County, Mississippi
1816 Census Pike County, Mississippi
1820 Census Pike County, Mississippi
1831 Tax List Pike County, Mississippi
Source Records From Pike County, Mississippi by Williams &
Alberta O'Neal Dunaway
Deloris Wynne-Riley
__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MORGAN _| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MORGAN of NC SC MS LA TX_| | | | | __ | | | | |__________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Daniel MORGAN | (1755 - 1821) | __ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |___________________________________________| | | __ | | |__________________________| | |__
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Mother: MARIE de GUISE of Lorraine |
_JAMES III STEWART\STUART of Scotland_+ | (1451 - 1488) m 1469 _JAMES IV STEWART\STUART of Scotland_| | (1473 - 1513) m 1503 | | |_MARGARET ap DANMARK OLDENBURG _______+ | (1456 - 1486) m 1469 _JAMES V STEWART\STUART of Scotland_| | (1512 - 1542) m 1538 | | | _HENRY VII TUDOR of England___________+ | | | (1457 - 1509) m 1486 | |_MARGARET (PLANTAGENET) TUDOR _______| | (1489 - 1541) m 1503 | | |_ELIZABETH PLANTAGENET of York________+ | (1465 - 1503) m 1486 | |--JOHN STEWART Lord Darnley | (1531 - 1563) | ______________________________________ | | | _CLAUDE de GUISE Duke of Guise_______| | | (1496 - 1550) | | | |______________________________________ | | |_MARIE de GUISE of Lorraine_________| (1515 - 1560) m 1538 | | _FRANCOIS de ST POL BOURBON __________ | | (1470 - 1495) |_ANTOINETTE de BOURBON ______________| (1493 - 1583) | |_MARIE de LUXEMBURG __________________+ (1466 - 1547)
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