_ALEXANDER ABERCROMBIE _+ | (1578 - ....) m 1602 _ALEXANDER ABERCROMBIE _| | (1604 - ....) | | |_ELIZABETH BETON _______ | (1580 - ....) m 1602 _JAMES ABERCROMBIE __| | (1658 - ....) m 1705| | | ________________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | |________________________ | | |--James ABERCROMBIE "the Immigrant" | (1709 - 1782) | _ROBERT GORDON _________ | | (1609 - ....) | _ARTHUR GORDON _________| | | (1625 - ....) | | | |_KATHERINE IRVINE ______ | | (1582 - 1662) |_MARY GORDON ________| (1660 - ....) m 1705| | ________________________ | | |________________________| | |________________________
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Mother: Anne MACON |
_William CHRISTIAN "the Immigrant"_ | (1615 - 1657) _Thomas CHRISTIAN Sr. "the Immigrant"_| | (1636 - 1694) m 1663 | | |_Elizabeth COTTIER? _______________ | (1614 - 1653) _James CHRISTIAN ____| | (1676 - 1754) m 1710| | | ___________________________________ | | | | |_Eleanor KEWLY? ______________________| | (1640 - ....) m 1663 | | |___________________________________ | | |--Richard CHRISTIAN | (1700 - 1769) | ___________________________________ | | | _Gideon MACON "The Immigrant"_________| | | (1648 - 1702) m 1681 | | | |___________________________________ | | |_Anne MACON _________| (1685 - 1755) m 1710| | _William WOODWARD "the Immigrant"__ | | (1635 - 1690) |_Martha WOODWARD _____________________| (1655 - 1727) m 1681 | |_Martha WEST ______________________+ (1620 - ....)
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Mother: Manerva (Minerva) MORGAN |
_Joseph DUNAWAY _______+ | (1778 - 1850) _Pearley (Purley) DUNAWAY ____| | (1809 - 1889) m 1832 | | |_Catherine MCCULLOUGH _+ | (1782 - 1850) _Elvin E. DUNAWAY _________| | (1845 - 1923) m 1862 | | | _Jesse GREER __________+ | | | (1788 - 1867) m 1813 | |_Sarah "Sally" Perkins GREER _| | (1815 - 1870) m 1832 | | |_Polly PUCKETT ________+ | (1787 - 1824) m 1813 | |--Synthia Adaline DUNAWAY | (1862 - 1924) | _David MORGAN _________+ | | (1780 - 1836) m 1806 | _William Pierce MORGAN _______| | | (1826 - ....) m 1841 | | | |_Mary ANDREWS _________+ | | (.... - 1868) m 1806 |_Manerva (Minerva) MORGAN _| (1844 - 1880) m 1862 | | _Nathan SANDERS _______+ | | (1792 - 1856) m 1810 |_Angeline Cassandra SANDERS __| (1824 - ....) m 1841 | |_Cynthia BENNETT ______ (1795 - 1879) m 1810
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Mother: MCNEALY |
_(RESEARCH QUERY) FRIERSON of Williamsburg Dist. SC_ | _William FRIERSON "the Immigrant"_| | (1700 - 1773) | | |____________________________________________________ | _James Edward FRIERSON Sr._| | (1725 - 1778) | | | ____________________________________________________ | | | | |_Mary_____________________________| | (1700 - ....) | | |____________________________________________________ | | |--Absolem FRIERSON | (1749 - ....) | ____________________________________________________ | | | _James MCNEALY "the Immigrant"____| | | (1700 - 1764) | | | |____________________________________________________ | | |_ MCNEALY _________________| (1725 - 1755) | | ____________________________________________________ | | |_UNNAMED__________________________| (1700 - 1764) | |____________________________________________________
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Father: Lafayette L. GATEWOOD Mother: Georgie FOLLIS |
_John GATEWOOD ___________+ | (1761 - 1835) m 1782 _Fletcher B. GATEWOOD _| | (1805 - 1871) m 1826 | | |_Nancy WHITE _____________+ | (1765 - 1850) m 1782 _Lafayette L. GATEWOOD _| | (1837 - 1927) m 1870 | | | _John CALVERT ____________ | | | (1780 - ....) | |_Mary "Polly" CALVERT _| | (1809 - 1886) m 1826 | | |__________________________ | | |--Lillian GATEWOOD | (1873 - 1929) | _Raven FOLLIS ____________ | | (1790 - ....) | _Shelby B. FOLLIS _____| | | (1820 - ....) | | | |_Mary WAGGLE _____________ | | (1790 - ....) |_Georgie FOLLIS ________| (1850 - 1918) m 1870 | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) BURTON _ | | |_Elizabeth BURTON _____| (1830 - ....) | |__________________________
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Mother: Anna Marie MERCKLIN |
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _John (Jost, Hans Justus) HITE I "the immigrant"_| | (1685 - 1760) m 1704 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Maria Elizabeth "Mary" HITE | (1708 - 1768) | __ | | | _Abraham MERCKLIN ___| | | (1664 - ....) m 1684| | | |__ | | |_Anna Marie MERCKLIN ____________________________| (1687 - 1738) m 1704 | | __ | | |_Anna Veronica_______| (1664 - ....) m 1684| |__
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Mother: Jane FOX |
Richard Johns Will 1703: "but if Said Sonn Rich’d Dye without
issue as aforesd then the sd Land to fall .to my Sonn Arthur
Johns and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for Ever in
Case of failure of issue of both my sd Sons as aforesd then my
desire is that the Land fall to my Sonn John Johns and his
heires for ever."
"JUDITH was the widow JOHNS. Her maiden name is unknown. The
name of JUDITH'S husband remains a mystery, but he was almost
certainly from King William Co., VA and the son of RICHARD JOHNS
and JANE FOX."
2 Joseph JOHNS b: ABT. 1710 d: 1775 + Jane GATHRIGHT b: 1730 d:
AFT. 1775
2 John JOHNS b: ABT. 1715 d: ABT. 1776 + Judith TANNER b: ABT.
1720 d: AFT. 1782
2 Robert JOHNS b: ABT. 1718 d: 1778 + Mary GRESHAM b: ABT. 1725
d: AFT. 1787
2 Martha JOHNS b: ABT. 1722
2 John JOHNS b: ABT. 1671
_William JOHNS ___________________ | (1560 - ....) _Richard JOHNS Sr.________| | (1585 - ....) | | |__________________________________ | _Richard JOHNS Jr. "the Immigrant"_| | (1640 - 1703) | | | __________________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | |__________________________________ | | |--John? Son of Richard JOHNS | (1671 - 1735) | _John or Thomas FOX ______________+ | | (1602 - 1665) m 1625 | _John FOX "the Immigrant"_| | | (1626 - 1682) | | | |_Elizabeth? CONYERS" OR CONVERS? _ | | (1605 - ....) m 1625 |_Jane FOX _________________________| (1648 - 1704) | | __________________________________ | | |_Anne_____________________| (1620 - ....) | |__________________________________
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